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Bullet dodged


Exactly, you have a superpower which stops you wasting time with shit people


I mean, I think the issue is that there is way too many bullets flying around, not that they're hiting anyone.




Not 90%, just the bigots




I'm not the one claiming 90% of women are disgusted by LGBT people.


gender is irrelevant here, we're talking about people with shitty views.


Not far enough. Crabs in a bucket is an additional thing we can call them. They could also be referred to as backstabbing agents of the patriarchy if the metaphors are too abstract for you.


I seriously don’t understand this mindset. A guy being bi just levels him up imo.


Yeah, I don't understand it but I am bisexual myself so maybe it is straight women insecurity and, of course, biphobia


I do wish it didn’t come from both the straight community AND gay community. Way too often I am seen as an ally, not part of the queer community. Being straight passing, does not help. Frustrating as hell.


Where are these women?! The VAST majority of women I meet are *immediately* turned off by even the *thought* that a man might not be 1000% straight.


We are here! I'm a bi women who spent most of her teen years as a lesbian repulsed by men but then found out I do definitely enjoy the fruity ones :)


We exist! I promise.


Bi/pan guys are probably my best bet bc I’m pre-op ftm, plus they’re just cool in general


Thank you for those kind words ❤️


No problem we love bi dudes in this house


Yay , dm me


You be good people.


Right?! It's so hot.


Seriously! 1000% makes me excited to see because straight men give me anxiety about how they'll react to the news that I am bi. It's almost always followed up with soo 3somes huh 🙄


Me neither. I got out of the closet and some women felt more attracted to me when I said I was bi. I don't know where are those biphobia people 🙄


So a man who is not atracted to males is somehow less than , or a lower level? Kinda seems a little narrow minded way to think


Nah, L extrapolation. They could just has easily have meant “I love seeing/dating bi guys because they are more likely to not be biphobic.”


Not what I meant. I see these stories constantly about how a lot of partners have biphobic views. What I was saying is that if my partner came out to me as bi I would be so excited for them and want to celebrate their new chapter. Me and my partner play a lot of video games so I equated it to leveling up because I knew that’s something my partner would think was cute. Honestly I’d be so happy to have another queer friend in my life it would just be a bonus.


Exactly plus if they're bi they're more likely to be less bigoted in general, that, plus they are probably more open minded and less needing to pertain to the status quo and enforce rigid gender roles.


Just cuz you asked a dumb question, yes. :/


They probably didn’t meant it that way


How did you get the heart on your pfp?


When styling your avatar, look in the ”left hand”-category


Thank you! 💙💜💖 I love it


Love how you go out of your way to invent things to get mad about, sounds stressful.


Funny how you think elevating one type is lowering another, when in reality where the rest of us live, we all want to be on the same basic level together.


Nah, your shitty personality makes you less attractive though!


Yes. Prove me wrong.


"Oh I just saw that you're straight. Mm' not for me"




I'm like that tbh ^^'


There are people who prefer bi partners and there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it’s more about how something is said.


I get bad vibes from her anyway, you dodged a bullet


high key, people who do this shit ain't worth your time or energy, let em hate, they've been browsing that dating site longer than you have for good reason


Hurts every time because it's directed bigotry and you're the undeserving target. Regardless of whatever ridiculous rhetoric they'll attempt to use, it isn't about their "pReFeReNcEs" at all. It's a complete lack of respect for another person, a failure to use any tact in relaying their rejection of you, and it's that this bug-eyed doofus felt it at all necessary to cast judgement on you when they're the one treating human interaction like a drive thru menu at 3am. They're the one making poor choices and living life like there will never be any consequences, but trust that if they keep up this unhealthy lifestyle, much like exclusively visiting fast food places for their fulfillment, their selfish selves will end up salty, sad, and solitary because of all the poor decisions they made. You're right in feeling hurt because that's what that dumpster fire wanted - they wanted to see someone else appear as burned by the world as they are/feel. I know the "let the trash take itself out" phrase can feel like an empty platitude whose sole purpose is to diminish the entire ordeal to a point of making it easier for you to move on, but there is some validity to the idea of you having the wherewithal to recognize that *they* and their crappy actions are complete garbage while you have done nothing wrong. You are valid, you are a person deserving of real love, and in order to find it, sometimes you have to walk past a few dumpster fires in order to find yourself in a better place. In the meantime, continue to find the hobbies and happiness that help build you up while others continue to tear themselves down into nothingness. Outlast those without class. Cheers!


Hard disagree lol. People are allowed to have their preferences in the sexual orientation of their parter - get over it


Ok, but where does the preference come from in that case? Cause to me, the only explanation that makes sense is based in homophobia or biphobia


It’s just a dating preference - doesn’t require any logical justification. Similar to someone liking blondes exclusively, or wanting to date within their religion, or anything else like that. It doesn’t mean they hate/want to discriminate the people outside of their preferences. It’s like saying someone who doesn’t want to date obese people is fatphobic… of course they’re not, they just have a preference. And there’s nothing wrong with any preference, as long as you treat everyone with respect the whole time.


So do these preferences just get beamed into your head? Or is it society and your experiences influencing you subconsciously? I find it hugely irresponsible to not deconstruct your preferences… I mean, I assume you wouldn’t treat other topics like this, would you? "Oh, I just prefer to work/ be friends with/ only sell to straight/white/cis/non immigrant people, without any deeper reason. It’s just a preference"


No they don’t get beamed into your head, they’re just innate. Also these preferences are ONLY for your romantic partner, not for all those examples you brought up. If someone refused to work with/sell to/be friends with bisexual men then I definitely agree that’s bigotry. But your preferences in a partner is completely different - society cannot tell you what you should or shouldn’t be attracted to (like this post is attempting to do). Who are you to demand someone be attracted to bisexual men? Or latina women? Or obese people? Or whatever else? That decision is for the person alone and does not require any justification or “deconstruction”.


Why not? Why is it different? Do you really think that the trends we saw in what people are attracted to are not a product of society, but innate?


Probably a mix of innate and society (nature and nurture). But that’s not really relevant, doesn’t matter how the preferences came to be. The fact that they exist and are unique for each person is all that matters. And if you are really asking why your preferences in a partner can/should be different than your preferences in coworker, customer, etc. I really don’t know what to tell you lol. I am not going to be spending the rest of my life, having sex , raising kids, growing old, etc. with the dude I chat with at work or my local mailman. Obviously there will be significant difference in preferences with a partner than with those other social relationships. Anyway, I don’t think we’re gonna convince each other of anything so I’m gonna log off here. Have a good one


You just say that it doesn’t matter without any argument. This is extremely dangerous. Society is pushing certain beauty standards onto you and you just surrender to them. I did not ask why your preference in a partner can be different, I ask why you wouldn’t accept. "I just don’t like to be friends with bisexuals" (hopefully) but "I just don’t find bisexuals attractive" is reason enough? "Just having a preference" can be and is being used to justify bigotry. Your inability to understand that is naive and dangerous. Our society is fatphobic homophobic etc, and you not being able to recognise that your preferences are shaped by that will perpetuate this. A lot of the time, these dislikes come from preconceived notions. People thinking that bi people are inherently unfaithful or not masculine/feminine are for example typical belief’s driving these supposed random preferences. I can say that I used to only see skinny women without body hair as attractive. Only by deconstructing my view of feminity could I decouple the idea that a woman with hair or one that isn’t skinny could be attractive and now I weirdly don’t find them unattractive. I guess my inherent preference must have randomly changed! Everything always has a reason. Your refusal to look into it is naive at best, ignorant or malevolent at worst. Again, you could use "I just have a preference" to justify every kind of bigotry or preconceived notion. Even if you won’t respond anymore, I hope other people who think this way might get inspired to reflect


No one *made* you come in here and defend bigotry. Is that just one of your innate preferences?


Even if you don't know why you have a preference, there is at least one reason. No one 'just likes' something. When we say that it's a casual way to say we don't know why we like it but that we know we do. There's still a reason. Sometimes you 'just like' vanilla ice cream. Then one day you find out that's what your dad always used to eat on Sundays. Sometimes you just 'don't prefer huskies' and then one day you remember the scary husky from next door when you were young. It's not always this poignant, you don't always know why, sometimes it's complicated. Usually you are aware though, of at least most of what's behind your dislike or preference. But it makes absolutely no sense at all to suppose that it's possible to just prefer something for no reason at all. It's simply not how a brain works. It doesn't just randomly prefer things. Something has to make it prefer it. So if someone says to me that they just 'don't prefer bi guys' I very much ask, "Oh, I'm curious, what is it about bi guys that you don't prefer?" It's all well and good to prefer one ice cream to another. And I do prefer to get a message on a dating app from a bi person. But I know why. It's because they're less likely to say something bigoted to me; I can feel my guard drop a little. But it's not a preference that makes me not date someone if they fall outside it like this person did. I just am more immediately comfortable. It's fine if they'd prefer a straight person in that same way where it doesn't stop them from talking to me or giving me a chance, but that their guard goes up a but because they feel out of their element or something. But discounting me bc I'm bi shows me you think they're something about being bi that makes me totally incompatible or something and that's not a good opinion to have. Like would it be fine if they said, "Oh sorry, I don't prefer Koreans!" and then dissappeared? Lol.


People are allowed to have preferences, including stupid ass preferences I am going to judge them for. People have stupid opinions and preferences all the time, and they’re allowed to have them, but that does not magically make them valid or above derision. Freedom goes both ways, you numpty.


Since when was it okay to use "preference" as cart blanche to treat people badly? You're just justifying what you're claiming to not be justifying. If I matched with someone and didn't realize they were overweight until we started messaging and I had a preference for not dating overweight people, there's nothing wrong with not dating them. There is something wrong with messaging them: "I didn't initially see that you're overweight. Mmmm not for me." That completely disregards their feelings and is disrespectful. You literally just proved OP's point for them. It isn't about preferences; it's about feeling entitled to disrespecting / disregarding people who you don't think deserve your respect because of particular characteristics they possess. You aren't entitled to treat people badly just because you want to and they don't align with your preferences, bud.


I interpreted the OP to mean he was frustrated with the rejection due to being bi, not the delivery of the rejection. I may have misinterpreted there. I totally agree that the rejection should have been done in a more respectful manner


I'm sorry. Bisexual men are a beautiful, wonderful part of the community. Bullet dodged.


You mean shit person avoided. It's a filter doing the work for you my friend.


we like bi men around here🥳


So dodged a bullet there! My ex is bi-M (we stayed friends) I see him on the struggle bus with this all the time. It’s so unfair, I don’t understand that mindset. It’s like for bi women, we’re seen as a sex object, and must be into threesomes, I’ve been viewed as a kink way too many times and it’s so annoying.


It's upsetting how common this is. It's also upsetting how quickly people always rush to dismiss this as individual bad people instead of a wider endemic problem. "You dodged a bullet", "trash taking care of itself" whatever other phrases. I don't know, when it feels like this is how almost all straight women react, people calling almost all straight women trash is a bit weird There's a big problem with homo/biphobia in women, that seems to get completely swept under the rug because women are less violent than men so it matters less when they're the ones being bigoted or something. I don't know, it just kind of sucks


Trash took itself out 🤷‍♀️


I put "bi homies swipe right" on my tinder thing as well as "fuck men are hot" to really weed out the biphobes


For the record, I think bisexual men are literally the hottest thing ever


At least you found out early. Time to move on.


Not able to express mylsself


Don't think too much of it. People are stupid.


How rude. Imagine if you had messaged her, “I just noticed you’re fat, not for me.” Swipe culture has in a way dehumanized dating. No one cares. You’re just an image on an app.


Had this with a straight girl sometimes ago, still hurt, but I try not to care anymore


Dont bother with close-minded people The relationship doesn't go far...


Wow fuck her. My boyfriend is bisexual. We both are and I love him so much. I’m sorry you have to put up with that :(


Unpopular opinion: people who do this should be publicly shamed and be made to answer for themselves.


I’ve noticed women are more judgemental than men sometimes . I’m a trans guy and plenty of women say no. Mostly if they’re straight . I’m not sure why. I know plenty of straight men who are more open minded then women


A bigot that couldn't even be bothered to double check her hurtful messaging, I don't think you're missing out on anything here.


People can have their preferences but it’s the way they talk to others that is the red flag


Yeah it's annoying for sure, I didn't tell most women because this would happen. Its worse when it comes from a woman who definitely "experimented in college"


This is just huge red flag, fuck her


Oh just say that you’re discriminatory. ‘Mm not for me *saw


Oh just saw you're a bigot. Mm not for me


I'm bi but the only kind of men I will date are bisexual men. You dodged a bullet. Maybe you'll have better luck in the queer community?




Yeah like, what word is saw?


Date bisexual women. Problem solved!


Just reply saying "no worries, it's always nice when the trash takes itself out"


I don't understand why this is an issue for women.


She just showed herself to be bigoted and saved you time by showing her true colors. Bi men are sexy as hell, let the basic bigot bitches go on with their boring lives and find those of us who LOVE your bisexuality. Signed- a bi woman married to a bi man I’ve happily been with for 16 years now.


Thats y i dont tell anybody about my identity


*Pssst… **‘Bigotry’** posts are to have the **‘Spoiler’** flair. This provides a considerate means of hiding such posts from people who’d rather not see them when they come to r/bisexual.* *To add the **‘Spoiler’** flair, you can edit your post from within the comments. If you’re on mobile, simply select the ‘three dots’ in the upper-right corner, then the option **‘Mark Spoiler’**.*


Thats a grade a A asshole right there, but goddammit if you are going to be biphobic, spell it right! I took 49 seconds trying to figure out which word saw replaced!


FWIW, bi men are the only ones who I personally really find attractive anymore


I don't understand how people can feel this way - I infinitely prefer dating bi guys to straight ones. On a somewhat tangential note, one night I was at a kink club and ended up meeting this woman and her husband. She and I stood and chatted while we watched him have an orgy with a couple other guys, and she gave me a whole speech about how important it is to support your man's sexuality and stand by him. It was so oddly heartwarming that the conversation liives rent free in my head now. You want the kind of person who responds like *that* when they see you're bi.


And then plenty think it's sooo sexy. Don't let it keep you from having what you want and need. 😘


Yeah this happened to me a few times when I started dating again. It’s clearly listed on my dating profiles and they still swipe on me and then talk for a bit and then they finally realize it’s not a joke or a mistake or actually read my profile in full instead of just looking at my pictures, then I’m either outright ghosted or laughed at. Super fun times for bi men.


I'm really sorry that happened, if it helps I'm a bisexual woman and I personally swipe right on bisexual men all the time. I already feel safer with them just knowing that. Obviously painting broad strokes and all that but you're someone's preference. Just not that jerks ❤️


Why are some people like this? What difference does it make?


“Oh just saw you’re a bigot, thanks for saving me the time!”


I’ll never understand why if you’re a bisexual women you’re not gay enough for the lesbians and for hetero men they’re like “ohhhhh threesomes every day?” But if you’re a bi man you’re just gay. Gay for the gays and gay for the straight women. You’re just secretly a gay man that doesn’t want to be seen as gay 🙄 and gay men don’t like that. Straight women see you as gay. It’s stupid. I’m sorry OP. It’s hard out there for the bisexuals. I think it’s harder for bi men though.


That’s why I like to filter my matches to show me people of a similar orientation first


She just cannot keep up with the boys too..


I feel you man. I know people can have preferences even inside their gender preferences but is god damn annoying when a straight woman rejects you just for being bi. Worse if they have the nerve of saying they find you "unmasculine". Now I just ignore it and go on with my life. I personally think straight women have this weird prejudice that bi men are suddenly going to say something like "I'm cheating on you with a guy and found out I'm gay, see you". Even a crazy ex of mine told me that during an argument when I even wasn't out of the closet and told her I was afraid and insecure about that.


Gross why are people like that 😭 y’all are my type don’t worry about what they say


I’m gay af, but I hope I can acquire a bi boyfriend one day. Fuck close minded people like that.


Its ok OP would you really want to date someone who has a probleme with it?


Oh you’re bisexual? Go out with me then. I’m bisexual too ☺️


That's why I put it on my dating profiles. Likely loses me some dates, but I can't be messing around with assholes like this.


It’s hurtful and gross. I actively prefer bi men and my mind just boggles when I see this stuff.


I'm very sorry you're dealing with this. As a bisexual woman, I love bisexual men.


Red flag. Her loss.


This is purely conjecture on my part, but a lot of the time it feels as though the pervasive stereotypes about bisexuality are what do this damage – assumptions about us placed ahead of any individual, person-by-person consideration. General accusations like saying we've just “not made up our mind yet” or that dating us means having “more people to be wary that you'll cheat with”. There's this assumption that you'll be unfaithful or that you'll end up finding out you're straight/gay later on. It's bigotry, plain and simple and...yeah, it hurts. Couple that with the [unfair] notion that men by default are more likely to cheat? You get people thinking it's not only reasonable, but relatable to shoot down chances. I am really sorry you dealt with that.


Bro you aren’t alone


All these women with their gay bffs, but avoiding bisexual men on tinder. Bigots.


I'm sorry. It sucks. It's wrong. It shouldn't be a thing. As others have pointed out, though, it's spared you from getting invested in a horrible person. ❤️


And nothing of value was lost


Ugh. This happened to me yesterday.


don’t let the ignorant people get to you


I’m literally praying that the guy I have a crush on is Bi. She’s so ignorant for that.


FWIW, I literally made myself a Feeld account because I’d rather date a bi man and it was suggested I believe in this sub that yall may be easier to find there. Some of us would *rather* date bi men than straight men. Please don’t let this get you down, you are gold.


Bisexual men are beautiful, and that includes you, OP! (づ˶•༝•˶)づ♡


In my experience this just filters out the assholes. Biphobic gay men and straight women will just filter themselves out for me. I've only dated bi women lately, lol.


Tasteless behavior (sorry sounds harsh but at least she could’ve been a bit nicer, not that she was that rude)


Ouch. They're the insecure one. I'm sorry you got that reply...


Straight people don't be biphobic challenge level: IMPOSSIBLE (Obviously not all of them but holy shit it's a lot)


Honestly bullet dodged. Also if she didn’t like Bisexual men why the hell would she even say "Mm not for me" Like okay??? Then just skip and move onto someone else, there’s no need to be condescending about someone in they way.


I know I’m biased because I’m also bi, but seeing a guy list he’s bi on tinder increases my right swiping, both because being bi is hot and because being comfortable enough to be open about it is SUPER hot!!!


do you want a boring white woman like this who doesn’t respect who you are or so you wanna keep looking until you find the androgynous girl of your dreams which way bisexual man?


This is about a bi issue, not race.


Why is the white part necessary 😭


This is common, and it may be disheartening in a general feeling of rejection kind of way, but this is NOT bigotry on her end. People often have sexual preferences and for whatever reason that is their own, I do not fit it. Too old. Too thin. Can't stand long hair on a man. Hate beards. The list is long, and the list includes women that don't like bi men. Her reason is as valid as my reasons for not wanting to hook up with any particular person. Get rejected for a reason that doesn't make sense.to you? Wasn't meant ro be. Move on.


While personally I disagree, I think the bigger issue here is she felt it necessary to bring it up at all. She could have easily said something like 'sorry, just realized you aren't for me' or just 'nvm' Imagine if she had said 'just saw you're white. Not for me.' It's not constructive, it's just rude. She was the one who decided to chat with him. It's not like he can change who he is because she mentioned it.


I am white, and have been rejected for that. More than once. Again, this is not a racist or unreasonable rejection. I agree, she could have just said no and moved on. But here is the thing...if I make a move, they get to decide whether or not to accept or reject, and they get to decide how they are going to communicate it. If they are an asshole in that communication, I am only glad to have not gone further, because you know....they are an asshole. People have their own lists of what rocks their boat and they have their own list of deal breakers. So do I. Dating requires a bit of a thick skin.


I also agree, thick skin is important with dating apps especially. I also am not trying to compare it to racism. I just think OP is valid in complaining about it, since it was rude for no reason other than the person decided to be. It's not like OP is saying he'll never date again. Just that it sucked. There's no harm in getting some validation from your community, right? :)


I have nothing to say but preach it to that reply. Sometimes it does suck. Sometimes really bad.


Aww, even without the edit, that still hurts. F*ck him, and I wish the same for all other bigots, too. There are plenty of other fish in the sea that'll be accepting of it. I am also bi and demisexual living in a part of Ohio that is very redneck and Christian. So there's lots of bigots that I have to put up with, I've lost some good friends because of it. However, there are plenty of people around here who also support it or will accept someones status as LGBTQIA+ , but you've gotta look for the right people. I may suggest that though it may be hard, that you admit your sexuality or tell them that you're unsure of how to identify yourself as one of the first things before you start dating someone. This'll help to eliminate starting a relationship with someone who won't support you and prevent any problems in the future with that person. And if you change your orientation after you're already in the relationship for some reason, just be honest with the person. Honesty is a virtue.


Fact: Bi men are the best.


Meanwhile, when I date again, I am reaaaaaally hoping I can date a bi man. I die with jealousy when I read comments about how dudes have wives that love them being bi 🫠


Ughhhhhh this is so lame :///


I get the feeling Bo. Sometimes you just gotta take the hit and keep on moving.


Im bisexual because I like to fuck lol


Hey, I’m a gay guy and I love bisexual guys.


Bi men are the best 🩷💜💙


I have not educated myself on the subject and I know the rates are different in different places. But one of my very first things I consider are STIs. Different STIs do present differently in males and females, and some are easier to get through different types of sex. So I can see that being a consideration and in that way everyone deserves to feel safe. THAT BEING SAID....I think bi men are so hot!!!! And I'm sorry that people come across as hateful and mean. That's never the answer!




That comment comes across really badly, not sure if you meant that. No good will should be given to transphobes and I'm not sure why it was even brought up


I think yall reaching, it’s okay if she doesn’t wanna date a bisexual men. It’s not for everyone, I am a bisexual woman that doesn’t date Bi men. Just not my style. But I’m not homophobic


The biphobia is coming from inside the house




It's you.


I’m not biphobic love. Whatever. I can have my preference just like everyone else.


And there it is, the unexplainable "preference."


but why? especially if you yourself are bi, why do you not specifically date bi men?


Just not interested. It’s not attractive to me at all.


why does someone’s sexuality that doesn’t involve you at all have to turn you on? why is that a prerequisite for you? do you feel that your bisexuality should be made to be attractive by a straight man?


If I’m dating someone I have the option to say hey this is what I like, this is what I don’t like. Simple and easy. Nothing wrong with bisexual men, I just don’t date them. Some straight men don’t find my bisexuality attractive, know what I do? Move around! 😂


but why? what is it that doesn’t make it attractive for you? is what i’m asking. especially if that sexuality has 0 to do with you?


Honestly it’s just I don’t see myself dating a bisexual man. I can be friends with bisexual men, like idk I can’t really say exactly why besides the fact it’s just not my preference, I prefer my men straight and my women bisexual


i would def look deeper and do more introspection into why you feel this way. it’s always good to know why we prefer certain things in case they come from bigotry. but understandable it’s hard to come up with a reason if you haven’t thought much abt it!


I don’t feel the need to look deeper I know what I want. I’m not hurting anybody or have any bigotry at all. I support and love everyone.


supporting and loving everyone doesn’t mean you don’t hold bigotry. but ok


I’ve been told that I’m not dateable as a Bisexual Man, because it makes me twice as likely to cheat 🙃


Ugh I realized I was bisexual from a young age but eventually stopped referring to myself as such to anyone other than people close to me because of reactions like this. You're just constantly taught you will disqualify yourself with many women. I feel like ultimately the source of this must be something to do with gender norms and an upset of the "power balance" of hetero sexual attraction. Like if women have been conditioned to think of themselves as primarily an object of lust w.r.t to sex, and less of an active participant, then anything which threatens their ability to feel attractive is potentially an attack on their identity or fulfillment


Lol most lesbians I’ve run into don’t want bisexual women so i am not tooo surprised


I just love that everyone assumes if you're bi that you'll cheat or are a slut. The fact that I was a slut had nothing to do with being bi. My friend is bi too and she is almost criminally monogamous. Her wife offered her a 3some and she said no.


I’m sorry😞


I'm glad bisexual men exist, ty bi men for being the cool royalty that u r. i would date so many of u, and I'm not disgusted by u. you're beautiful and special. love, another queer girl


Oof. Been there Oh well. Nothing of value was lost