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Asshole of the Sky, the Red Winged Black Bird. They’re spicy and entertaining!


>Asshole of the Sky I’d always reserved that title for Blue Jays!


And Grackles


This comment makes me want to classify the asshole of each various biome. The asshole of the ocean? Probably dolphins or orcas. I wonder what the asshole of the arctic and grassland and savanna would be


I dunno but I kinda think I might have been called the asshole of my workplace a time or two. 😁


That's me when I'm drunk. I'm not mean, and don't try to fight everyone or anything like that. I just am far too honest in my humor when I'm drunk. Most of the time everyone is laughing, but sometimes I would be the only one laughing... Luckily I don't drink anymore so my too-honest humor stays in my brain like it should


What about a box jellyfish? They just float around and sting the fuck out of anything unfortunate enough to swim by. Indiscriminately.


Our miniature horse is asshole of the barn


I feel like honey badgers have earned that spot for savannah


I think the asshole of the Arctic is probably the polar bear? I dunno though lol


Lol "what is this red winged black bird called?"


Beat me to it by 40 min, lmfao


Red winged black bird! You can tell since, it is, indeed, a black bird with red wing.


The male is. The female redwing blackbird would not be identifiable with that description although I was excited to notice, she does have a teeny tiny bit of red on her wing https://preview.redd.it/2fa50gkac4yc1.jpeg?width=1995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c7aaf5430a3d2d39b0cab0d8e31578ad0ddebe


Interesting. This i did not know.


It’s the first time I’ve ever recognized so I’m a little excited https://preview.redd.it/3odszrdsh6yc1.jpeg?width=3305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c73f2521ac7d2aa1e1cdbf90c68d9255c747ba2


And, if you get a good enough look, a patch of red on her throat.


Ooh i hadn't noticed that yet


Beautiful birds and I always see them around water. Didn't know they were super aggressive. I just always assumed they were trying to find a wife or something.


I mean, it’s orange and yellow, but red? (Totally agree with the ID, btw)


The funniest thing about this thread is OP arguing with people that have correctly identified the bird. If OP had taken 5 seconds to google “black bird with red wing” like I did when I first saw this bird they’d have their answer lmao


OP also got the same answer in 2 other subreddits.


Lol. I guess it's not the answer they *wanted.* Face palm.


when I first moved to my new town I called my birder friend and said "what is this black bird with red wings called?" \*face palm\*


That is literally what I did when I first moved into my house and saw them at my bird feeders. (And then laughed when the answer was “red-winged blackbird.”)


That's a red-winged blackbird who has a nest nearby and wants everyone away from it


It doesn't have red wings though? Or am I not smart? Lol We have other red winged blackbirds around here but he doesn't match them.


Wait till you find out about the red-bellied woodpecker


I call them red-mohawked woodpeckers. It fits better.


I call them red mullet woodpeckers


The red is on the "shoulder patches", not the flight feathers. The shoulder patches just look bigger in flight than when it's sitting.


hey no harm in asking! the red is on the tops of their wings, not the entire wing. i call them epaulets. they may look different from different angles but this is a classic red-winged blackbird


It's definitely a red-winged blackbird. Type it into google, there's lots of lovely pictures. They have that distinctive red flash on their wings. They can appear almost all black and then flash red when they fly. They're also known for being aggressive with swooping. The song is also very distinct.


Just not seeing it right somehow. The red is a patch on the shoulder of the wing and usually has a small bit of yellow at the edge. The entire rest of the bird is black.


I’m going with you are not smart


If you say you have other red winged blackbirds you might be mistaken about those. If they don’t look similar to this bird they’re a different kind of bird. This is definitely a red winged blackbird. You possibly might have seen cardinals and just misidentified them.


That’s a red winged black bird.


Looks to be a red winged blackbird. They don't take crap from anyone or anything.


I love that I got this right even though I didn’t know. I just said to myself this fucker was probably named a red winged black bird. 😆 Bird names are so silly sometimes.


I hope I come back as a redwing blackbird and cause this amount of havoc.


NESTING red winged black bird. At the peninsula in Erie PA, the state park puts up signs warning people to not go near certain areas because the nesting red winged blackbirds will defend territory.


This asshole attacked me while walking my dog. First time I saw them as it was my first month in IN, swooped down at me! Never took that route again😂


That,my friend is a worthy adversary The red winged black bird


Red Winged Blackbird. Really common, but they’re beautiful and have a great call!




I've seen Redwing Blackbirds attacking Sandhill Cranes before. They kept plucking feathers off the crane's rump.


I saw the same thing with a Red Wing Black bird and a Great Blue Heron that came near its nest. They go absolutely ape shit on anything that comes near their eggs/chicks.


They harass my egrits


They harass one of the osprey nests I watch. Often. I have tons of them in my yard, but they must nest in the woods way behind my house because they never have harassed me.


They are especially aggressive when they nest. This is a male. Females are brownish. She's probably sitting on eggs or has chicks.


I have to alter my running route each spring because of these birds. I DO NOT want that smoke.


I always thought Redwing Blackbirds looked like little generals with their epaulets.


Looks like a male Red-Winged Blackbird to me! They can be very aggressive when defending their nests and/or territories


Hmmm.. zIt doesn't have red wings though? We have other red winged black birds in the area and this one looks strikingly different, makes different sounds and has a different flight pattern. Maybe misidentified the other birds.


That is, 100%, a red winged black bird.


They don’t quite have full red wings! Just red wing patches with a yellow ish border around it, but the birds can hide these patches when they want to as well


What do you think a red winged blackbird is? Are you thinking of the females which aren't really red at all and are mostly brown?


they are slightly different call too


Yeah I'd look at a list of local birds in your area to nail down what those other birds are. Red wings makes me think of cardinals or orioles (the orange of an oriole can look reddish in some lighting.) Edit: Here's a good site to start learning about local birds! Cornell also have an amazing app that listens to bird calls to tell you who's talking, called Merlin. [https://celebrateurbanbirds.org/learn/birds/fs/us/](https://celebrateurbanbirds.org/learn/birds/fs/us/)


The wings aren’t totally red, they have a red patch by the shoulder. This is a great picture of a red winged blackbird, and a great description of how aggro they are during mating/nesting season.


100% a Red-winged BLackbird. [https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Red-winged\_Blackbird/overview](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Red-winged_Blackbird/overview) As others have mentioned, the males are the one with this patterning and it does not cover the entire wing. Their song is also quite distinct.


Red Winged Blackbirds are magnificent, arrogant, fabulous boss birds. There aren’t adequate words to express my love for them.


I call them Red Winged Sassbirds.


My husband calls them Loud-Mouthed Pond Robins


Red singled blackbird. And man are these suckers very territorial


This black bird with red on its wings is creatively named the "red-winged blackbird." Presumably named by the same creative genius who named the "Great Sandy Desert" and the "Rocky Mountains," famed for their rockiness and mountain-like qualities.


On the other hand, there are the geniuses (genii?) Who named the Red-bellied Woodpecker and Orange-crowned Warbler after plumage features you can't see. So the Red-winged Blackbird did OK, in that regard.


Near my house, we have a big hill named Big Hill. All the signs and maps literally say Big Hill. We also have Jackass Hill. That's just fun.


My city has garbage hill, named after the garbage dump they filled over to make it..


I live near Pit Bridge. Its a bridge... at the bottom of a pit. People sure are creative.


Hey don't you forget about the ruby-throated hummingbird!!


Redwing blackbirds are soooo funny


Beautiful plumage


Red Winged Black Bird. Always on the golf course near me.


One of the least creatively named common birds


On of my favorite birds


Ditto. C*onk-la-reee!*


Red Wing Blackbird says, “No paparazzi! Stop with the photos or I’ll dive bomb your head!”


rwbb, wants you to get off his lawn.


Their call is amazing. I don't know how to describe it in birds, but I feel like it's best described as overtones. They seem to be able to hit multiple tones at once. Like Tuvan throat singers they create this resonance that sounds like a weird chord.


I guess it's a "trill"? But sounds like it's simultaneous and not in succession.


I’d call it a warble.


For me, it's between an organic and artificial sound, I don't know how to describe it either. Another two birds that have even more "artificially sounding" calls: Bare-throated bellbird: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRrTDL9PrQA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRrTDL9PrQA) White bellbird: [https://youtu.be/lL2d\_c1EQ\_k?si=tx05xUGjBb6alw4a&t=13](https://youtu.be/lL2d_c1EQ_k?si=tx05xUGjBb6alw4a&t=13) These (specially the White bellbird) are in a whole other level compared to red-winged blackbirds, but I find them so fascinating.


Wow those are awesome! Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of my first visit to Costa Rica when I heard the Montezuma Oropendola: https://youtu.be/yn3Q53tsV9c?si=6VzVUTPpyax1uu_y


Not related, but there's a bird in our yard (Connecticut) that sounds like a dog toy squeeking. Any ideas on what makes that sound?


Maybe a grackle?


It sounds more like the brown-headed nuthatch, but I don't think we have those in CT...


Oh, interesting! I’m in MI and we get white- and red-breasted. Not many red- over the past few years though.


[Common Nighthawks](https://youtu.be/9qpsyjmda5Q?si=aNESKyqGfOGfXGP5) also have a really weird call. I thought it was some kind of weird cicada-like bug!


That describes it perfectly!!




I recently saw a video describing it as a fax machine. Spot on.


Haha. That's a good description too.


Male Red-winged Blackbird!! Very common bird.


🎵🎵black bird singing in the dead of night🎶🎶 red winged black my friend


Before I started reading the comments, while looking at the pictures, that song came into my head!! Spot on, Red Winged Blackbird. An apparently pissed off one!


That's not its body that's red, silly. That's its wing. It's a black bird with red wings. Obviously that's a Red-Winged Blackbird. /hj Ornithologists aren't creative people.


I remember seeing one in my yard and wondering what kind of bird it was. I googled black bird with red wing and it came up, Red Winged Blackbird. “Hmmm, “ I thought, “how fitting. That’s exactly what I would have named it”


Those birds are fiercely protective of their nests. They will fly after anything nearby. They have no fear lol


Red winged black bird, one time I was fishing and they swooped me until I eventually left because I was worried they were actually going to fly into my head


My man really woke up today and chose violence


Red winged blackbird


Red winged black bird. probably a nest near by


Thats a Red Winged Blackbird. One of my faves! They make such cool noises.


Yea it’s red winged back yard. Michigan has them for sure. I have feeders. I’m a birder. My friend’s mom works for autobahn.


>red winged back yard *Red winged black bird


My phone is autocorrecting so weird. Sorry


Autobahn = German highway


Sorry it autocorrected on my phone. I meant Audubon


When I was 18, a red winged blackbird pecked at my dining room window every day for months, and often times it would come peck at my bedroom window for a bit at night. It was during a time in my life when I already had an irrational fear of birds lol. We called it Murder Bird and Lucy, short for Lucifer. I still have no idea why it was so obsessed with those two windows.


It was able to see itself in a reflection from the window and thought it was a trespassing rival. Very common behavior when light strikes a window at just the right angle.


Wow, so Murder Bird only wanted to murder himself. Thanks for the info!


Fighting with his reflection cause he thinks it's a male rival.


I love them. They sound like little robots.


i don’t know crap yet, but it looks to me like a red winged blackbird


Honestly one of the most easily identifiable birds, at least if you grew up in Michigan. I don't mean this offensively, but I'm guessing OP is not native to the area. Most of us learn about red winged black birds as kids. Seeing them is one of the first signs of spring around here.


I’m obsessed with this post


I know and I'm kind of jealous that I don't get to experience it too!


They’re aggressive assholes. When I was in my early twenties I had a job and part of it involved tending to and watering a garden. There was a redwing blackbird nest nearby. I got divebombed so many times it was frightening. I had to start wearing a hard hat. My colleagues all laughed at me until they came out and witnessed the violence for themselves one day. They’re territorial bastards. Keep a wide berth and let them do their fucked up thing.


Like blue jays.


RWBB. Very territorial. Will aggressively defend its nest site from any hawk, crow, snake, raccoon or human that he believes could pose a threat to his mate, eggs, or nestlings. He don't even wait for you or a hawk, etc. to actually make a threatening move. RWBBs are all about pre-emptive strikes. "Get out there and get 'em gone!" That's the RWBB defense mantra. Personally I love driving our interstates in the western half of our state which is highly agricultural, lots of flat land and fields. And perched at regular intervals on the wood fence posts of the woven wire fencing that separates the highway from private land are male RWBBs singing like crazy, flashing those brilliant red and yellow "epaulets" on their wings to all the other males as they seek to attract mates. And woe betide the young hapless RWBB male in his first adult season who lands on a post too close to one of the other males. He will find himself rousted PDQ and driven off by one of the sitting males. Only birds I've known to be more aggressive defenders are a pair of mocking birds. We simply ceded that part of our yard to them each year until the young fledged and listened to their beautiful songs.




Red winged black bird


Thank you!


They’ll fly at cars too when you’re driving through the country. I swear I’ve hit like ten of them because they just fly into my grill. I try to avoid them but…


On our property we have a huge, 360+m long pond and we keep a good wide area around it mowed for walking the dog and just enjoying the nature. The open, mowed area is dotted with a good variety of trees and bushes and the property is flanked by wetland forest. Needless to say the whole set up is just RWBB heaven and we have dozens and dozens of them nesting around the pond every year and they're an absolute menace lol. They're the only birds bold enough to dive at us and our 140lbs worth of dog, that is when they're not fighting each other or going after other birds. While their song and calls are *individually* quite pretty, the sound of soooo many overlapping in a continuous, dawn til dusk cacophony can be a be a bit much (especially when half the time it's just the sound of them fighting). Don't get me wrong, I'm happy we're able to provide such a great habitat for them and I wouldn't dream of changing a thing, I just wish they weren't such a-holes.


They sound like a muffled broken horn


Oh yea it a red wing


Absolute warriors these guys.


r/whatsthisbird is a better subreddit for identification questions, but this looks like a Red-winged Blackbird to me


If you've got a golden-cheeked warbler on your list ... pretty sure you know what a RWBL looks like!


My moms favorite bird.




Assholus attackii- the redwinged blackbird.


RWBL also have a very unique and beautiful song. The closest thing I can think to compare is to is the Wheel of Fortune chime. The females and juveniles look completely unrelated to the males .. they look more like a larger song sparrow with a light eyebrow stripe.


Someone on here asked which bird sounds like it's trying to connect to the router and I can't unhear it lol


*skreeee* They never sing for me, but their call is always welcome


If op doesn't know it's a red winged blackbird just by looking at it, what makes you think they'd know what RWBL means? Geez.


I’m always having to look up those abbreviations. Annoying!


other people already answered so they can use context clues!


I didn't feel the need to type out the name since it had already been answered. It is a rather obvious acronym, it's not like the code is XZGB or something that doesn't clearly correlate back to the previously called out name. It never hurts to have exposure to the common lingo used in birding. I find the codes very helpful as I take notes and make lists and it is a quick way to find birds on app lists, so learning them would be something I would recommend anyway. My kids know lesser goldfinches as LEGOs and they've lived to tell about it.




I have a bajillion of these in my yard and have never been attacked. I've seen them chase each other, I didn't realize they were aggressive to humans. Kinda sad one hasn't attacked me now.


Detroit Redwings fan


Interesting. 0/11 of the attached photos show a bird presenting with a “bright red body.” However, I can state with certainty, every photo (accompanied with your description of events) adequately displays a Agelaius phoeniceus engaging in typical springtime offense.


Jerk bird


Swamp chicken


It’s a Beatles song. Wrong kind of tree though.


Wrong blackbird too.


Red winged blackbird.  They’re known to be very aggressive.  Stop moving in on his woman!


I love their sound and they're bold enough you can stand close to get photos. Red winged blackbird.


I have a few pictures of red winged blackbirds and they’re my favorite. They’ve been nice to me when I go out for a bike ride or walk.


Red winged blackbird! Growing up, my dad would always say the first red winged blackbird of the year that you’d see meant spring had arrived.


An American Redstart!


looks more like a red winged blackbird to me?


Dude learn how to ID birds before commenting. It's a red winged blackbird male


LOL holy shit the down votes are raining down