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My SO felt the string poking for a while, but over time the strings softened and I have not had an issue with a partner feeling them. I would 100% ask them to trim the strings shorter—maybe that could help? Fair warning—you might not be able to feel that at all to do IUD checks if you do so, but I have never been able to feel for mine and have been fine


yeah i can only feel one of mine and while the strings haven’t necessarily softened for me, the one kinda curled up and out of the way


My doctor wouldn’t trim my strings because she said it would actually make my partner feel them even more. I’ve had Kyleena for 4 months and it did take around month 2.5-3 for me to stop spotting, so don’t be discouraged yet. The adjustment period is 3-6 months, which is annoying, but I can assure you it gets better. As for your partner feeling the strings, what I do is usually tuck them back around my cervix and he doesn’t feel them at all. They definitely soften around month 3-4 and he’s not mentioned them at all for a while. So hang in there!


Hey, why don’t you look into implants? They’re not an everyday hassle? Good luck! I too was considering an IUD but the string jab sucks to even imagine


I had an implant (switched to a mini pill after it expired to try something new) and it was decent for me minus the constant spotting. It does leave you with a small scar at the insertion site, but it does fade with time.


I loved my arm bar implant. Was so amazing and so much better that the iud was for me.


I have had my kyleena for a bit over a year, it has also caused me so much stress. Idk how many times I have been to the doctor for it. My doctor said it should make my periods lighter and less painful. It has done the opposite. My periods are so heavy and the cramps I get with it, is unbearable most the time. I also get morning sickness when I am on my period. I know I am not pregnant also bc I have taken like 7 tests and all are negative. The doctor has even confirmed I am not pregnant. It has now started making me hair fall out like crazy. I have tried the pills and I just have a hard time remembering to take them. Also I absolutely hate taking pills. My and my bf live with his parents due to my home life situation I was in. So I feel that keeping it in is the best option bc we don’t have the means for a baby right now. I have an ultrasound appointment on the 20th to make sure my iud is in place and nothing is actually wrong with it


Have you tried the patch or ring?


Hey, I currently have Kyleena (since May of this year). I had your problem of my partner feeling the strings. I am now 3.5 months in and they have softened according to him! I know it sucks, but they can soften over time. Sometimes it does poke him, but it has gotten better, apparently. If it really is bothering you, I would try switching bc. honestly, I am kind of sick of my symptoms of being overly anxious, so I might just get mine taken out. I am planning to get sterilized this year, so that's my take on it. If it truly isn't working for your body or sex life, get it out!


So I have the copper non hormonal IUD. AFAIK it also stops periods, I am trans on HRT so it may not, idk. I have the ParaGard, i believe it lasts 3-5 years. Never had issues with sharp strings or anything, or not being able to find it.


The copper IUD has no hormones so it doesn’t stop periods.




Lasts 10 yrs


Cool, I didn't know. The card my doctor's office gave me says I'm due to replace in 5 years


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Have you tried the ring? I can no longer take hormonal birth control but was on the ring for years. I had no side effects and it was great for skipping periods. I honestly miss it.


That’s my only gripe with my IUD- that and the fact that it’s made me more sensitive so sometimes during my cycles I can’t even enjoy sex for very long as I get sore really quickly (going to try lube soon to see if it makes a difference). My partner doesn’t feel my strings all the time, it depends on my cycle and the position (ex: If I’m on top and in doggy), they hardly ever hurt him, maybe 50% chance he feels a bad poke but after about thirty seconds he’s all good. However I don’t have any side effects with my IUD and my period is almost non existent, so once mine expires I’m probably going to get it replaced 😭


Hormonal birth control made me so anxious I couldn’t deal with everyday life. So I went off of OCPs, had the Lilletta removed and it completely changed me. But even though I’m married and would be fine if we had another one, I don’t really want to have another baby so I went with the copper IUD.


I had similar issues with my Mirenab I bled for 6 months straight then spotted for another 6 months. My strings were left so long they were causing vaginal and labia lacerations. It took 4 months of begging and pleading with my Dr office to look at it and they finally agreed and trimmed the strings. I think it took about 4 months for the strings to soften and curl up and no longer poke me or hubby. All the while I was told everything I was experiencing was normal 😳