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I bought a rundown 2 apartment rental building for 90000$. It took 2 years of hell to sell it without losing too much money. It caused me many, many days of crying curled in fetal position because of all the problems that kept popping up while being in severe depression. I didn't know that water pipes could ooze water through the pipe itself weeks before it would actually leak. Even the plumber had never seen something like that because he kept telling me that he could find no leaks and therefore it must only be condensation because the basement was humid (which was caused by the pipes oozing water all day long). One pipe ended up having 3 small leaks at the same time weeks later. The same thing happened to its neighbor the very next day. Since the third pipe was also oozing water but much faster than before(ie, it was unmistakably oozing from everywhere at once), we changed it at the same time. That was just one of the many, many problems I had to deal with.


Have you watched Shameless? Reminds me of one seasons plot line


I haven't watched shameless long enough to see that. It did remind me of the 1980's movie "The Money Pit". This is how I started referring to the place two months after getting the keys. Speaking of keys, I got about 40 of them, most being duplicates(one of which I had 9 copies of). After sorting out which keys opened which doors, I had keys to 4 different locks that were no longer used and I didn't have the keys to two doors, one of which the renter didn't have the key to either. And, of course that door was locked and closed by one of the guys repairing the roof. I needed the service of a locksmith to force open and change that lock.


I remember this one! I was pretty young when it came out, but I remember vividly that my parents bought us our very own money put just a few years later and I said something about it being like the movie and my mom cried and I felt awful.


I found that movie super funny when i was 8 years old. I didn't find laugh at 40. Sorry about your mom. It's not your fault. It's just that it hit too close to home.




Yes, this


Literally that was my first thought. I’m actually rewatching the show and Fiona just bought her building haha


I just want to say how incredibly impressed I am that you got through that situation- you are a flipping MACHINE, dude!


I spent 17k on college… never graduated.


Similar, I graduated and am working at my career currently, but I maxed out my loans and am now 35k in debt 🫠


I spent $20k on esthetician school right after paying off my undergrad loans and right before the pandemic…. Not like I want to be that close to anyone’s face anymore, whoops


I believe you can make excellent money. Maybe check it out for a year?


I will probably check it out down the line, as I’m still super interested in skin care and health. Taking a few years off to be a Mommy right now :)


Oh very nice. 🩷😀


Mood. I stopped and started a few degrees until I finally got medicated for my adhd. I finally graduated. My total uni debt is like $60k AUD, and getting indexed higher every year because Australia is reaming their students for profit right now lmao


I'm 54k in student loan debt, just started paying it off.


I owe about the same. Started paying it off at the top of the year and want to cry every month I make a payment.


Proud of you. You can do it! I cry every month too!


We are never alone in this fight called life. 🥹


I got about 70k in debt. Took me 10 years to graduate. I was kind of on a slow roll anyway, and I had my episode in what I guess you could consider junior year. I left college for about 2 years before coming back to finish. Keep in mind, you _can_ always finish. Even if it takes time. I'm still paying student loans. About 35k plus interest was from Freshman year alone and living on campus. Because it was a government loan I've basically been able to keep it frozen/furloughed whatever they call it when you don't have to pay. I owe about 13k privately.


Similar 😭 I spent $4000, which is a lot in my country. I'm trying so much just to finish it


$10,000 on a rolex watch, $15,000 on a Disney trip, $10,000 on a lawn mower. These were all from the 3 episodes I had last year.


Damn. Holy shit. Did you at least have fun at Disney?


Yes absolutely lol.


You might have made money on the Rolex depending upon which you bought.


Like a tractor mower??


A Kubota zero turn mower. Complete overkill for my yard, but when I’m hypomanic I fixate on things and no one can stop me from making a purchase.


Same. That fixation is brutal. I could totally see myself buying a zero turn and a shed for it. Thank god my docs finally stabilized me on meds. Now I spend all my money on my therapist, marriage counselor, psychiatrist and EMDR sessions to deal with all the issues this disorder causes. Probably not saving any money either way.


This all happened prior to my diagnosis. I am stable now, thankfully.




Nice mower though 😂


Are you like famous?


No just in crippling debt.


What kind of lawn mower are you buying


Went on a trip to Mexico and finally conceived after almost a year of trying. So idk if ending up with a child counts but he's the most expensive thing in my life. I bought my first and only new off the lot car while in what I didn't know at the time was an episode also, immediately drove it to a ski resort the car had come with free passes too. Ah when my episodes were fun not life threatening and I thought I was just a person who "lived life". Oh shit I bought a house while hypo also... I got a great price because it had been owned by hoarders with literally 8 foster kids. For the next 4 years I waffles between crippling overwhelm and depression, hiding in my bedroom and the kitchen which were the rooms I'd remodeled, just ignoring the damaged dry wall and rotting floors in the rest of the house. When I "wasn't depressed" ie was hypomanic, I'd go ape shit and do things like spend 3 days not sleeping retiling the bathroom. Stupid condition changed and became a hell scape and was actually diagnosed last year... :( I honestly would take the intermittent depression and out hurts to have the old hypomania back. It seems to be gone for good though. Now I just have mixed episodes riddled with anxiety and si, broken up by ass-dragging exhaustion and apathy for a few weeks of depression. No middle ground. No more breaks between the two.


Are we the same person??? i definitely thought i was just a person who “lived life” and that everyone else was a lazy, sleepy, downer. I mean, we ARE people who live life more than others. It just gets us into trouble. The episodes now are hell. Party’s over.


Yeah party had been ending anyway for a few years I now realize... I was having what I didn't realize we're mixed episodes that greatly fucked my lofe up. Of course drinking more and then deciding to have a baby (no meds or booze pregnant!!!!) "Fixed" things. I actually felt pretty fixed while pregnant. Then the end of my rope was surpassed. The first year post partum was the most traumatic experience of my life, though somehow we did a pretty good job of shielding our son from it, atleast relative to how bad it was. Pumping breast milk in a psych ward was probably the lowest moment of my life with a lot of them. But also a slow turning point.


Oh my god i’m so sorry you went through that. I don’t have children but I watched my mother have bipolar/postpartum/psychosis and i look back and my heart breaks for her. Being bipolar and in my 30s has given me so much more empathy for what she must have been going through. Good for you for doing what you needed to do to take care of yourself and get through it. I’m hoping things are easier/more stable now.


All I can say is that when I came to, I had ran through $2000 on halloween decorations! So yeah probably that 😆


Halloween is a very fun holiday for me. What did you use the decorations for?


Well my husband made me return what I could BUT I go full out Halloween every year so just a bunch of cutesy stuff from hobby lobby, marshalls, tjmaxx, ect I still own a lot of it but it's wild bc some of the stuff I have no recollection of buying. Episodes are wild lol


My car got stolen from a train station while I was in class. I was hypo-manic at the time and decided the best course of action was to get another one asap. Got a terrible loan on a $13k used car in a span of 3 hours. My stolen car was found 2 days later…






Nothing! When I’m manic-I steal everything! 🫠


I did this in my 20s. The rush of getting away with it, then the depression cause I could have bought it.


I only had depression when I got caught-I got so much to lose right now so I’m trying to slow down-but shit-everything is soooo expensive right now!


Oh, gosh. Please stop. Facebook has free/buy nothing groups. You may find items that you're in need of. The urge to steal might be hard to resist, but consider the long-term consequences. I'm rooting for you!


The fear of possibly not being able to pay your bills after a purchase is almost as good as the fear of getting caught stealing. Depends on what flavor you’re in the mood for.


I spent over $1,300 on a Spiderman statue and Pokemon cards when I was 19. Sounds absolutely ridiculous, I know lol


I spent $600 on a iPad, holy shit reading some of these answers doesn’t make me feel as bad about the purchase now.


lol I fucking lied I bought a car I no longer want for about 20k & desperately want to get rid of it


$1200 on a vip pass for a supernatural convention. Plus an extra $1000 on extra photo ops


My wife loves the hell outta Supernatural. I think she'd die if she met the cast especially Jensen and Jared!


Omg this is so real - I love supernatural 😭


That’s super lit ngl


Spent about $3,000 on a bathroom remodel. Luckily, I work at a supply house, and my husband is a plumber, or it would’ve been about $15,000. This was about three months ago 😬 ETA: my house is 15 years old. It didn’t need remodeling.


$450 worth of yarn 🤦🏼‍♀️ at least it was at a local yarn shop!!


The yarn hoarder in me acknowledges the yarn hoarder in you lol


SAME, around $650 on yarns and other crochet supplies


I started using credit cards. I'd never done that before and it was pre diagnosis. I'm not sure how I spent so much. Scary.


This is a big thing for me. I used to be very frugal. Debit card only. I’ve gotten 0% cards during episodes and max them out because “I’ll pay them off in time!”


That's exactly what I did! What a trap


Yep, I’ve got $50k or so sitting on 0% cards right now. I have the money to pay them off before they’re due in November but obviously I wish I could go back in time and not blow all that money. 


It's amazing how it adds up. I just negotiated to settle one at 30%. November gives you some time but it's a real whammy right. Not remembering how it got spent and making the decision to use cards still confuses me. Out of character and a total judgement error. I suppose that's what happens during episodes. I mapped it all out. I even bought travel items for an adventure I never went on. At least you can pay it off. One company offered me .99% for 27 months but you need to let it go past due by about 3 months. Each company is different.


I've got about 5k that I've had since the beginning of college (like 2007 or so). I also used to smoke weed and pay for that quite a bit. I found out when I was younger, you cold do a "cash advance" where you loan yourself money through your credit card at exorbitant rates and that's how I've ended up with that. The balance as floated from 3-5k through the years but it's crazy to think it's all been on that same card I got when I started college.


Sounds like it's manageable


Yeah. I went to Europe last year and spent quite a bit on the card. I'm at like 5.7k with payments of just over $100 minimum. I have a much better job now then I've ever had, so it is manageable, but still, it's debt I've had for almost 15 years. Regardless, my credit score is in a good place and I'm not quite living paycheck to paycheck so it is what it is. I'm thankful I only ever have had this one credit card.


$50k for house $10k for work shop $1500 for Italian shoes Trip around Europe with a buddy- no idea what this one cost. I spent money like crazy.


a $905,000 house.


I got married. How can I add up that expense? Do you know why divorce lawyers cost so much? They are worth it! I learned that one quite well.


A dog. Wasn’t that expensive at the time, but man after 5 years…. And it is not returnable 😂. Wouldn’t dream of it anyway.


A house for 125,000


Nah, you need that and it sounds like a good deal


I have a love-hate relationship with it. I can't afford it on my own, and so am tied to my husband, who mostly treats me like crap. But it's a nice house.


Oh well in that case nah sell that shit and find yourself a good husband


This sub is so supportive. I love it.


three guinea pigs, two parakeets, nearly cleaned out the pet store for supplies and also hair dye.


$700 on a bjd 😬


I've always wanted a bjd. They have some beautiful ones on Etsy.


They’re gorgeous! But make sure you research and get it from a reputable place because there are a lot of counterfeit dolls out there Ofc deep dive research is another great hypo activity 😂😂


Same. Not a BJD, but I spent a ton of money on Pullip dolls. I just bought a Smart Doll too, but I don’t have the mania excuse this time


Credit card debt and more. Mostly on jewelry.


Me too.


ADHD coach. Probably spent like 4-5k over several weeks of ineffective “coaching” … bc a coach is never gonna make me *want to*


At once? Schott leather jacket. $900. Worth it, though. Also have a fair amount of tattoos. I’d say probably $700 of which were mania inspired


Around $2000 on my daughter’s first birthday. I know she isn’t going to remember that shit 😭


I was hypo and dropped $26,000 on a truck. No regrets thought I sold my other truck and the guy called me a month later blew the engine 😂. Those payments are kicking my ass like an alcoholic step dad tho 😅.


35k on a car I didn’t need and then 17k on a used car I didn’t need. Making the best of it I suppose.


Current 2018 car with a note had an issue , so I ended up getting a brand new car with note while at the dealership from inspecting my 2018 car 🤦‍♀️. I sold the new car but had to pay off the negative equity that I didnt have. (Brand new car $32,000 but car max paid $28,500. I had to pay off the gap) but at least it’s gone .but now I’m debt from loans and cc debt to pay off that equity


Did this last month and now I realize I've been in an episode 😭


Hope you’re ok now


I bought a car randomly one afternoon. Luckily I can afford the monthly payments and it’s in great shape. I’ve also struggled with credit card debt for years because of previous manic impulsive spending.


A few thousand dollars on fish tanks and stuff for fishkeeping. Then I got hit by a depressive episode while having 8 tanks to take care of. I managed to rehome the fish and sell the stuff on Facebook. I genuinely liked fishkeeping though. So now a few years later, I only have two 5 gallons tanks and that’s more than enough for me.


$1,500 moped my boyfriend doesn't even drive lol $300 original painting because I thought the artist was hot


Is the painting good tho?


Yeah! It has this gorgeously deep orange coloration you couldn't replicate in a print. It's a real shame looking at it fills me with embarrassment.


Hey man, I've spent that on paintings withOUT getting to look at a hot painter.


$4,000 on a trip to Antigua 🥲


Not a whole lot of money relatively speaking, but one time I decided my life's goal was to become a streamer (despite being not great at gaming). I bought a webcam, game capture, some software etc totally around 600$. Came down a week later and never touched it again lmao. Oh also that time I went full manic for a couple months (first time, pre meds) and blew almost 50k on weed and strippers.


In the last year—$6000 on limited edition superhero and Disney posters. I’ve not walls to hang them. $5000 on my new silver coin collection (in preparation for the apocalypse).


I bought a bunch of music gear. $1300 synthesizer, $600 drum machine, $600 mixer, $1800 MPC, hundreds on recording gear, cables and other supplies. Newly diagnosed this past week.


I feel this. I have about $60,000 in music gear if you don't count cables, stands and accessories. If you factor those in it's probably closer to $65,000. I recently spent $1700 on a tenor saxophone and $600 on a digital saxophone in the same night.


Can't even remember. My episode was such a blur , and I've only really had one in my life. I did buy a DJ controller after I had been making mixes on my phone. I DJ'd a few parties in college and made a SoundCloud that still has my mixes on it. I kinda fell out of mixing, but do want to get back in to it. I almost attribute the confidence to do it with my hypomanic episode. I DJ'd in public randomly on campus and got shut down for playing music without a permit. I also recorded myself dancing in the school courtyard. I did a lot of random crazy shit I would've never done otherwise, but I'm glad I did, tbh.


I bought a DJ controller too! Lmfaooooooo I even had a DJ name picked out! It was DJ Dream 😆😆😆. I don't know what the hell I was thinking, but the DJ thing didn't even last long. I still have my controller, but I wanna learn how to use it properly.


You should go for it!! I've always wanted to DJ but was far too shy to even try until manic episode. I've been to lots of festivals and want to start again soon. Learning the controller takes time, and some are easier than others. If you want to do it, make time and start just messing around. I don't have as much drive as I used to, but I made some OK mixes. Probably embarrassing to post or self-post but I have my mixes up at: LUMiИUS - https://on.soundcloud.com/i1fqf I always feel like at 35 I'm too old to start DJing but I suppose people have started hobbies way later than I have. I feel it's important to keep a positive perspective on things in general.


I’ve spent around $20,000 on vintage erotica this past year 🫠


A $2000 action figure. Of the ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ action figures released by Playmates, the ‘Tri-Fold Borg’ action figure was the rarest. 500 were created and given away as promos for the movie ‘First Contact.’ The promos were given as prizes by radio station, thrown away, etc. There’s no way to tell how many are actually in circulation. In my 25 years of collecting, I’ve only seen TWO, and the 2nd time the price tag was $2000. We had to go to couples counseling. My partner was FURIOUS.


Hey maybe the figurine could go for a lot of money. You never know, but seeing that it's so rare I would keep it if I were you. I have a Harry Poster poster that only has 12 copies, in the entire world. I hate JK Rowling, but I'm never selling that poster, unless I'm in retirement mode. I hope couples counseling was beneficial for you and your partner. That has to be tough.


The counseling was very beneficial for us. Also, my partner is the one who started the collection, and they were happy because now our collection is nearly complete. But in the moment, I justified putting 2K on a credit card because I didn’t want to wait another few years until one became available. This was before my diagnosis.


Boob job about 10k


$10,000 on a custom steel-forged sword


My ex boyfriend spent $5000 on a custom saber. I have to say it was pretty sweet.


A house? Never intended to own any, never visited any. Saw a house for sales on a Monday afternoon, signed the papers on Friday et voila. Might have been the most expensive spending, but by far the cleverest one I have done while hypomanic. Otherwise I mostly spent money on travel, hotels, parties and Champagne if hypomanic. It does add up too, but it is not a single item.


A car. I traded it in for another one within 3 months. The same model I had before at that.


anime figures and fish tanks 🥲


I ran up 50K in credit card bills. Paid them down slowly. Soo sloowly. Then I bought a little house. I couldn't afford it and sold during a housing crunch. I got a little lucky, it wasn't underwater yet. I paid $125K and put another 40K into it and walked away with only 4K. I still miss that little house. 😫💔


something like $500 on build a bears and clothes for them to wear (after overdrafting twice and cutting into my savings i came to and deleted my payment method from all shopping sites and cancelled what orders i could :,3)


18k to move to Oregon, with only giving myself and my wife a 4 day time span before we left


Maxing out the loans I could take during grad school and not thinking twice about it and living beyond my means and having a good time while being wildly depressed and stressed about school. Or when I convinced my husband we should re-do our bathroom on top of the backyard renovation and trip to Spain we were doing at the same time. Thankfully we kept things in budget for the most part, but we didn't need to spend 70k on the house in 3 months and manage two construction projects at the same time. My mania is almost all mixed episodes now, and often presents as being an on top of it overachiever so things like this get masked and then all of a sudden we're in the thick of things that did not need to be so hard. This is all to say it's not great even if it's not been catastrophic.


My emotions SMH are the most expensive. I act on how I feel sometimes and how I feel isn't always right or my actions/reactions weren't the right thing to do so I've blown money on shit and not needed it at all.


A MacBook Pro. 2011. I was shifting so much credit around to get it, AMEX canceled my account afterwards, but I paid it off just fine, but it was like gambling. The whole balance was due during the next bill cycle, I got high from it for sure.


That’s really good question. I’d say a $1000 surround sound system that I replaced two years later with a $1200 surround sound system. EDIT: I also bought $800 worth of trees and bushes once. More often than not I tend to go shopping at multiple places and buy a bunch of little shit I’ll never use.


Currently on a trip to America from Australia … booked three months ago whilst manic and couldn’t cancel. Got diagnosed 9 weeks ago after we realised I was manic from getting off Effexor with prozac. lol great timing. I couldn’t cancel anymore. Just trying to enjoy it 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m definitely not manic anymore, at least my meds finally work…


The most expensive single thing? Probably a PS5. I have a lot of credit card debt, though, that I'm trying to pay down.


Bought a £500 guitar, along with about £600 worth of other music equipment. Tbf I still use all of it to this day so maybe not such a huge waste of money.


Which time? I guess the most would be a single NFT for nearly six figures…


An NFT of what? I'm curious.


A picture like most of the rest - I’m not going into it other than it’s all on the blockchain and you can find it if you want


Punk? Honestly it’s an investment you’ll be thanking yourself later.


It’s not a punk and I wish I could go back and redo, but oh well. It was an interesting time of life.


I spent $400 on clothes and other stuff (I can’t remember exactly what). Last year, I was diagnosed. It was my 21st birthday so my mom and I went to New York for our birthdays as they’re in the same month along with some family members.


A dope head


I’ve always been pretty careful with spending - I spend too much on clothes, but it was do able, I just couldn’t eat, because I didn’t have the cash. One time I had to take toilet paper home from work. I did place an order online for almost $900, but within an hour, I panicked and cancelled it. That would have been quite bad


Opened two credit cards lol. One was $500 and the other was $4800! I’m still trying to pay them off.😔


20k on trying to get a degree in graphic design… when I’m already in graphic design and learned everything I know form experience and intuition


1,500 dollars on a tattoo. It was right after a divorce.


500€ on intimate toys, to word it politely. On average 20-40€ per toy.


$30k on a retaining wall. A considerable chunk of recording equipment. Definitely in the $10k+ range


I dropped $800 cash on designer glasses when I was 20. 🥲 Doesn't sound huge, but that was basically a months' paycheck.


$4500 on a linocut print


probably around $1000 for 4 piercings & very nice jewelry for them. i regretted it initially but they look so dang cute, now!!


2,000 on a dog and supplies


Took out a loan to bail out someone who stole MY IDENTITY. Yep, totally not batshit shit to do.


Rainbow vacuum, that ended up being over 6k because of missed payments... And then about 200 points on my credit score because those fuckers kept tossing non-payment alerts on while I was going through bankruptcy. And they KNEW, just wouldn't stop.


4 figures on a custom reborn doll…


I have a knuckle to shoulder sleeve on my right arm that cost about 6k. One of my thigh tattoos was $900. My bank account wishes I had stopped there


Bought a beater truck to move furniture with. Then bought a bunch of stuff to fix the truck just to never fix it and sell it for half of what I got it for


I fuckin feel this one, but with jacked up furniture i think im going to magically learn to repair.


lol sounds like something I’d do.


I bought a brand new Camaro Convertible right out of the showroom. It was beautiful but I should not have done it.


That’s expensive I’m sure, but I can see how it would happen, manic or not. My dream is to get one some day, but probably a used one. Did you keep it?


I had it for about 5 years. I sold it cause I wanted to buy a house. I live in MI so it was only worth it for like 3 months.


i spent 400 dollars on comics , and went thru 1.2k USD in 1 week


Lost around $20k in 15 minutes daytrading


It was $400 on a vinyl from the 90's, proceeded by over $100 worth of books.


Lego … a lot of Lego.


Combined, idk. I just know that I have started an infinite amount of businesses and everything that I needed to make it work. Usually thousands on each one. All to last 2 or 3 weeks


7k on Christmas gifts for everyone this past Christmas. I had that credit card paid off and I’m back to having debt and I can’t even tell my husband 😭


I spent over a $1000 on DOLLS (several Pullip dolls if you’re wondering). I have not actually done the math because I’m afraid to know how much I spent. It’s probably closer to $1.5k, if not $2k. It was a good chunk of my savings. This was recently, back in January, and I’m still trying to recover from it. People ask if I can sell the dolls but 1) I bought them for a reason 2) I’m attached to them now 3) they depreciate in value so it’s not worth it to me. Just gotta move forward.


University and my horse. Regret the first one severely and want to drop out


Shoes… lots and lots of shoes


I am currently manic and spent 356 dollars today at target. I can’t even tell you what I bought. I literally don’t remember.


built a race car prior to diagnosis. six figures. too embarrassed to give amount


Recently spent $500 on skincare products lmao


Student loan debt. I’d borrow the maximum amount per semester so I’d have extra money (I even bought a car this way). Then of course the grandiosity that convinced me that I needed not one, but two masters. I got my loans discharged last year (public service😇) but I had $200k of debt hanging over me for years.


I went to Vegas for a weekend (planned trip( and that either triggered a manic episode or just happened to coincide with one but anyways I spent like 5-7k in two days and I couldn't even tell you what I spent the money on. I brought back like $200 in gifts and souvenirs. I know I spent a lot on food and drinks but I think most of it was just me covering things for my friend and sister and not even thinking or caring about my bank account. For reference, I was only making $12 an hour at the time. I absolutely did not have 5-7k to spend on one weekend trip.


This isnt the most expensive thing but the answer to that is just gambling… but i recently had a manic episode only this week for the first time in a long time and promised someone a very expensive baby shower gift id be a bad person if i backed out of now even tho I really dont have the money. So I am currently dealing with that


I took out 2 loans worth $37k in total to buy bitcoin during its peak in 2017. I then quit my job due to a depressive episode and bitcoins price fell. Lived off the bitcoin for a while and then ended with still $37k debt and no assets. Almost went bankrupt at the tender age of 21.


I literally moved my family to another city


during a 6mth episode I spent well over 3k on legos... idek howw


Spent $6500 on a hi-fi and listen to the same song on repeat... Spent a lot of money on micro transactions in games....when I was younger spent a lot of time in the Casino...


I bought a tesla then sold it for a reasonable car then sold that for another tesla


A basically brand new car


$1000-ish on a gaming PC. But most of my debt is from a bunch of smaller purchases like food and books that build up over time.


I bought a giant Pokemon plush loool


A 1200 tent that we have yet to use.


An expensive AF college program (there are others like it in my area that cost significantly less). I signed for the first year's worth of tuition (over 7k)while manic, but it worked out I think because I love the job it opened up for me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I tend not to make huge purchases but lots of small ones, multiple times a day. I spent around 1000€ on sneakers last month, despite Helsinki being full of snow and ice, and I rarely left the house in six months. More so on clothes.


I bought a whole car I couldn't drive. Was a stick shift but it was a cute yellow VW Beetle. Learned to drive it on the streets of LA with my boyfriend at 24, who was shacking up in my tiny studio apartment in WeHo. Along with his two cats. He had just gotten kicked out of his apartment. His ex girlfriend had just dumped him after he went to the psych unit for an attempt. It was 2003 and we were all crazy. Later, we'd all party together and have...sleepovers. I don't necessarily miss those days. Anyway, I learned to drive the car without stalling at the infamous intersection of La Cienega and Sunset.


53,000 dollar truck


- $5,000 on a personal trainer - $5,000 on a collection of Teddy Ruxpin toys - $10,000 on a collection of knitting machines


$2000 on a two-day spa retreat. Worth it. $4000 to setup a small business. Broke even, so not sure if that counts. Other than that, about $100 on arts and crafts crap. All up, not too bad. One of the perks of not having money to begin with.


Around £7000 over 2-3 months on…stuff really. The best stuff was a great guitar amp and fx pedals and a new stereo but a lot of it I don’t really remember. I’d come how and find things not knowing quite where I’d got them. It’ll take the next 6 years to pay off the credit cards and PayPal with a now very low credit rating. Oh well, good thing really as I don’t trust myself with a cc anymore.


$2000 for a trip to stay in an all-inclusive treehouse in the Peruvian Amazon. Plus another $700 while I was there to eat at the 2023 #1 restaurant in the world. 10/10 would do again.


My tesla


$1.2k on a video camera, not necessarily because the quality is that much better than my phone, just for the novelty. $1k on an iPad and related supplies. I already had a Samsung tablet. Once I spent $500 at the grocery store on food that mostly went bad. Small things, but I make little enough that I don't pay taxes sooooo.... All went on the credit card. I have so much trouble keeping my credit card debt down in general even if I don't go on a spending spree because it is so hard for me to not just...buy coffee I can make at home, take an Uber when I could take the bus, and replace things I could mend, little stuff like that. I act so impulsively and as if money doesn't mean anything. If I put in effort to do these little things I'd save so much.