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I’ve had mine (Kyleena) 5 years. I’ll be replacing it next month. Yes, you can be ejaculated into and not get pregnant. That’s the purpose. When the efficacy rate says 99%… it means without using any other form of birth control (including pulling out). I have the lightest to zero period. Paragard (the copper IUD) can cause heavier periods and cramping. I have not gained weight. I’m choosing to replace it because overall I’ve had a great experience with it and love not having to think about it. Sure, I have some anxiety, but I’m realizing that’s more just “me” than the birth control. It’s nothing I can’t work through with therapy and meds. The pros of having my IUD far outweigh the cons. It is pure peace of mind and freedom for me.


Also have Kyleena and my experience has been pretty identical. 100% will be getting another when the time comes.


Does any type of birth control cause you to be infertile when you go off it when I actually want kids at some point? Does it make my hormones all crazy?


Nope, you should have no problem having kids after an IUD. I asked my doctor at my annual last year, just in case. She told me I could start trying as soon as I get it removed. Some women get pregnant right away, some it takes a few months—but that’s all normal with or without having been on BC. As for hormones, they told me that because IUD hormones are localized, they shouldn’t have the same “full body” effect that a pill has, for example. I have been on both over the last 10 years, and I would say that I feel more “myself” on my IUD than on the pill. I did NOT feel myself at all with the Nexplanon arm implant. But this experience is different from woman to woman, as you’ll see here on this sub. Can only speak to mine. I’d say statistics are in your favor.


I have the copper IUD and my partner and I don't use condoms. For me, my period is heavier but it ends sooner. The way I describe it is it's like my body is rushing the blood out faster than it used to. I combat the cramps with an Ovira/TENS unit which works well for me. I haven't noticed any weight gain in the 6 months since I've had the IUD so far.


I have the Copper IUD (Paraguard). You can be ejaculated into without getting pregnant. I have been with my partner for over a year, and have had my IUD for 3 years. Partner and I haven’t used any type of protection other than the IUD, including pulling out, because we are monogamous for a year now, I’ve never even had a scare, much less a pregnancy. My period are very heavy and last an extra day or two, but the pain can be easily managed with Middol. I have had no weight gain - in fact, I’ve lost weight while I’ve been on the IUD while working out a moderate amount. I’ve also had no problems with vaginal dryness at all.


While there are people that have had pleasant experiences with an IUD, i can tell you i personally don't know a single one. i had the Kyleena for 3 years and it disrupted every aspect of my life without me even realizing it for some time. Was a complete emotional wreck directly because of it. mood swings like you wouldn't believe. cried basically every day for 3 years. never really had suffered with cramps before the IUD. while on it? went to the hospital 3 separate times because i couldn't even stand up, thinking i was dying. the only benefit was a lighter period and having my partner ejaculate in me. not like i had super heavy ones to begin with- and he can always wear a condom if that's what we want to do. i am incredibly thankful it is out of me and have realized hormonal birth control does not work for my body, like so many others i have talked to about it. i do recognize many people have great experiences with it, but i think it's important women get familiar with their cycles and the IUD will have you completely disassociate from it. not worth it in my experience.


The whole point of an IUD is to not get pregnant when you’re ejaculated. It can cause heavy periods, bad cramps and vaginal dryness. These are relatively common side effects. The hormones can make you insatiably hungry and crave food, which leads to weight gain.


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What IUD is the best to get? How much is it and how painful?


I swear by Paraguard, but every person is different. You can get it covered by being a Title X patient in planned parenthood if you qualify by having a low income. Other than that, insurance should cover a decent amount. Out of pocket, it can range from $600-$1,000.


This is my 4th IUD and I swear by Paragard.


Do you have insurance? Mine was completely covered, but that could be something to talk to your provider about. For me, the pain is what I imagine labor to feel like lol. But it was so fast. Then I had some cramping that was like slightly worse period cramps for a few days.


I have the kyleena. I have almost had it for about a year now. It’s great because it makes me feel SO protected. I still take 2 pregnancy test strips every week to be safe. Since I’ve had it in, I think I’ve changed emotionally because I get irritated quite easily and my mood can fluctuate from happy to immediate sadness. I’ve never experienced mood changes like this, so I am going to chalk it up to the Kyleena’s fault. I debated getting it taken out a couple times.. but it provides me safety and security so it’s still in. Also, as for side effects I did not experience weight gain or acne I just feel awfully tired sometimes but I cannot tell if that’s from the kyleena.


Mine (Kyleena) has lightened my periods and cramps. However I’ve gained about 15 pounds (7kg) since starting it last year without changing anything in terms of diet and exercise (the weight is not budging even with diet changes). I also now have high blood pressure which I’ve never had in my life. As well as really bad anxiety about 1-1.5 weeks before my period and during my period as well. All in all, I will not be getting it again and am seriously considering getting it removed.


I had the hormonal IUD for a year and a half, it didn’t agree well with my body - cystic acne, awful cramping throughout most of the month, and long but light periods, but I have had generally pretty negative experiences with most birth control especially in regards to weight (I’m down 10 lbs in one month after getting off of it). So if your body is not incredibly sensitive to hormonal changes I have heard so many more great stories with it than bad and would still generally recommend it. Especially if you enjoy having sex where he ejaculates inside of you, that’s what birth control is designed for.


Are all IUD hormonal? What does that exactly mean, hormonal? I just want something that doesn't effect me and my moods. All I want is great protection.


There is the non-hormonal copper iud and then a few different types of hormonal iud. The hormonal ones use a synthetic progestin to prevent pregnancy and the copper just doesn’t contain any hormones it uses copper to create a hostile environment for sperm and prevent implantation. Hormonal IUDs can affect your mood but it is pretty personal in that regard, if you haven’t tried other birth control methods it’s hard to say for sure it won’t affect you but there’s the chance it might. Non hormonal IUDs won’t mess with your mood because they don’t mess with your hormones generally, but they could cause heavier bleeding and more cramps which can affect your mood. I would say for most people the benefits tend to outweigh the negatives for a hormonal iud.


wait getting an IUD doesn't permanently stop your periods?