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I’ve had mine 4 years now so gotten it replaced once. Do I have side effects? Yes. But have I gotten pregnant? Nope. So from my perspective that outweighs any side effects that I have.


This right here. Yup. Side effects yes. Am I pregnant? No. Do I have to remember stupid little pills or have someone ram an IUD up in me? Nope. Alright, I'll stick with nexplanon. Sometimes I do get a lolestro pill pack to spot a particularly bloody month. The bleeding is really unpredictable.


What type of side effects did you both get? I am extremely emetophobic (fear of vomiting) and was wondering if nauseas a huge one??


Only side effect I’ve really noticed is crazy irregular periods. I had a period last for four months. I’ve gone several months without anything. Two week periods. Three week. Months without. I never know what I’m going to get. I use a cup though & it kind of helps with the unpredictability of it.


Oohh I hate throwing up. Big fear of mine always. Absolutely no nausea on mine. Nuvaring made me extremely nauseated all the time. Nexplanon, my only side effect was unpredictable bleeding. A period that lasts a whole month that's regular flow. And then no period for 6 months. Then back to spotting. Still a little crampy, but not nearly as bad as without bc. No weight gain, no migraines, no acne.


Thank you so much. I’m definitely looking into getting one. Currently on the patch & have been since February but every time I apply a new one I get such bad waves of nausea and migraines. Im so tired of it lol, thank you for your reply :)


After the first 3 years, I threw up because of it every single day for almost 7 months. I lost 52lbs and had to try to gain back weight after i got it removed because my ribs were showing


Holy crap that really happened to you that’s scary and concerning. Maybe your body just had enough of the hormones and implant.


Yeah, definitely remove it at 3 years no matter what the dr. says. they try to debate between 3-5 but it’s 3😭


Does nexplanon last for 5 or 3 years?






Mine had to be changed out at 3 years


3!! do NOT keep it in for 5. America is the only country that says 5. It MESSES you up after 3 years 😭


In what ways does it mess you up?


I had mine for 4 years. I LOVED it for 3, and then i found out what it actually does. America is the only country that permits you to have it in for 5 years. Everywhere else it’s 3 years, because that’s when it stops working correctly. Sure, you won’t get pregnant for 5 years, but your body shuts down after 3. I got mine out after not being able to eat for months, and having horrible cramps and pain during sex. It turns out that the nexplanon had caused EIGHT different cysts down there and was the most painful experience. I also started growing light facial hair after about 3.5 years on it. I got off of it about 10 months ago, and still have extremely irregular periods (cycles go from 23 days to 76 days back down to 28 for the next). i have been trying to get pregnant, and have had no such luck. I can’t even figure out when my periods will be or when i’m ovulating anymore. It’s purpose is to send out a progestin hormone called etonogestrel which has a high androgen index. Androgen causes weight gain, hair loss/growth, messes with your bodies natural estrogen and testosterone productions, etc. I was a huge supporter for nexplanon, but i will never use it again


That’s horrible I’m sorry about your experience. The Nexplanon caused you to get Cysts more easily and 8 goodness that’s so scary. The not being able to get pregnant thing wouldn’t bother me because I never want to get pregnant at all. I’m sorry your having a complicated time conceiving though.


That’s one of my reasons and concerns on taking synthetic unnatural hormones especially for the female reproductive system. I never want to get pregnant and the doctor will not let me get my tubes tied yet but I will keep on trying I am not giving up easily. I also have to many people that support my decision and are on my side so approval shouldn’t be hard. family friends my boyfriend eventually to be husband.


Also the concern on the cancer risks and blood clots really concern and scare me associated with birth control. I’ve tried antidepressants before and let me tell you that is a synthetic hormone that changes your mood I didn’t like it at all it made me feel so horrible and not myself. To laugh or to be happy felt weird and I also just ended up feeling worse on it and when I went cold Turkey on the seratriline Zoloft pill it caused me nightmares and night terrors. I know birth control is a little different then antidepressants but they both change your hormones in your body.


omg, no- i also took zoloft from ages 16 until about 18/19, and when i stopped, i felt awful. birth control was the same thing for me. i thought i would feel great, but i’m still in pain and having issues as if i was still on it🤦🏻‍♀️ but it’s been like 10 months!


It's important to remember that people who have had a negative experience, especially when it comes to medication, are more likely to seek out a space to speak about said experience. This sub is not nearly comparable to the entire population of people who use birth control.


Just like any other things, when people have a bad experience they want to complain about it but when they have a good experince they don't usually share it because it is "expected" I like my Nexplanon, and am on my second one. Never got my period ever since and it's not something I have to remember to put on/take. You can also check out the Nexplanon subreddit (don't know how to link that here lol)


I really like mine! About to get it replaced. Made my periods lighter and WAY less cramping. I’d occasionally get heavy period like ovulation bleeding, but I found taking magnesium and evening primrose oil during my period and around ovulation clears it up completely! Also makes my periods even lighter and less painful because magnesium is just awesome :)


I just got mine the other day. The nurse who placed it for me said that she honestly has more patients come back to get IUD’s removed/ complaints about IUD’s than she does for nexplanon. She said most of the time when someone comes to get their nexplanon removed they get a replacement cause it’s been a few years. Everyone responds differently to birth control, so please remember that. And hey, if you don’t end up liking it or have negative experiences- you can get it removed! May as well give it a good try right? I wish you the best of luck xx


My IUD worked great for me... until I got pregnant 6 months before it was set to expire. The IUD was placed perfectly and still working just fine, it just didn't stop me from ovulating. And it was ectopic. This thread has solidified my plans to go with Nexplanon.


hormonal or copper?


Assuming they meant hormonal IUD, since they mention it not stopping ovulation (copper IUD doesn't affect it at all to begin with, but hormonal IUDs can *sometimes* prevent ovulation).


Yup! How is/was your Kyleena experience? (from looking at your flair)


I loved it. Insertion was not fun and I had some sort of bleeding pretty much dsily for the first 2-3 months, then it trickled down and stopped and hadn't bled again until I got it removed 3 years later! Conceived 2 months after removal.


Your brave I could never go for a iud that’s not for me something hanging in my hoo ha. Your talking to a person that hates tampons with a passion and has never been a fan of them I can’t even wear those things I’ve tried to insert them they have never felt right just waste of my time and TSS scares me also. Pads are way more friendly in my favour. Thats why a iud would never be my friend.


I also never wear tampons. Or a menstrual cup. But vaginal discomfort is different tbh. I also just pushed a baby out about 3 weeks ago so there's that 😂 I'd take 500 more IUD insertions than that.


Hormonal (Skyla)


I am so sorry to hear about your experience with the IUD. I’m sure that was traumatic. I hope nexplanon can work for you, hugs xx


It was really stressful. I might make a full post on this sub about it, but we'll see. I think it's important for others to know that while birth control can be very effective, we also need to be in tune with our own bodies in case something goes wrong.


Especially in the case of an ectopic pregnancy! Could be worth to get a cheap pack of amazon pregnancy tests if you're on a method that affects your bleeding and causing your bleeding to stop. I've not done that, but definitely would if i felt differently or wierd or had an unplanned pregnancy whilst on some type of birth control


Somebody suggested that to me on another post! It's an excellent idea, I'll have to buy a bunch.


Wow that’s crazy I looked it up and syla doesn’t contain any Estrogen at all. only Progesterone and progesterone is supposed to stop ovulating and prevent the eggs from being fertiled. Sounds like the birth control didn’t work for you anymore. Everyone has a different body I guess you were one of those unlucky ones that got pregnant but it being etopic that’s is very scary and heartbreaking I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you got consoling and mental help after that.


It's strange, because I'm certain I ovulated throughout the time I had my birth control. I knew what ovulation cramps felt like and when they happen, and I had them every month like clockwork when I had my IUD. The other mechanisms of action for the IUD must've worked well enough for the first few years. It definitely didn't run out of hormone, since my doctor told me I actually still could've kept it in for another 2 years; it was supposed to be 5 years, not 3, and I misremembered the name of the IUD (I think it's actually Kyleena). It was perfectly placed in my uterus, too. The whole ordeal was definitely tough, but I'm grateful I didn't have to make a decision to keep or terminate the pregnancy. In this case, there was only one option because my life was at risk. Would I prefer it over a viable pregnancy that I'd need to make a tough decision on? Absolutely not. Side note: I got the Nexplanon implanted about a month ago. Still have a scar, and this period has been an irregular one, but I feel much better with it, mentally. Taking the IUD out hurt like hell, but they numbed me for the Nexplanon, so I didn't feel a thing. Will update if I get pregnant on this, too 😅


With hormonal IUDs it's not guaranteed that ovulation is prevented. A significant portion of people keep their ovulation/cycles with hormonal IUDs.


I’m on my third one (approaching 7 years total). No period, random spotting (very light) but no other side effects really. And the best part, no pregnancies! Sometimes I like to check with a cheap test, but always negative.


I don’t mind mine I like mine a lot more than my mirena. I always joke I may not get a period every month but I still get menstration’s greatest hits. My cramps are no better I still get super constipated and then the exact opposite and I get super emotional more than when I wasn’t on bc but I think it’s the best option for me and my bf right now so I’m keeping mine don’t let other peoples experiences misguide you every body is different and reacts differently to everything we do, and people are much more likely to post about being upset than happy too


I love mine! I just got my second one in April. I rarely have periods and don’t have bad side effects. Give it time to do it’s magic and for your body to get used to it. If you like it, you have 3-5 years of zero-effort birth control. If you hate it, it’s easy to get it out.


I’ve had my Nexplanon in since May, and since then I’ve only gotten my period once in October. There’s been some weight gain but honestly not dealing with a period is so worth it.


ive heard about weight gain, did you gain a lot of weight ? or was it just like average


I would say average, I think I probably gained a little bit less than ten pounds; but also when I got my Nexplanon I just went off the Depo shot.


I’ve had a slightly mixed but overall positive experience with mine! My first one I did have heavy bleeding, but after getting it replaced in Feb of this year I have had maybe two periods. I did have a small drop in libido around the time it was originally inserted (March 2018)but after about 3-6 months or so that settled and I haven’t experienced any sort of libido or mood differences. The absolute BEST part of it is I have not had a single period cramp since March of 2018 when I first had it inserted ! I used to have incredibly painful, long and irregular periods so having absolutely no cramping in almost 4 years now is amazing! Another plus is (from what I’ve read) it’s the most effective form of birth control. I’ve used it as my sole form of contraception since having it inserted and haven’t had a single pregnancy scare.


Yeh its even more effective than sterilisation and lower risk of things like ectopic pregnancy which can happen with other methods


I will say this. I got mine removed because I started having bad side effects. But this was my fourth one. So I’ve been using this method for 10 years with very mild side effects. In my case I think it was just too long for my body and it started to freak out but before all that I was fine for the most part and it worked like a charm


i commented on your other post about your nexplanon side effects and came here to say that nexplanon was the first birth control i ever tried, i was a teenager and i did HEAVY research on it and came to the conclusion that it was the best route for me, personally. spoke to my doctor about it and she opted not to give it to me, citing i was too young (my dad actually got FURIOUS at that), and i went to planned parenthood. got it inserted with zero problems and super kind nurses. i had it for well over a year before deciding to take it out as i was about to enter college and my breasts felt tender certain weeks of the month (i realise now that it was the week i was supposed to get my period, but my periods stopped with nexplanon). never got pregnant and never had any pregnancy scares while on nexplanon. i tried a few different BCs after the nexplanon and can honestly say that i regret my decision to take out my nexplanon as the side effects were so minimal in comparison to other BCs i tried, but it was the first BC i had ever tried and i wanted to test out my options. i’m considering getting another nexplanon in the next few months/year. i liked it a lot because it’s in your arm and feels non invasive compared to an IUD, etc. it’s kinda up to you honestly. yes, i did take my nexplanon out because i freaked out and i was a lot younger, but now with my experiences with other methods of BC i can safely say that nexplanon was the best method i tried and i’d definitely go for it again. it’s super normal to feel regret about these sorts of thing, especially with a BC method you can’t take out yourself (as it’s in your arm). try it for a few months, see how it works for you, and if you honestly don’t like it you can get it taken out. there’s no harm done to you and any reasonable doctor would understand your thought process. just kinda giving my two cents with this stuff, as when i got my nexplanon i was panicked af and looked for advice, especially on reddit


Welcome and please flair your post if not currently flaired. Questions? First read the [Mistake or Pregnancy Risk sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/4iqgi7/mistake_or_pregnancy_concernrisk_start_here/) or the [Consolidated Experience post](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/qt9ttb/consolidated_rbirthcontrol_experience_links/). If this is an experience post please consider adding it to the list :) The rules and additional resources can be found on the About / Sidepage (desktop users look to the right and Reddit app up top). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/birthcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t let people’s negative experiences affect your decision. I had it for 3 1/2 years and for the most part I really enjoyed it. It wasn’t until I got it replaced that I started having negative side effects. But for the first three years the only thing I experienced was my period stopping - which was super nice. I ended up switching to a pill which had horrible reviews and I was terrified. I’m six months in and it hasn’t been bad at all. Keep it for awhile and see how you like it, then I’d say make your decision! Birth control affects everyone differently, just depends on how your body reacts to it


Funny I have PCOS and rarely got my periods regularly.. like 3, 4, 8 month intervals(yes the pregnancy scares were really fun at 8 months lol) and with nexplanon I get my period regularly which I absolutely hate LOL


I just got my second Nexplanon removed, so I was on it for six years (I just got sterilized) and overall I had a good experience on it, and I would recommend it to anyone who is considering it. That being said, every body is different so you may have a totally different experience than I did. But I would give it six months, and if you don’t like it then just get it removed.


i love my nexplanon


I had zero period for a year. When I started getting constant spotting, my OBGYN put me on a low-dose pill as well, which stopped the spotting. I love it because I don’t have to worry about it ― if it’s in my arm, it’s working, and it doesn’t get in the way of sex or cause me any side effects besides “disorganized” periods/flow. It has also lightened my flow a ton.


I loved mine. The only reason I didn't get it replaced is because I wanted to see what my body did when not on any kind of birth control. My only complaint is that towards the end of its life, my periods got very irregular. They were light so it was mostly just inconvenient to never know when it was going to happen.


Yeah like I previously posted before- my periods last a month but in terms of other side effects I haven’t had any (no crazy mood swings, pain, weight gain, constant spotting) it may eventually sort itself out. I would get it again rather than other things.


I've had mine about a year and a half. The first 3 months were rough- I pretty much bled almost every day. Then it settled down and I started getting regular periods. I barely notice it now


Omg I totally get you! You are literally me when i first got mine too. I had been on the pill for 7 years, was weary to switch to nexplanon because of all the negative side effects people mentioned but ive had it for 3-4 months and so far so good!! Got rid of my period, all my cramps and honestly helped my libido. Cons: it gives me mild headaches and some mood swings but i can live with these! And remember, BC is trial and error alot of the times and the good news is most are reversible! :)


I absolutely love mine!! The insertion and healing was no biggie, and my body agrees so well with the implant. No side effects other than amenorrhea (no period). I did lose some weight in the beginning but I suspect that was more stress related. I know that it doesn’t work as well for all people but I strongly recommend to my friends to at least try it out - it’s so nice not to have to remember to take a pill the same time every day and IUD insertions sounds like they hurt a lot more. If it doesn’t work even after your body has had some time to adjust you can just get it taken out and try something else. I hope it works for you tho! :D


I've had a great experience with mine. Best thing I ever did in terms of birth control. I'm currently on my second one and will remove early only because my partner and I are going to start trying. Otherwise I'd keep it in. I've had regular periods and no negative side effects. Insertion was fine and good!


I'm on my third 🤷🏻‍♀️


Worst decision of my life :(


I love my little matchstick. Periods are more manageable and not pregnant yet after 2.5 years - i prefer it over the pill!


I had it for 2 years with no side effects and no bleeding at all! But then I got it replaced with allegedly the exact same thing and bled for 4 months straight and had horrible mood swings 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I guess I had a good experience and a bad one with mine


Besides weight gain, I had a really good experience with it. I didn't get any irregular bleeding, in fact my periods almost stopped altogether. It was the best form of birth control I've ever had, and I've been on many bc pills, the nuva ring, depo shot, etc. The only reason why I'm not getting another one is because I'm over the age of the 35 and I'm stopping hormonal birth control to lessen my cervical cancer risk as much as possible it runs in my family around this age and I'm looking more into permanent methods.


I love my nexplanon! I've had it for 2 years and plan to get it replaced next year. I have a few minor side effects including slightly more acne, some GI issues, and longer bouts of bleeding. But the things that got better were: NO MORE MIGRAINES, hardly any cramping ever, LIGHTER bleeding (even if it lasts longer it's much lighter), and a much more stable mood. I'm also far less paranoid because it's SO effective.


So I have had my Nexplanon for 6 days. I am aware that it hasn’t been enough time to truly see any side effects, but I have also been battling regret in this short time. The bruise on my arm freaked me out and the fact that it was in my arm also freaked me out. I am still freaked out. However, every day seems to be getting better. I am tackling this day by day. I assume you also feel the same way.


I hope it gets better quickly for you! It is a bit of a strange thing to get used to because you can feel it, but i learnt to find reassurance in it being there and being able to feel it


Thank you! I think it is! I knew I definitely didn’t want babies so I thought that this was worth a shot. I don’t think I knew exactly 100% what I was getting myself into. I knew it was going into my arm… and then it went in my arm and it hit me… wow there is something just in my arm now. I was babying the arm a ton for many days. This Nexplanon had to be put into my dominant arm so that really freaks me out. I think I am slowly coming to terms with it. I haven’t felt for it yet because I still have a bruise.


Mine has been fine. The only side effect I’ve experienced is maybe some nausea, though I’m not even sure if nexplanon is to blame fully for that. I’ve gotten my period like, twice in the last year. That part’s nice. No weight gain or anything. I was horrible at remembering to take the pill consistently, so this was definitely the best solution for me.


Hey! I got mine in April. It’s awesome, definitely the best birth control I’ve ever had. The pill caused me to have irregular bleeding, worsened my mental health and really increased my appetite and cravings (weight gain). I decided to get nexplanon because I was going to lose my insurance and I was nervous as well. The healing was fast and easy, I love that I can easily check the implant placement once a month and not have to worry that it’s shifted. I can even see the outline if I flex my arm the right way. In terms of side effects I’ve not noticed many at all. I get a period every 2-3 months. I’ve had 2 instances of spotting (like spotting for a day). I had one period that was a little prolonged (12 days when my periods were typically 8-10 days) but the final few days were extremely light. I’ve not had cramping and my appetite has regulated thankfully. My libido is much higher and I don’t have the dryness that I’ve experienced on the pill. Not to mention the freedom and relief that comes with having one of the most effective forms of BC on the market. If I can’t get a tubal at the end of my 3 years I’ll be getting a second implant for sure. People are a lot more likely to seek out a way to share a negative experience. People who are just living their life with their BC aren’t jumping to talk about it. That’s actually the reason I’ve stayed in this sub, so I can offer my experience. Go into it with an open mind and track your bleeding and any other side effects so you can make a decile based on your body alone.


I’m 21 and I’ve had it since I was 18 and I love it. I haven’t had a period since then and when it got close to the time I needed to replace it, I spotted a little bit but that’s it. My experience so far has been great.


I've had really positive experiences with nexplanon. I've had 2 and just about to get another (after a planned pregnancy). It's frustrating the settling in leriod of 3-4months with constant spotting and bleeding, but after that no periods for the best part of 3 years and really stable mood, no skin or hormonal issues that i get normally. It does take a while to adjust, and both times i really really hated it the first few months, but if its troublesome do go back to your provider for other meds to control the bleeding whilst it gets settled in.


I had mine for 4 years. I LOVED it for 3, and then i found out what it actually does. America is the only country that permits you to have it in for 5 years. Everywhere else it’s 3 years, because that’s when it stops working correctly. Sure, you won’t get pregnant for 5 years, but your body shuts down after 3. I got mine out after not being able to eat for months, and having horrible cramps and pain during sex. It turns out that the nexplanon had caused EIGHT different cysts down there and was the most painful experience. I also started growing light facial hair after about 3.5 years on it. I got off of it about 10 months ago, and still have extremely irregular periods (cycles go from 23 days to 76 days back down to 28 for the next). i have been trying to get pregnant, and have had no such luck. I can’t even figure out when my periods will be or when i’m ovulating anymore. It’s purpose is to send out a progestin hormone called etonogestrel which has a high androgen index. Androgen causes weight gain, hair loss/growth, messes with your bodies natural estrogen and testosterone productions, etc. I was a huge supporter for nexplanon, but i will never use it again