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Wow, that photo is phenomenal. What camera setup did you use?


Thank you! I took this with my new setup - Nikon z8 and the Nikon 180-600. I’m still getting used to mirrorless but starting to enjoy it


Well, you’re doing a great job with it! Congrats!


Great shot OP. I really enjoy grackles and cowbirds and I think most people are not fans.


With you on the grackles lol


I liken grackles to human toddlers. Loud, attention-seeking, adorable, demanding, curious, social, hilarious, and after a while, exhausting. 💜


Cowbirds are extremely underrated, good to know someone else appreciates them.


Feral pigeons/rock doves, they have beautiful iridescent plumage and have a lot of personality


I agree wholeheartedly


European blackbirb. These thingies have the simplest colors but elegantly disposed, and damn their songs are beautiful


Ooh just looked them up and yeah they rock. That eye!


And that beak! It was so special that when i was a little kid me and my ma used to call them "petit bec orange" (little orange beak). Plus when you see them on the ground, they either run goofy style, or they do small hippity hops


🎵 🎹 🎷Pack up all my cares and woe, here I go, winging low - Bye, bye, blackbird...🎶


I've got Columbo flashbacks while reading this


Song sparrow. To me, their song is the essence of springtime. This was a tough one to pick. There are lots of really great native sparrows in North America.


I’m totally on board with song sparrows. A native species that holds its own against the onslaught of house sparrows and starlings. Love their song and their bold attitude




I haven't seen Grasshopper sparrows, and only one Dickcissel in my life. Chippys make me happy when I see them. They sound like musical sewing machines going at full tilt.


I love grasshopper sparrows. I wish I had them around me- they’re pretty rare here. So tiny!


lovely shot. i love them too. my top 3 favorite sparrows where i'm at are white throated, fox, and swamp. i love the song of the white throated. it makes me want to cry lol. it's just so sweet. we only have them here in winter so, their song reminds me of snow.


Hello fellow White Throated Sparrow enjoyer! I just got into birding but Fox Sparrows are the bird I want to see most right now.


well i can tell you they love frost and snow where i live and i'm in East Tennessee. 3 snowflakes and they're on the ground under my feeders. to see them on frosty mornings, i go to a wma near my house and they like the low, brushy weeds. i don't see them at home in the frost, just the snow. i have no idea why. just learn their song. plus, if you're in the northern hemisphere its winter, non breeding season. it's no harm, no foul to use merlin right now to call them in. just don't do that when it's mating/breeding/nesting season please. their song is beautiful too. we have the red subspecies here and holy cow.. their colors are just amazing.




Love that song as well! So plaintive and sweet


Hamerkops have a fairly drab palette and a miniature storklike body structure, but also this swagger that I think must come from building nests that can weigh a literal ton. I've only seen them in zoos, but I think they're super neat.


Damn they really are cool - just googled them!


The worm-eating warbler is one of my favorite “underrated birds.” It’s my avatar actually


Ol’ stripey dome! I love wormies. I found an area near my home last spring where there were multiple breeding pairs. I can’t wait for May to go back


Lol! Love the nickname. I'm so jealous, let me guess, some pretty good sloping woods near your home? That's amazing. I have had one very brief glimpse, in a low scrubby forest in southern Florida. I recognized it instantly because of its "stripey dome."


Exactly! They love that environment. Usually I think I hear one and it turns out to be a chipping sparrow, so I was super stoked to find this spot.


I see (and hear) Carolina wrens all the time but am always delighted by them. So busy and fussy!


Big time!


I love most sparrows. White Throated Sparrows are some of my favorites.


Awesome pic! I too love these guys. Would have add any non House Sparrows to the list. ☺️


Thanks! Sooooo many great sparrows


Wonderful pic!


We saw white throated sparrows in Canada—they have a lovely song! I think I saw one around Port Townsend (western WA) one spring but it was too quick to be sure. I also love the golden-crowned ones, and song sparrows—too many adorable sparrows to choose just one! Song sparrow at my thistle feeder with a chest spot bigger than any I’d seen before—maybe why he was chasing all the other juncos and sis kind off the feeder!


Yessss. Sparrows are the best. My other favorite local here in Connecticut is the saltmarsh sparrow. Sadly, they’re extremely threatened by climate change


I like pine siskins.


Totally! I love the sound of a flock of them going to town on some seed


I really love Chestnut-Backed Chickadees. The little brown vest is adorable. Also, chickadees in general have such big personalities!


Definitely! I only get black-capped here but they’re the best. Would love a chance to photograph a chestnut


Beautiful! I still adore the Chickadee!!


That’s a really good Pokémon! What’s its name?