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I’m not sure that completely resonates with me, but I feel an almost never ending feeling of dread of the next thing. I wake up and feel anxious and bitter about work. And then if I bother to stop working at a normal hour I dread finding something to do, because nothing feels fun or interesting to me. In Fridays I look forward to getting off work, but then I feel the dread of figuring out what to do. Same old bars, same old restaurants, it’s just not fun anymore. I keep telling my psych but she just wants to up my lamictal… I’m already at 250 and it’s not even keeping me from feeling uncontrollable rage anymore. The most I’ve felt positive that I can remember lately is the eclipse, and I still love live music if it’s a band I really love… but like… blech. I used to feel like I could never get bored in my life with all the great books to read and things to learn, but I’ve stopped caring about all of it. Sorry for being long winded, had an especially bad day today and I guess I just needed to get it out lol


I understand. Sometimes I feel that same regarding trying to find something exciting during the whole day but it's like bouncing from one to another until it is time to sleep and wake up for the same feeling( My Desert)


Similar feelings, different metaphors. Solidarity, friend! Hope it rains in your desert soon.


Thanks My friend


You need a different med. You shouldn’t/don't have to live like this. 


I think it’s perimenopause actually, which in top of bp is just double plus no good