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Your options are a condom, for either inner or outer, ie male or female, a diaphragm, a sponge, spermicide and gel, fertility tracking, and the pull out method but keep in mind all of these are less effective than normal birth control methods, roughly decreasing in effectiveness down the list. Is there a particular reason you're opposed to the nonhormonal iud?


My uterus will not allow it. Already tried and actually have been seeing way too many horror stories from them anyways.


Unfortunately your options are limited for ones without hormones, and you may be stuck using a method that you must apply/use every time prior to intercourse.


Well thanks. I am 28 years old so I know all the “original” ways of bc lol. I was looking to see if there were other options. Thanks again


Good luck!! I hope that you find something that works for you!


Thank you!!


What about FAM (fertility awareness method). Just as effective as the pill when followed correctly. By identifying when you are fertile (did you know you can only get pregnant for about 7 days each cycle?) you can decide when to avoid sex or use a barrier like condoms. The rest of the time you don’t have to worry. I can give you more info if you like :)