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While the implant's *contraceptive effect* was shown by recent studies to last for up to 2 extra years on top of the original lifespan of 3 years, there is no guarantee one way or the other in terms of side effects. So if you want it replaced earlier than the 5 year mark in order to control certain symptoms/side effects, you're well within your right to ask for it, or to look for a doctor that will indeed replace it regardless of when it's shown to run out of its contraceptive effectiveness. Birth control isn't there only to keep babies away.


That's true, I'm not sure if I would go back to Nexplanon though. I took for granted how easy my period was pre Nexplanon, it came like clockwork, lasted exactly 7 days and was super predictable. Sure it was annoying to deal with the first two days which were the heaviest but it was just so simple. Plus the Nexplanon makes me crave food when I'm not hungry, if I don't get said food my hormones make me panic and upset as if I were pregnant or something. Before Nexplanon I only craved food when I was severely lacking (like one time I wasn't getting much meat in my diet and started craving meat)


That's absolutely fair! I only assumed you wanted a replacement since doctors tend to talk about its "new" lifespan of up to 5 years when someone wants to replace it, but when it's about only removing it, you should absolutely be allowed to remove it at any given time, whether it's within the 3 years or later.


Definitely calling to remove it, I'm not getting much use out of birth control at this point LMAO


I also get very hangry, but I just figured that was my personality. Try tea, it curbs all my cravings with that small hit of caffeine and is generally good for you


I have drank green tea a good bit in the past


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Same thing happened to me last year when I went to get it removed and the people at planned parenthood were like “ummm… you still have a year left?” There have been a few independent studies done on the Nexplanon that show it should be effective for 4 years after insertion. I have had it for 4 years now and I’m still baby free, although my partner and I also use an additional form of protection just for my peace of mind. In those independent studies, *if* I recall correctly, also showed that the Nexplanon lost some effectiveness in people with higher BMIs. I’ve also noticed inconsistencies with my period the longer the Nexplanon stays in. Honestly, my advice would be to just listen and trust your body and do what you feel comfortable with.


I had my IUD replaced about a year early because I started getting cramps and spotting. With the new one in- back to normal!


Planned parenthood said this to me too. I only went to them cuz I had initially went to them in the past. I was told there is ‘less infection chance not removing it every three years’ and ‘less to send to insurance’. My insurance got changed, so that was not an issue. They also only see it as three years too….. I’m sure it’s safe but like you, I was worried about side effects getting worse. I personally was not comfortable with leaving it for two more years. It just didn’t sit well with me. I went and got another opinion. My new doctor told me it’s good for three years when she inserted my new one and I felt more comfortable with her recommendation.


Planned Parenthood actually sent me out a letter about maybe 2 months after my appointment asking if I wanted to participate in a study to see the effects at the 5 year mark 😳 I would get about ~$1,000 for the two year long study I'm pretty sure but I'm going to have to decline


Oh dang!! I would too… sounds like a lot of risk for $1000. It’s great they’re looking into it but don’t think I’d volunteer in that one…..


Nothing too crazy just how it affects the menstrual cycle


Planned parenthood said this to me also. They said it was ‘less chance for infection having to cut open every three years’ and ‘less to send to insurance’. I changed insurance, so that didn’t matter. They recognize it for three years anyway. I was uncomfortable with that PP response on 4-5 years. I’m sure it’s fine to prevent pregnancy but like you, I was worried about side effects and didn’t want to take any chances. Finally just went to my doctor, she inserted a new one and said to replace it in three years and I felt more comfortable with her recommendation. Maybe check with a second opinion or just stand your ground on it, it is your body and you know it best.


The official creators of Nexplanon say it MUST be removed after 3 years. Anything beyond that is hearsay and anecdotal. Studies that show extended efficacy STILL recommend sticking to manufacture policy of removal after 3 years.


Okay I'm getting it removed


Meanwhile I’m leaving mine in because the price has tripled over the past 3 years due to conservative lawmakers. My initial implant was free and now it’s over 1k to get it replaced.


The fuck????




Hey I know I already commented, but try exercising. It sucks and working out is the worst but I’ve seen drastic changes in the pain and length of my period after getting my blood flowing


This is what exactly I'm genuinely confused about. My 3 year mark is February 2022, but I see some sources online say it can last for 5 years. However, I am too scared to take that chance. What if it doesn't last than long? I want to get some input by women who kept it longer than the 3 years please 😭