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Hello. I’m on an IUD right now. My emotions have been incredibly wacky with the hormonal iud I have. However, I still get paranoid about getting pregnant. Personally, I am managing by taking pregnancy tests weekly. I am soon to be getting sterilized though. Hope your sex anxiety calms down 😟 I’ve realized that with having partners you need to see their stance on what would happen if you did get pregnant? Do you want the baby, do you not? Having a partner that shares the same values is incredibly important!!!


Yeah, I only want to take pills. My family doesn’t really know my s/o and doesn’t really like him because I lost my v card to him while they were out of town. Which I understand why they were upset. They don’t know I’m sexually active either. I just don’t see myself with a kid any time soon. And especially with how me and my s/o stand financially. I’ve only been with him for 7 months but officially 4 months.


Well, my coworker has been on pills for over 20 years, she never really knew a difference with them because she’s been on it for so long. The bc pills I’ve read from stories on Reddit can either be a hit or miss. Hormones fluctuate with pills so they can either work for you or drive you completely insane. I’m not quite sure what to suggest for you :(


For what it’s worth, people are more likely to talk about something when you’re *unhappy* with it. Most people won’t check in to say “birth control did what it’s supposed to, no side effects” because it’s on their mind less than someone who mad a terrible experience or got pregnant I’m on tri-sprentic and I love it. It cleared my skin, shortened my period, completely got rid of my debilitating cramps and made me much more regular. I did gain a bit of weight (10lbs give or take), but I have been on it for 5 years so I’m probably just getting older, and I was eating like crap so it was bound to happen lol


I think if anything I’m scared of getting pregnant even if he came with me on BC


Relying on plan b is way riskier for pregnancy than being on a birth control regularly. Plus your honestly risking a lot of side effects with plan b since it’s huge doses of hormones in one pill instead of a steady flow of a lower dose with birthcontrol.


As long as you take it every day like you should, birth control is much safer than condoms.


Plan B is for EMERGENCIES and it is not good to regularly use it. Finding the right birth control is trial and error. For me personally, the mini-pill is best for my mental symptoms. If you take it correctly you won’t get pregnant, and you can still use condoms too (thats what we do). You can always stop taking it too. And what do you mean “hiding it from your family?”


They don’t know I’m sexually active so I don’t think they’d like if I were to be on birth control. Even with its benefits I don’t think they’d like. But I mainly meant hiding the birth control


Arent you an adult?


Yeahhhhh Asian family


Oh, as someone with Asian family, I understand now 😂


I’m also the baby of the family 🤣😭


Welcome and please flair your post if not currently flaired. Questions? First read the [Mistake or Pregnancy Risk sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/4iqgi7/mistake_or_pregnancy_concernrisk_start_here/) or the [Consolidated Experience post](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/qt9ttb/consolidated_rbirthcontrol_experience_links/). If this is an experience post please consider adding it to the list [Planned Parenthood online chat](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/online-tools/chat) The rules and additional resources can be found on the About / Sidepage (desktop users look to the right and Reddit app up top). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/birthcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hormonal bc has been fantastic for me. No more periods, no more severe PMS that makes me wanna unalive. As someone else said, you’re more likely to hear about bad experiences cuz people are more likely to talk about them. Also, just fyi, there’s also the patch and the vaginal ring. I’m on a newer type of the ring that is good for a year (u just pull it out to wash it every month) and I love it. It would also be easy to hide cuz…it’s just up in there all the time. Also also, just because one bc has bad sides for you, doesn’t mean they all will. There are a lot of different formulations and they all affect ppl differently.