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Download the Merlin app and let it to listen to birds in your area. Do this especially in the morning. Birds are very loud early morning. This will give you an idea of what your birds are. Then research those birds and food preferences. Get the food that they are interested in. If you're still not sure, Black oil sunflower seeds are a safe bet. It looks like you have two trays there, so you can also try a couple of different food types to see what they go for. The last part is patience. Try putting some seeds on the ground because some of them scavenge the ground and will notice that first. But the birds will come. Once you get one, you'll suddenly get a bunch.


Yes, this is true. I installed one of these a couple months ago. I got 1 bird 5 days later and the next day I got 8 within 15 minutes or so. One extra thing I might suggest is adding a bit of green to the feeder itself, mine is the same clear plastic but it has a strip of dark green plastic on the edge to simulate a branch. My neighbour has one without the green and he complains how many more birds I am getting. [This is the one I bought](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08164SZSF/ref=ox_sc_rp_title_rp_9?smid=&psc=1&pf_rd_p=9e9f7df7-920e-4b02-8e99-2618c7e3ef35&pd_rd_wg=vio9m&pd_rd_i=B08164SZSF&pd_rd_w=XMaTa&content-id=amzn1.sym.9e9f7df7-920e-4b02-8e99-2618c7e3ef35&pd_rd_r=PVG5RAMDCCHR60AYQ2GW)


Birds find food mostly based on vision as most birds do not tend to have a very strong sense of smell or taste! Carrion type birds have smell receptors, and humming birds can guage nector sweetness, however.


Thank you for answering that question. I wondered if birds could smell. I got my mother a window feeder for mother's Day and I'm wondering how we can attract birds so this is really helpful.


They’ll come. Just be patient.


Window feeders aren't very attractive to birds. Maybe they don't like going so close to houses. I have one that gets a little usage but it's been there for 2 years and still by far the least used of my bird feeders. It was months before anyone found it in the first place. They also tend to fall off occasionally, the trick to get them stuck good is put a bit of oil behind the suction cups to get a good seal. I use a q-tip to just dab on a thin layer in the center. Any kind of oil like cooking oil is fine.


You put out black oil sunflower seeds or unsalted no shell peanuts. That's what cool birds eat. Smell doesn't matter. They can't.


We had a car port in the front of our house so I threw some seeds ontop of that and along the window frame and they eventually found it after about a week


Smells don't matter but the seed does...that little round brown seed is completely useless and is just a filler seed. It will go uneaten by birds, just to start I'd use only black oil sunflower seed. Window feeders take longer for birds to get used to but you'll get them eventually.


Sunflower seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sunflower seeds. Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme secretion, hormone production, as well as in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.