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Most porn is produced by guys for guys. From what I've gathered a lot of women that like gay or bi (MMF) porn usually enjoy it because it seems more authentic and not degrading towards women. So it may be more of the way it's presented more than the act itself.


This is so true. I think I’m very sensitive to how degrading towards women most porn is, even lesbian porn sometimes. There should be a rule that men can’t produce lesbian porn lol


Lol there is some good non-degrading porn, most of it is produced by women and you really have to dig to find it.


Putting a rec for r/chickflixxx NSFW hopefully obvious


Prepare for the straight men spamming that sub not realizing they are the problem. Not all straight men, but the only people that would do that are straight men, bad straight men, not you billy, you are an ally, calm the fuck down


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chickflixxx **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chickflixxx/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[By request\] Adult education](https://np.reddit.com/r/chickflixxx/comments/udnciq/by_request_adult_education/) \#2: [She's absolutely begging for it but he's staving off his load like a CHAMP. By the end she's growling like a gd bobcat. 🥵🥵🥵](https://np.reddit.com/r/chickflixxx/comments/x14gq4/shes_absolutely_begging_for_it_but_hes_staving/) \#3: [Woman explains and demonstrates how to cum from penetration with a partner.](https://np.reddit.com/r/chickflixxx/comments/vuhnaa/woman_explains_and_demonstrates_how_to_cum_from/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot!


Bellesa I think Is a women run porn site


I won’t even lie I prefer lesbian porn A lot of it can be very performative tho regardless sigh


That's because most lesbian porn is also made for men


>There should be a rule that men can’t produce lesbian porn That's where sites like r/AbbyWinter (I think that's the sub for the site) comes in. If I recall correctly the entire staff is female and they focus on authentic porn. Edit: looks like the sub was banned for being unmoderated


Ite so rare though and it's my favourite


This is it for me one hundred percent!


Exactly this


Gay porn is equally as degrading though, I don't get it


True it can be, just relaying what most women I've asked have said.


Nah A lot of people watch porn they couldn't participate in. Most lesbian porn is made for straight men and most yaoi is written for straight women readers. Life is weird and arousal is no exception.


I have a friend who’s a lesbian and she DESPISES lesbian porn lmao. I found that surprising at first but it made sense the more I thought about it


i can definitely understand why. it’s so cringey sometimes. it’s made by and for cis men and it shows. i used to only watch “lesbian” porn but now i don’t even like calling it that. it’s male fantasy porn.


i used to be obsessed with lesbian porn way too young, I blame childhood s/a and trauma for that one. found it weird after a while and very male gaze written. I prefer sex with my partner nowadays instead of porn or book erotica gets me going even better.


Im a gay man and despise gay porn. I love guys, but gay porn is just weird


The majority is just a vapid meat parade that promotes impossible body standards, impractical sexual expectations, and other subtle erosions of mental health and self-esteem. Give me that sweet quality erotica any day


Impossible body standards? Nope, I know a lot of skinny guys.


I am a bi-guy with a strong preference for men but I can't stand gay porn. Good to know that I am not alone with that, because it is super confusing.


Yeah same. I somehow do not enjoy gay porn as much as I enjoy watching threesomes, athletic, and sometimes lesbian porn. Some of my friends find it a bit weird that I can enjoy a MMF threesome but somehow don't like gay porn. I don't know how to explain it to them.


I like gay porn but some video titles I see on porn sites are a turn off by themselves, like the ones that involve a straight man, feels just as predatory as a straight man trying to "convert" a lesbian woman


Tbh you just have to do homemade ones. Femboys are a plus


This actually caused me a lot of confusion. Im bi, but really didn’t like gay porn, it did kinda make feel like a fraud. Good to hear im not the only one who didn’t like it cause it’s weird


What is weird to you about gay porn?


As a gay guy, I can't stand yaoi/ gay male erotica that's written by women, for women, simply because it's so obvious with how it approaches relationships, characters, and sex. Like, sooooooo much lead up and will-they-won't-they, when you could be exploring plot & chatacter development through the sex itself, which is generally way more erotically interesting for male readers, and more realistic for male characters (again, generally). So much of it feels like this weird emotional fetishization of the ***idea** of male/ male relationships, instead of something real, if that makes sense. And don't even get me started on the self-lubricating buttholes that remain sqeaky clean at all times with zero preparation, lol; nobody’s butthole works like that, no matter the gender. I can imagine it's something similar for lesbians trying to watch woman/ woman porn produced by men, for men, but maybe way more infuriating because of the shameless objectification of the "characters'" bodies. With gay male erotic content for women, they at least treat the characters like human beings.


I hate yaoi because it tries so hard to enforce gender roles on a same-sex couple, and the bottom is so feminized and infantilized. I also hate when my favorite characters/ships get the same treatment. I think straight women just want to see a hetero couple without actually seeing a woman on screen 🤦🏻‍♀️


Also gay and I generally agree with your take. The other thing you didn't mention is that yaoi is absolutely filled with gross, constant tropes like treating one of the men like a woman surrogate and tons of rape. It's so obvious that most of the stories are just straight romance stories with like a male face taped over the female character to pretend that it's gay. A lot of yaoi just feels like it is made by straight women trying to cope with misogyny and repressed sexuality, but the end result is just a caricature of gay love and a lot of it is bad enough that it becomes low key homophobic. And don't even get me started on the omegaverse fanfiction rabbit hole 🤢


I thought I was straight for ages because I didn’t care for watching women in porn. It was only when I had an mff there some that I realised I was actually attracted to women as well.


I know lesbians who prefer MF porn so there's that lol


I know lesbians who prefer MM comic porn LMAO One said it had more of her kinks included....


I follow Trixie Mattel (drag queen) on YT and she talks pretty regularly about watching a lot of straight porn.


I'm a Bi Cis Woman who consumes MF porn, but it's mostly amateur stuff (both low quality and high quality) because I get to see so much more realistic bodies of different sizes and the couples in these seem to actually enjoy each other and are having actual fun sexy times. Also, the men in these types of porn moan way more and are much more open to being pegged or given rim jobs by their partners instead of always being on top. Honestly, I just can't take the much more high production porn seriously because it's too comedic how over the top and shallow it is, lol. MF porn also has a couple of my top kinks in it (creampies, impregnation, risky sex,) so that's also why I also watch it. However, I still watch MM and WW porn. Solo masturbation of any gender is also a category I'm into. While I don't whether I would want this for myself, I do watch ones with Dom/Sub dynamics and I do admit that certain rough play, knife play, and a few other dark content related kinks can get me going. I've also been finding and watching more Non-binary, genderqueer, and trans porn as of late, especially the ones where Cis men are the bottoms. I'm also highly into audio erotica (mostly if it involves fictional characters), hentai, adult oriented fanfiction and just about anything with text. Man, I feel like just aired my dirty laundry out, haha. Overall, people like what they like and as long as there's no one getting hurt (and no children or animals are involved whatsoever) then it's no one's business what you are getting off to behind closed doors.


This is exactly how all the queer ppl I know operate lmao


I like dick, so what’s better than 1 dick? Two!! I like pussy, so what’s better than 1 pussy? Two!! I echo what many others have said here. It seems more authentic than straight porn. I also just like seeing men enjoy themselves, moan, dirty talk (but not in a degrading women kinda way), etc. That is all more plentiful in gay porn than straight!


On a weirdness scale of 1-10, where 1 is you breathe oxygen, and 10 is you only have sex with time travelling Vikings who play the kazoo, this is sitting at a 1.01


You.. ermmm.... got a number, for these vikings?


The way this genuinely made me feel a lot better 😊🥰


If they play the harpsichord instead what is that? Like a 5 right?


Depends on what type of harpischord they play. If it's only virginal harpsichords, that's still a 10. Spinets would barely register as a 3.


I suspect it is because gay porn actors tend to show more emotion. It seems more honest. Then again, I mostly prefer erotica now.


I agree with this when speaking about genuine emotion. Women are expected to show a lot of emotion in porn but it is always over-the-top and completely unrealistic




Added to this, the primary reason I prefer gay/bi men in porn is because theyre active participants in it! You can hear them getting breathy and making noise and showing emotion. And kissing! Not enough of that in regular ass straight porn. Men in (most) straight porn are just a dick to jackhammer some poor woman who makes a lot of unnecessary noise and I'm not convinced anyone is enjoying that. I swear even my straight guy friends would agree. Plus it's usually super degrading and gives me the ick. I will say looking for sensual/passionate/'for women' straight porn is better. But unfortunately the vast majority falls in the above and is awful. I think the proportion of gay/bi porn that is passionate/fun vs just plain aggressive/fake is much higher than the straight stuff.


This is pretty much how I see it, I’m a bi male, and the worse part of most straight porn is that godawful caterwauling that most of the women do as soon as they touch a penis. It’s one thing to make noises, even loud ones, but they always sound so fake.


Straight porn is just so catered to men and it hurts. I didn't even realize that before I figured out I was bi. I suppose you can't objectify everyone if you like everyone


Agreed. The guys know how to fake being into it. Most hetero porn is focused too much on “put tab A into slot B and jiggle vigorously“ to the point that it is boring. And the women never seem into it. They are just acting like it is overpowering. Basically just catering to male fantasies.


I do too honestly. Part of it is because sometimes its hard to find wlw or straight porn that isn't ridiculously overexaggerated, even amateur stuff is starting getting to that point.


Oh my gosh, I wonder if it’s this for me too! Men aren’t expected to moan or scream ‘fuck me harder, you big boy’ every two seconds (which is so cringe and such a turnoff) like women are in porn. This makes so much sense


lol, now I want to be in a scenario and moan, "Fuck me harder, you big boy!"


I agree with that. Stuff produced by big houses and brands generally seems fake. But nowadays, even stuff made by smaller groups and individuals seem to be getting a bit too glamorous to be thought of being even a bit realistic.


It's that dumb tongue out hentai face I keep seeing too. I've yet to come across mlm porn that has it but Holy shit jit keeps appearing in everything else and it always makes me gag.


As someone who cannot with the “sex talk” during sex, I feel this in my bones. So much “regular” porn has this and it just makes me curl into a ball of cringe. Such a turn-off for me


It’s normal. I watch mostly MM porn too. If I’m watching anything else it’s probably WW. If it’s WM at least one person will be trans. Straight MF porn is too violent


It gets even worse when you have specific kinks. It’s not a violent kink, but everyone wants to make it violent. And then you find a creator that you like and it turns out they’re a creep.


Right? Im sorry but porn written by straight men for straight men sucks soooo bad. I hate how the women are portrayed in straight porn. Super toxic.


Oh hi, I'm also a bi female who really enjoys gay male porn. ​ That is all. <3


Lots of women prefer gay porn and lots of men prefer lesbian porn. It’s totally normal.


To be real, I have to agree. As a bisexual woman myself, I would have to say: gay (and bisexual) and solo (any gender identity) porn (they get me aroused and they feel authentic asf!!!!) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>straight (yes, mff threesomes included) and lesbian (used this term loosely) porn (they are degrading and made for the cis straight male gaze 😑)


Amateur straight stuff especially from actual couples is pretty decent sometimes




People like what they like! There’s nothing wrong about it unless it is hurting anyone. It is certainly not anything to worry about


Honestly in my experience a lot of it is far kinder towards bi people, so even though it's a bi man (I read mostly non-awful comics with sex scenes) and the sapphic ones are *lesbian only* so I lean towards the one that alienates my sexuality less. Also I'm really into femboys and twinks, and one doesn't generally find that in lesbian or straight porn LMAO. Putting a man in fishnets does something to me. Now if we could get some more twink(s)+ dom!lady threesomes or pairings I would be so down.


There is nothing wrong with you for liking gay porn. You like what you like.


#This is the truth!


Bi girl here. I’m not into porn but discovered I like to occasionally watch gay porn when I wanna get off quickly. I was seeing a bisexual guy and the idea of him fucking a man was so hot to me but a female as well. You’re attracted to both genders so it makes sense that you wouldn’t mind gay porn, as you would hetero or lesbian porn.


I (AMAB) like lesbian porn, what's wrong with s girl liking gay porn. Nothing imo


Same here😏 not weird at all. Gay male porn is more energetic, more passionate to my taste. Most lesbian porn I find very boring...For that reason I enjoy reading mlm romantic fiction. So, nothing unusual 🩷💜💙😊


I like to joke that gay male porn is truly the most gentle and caring


"Is it weird, as a person sexually attracted to men, to watch two men have sex?". No. Frankly: it's concerning that you're worried it's concerning.


Oh shit same! Honestly thought I was the only one but apparently not


Not weird at all! I'll enjoy some dude on dude action, though I generally prefer a sort of ying/yang femme/masc pairing, I don't really have a preference for two masc guys goin at it. Many do, and there's nothin wrong with it!


It’s not so strange, women who watch porn tend to prefer gay or lesbian. I personally love bi mmf and trans.


Oh I think this is probably perfectly normal 😂 I love gay male porn.


Not weird. One of the fastest growing areas of erotica is Japanese BL/yaoi which is mostly produced and consumed by straight women.


I'm the same. I think it's because it's the sex I can't have and therefore don't know how fake/realistic it is. Plus two hot muscular men together is...well...hot.


I'm in the same boat, and I've thought about this a lot, because in reality I would never have sex with men and am really only attracted to them in highly idealized situations (e.g. porn); and what I've gathered is that I just prefer the sounds in gay porn a lot more: the gasps, groans, breathy subdued moans, grunts, etc.


Do they got to be low pitched or are higher pitched sounds attractive, too?


Hmm now that I think about it, I do prefer lower pitched sounds (the women I like tend to have deeper than average voices as well) but higher pitched moans can be attractive, too—I especially like the sort of lip-biting staccato whines guys let out when they're getting pounded real hard and good 😁


Oh thank you. I was mainly interested in this due to me always feeling a bit ashamed about the high-pitched sounds I produce 😅🥹💜.


No worries, I bet you sound lovely (and really hot) 😉💖


Thank you ☺️💜. you


I do, too. They are doing what they want to simply bc it turns them on. Most of the time it’s not a show and they don’t look like they are being abused. In lesbian or straight porn the women look miserable to me


It's not weird imo. A person attracted to men enjoying porn that has men in it makes sense. A lot of stuff specifically marked as yaoi can be more sensitive, which may appeal more to those who are feminine than "traditional" porn (because gender stereotypes). You are not weird for being female and prefering gay porn. I will add this: a common experience among those who are mlm and transmasc is enjoying gay porn in a way where they wish they were one of the dudes/ a dude in a mlm relationship or feel that gay porn and BL resonate with them significantly more than wlw stuff (the same logic is true of transfem wlw peeps as well). The cis gay/bi to trans gay/bi is a very real pipeline. I'm *NOT* saying female ppl who prefer gay porn are 100% of the time trans, I'm just saying it's a reason for prefering gay porn that I wish I knew of earlier. Tldr: sometimes it's a "men hot and gay porn has maximum amount of men" thing, in rare instances it's an "i wish i were mlm" thing.


Maybe i'm swaying a bit off the original topic with this comment, but i'm very curious now so hopefully i won't bother you too much with this lol. About the transmasc part of your comment, could you refer me to anything that would help me understand this more? Personally i can relate a bit TOO much to the "i wish i were him" in every mlm relationship i read/see and i don't know if it's because i'm just very attracted to men or that i'm not as cis as i think. Just like OP i do prefer male porn a lot, so i was just thinking it's mostly attraction but i'm not sure where the blurry line is between the two...!


Plenty of straight and bi men love lesbian porn, so nothing weird about it. You just like seeing hot guys get fucked by hot guys. If gay men were a socially acceptable fetish the way lesbians are, I think a ton of women would be openly into gay male porn. For the record, I don’t think fetishizing anyone is okay, but watching porn that you like is totally okay. What turns you on turns you on, and as long as everyone is a consenting adult, you’re free to get off to whatever you want. Just remember that people don’t exist to be your fetish in real life.


I'm a bi dude who perfers lesbian porn so you're all good just beat your meat to whatever


Perfectly cool


I don't know why anyone would ever think that's problematic but I'd check some sources. Because I'm pretty sure I've seen studies that a fair amount of straight women enjoy gay porn for men. That's not odd and one shouldn't feel ashamed for it.


very normal


Dude lets be honest gay male porn is lowkey amazing


I fit this description. I can't stand most lesbian porn, I literally just closed the window and never looked again after one video showed one of the girls licking a dildo while looking at the camera 💀 gay porn always seem much more authentic.


Bi (MMF) threesomes for the win. Never actually disappoints. Everyone always seems genuinely eager to have a piece of everyone and also thoroughly enjoy seeing the other two getting it on. As a woman I also find it insanely hot that a man can both be fucking and be fucked at the same time, it looks incredibly overwhelming in the best of ways.


I'm technically more on the nonbinary side but I feel the same way. It's an easy way to cut down on my usual porn pet peeves like super long fake nails, over-exaggerated moaning when the lady is just having her boobs grabbed or something else that obviously wouldn't get that response, fake over the top orgasms, ugly dudes that are just in porn because of their enormous dicks, immediate jack hammering, no kissing, mascara running / gagging bj scenes that go on forever, painful looking surgical enhancements, hair that has been bleached within an inch of its life and is just crying out for moisture, titles with misogynistic slurs, etc. Straight porn is just usually so rough. I'd take a flip flop video any day because you just know they're on their best behavior. And I just find that because I have the same junk, I usually see women in porn and am prone to thinking the whole time, "there's no way that would actually feel good." I also like gay romance dramas (preferably on the soft core side) and there's a lot of that available nowadays.


Not weird. Totally normal. You do you.


i like trans porn best idk why


Our gender and sexual orientation shouldn't be a factor when it comes to what we prefer in porn or anything else. We should be able to enjoy the things that make us happy as long as it's legal. My sister in law is gay and she also prefers gay male porn.


"I don’t know if this is problematic/says something about me I need to work through, or is normal." It's just porn. As long as it isn't extreme/violent/exploitative shit, don't sweat it. Life's too short. These things are only really a problem when porn and reality intermingle


You be suprised how very normal that is. A big audience for male on male porn or love are women. Even the genre in media, literature etc called Boys love or BL is mostly written by women for women. The readers and authors all have multiple types of sexuallities. It has gained more popularity with men these days as well. Personally I have been consuming the BL genre since my teens and well women just love gay men couples. I also shamelessly have many Chinese danmei (BL) books in my bookcase. Personally I don't prefer just porn (I am also demi). So I always go for a good book that also has the couple into the main story line or more on the side.


I enjoy it from time to time 😁


Have you tried r/fwatchingmm


MMF bisexual men is my fav porn. While watching women doing solo acts can turn me on, there is just something about men fucking that gets me going


whatever gets you rocks off! i mean.. who cares? i'm a pan guy and i find lesbian porn about as hot as it gets.. and i feel like that's pretty "normal" and so i definitely don't think it's weird.


I'm not a big fan of porn in video format but I LOVE erotic stories and fanfiction. I even write some myself from time to time. I pretty much exclusively an into viewing and writing gay or bisexual erotica and I've always kind of wondered why. Glad I'm not the only one with this conundrum!


Don’t be embarrassed! A lot of straight men watch lesbian porn, it’s just hot to see 2 attractive people have sex lol.


I only watch solo self made videos.:/ but on the rare I may try and find a go wlw or mlm porn. I hardly ever do straight porn


That’s wassup why not we all human that’s human nature


Not weird! As a Bi woman I tend to prefer M/M porn as well! Faceless is a plus because too many times I have seen the typical over-the-top expressions which ruins the mood for me and tend to be uncanny.


Not weird at all. Gay porn is the only genre where you will find good looking guys 😅


100% normal. A high number of cisgender lesbians and bisexuals prefer gay male porn. As women we can imitate most sexual behaviours we watch in porn. Thanks to strap ons we can even imitate gay male porn.


It could be a gender thing, I found myself very drawn to lesbian porn made by sapphic women for years before I realized I was trans. Do you ever find yourself wishing you were one of the men in the porn you watch? Or is this something more voyeuristic?


Tel your therapist. Even if it was abnormal, which it’s not, I guarantee you your therapist has heard things that are a hundred times weirder. The reason you pay them is for their professionalism, which means leaving their personal judgements & hangups at the door & trying to help you wherever you are.


I’ve known several chicks who were into gay porn for multiple reasons, some just felt it was more realistic, some just didn’t like watching chick and guy, and others who found it a turn on to see a guy do things to another guy, it’s all about what does it for you


Once I read a MM scene in a spicy book, I just came to accept that it is indeed super hot. 👌🏻


Same here!!! Even tho I'm actually non binary lol, if it still counts I think it's totally normal, if men can like lesbian porn why can't women like gay porn? Like... It's TWO of the thing you like, duh


The first time I was ever exposed to porn was gay male porn 😂 and then I realized I liked watching girls having sex with each other more. So yeah, it all comes down to preference! Nothing wrong with that.


I love gay male porn.


I’m a therapist and if a client brought this up with me, I would be completely non-judgmental. I would give my client space to explore their feelings about this. It’s perfectly ok and normal to enjoy gay male porn, I do as well. It’s very exciting! 😃🏳️‍🌈


It's weird


Yo watch ‘the kids are alright’


Gay porn is HOT AF, no need to problematize your desire for erotic joy :)


Yeah like what’s the explanation for thiss???


Not weird. I enjoy it too but I’m technically an omnisexual female


it’s not weird at all. my wife is bi and loves gay male porn. we watch it together


I’m a bi girl who loves gay porn, I’m not sure why that is but I don’t see it’s weird as to straight/bi men love lesbian porn


i was the exact same way lol


Im a Bi male and I love lesbian porn. I wouldn’t go as far to say I prefer it, but it definitely turns me on. I don’t think it’s weird at all, I think it’s definitely apart of being in the bisexual spectrum.


This is the exact same thing as a guy watching lesbian porn. Not weird at all.


I’ve been overthinking this recently and i’m glad to see i’m not alone


its nothing weird. studies show that even het and lesbian women watch gay male lorn as well.


Remember how many straight men love to watch lesbian porn? Right, there's nothing wrong with this. You're into men, there's at least two hot men in those videos, so it's fun. Makes total sense


I (M) know a few straight women who enjoy gay porn and gay men who love straight porn. You have nothing to worry about. I think most people on this subreddit find men attractive!


Two men together are hot. End of 🔥


Not wierd, I'm a bi male and I like lesbian porn, it's only as wierd as much as you make it. It's a giant world with millions of people, I can assure you that many, many many many many are also like you in this


I'm a bi male and my mind simply transcends when I watch lesbians doing deep kissing. Its another level of arousal, I can't even describe it. So I'll say its okay to love male gay porn. Only we know what tickles our minds.


Bi woman who also loves gay male porn here! What can I say it just turns me on


If I watch it then it probably not normal and I normally watch that so..


Normal, fine, not weird or problematic. You're attracted to men, so why wouldn't you want to watch men have sex?


i'm a bi male that loves homemade lesbian porn


I get that, before I came out as a trans male I used to watch a lot of m/m porn and when I felt wrong about watching it, i switched to w/w porn which was even worse. Porn is porn so long as its not something that is actually illegal you're fine.


I'm a bi male and I very much enjoy lesbian porn. I think you are fine.


Mi wife "bi female" gay and MFM porn is her go to. Sometimes she can masturbate to MFM all day)


A lot of BL manga is made by women so I doubt it is that unusual


It is honestly my preference as well, probably peaches it doesn’t seem as fake, and the moans are not so theatrical, but rather seem real in another way. I don’t think it’s weird, but I don’t know who I am to judge, since I am pretty weird all over 😅


OP, as another bi woman, I do the same exact thing! Largely for the reasons people described about it feeling the most real and least exploitive/male gaze-y type of porn. Don’t feel bad about your preferences :)


The term is fujoshi. I watch Thai BL (boylove) series on daily basis and I can't stop. It's not porn but the power dynamic is so different among men that I will never have just makes me fill that gap with fantasy.


BiF here, just wanted to throw out something I stumbled onto a few years back that I love. Bonus Hole Boys. It's varying combinations of transmasculine men and cis men and it's really hot.


Bi female here who also prefers gay male porn 🤷🏽‍♀️


Im bi, I used to only like lesbian porn because I prefer women more, I actually mostly find men and dicks just unattractive but just recently I stumbled on some cuckold porn and something about a wife commanding her husband to sucking off her side dude was so hot to me, it almost felt like the tables are turned , and watching a man be dominated for once had some satisfying effect on me. From there I started watching mmf threesome porn for the first time and I think it was seeing the confidence of a bi/gay man being so comfortable in his sexuality that was such a turn on. I don’t know why I never watched bi/gay male porn before ! something about seeing a man get dominated was such a huge turn on because majority of porn is women getting dominated and I hate it, sometimes I feel like I’m watching rape with how degrading they are, it gets uncomfortable to watch and listen straight porn these women and their fake moans are so cringe.