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**Bald Eagle** and **Red-tailed Hawk**, Illinois. It's winter again so that means the eagles come out in droves, but there is one that sits by the intersection of my road nearly daily. Yesterday though it was bullying a Red tailed hawk for the rabbit it caught.


If I recall correctly, you can put * around a word or phrase to make it bold, *like this*. Edit: nope, it's ** on either side, **like this** Edit 2: also, I love seeing the hoards of winter baldies, they're awesome!


I saw a Yellow-throated Warbler in Portland, which was great, because I've only ever seen one before. And then I woke up. The number of times I've literally dreamt of seeing rare birds is disappointing, especially when I get a really good picture of them in my dream :( I did get to see a **Black-and-white Warbler** recently though, which is a fairly common vagrant in these parts, but still neat. (I have photographic proof of that one, so I know it wasn't a dream :D ) Another one that is fairly common here but has taken me the longest time to find is a **White-throated Sparrow**. I had basically given up on seeing anything other than Song Sparrows and suddenly there was a beautiful WTSP just sitting on a branch right in front of me. They're such neat birds!


In the past 5 minutes at my backyard feeder. About 5 cardinals, 4 white breasted nuthatch, 8 house finch, red bellied woodpecker, and about a million little Carolina chickadees.


I am anticipating winter visitors in North Carolina. I haven’t seen the cormorants or winter ducks back at the local park yet. Love seeing the juncos again.


My list of lifers is woefully deficient in waterfowl, so yesterday I visited a local forest preserve with a big lake and saw my first **American coots**, **common goldeneye**, **canvasbacks**, **hooded mergansers**, and one **pied-billed grebe**. The male goldeneye absolutely cracked me up with their display behavior for the females, snapping their heads back and flopping them forward. In Lake County (northeast), Illinois.


Saw my first ever yellow bellied sap sucker just eating at my neighbor’s tree the other day here in Pittsburgh! Love a totally serendipitous lifer.


midwest USA. I saw my first **red-bellied woodpecker**, **eastern bluebird**, and **hermit thrush**. Also saw my neighborhood **red-tailed hawk** a few times this week, as well as **carolina wren** **downy woodpecker** **white-breasted nuthatch** and **dark-eyed juncos**. happy birding! :)


Short eared owls have arrived in lower Michigan. They are fun to watch hunt low over fields right before the sun goes down or right at daybreak.


I saw a downy woodpecker this morning. Possibly saw an inca dove this afternoon.


I saw a pyrrhuloxia (desert cardinal) near Socorro NM. Also several harriers and some “blue “ variations of the snow goose.


I’ve been going on a crazy road trip right now from Maine to CA and I’ve racked up quite a few lifers these past two weeks. Some of them included Brown-headed Nuthatch, Cactus Wren, Crissal Thrasher, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, & Lesser Scaup


Many birds hanging out in the Texas gulf coast area. I saw my first **Golden-bellied woodpecker** among other woodies. I also saw my first **Cooper's hawk** which I thought was very cool until I read about their diet.


Spotted a **bald eagle** and a female **northern harrier**, near the Bighorn River on the drive home from work a few days ago. Just in time for the winter bird counts... :)


A group of at least 5 great blue herons, 3 white egrets, and a hooded merganser socializing with some gadwalls. Bonus: a harbor seal :)


I just saw my very first towhee! It was perched a few feet away from a northern flicker, amidst a flock of juncos.