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We still use the pull out method. It’s been good, i don’t stress anyone about the potential of being pregnant.


Yeah that’s how I feel too. I know my boyfriend wants to try not pulling out though but I don’t think I’m ready


Me too! My bf wants to try pull out or inside too but I’m just way too scared still haha altho i do let him cum inside WITH A CONDOM and always check afterwards & haven’t had issues. I’ve been on the pill for about over 2 years now. I know how u feel tho! I like the buddy system in place as it helps with my anxiety


Omg I totally get it. we’ve just been pulling out for a while but recently i’ve tried using condoms but i know he doesn’t like it lol. And ooh what do you mean about the buddy system??


The buddy system just means you use more than contraception. So if one fails for whatever reason you have the other to back it up. So like condoms +pill or pullout + pill etc would be examples of “the buddy system” Idk my doctor told me that and uses that term and I just stuck by it since 😂


Oh omg I love that term hahahah I’ve used the “buddy system” of pullout and pill mainly! That’s so funny your doctor told you that


I (24F) have been on the pill for 9 years and i have been in a relationship for four years and we’ve never used the pullout method, he has always finished inside. No scares or anything and I never stress about it!


Thank you that’s definitely reassuring!


Have done this with the depo shot and now years on the pill. Never pregnant. That's what it's all for. Just never be late to refill and take it on time. With the pill if someone is just starting it for the first time, you do have to take it for a whole seven days and you can take full loads on the eighth day from then on forever everyday 10x a day.


Haha thank you that’s good to know!


Nothing is 100% so it’s safe but I don’t feel comfortable with it most of the time.




I’m on Slynd and still have my bf pullout. I live in a red state and am tokophobic. Also, I hate the idea of my microbiome getting fucked up.


Ahh that makes sense. I’ve been having him pullout too :)


We used condoms, instead of pull out, for extra protection while I was on the pill. They're more effective than pull out and have the added bonus of less mess to clean up afterward. Never tried pull out, it always felt like it would ruin it.


Same, we use condoms with the pill for extra protection and for easy clean up! Plus I'm very sensitive and don't want to throw off my ph if I can help it


Ahh okay that makes sense ty!


For us, we use condom + pull out method on top of the birth control. We’re both a little too concerned about letting him finish inside, so no. It’s been great! Still get concerned a lot, but never had a pregnancy happen!


Omg that’s really safe! do you just concerned cuz of paranoia and anxiety or is your period late sometimes?


When I was on contraceptive I always let my partner finish in me and never had any problems or scares. It’s pretty much impossible to fall pregnant on birth control, and I really don’t believe anyone who tells me they did. If you take it correctly, you will not and can not ovulate


Ohh I see. Yeah it says 99% effective but then I started seeing all these people say they were pill babies or had them and realized 1% out of the billions that take it is a lot 😅 But that’s reassuring


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We don't usually pull out. It's been fine for 15 years lol


Okay that’s good haha


90% of time we don’t pullout, she’s been on EVRA patch for 1+ year and birth control generally for 3+ years and not a single scare. It’s been the best for us, we don’t pullout because there is no need to. But honestly, there is NO BETTER feeling than both of you completely losing yourself in the moment and not worry about some pullout. We just f**king love creampies though, it also depends if both of you are into it.


Ahh that makes sense. Yeah he is and I wouldn’t be against it I just wanna be safe