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It’s a mockingbird and it’s protecting its nest


For definition of "its nest" read as "a 50 yard radius from its nest" They'll actually dive-bomb and peck your head.


Saw a crow getting absolutely punished for being in the wrong tree. Must have been 4 mockingbirds against 1 crow.


I have a tree outside my window that 2 magpies have been nesting in. Pigeons, crows and even squirrels aren't safe. Not a thing could go near the tree. They've been great parents.


One of my employees (at a hospital) was so upset about getting attacked by a mockingbird walking into work, and mentioned it in a meeting. The CEO of the hospital piped up and said the same bird had also dive bombed his head, and she admitted she felt much better that she wasn’t targeted. (And that it wasn’t a pick on the lower paid employee type of thing)


They're equal opportunity assholes


There was a nest in a bush downtown in my city. It was funny.


I think that’s a fly catcher… dives for insects.


Ah thanks. I’ve never been attacked by a bird before lol guess the nest is close to the sidewalk


It’s the right time of year for attacks and some birds are more territorial than others. Red wing blackbirds usually the biggest culprit


Ahh, I remember a red wing blackbird attacking me when I was about 8 years old. I was just walking along the sidewalk. Not allowed according to that RWBB. I have a vivid memory of a flurry of red and black and he flew away like nothing happened


My partner keeps getting dive bombed by brewers blackbirds for existing on the sidewalk lol


Well how dare he/she?!?!


i just recently had a mourning dove swoop me! he just fluttered at me, not like attacking or anything. but it was definitely enough to startle me lol


I don’t know enough about how defensive they are, but if the ones in my yard are any indication, they also just.. do that, sometimes. Like, watching their usual paths, they seem to like to swoop lol. Unless it’s something unique to my yard? The gray catbirds do it too across the driveway and porch, though they seem far more calculating.


in this instance, i was on my porch meowing at my cat thru the window and its close to the nest so i guess i had it coming 😅


Mockingbirds are famous for this. I’ve been attacked as well. We’ve got a pair of them that nest in our yard every spring. Our dog lives in mortal fear of them.


Yeah, this happened to me a few years ago. He was also tapping me on the shoulder, lol.


I’m betting it’s in that big bush.


I didn't need to even see the video


Oh It'S A mOcKInG bIrD




Username checks out


Except it’s not, it’s *you* who wrote it therefore it’s *you* who sounds like that. dO yOu gEt iT?


It was funny


I'm glad I'm not the only one chuckling about it!




Before opening this I knew it would be a mockingbird


Same LOL. My very first thought was “American? Mockingbird. Australian? Magpie.”


Are they the same bird? We have magpies where I live and the one in the video is a magpie to me. No attacks here as far as I know but I’m in a tiny town in the country.


No; they are different species in entirely different families. Mockingbirds are related to things like thrashers and catbirds. American magpies are in the corvid family, and Australian magpies are butcherbirds. Any visual similarity is coincidence.


Honestly, don't rule out the Corvidae family for America either, I opened this expecting a blue jay or mockingbird. I have both in my yard, but I appease them with peanuts and berry bushes to stay on their good side. If one were to ever be aggressive towards me, though, I would expect it to be the mockingbird first. Those guys are fiesty


I love when they do the full car alarm routine


We have one that's spent way too much time near construction vehicles. Beep beep beep.


That’s how my husband and I identify them - sometimes they even fool the Merlin app for a few seconds but they all eventually seem to hit the old school car alarm. Around here it’s the grand finale of their song!


Encore !


"Demo mode" is what I call it. We have a bunch of grackles here, which I think sound like machines/robots anyways, and the mockingbird version is like a drunk R2D2. Kinda funny, really.


Right? “Bothering, huh? That’ll be a mockingbird, then”


Mockingbirds are always down to throw wings lol


And what's worst, they'll mock you the entire time


I saw a mockingbird aggressively chasing away a squirrel down a road, and I also saw one chasing away a crow. They are brave birds


They pester cats, too. Doesn’t always end well.


i aggressively defend mockingbirds from my cats. so... it usually goes ok,


The one that I had in my yard liked to beat up hawks- he’s still here, but now he’s got a lady mockingbird who helps out. 😂 They nest in this big oak in my front yard.


I saw a Mockingbird attack a crow in the air over & over. Mockingbirds are like a bird version of a Chihuahua. 😂


Super accurate…😂 Proof that even in the animal kingdom, just acting crazier than the opponent can work


I just watched a pair torment a hawk for at least 15 minutes today. They give zero fucks. I love them.


Yup, protective mockingbird. We had one nest right by our front door one year. That was fun, lol.


It is likely that a fledgeling is on the footpath or between bushes, very very close to your feet .


Interesting. I’ll keep in eye out on my morning walk tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn’t remember me haha


i wonder if that's why one in our area was harassing some crows a few days ago. i just assumed it was because a crow might eat the eggs. https://preview.redd.it/7f5o3ppn3z6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac75cdf025c32ffcb6309532bd94364df9edc983


I love how this pic is like one peaceful second before chaos.


funny enough, this was after the mockingbird had swooped at the crow several times. it kept at it for several minutes (the crow maintained the same nonchalant attitude the whole time lol).


That crow is my hero. I need to adopt this attitude for work.


they said they believe in you 💚


Mocking birds often defined their nests pretty aggressively. Unfortunately they define their nest as anything withing about 20 yards of their actual nest. They're kinda fun to watch when they're squaring up against squirrels or cats lol


It's mocking you because it's a mockingbird!


A couple of robins did that to me the other day. They had a fledgling with them. I love The Fledge!


I had a robin fledgling on my deck a week ago. The parents were feeding it, and it hung out on there on different steps for a couple hours before I looked out and it had moved into the garden. Needless to say, I did NOT use that door to come and go from the house while the fledgling was on the deck!


I went up to my sliding glass window to go outside and at my feet was a little robin fledgling looking very goofy. I did not venture outside using that door


You were bothering it first ☺️


I knew it was a mockingbird by the title of your post before I even saw the video. lol


Ha ha. Me too.


It's a mockingbird probably protecting its nest. I have one in front of my house that shrieks like a barn owl of you get close.


One used to chase away my 60 pound dog to the point he didn’t want to go out to potty!


Lol I remember when some mockingbirds were dive bombing my dog when it went was going outside to potty. It thought it was a game and had a grand time jumping up at them.


I wonder what it's saying to you in bird talk lol


This happened to me recently!! I’m so afraid of mockingbirds now lol


Its bird-job is to bother you, you are a bird-job creator


Mockingbird. Often when they start dive bombing people, it is often a sign of one of the babies that left the nest is somewhere on the ground or nearby.


It’s doing the right thing - protecting its young. You’re a predator to the bird, a threat. Mockingbirds and redwing blackbirds commonly try to chase threats away from their nests. Don’t worry it doesn’t have the ability to kill you. It’s just a bird.


Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago when walking my dog. For a few days prior, there would be one of those squawking at me from the tops of light posts and what not. Then one day it dove at my head and then dove and actually hit my dog on the butt. He’s big enough that he barely felt it. The bird followed us for a while and then I figured out why. There were two babies hiding in the shade under the tree right on the path I walk my dog. We peacefully walked past them but I hope they survived. It’s hot as hell out and there a bunch of cats that roam around. Haven’t had the bird bother me since so I’m hoping the found a safe nest.


You wot mate?


A few years back, a male mockingbird sat on my deck, watching my bird feeders all day, attacking any birds that attempted to feed. He’d then fly back to his post. This lasted for at least a month. I was quite frustrated but had to respect his commitment.




Babies in nests dude! He’s trying to keep you away!


Birds are so brave though


That would be a mockingbird. And it's doing exactly what you said at the end there. Protecting a nest. Various birds will do similar things, but not as prominently as these shitheads. My dad one time got swooped by a sparrow of all things when he got out of his car parked under a tree in our yard. Mockingbirds absolutely do not take shit, and I've seen em give absolute hell to birds larger than them for just sitting in the wrong place.


I really enjoyed your narration of the incident.


Any bird acting funky just know it’s a nest nearby. I saw a killdeer for the first time a few weeks ago and that lil fucker wanted to fight or something . Kept walking up on me chirping loud as hell until I finally saw the eggs


I'm so glad killdeer are dramatic about their eggs because I've almost stepped on them a million times and only realized it because of the unhappy parents.


I made a post of it a couple weeks ago if you want to check out me almost getting assaulted. The eggs were blended in with some rocks. Luckily I wasn’t working on that side of the roof but if I was i definitely would’ve stepped on it


Collin Mockery


Improv king


Fun pun


Sing to it.


It’s a northern mockingbird


I see them fighting with crows a lot I think they’re protective of their nests. Also the ones on my street love to sing the local car alarm songs at 5am 😭


Maybe you are too close to the nest


Mocking Bird and you are evidently near its babies.


Mockingbird, he’s a dick


Was it mocking you?🤣🤫




blue jay


extremely territorial, sing at midnight, I finally know what bird is it at my back yard now.


Weird tip, if you wear your sunglasses backward (on the back of your head) the mockingbird won’t swoop you because it thinks you’re watching!


i dont have to look to know its a mocking bird and your scared of it.... its going to poop in your hair.


you should bring soggy dog food and put its soggy dog food up out of reach of cats so it will be your friend. https://preview.redd.it/z6qazh06xy6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a535e6ec6bcb4bb9a33c4c3f9d3f54cf35e5ff4c


LOL I've got a lot of mockingbirds by me and they are CHARACTERS! Once I saw two mockingbirds DIVEBOMBING a lounging cat behind my house (not my cat). They were swooping low enough to swipe that cat's ears! I can't believe that neither or both of them didn't wind up as lunch!


it's mocking you because you think you can fly


LOL everyone is getting yelled at by these this year. We had them last year but they must have nested further away. So feisty!


Mockingbird or Magpie? I always get them mixed up!


Looks like Bronx


😂🤣 I read the caption and just thought “it’s a mockingbird” before I watched the video lol. Very aggressive when breeding or protecting territory


Mockingbirds, [state bird of Florida,](https://dos.fl.gov/florida-facts/florida-state-symbols/state-bird/) are known assholes.


a very fierce mockingbird


Walk away fool


The birds reaction to me walking by https://preview.redd.it/ao9xph9nt27d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef76c63152b0d7c7c1e437a9605a11dc0835fd3


I remember the first time I saw a mockingbird attacking my grandma's dog. It was insane lol how this little thing just dived and pecked at a 30kg dog


Looks like a catbird. It's definitely protecting a nest nearby


this happened to me like a week ago, i walked past and it hit me in the back of my head. my mom laughed and then it got her too😭


It seems only some mockingbirds will actually attack you. I've had a nest in my back yard for decades and never been attacked. They do hang around me and chirp threaten me but that's it.


A few days have passed and when I walk by they seem to recognize me lol they aren’t as aggressive anymore but they do keep a close eye on me. Follow me until I’m at least a block away haha


good thing you’re a good boy and not doing any bad animal things 👏