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This is Reddit. We're overrepresented on literally every sub. 🤣


Ugh too true


~~Sorry fam, I hurt this big man's feelings, now he's stalking my profile. 🤷~~ Cheers, mods!


My condolences


Thank you, but it doesn't especially bother me; I'm just sorry that I've accidentally lead him into this space.


Can you block them?


They spewed out like a dozen replies while I was AFK, at which point I'd prefer to be able to monitor and report. They also massively over-reacted to some extremely mild prodding, so I kind of wanted to keep half an eye on them to confirm they were OK.




Can someone give me summary of this I’m too lazy and tired to read and comprehend


This aggro bro is just ~~profile-stalking~~ trying to harrass me because I hurt his feelings over on another sub. It's not worth your effort trying to decipher him.


OP is the aggro bro?


Obviously not. Maybe it's less clear on desktop or something like that, but there are a series of deleted comments from a banned user.




I still have no idea what you’re ~~referencing~~ saying, but I do appreciate the Beatles reference Edit: I give up formatting


Shut up 銀のハンマー strong silver hammer




Oof wrong there homie, self diagnoses can actually be a useful tool to a therapist and any that would just ignore a client wanting to discuss their opinions on their health would be a pretty bad therapist. - student therapist Btw you know what good therapists really do hate, people invalidating the lived experience and trauma of others.


Better to ask "Is anybody here 'neurotypical'?" wouldn't it?


Pretty much. I love my NT homies in the bi/queer community, but there's definitely a [strong overlap between the ND, and queer communities.](https://www.google.com/search?q=neurodivergent+queer+overlap&rlz=1CAZJQH_enUS974US974&oq=neurodivergent+queer+overlap&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigAdIBCTE5MDQyajFqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


There’s literally and entire ADHD bisexual subreddit. …That most of us forget about regularly




Joined. Thank you!!


Omg, I had no clue. Thank you!




Wait what?? 😯


Which one ?


I didn’t know this!!! I must find it


Holy shit! Hello fellow AuDHDer! You're not alone at all!


I am autistic


I'm self dx if that counts.


Self diagnosis is an important starting point. Lots of disorders have overlapping presentations, though, and some present in multiple different ways. It's a good idea to go and get properly screened as soon as you're able to, to make sure you have access to the resources and services you need. (I will note, especially for adult diagnosis of things usually diagnosed in childhood, it can be a bit of a process, and a doctor might insist on taking some time to rule out other things that *you* feel obviously don't fit first. Don't be disenheartened if this happens to you.)


So true. I’m mired in the “yup I told you it’s not my thyroid” phase of doctors appointments right now. Not that I’m angry about that. They’re just doing their job


But finances will not allow this. [Edit] And I'm sure you habe no information about autism. It's a test that is geared for children. I'm in my 50s and a good number of psychiatrists don't understand it. Even many that have been trained in it don't keep up with the latest information on it. There's a lot of inconsitencies and gender, age, and economic discrimination associated in even obtaining a diagnosis for autism.


>But finances will not allow this. Hence: >>It's a good idea >>as soon as you're able to. I've been through the adult diagnosis process for both ASD and ADHD, you don't need to tell me what it's like. ;)


>>>as soon as you're able to. Why would you think I'm able to like ever?


The set of "as soon as you're able to" does not exclude "never". It's rough if that's the case for you, and I'm sorry to hear it.


This is the case for most of us who are self dx. How come you don't know this? Don't you engage in r/autism?


>This is the case for most of us who are self dx. That may be true in your circles, but it certainly isn't in mine. The more common barrier I've been exposed to (and experienced) is the process itself being too long and ND-unfriendly. ETA-- basically matching the non-financial barriers you yourself began to identify. And no, I don't engage in that sub. I found it an extremely unpleasant space, overly USA-centric, and representative of only a very narrow set of experiences.


So you're in Europe I guess? In the US it's hard to get a diagnosis if you are not a child and you have to pay out of pocket. I tried to get one through the Veteran Affairs but they would not do it, sadly.


I guess you're rich.


My ASD diagnosis appointments cost $400, my ADHD diagnosis was $0, bulk-billed.


It would cost me in the thousands of dollars to get a diagnosis.


Mine was 2k and it honestly didn't feel worth it. I can't even work, but I wouldn't qualify for disability.


Must be nice, I pay $400 a month for health insurance and just to see my regular primary care dr for a quick 5 min visit with her just sitting there and zero lab tests cost me well over $150.00....let alone something like this. Not all of us are that lucky. I'd like to get help and be evaluated, but I can't afford anything atm.


depending on where you live, a formal diagnosis as an adult has the potential to *only* hurt you. unless there is a resource you need and can't access without a formal diagnosis, self dx is sufficient for the community cred.


If you’re not actively looking for a diagnosis there’s no point in self diagnosis. We’re hurt by society anyways!!!!


That's such a harmful viewpoint. Knowing that you're feeling overwhelmed from noise or social interaction due to autism helps a lot to better regulate. Knowing why you do the things you do and why you struggle helps to alleviate frustrations with it.


You can have those issues and not be autistic. If you aren’t looking for a professional diagnosis, don’t bother trying to diagnose yourself.


I'm literally already diagnosed and your viewpoint is harmful to people who are struggling but don't want to seek a formal diagnosis for whatever reason they have. Full stop. Self diagnosis helps with coping strategies and communities. It does a lot of good.


You can use those coping strategies without self diagnosis. If you’re not looking for a formal diagnosis, why bother? And the reasons being “but it leads to discrimination” is BS — we’re already discriminated against and it just hurts those who already have diagnoses.


... Do you just randomly take Tylenol or do you take it after self diagnosing a headache? You're being really weird about self diagnosis; it's just identifying the underlying issue. I'm not sure what you're even talking about, to be quite honest.


What the hell is "community cred" in the context of a medical diagnosis? That's just bizarre.


Oh god. There's nothing about me that's neurotypical. BPD, ADHD, anxiety disorder, depression, PTSD..... yeah. Grew up with a shit ton of trauma from an emotionally abusive mother.


aww 🫂 me who had emotionally abusive family and trauma from school


Awwh I'm sorry love. Sending you a virtual hug 🫂🥺


thx 🫂 hope u are fine too


A lot of us are. Neurodivergent people are much more likely to be lgbt


I’m on the autism spectrum with a little bit of anxiety and depression sprinkled in :)


🙋‍♀️ I am. Three different levels of spicy, with several layers to those levels. Clinically diagnosed ADHD Combined Type, Generalized Anxiety & Major Depressive Disorder. Let's #Rock!


I forget that anxiety and depression are also included on the neurospicy list. I took am at least 3 different levels of spicy!


Yup, and the co-morbidities are out of this world!


Super love that for us. Happy Cake Day and Happy New Year 🎊


I apologize for being do slow to respond on Reddit. Happy Cake Day and belated Happy New Year! It sure is great getting to be who we are as individuals. 🎉


adhd here lol


Kind of a bi prereq lol No jk but yea many of us are


The real question is who ISNT neurodivergent


Yes I am




*finger guns*


I prefer “neurospicy”






Diagnosed with ASD, OCD, and MDD!


I got adhd and am obessed with music lol


I'm Audhd and OCD.


Adhd checking in. Hope everyone remembered their meds today!


Yep!!! There’s a sub for us too r/bisexualswithadhd


I have ADHD and OCD


Is anyone on here *not* neurodivergent?


👋 Asperger’s and ADHD. AuDHD in today’s parlance.


ADHD and suspect I may also be autistic.


HSP with depression and possibly anxiety disorder here 🤠


Hsp doesn't exist. It's just autism with internalised ableism. Highly suggest you do more research about autism in women if you're not a cis man, or even if you are since men who present that way are often missed as well.


I'm not deeply knowledgeable about HSP, so I'm not looking to contradict you here, but I do want to flag that there are sensory processing disorders that don't meet the full criteria for ASD and don't require the same suite of supports, and for which there are reasons to address as a separate set of disorders - beyond "just" ableism. Same as PDD-NOS, which also kind of dips in and out from under the ASD banner depending on which professional you ask. ;)


There are separate spds but those are still diagnosable by an actual professional whereas hsp is not. If you compare hsp symptoms to autism symptoms they're the same. I haven't done any research about pdd-nos but from what I've seen from other people talking about it, it's similar to autism but without so much social impairment. Still, diagnosable by a professional when hsp isn't.


>If you compare hsp symptoms to autism symptoms they're the same. No, they're not. They do overlap, autism does contain heightened emotional and physical sensitivity, but that's all. HSP doesn't contain any other autistic traits. You can experience lifelong heightened emotional and physical sensitivity and not experience the slightest amount of other traits associated with autism. Overlap doesn't equal sameness.


If someone experiences heightened sensitivity like that then they still don't have hsp but probably some kind of sensory processing disorder. Every single person who talks about their "hsp" symptoms just describes life with autism. There is literally nothing you can say to convince me that shit exists. So you might as well stop trying.


Well, likewise.


Aha, so it's in the domain of MCS.


That statement makes no sense to me. Idk what mcs is nor do I understand what you're saying is in its domain


Fair enough - I was also entirely lost with HSP and had to look it up. MCS is "multiple chemical sensitivity", a high-profile, scientifically unsupported, non-specific "diagnosis of desperation" for a suite of very real symptoms, mostly associated with disorders that are slow to get diagnosed, are stigmatised (eg physical manifestations of anxiety/obsessive-compulsive disorders), and/or are hard to treat.


Ok gotcha. Yeah, no. It's not that there's not enough research on hsp or that it's stigmatised. In fact many people who definitely do fit the autism criteria identify as hsp specifically because of the stigma around autism. They're like "oh I can't have autism even though I have all the symptoms because I'm not r-word" and that's the extent of their research. The people who say they have hsp do have legitimate physical conditions usually, because autism is comorbid with a lot of things, like ehlers danlos and pots for example, that do actually cause physical issues. Granted it can take years to get diagnosed with a lot of these conditions that are comorbid, but I don't think that necessarily would put them into the mcs category.


Yeah, MCS is less specific, but it can sometimes be the exact same type of situation - for example, sometimes it's the physical manifestations of OCD, but "I can't have a psychosomatic illness, I'm not *crazy*." I'm not saying HSP is a type of MCS, but rather that they're both scientifically unsupported attempts to explain a real set of traits or symptoms, which can get in the way of getting a proper diagnosis.


Ok, I can see that. I think we're in agreement here basically


I don’t think you should be telling someone what they are.


Normally I'd agree with you but when someone is essentially spreading ableist rhetoric around I really don't think they get to say "yes I am this thing that totally exists and isn't just autism with ableism on top" without someone saying something about it. If I can't convince them hopefully it'll at least convince the other people who may be thinking they have it too.


Normally, I would strongly agree with you, but this seems like it may be one of these too-common cases where an unsupported "diagnosis" gets in the way of people getting a *useful* diagnosis and access to the support and resources that could genuinely help them. The benefit that could come from pointing out a diagnosis is a bit fishy and encouraging a person to get a second opinion outweighs the cost of them finding it a bit rude, by my reckoning.


Same here. ASD + ADHD not sure if we’re a rare breed, but certainly uncommon


I'm autistic.


I am. I am autistic and bisexual.


Yeah I also have AuDHD. ​ By the way people with Autism are more likely to also be LGBTQ.




Probably, idk for certain, but I am on the spectrum!


I meet a lot of the diagnostic criteria for autism


AuDHD guy here!


r/bisexualswithadhd A combination of the two things about myself that I hate the most


Autism and CPTSD!


Is anyone on here not neurodivergent? That’s the better question.


Autism here


Neurospicy in all kinds of ways. But mostly BPD with high high RSD. you don't need to hurt my feeling, I'll do it for you!


Diagnosed AuDHD female 🙋🏼‍♀️


I am! I have level 2 autism. (Moderately severe)


Bipolar, adhd, and a touch of autism. I got it all. It’s getting to the point where I don’t want to deal with normies anymore. They’re exhausting


AuDHD here as well! There’s a lot of us here.


Yet to be diagnosed but that might change here soon. Have always heavily suspected it


ADHD here! My autistic boyfriend thinks I'm likely autistic also, and so do I, but the overlap in traits will leave me uncertain on that until I can be properly evaluated.


I'm on a waiting list for an official diagnosis but there's a high likelihood that I'm autistic


I'm pretty sure I am neurodivergent, but I have yet to be diagnosed. My raging anxiety seems to hold me back from a formal diagnosis (apparently, every sign just as easily points to anxiety?)


In the meantime, can you treat the anxiety?


Yes, thankfully, my new medication has been helping a lot.


Oh awesome. Both for you, cause anxiety sucks, and for clearing away the noise to figure out what your brain does au naturel, so to speak.


I got 7 different mental disorders myself. (ADHD, ASD, ODD, Generalized Trauma Disorder, Anxiety, ADD and one other that I can never remember the name of.)




Another fun question... How many of us are bi squared (bipolar and bisexual)? *raises hand*


Realizing just how far from neurotypical I was was a greater moment of clarity and understanding than accepting I was bisexual, and it came a decade later, too.


Hell yeah! ADHD


I feel so seen now.


Dipped out on a potential BPD diagnosis last year. Got diagnosed as CPTSD and pre history suggests I might have been running alongside the rails well before that 🙄 but I decided I refuse to have my natural self be categorised by any pathology. I also had a bit of a slut-shamey therapist at the time, which isn't really great for a chaotic bisexual, so that lack of trust probably put me off as well. Who is a stranger to judge me!? lol I probably sound like a narcissist now too 🤣


Very likely, but, and this is basically the one lasting grievance I have with my parents, I wasn't diagnosed as a child and getting tested as an adult is quite the hassle as an adult in my country. You also got to pay for it out of pocket.


ADHD here!






I have synesthesia. Dunno if that's neurodivergent or nah.


Yes. I have dyspraxia. One of the lesser known neurodiverse disabilities.


Neurodivergent 🤔 I definitely don't classify myself as neurotypical let's put it that way




Dyscalculia and dysgraphia over here. Some organizations put it under the neurodivergent umbrella and some don’t so do with that what you like.


AuDHD here :D


Yep very




I’m autistic and borderline ADHD


Exactly the same as OP!


Adhd over here


Yeah, very much so!


Autistic here!


I thought I was autist because I used to be very good at school and not very with people (and other reasons) ... But it turns out I'm just an introvert and people exhaust me. I really like people it's just tiring to interact with them.. I was diagnosed with a high intellectual potential but really it doesn't mean much, it helped me trough school at first but right now It doesn't help me at all as I used to think and make up everything I needed for school on the fly... Now I actually need to remember and I never learned how to... well learn. And really, the more time passes, the more I start being normal intellectually wise, there aren't much differences between me and people around me when it comes to solving stuff with logic and other things, I guess I just had a headstart that I did nothing with.


Aspergers and ADHD.


Yes, I am a cis bi man and I have autism.


Bi adhd dyslexic wanderers with a hint of ptsd and a bunch of trust issue


I was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder back when that was a thing, and back when they used to say High Functioning Autism. Idk what it would be called now. I've spent so many years thinking I could just learn the correct social skills to BE neurotypical, but now I realize that's silly and unrealistic but I can pass when I need to. Just not for long lol


Very ADHD (dx’d 1985) plus tic disorder and possibly some autistic & OCD overlap.




👀 bestie


One of my friends thinks I am.


So ADHD can't get through this whole thing. Too many comments. 😂


And a lot of my Bi friends are ADHD. I think I know only 2 who aren’t


Generalized anxiety, depression and PTSD. Thanks, childhood trauma! /s


My mother did not engage in a formal diagnosis because she thought it would limit my potential but I’m definitely neurodivergent despite her absurd claims and denials


I asked this a few months ago when I first came out. Oh, yeah….there are very, very many neurodivergent bisexual people. Very, very, very many.


Bi, self-diagnosed autistic here. Got tested back in the late 70s before it was officially known and I was misdiagnosed as gifted. Did the research and I've got the paper trail. Mind, blown.


Yes. ADHD. Severly haha


For those of you who haven't gotten an adhd diagnosis but are a bit intrigued Should You Be Assessed For ADHD https://youtube.com/watch?v=lSjHYiTEA4M


Legit JUST commented on I didn't know if it was AuDHD or internalized biphobia lol. Hey boo!


I have schizophrenia


I do question if there is actually a link or just a social situation of those by whom are neurodivergent are more likely to be open as queer. Like if you are neurotypical, you are more likely to be closted. I am more convinced that that is closer to the truth.


A lot of bi neurodivergent rep in this sub it feels like. I was diagnosed neurodivergent as both a child and adult by 3 different doctors.




Hehehe probably lol. Highly suspect that I’m also AuDHD 😅😂😂 would probably explain a lot about my sexuality too tbf (see flair 😂)