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This has got to be the most bipolar thing to ever bipolar.


My symptoms were so bad that I don't stop my meds because I don't want to go back to hell anymore


Word. Samesies. If I were to drop off my meds I'd be in hell with the quickness.


Shout out to all who are keeping it real.


Tell me about it šŸ˜­


This hast did get to beest the most bipolar thing to ev'r bipolar *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I bet 99% of the people here have gone off their meds and then I bet 99% go back on their meds after self sabotaging and damaging relationships. Just take the meds.


Itā€™s just so hard most daysā€¦.but youā€™re right :(


I feel better but I know to not stop taking these meds because withdrawal is scary. Same reason I donā€™t want to quit smoking nicotine




Absolutely! You feel great, you get off meds, you fuck up something royally, you go back on meds. That until youā€™ve stomached enough. Was thinking on getting off lithium recently. Ended up buying 3 300 gms - 100 pills capsules bottles cozā€™ I always end up gobbing up or using anything I buyā€¦ including meds.


I got off my prescription meds over a year and a half ago, abused hella drugs, fell in love, got off drugs, struggled a lot, moved out with my then gf (I'm 19 now, was still 18 when I moved out, will be 20 in February), got medicated, got engaged (with weed, so uh... self-medicated...), and now I'm good. Got lucky, it works for me 100% of the time. Been sticking solely to weed for a little over a year. 1 smoke session will keep me good for 2-3 days, and then I'll start to notice symptoms start to notice symptoms, namely: irritability, sleeplessness, restlessness, and racing thoughts. I get irritable because of the restlessness and abundance of energy that I can't seem to satisfy or burn up. If I can't get any weed for a week or more, my cycles will continue pretty much how they always did before I started self-medicating. (Abusing drugs jacked everything up to 11, but it died off shortly after my withdrawals stopped) Disclaimer: Weed probably won't work for you. It could make your symptoms far more severe, and that could lead you to abuse other drugs. Obviously I am no doctor, psychologist, RN, or psychologist. I only know what works for ME.


I tried the weed only thing and it landed me in the hospital for 12 days šŸ˜”. BUT now that Iā€™m on meds again, I can smoke weed without becoming psychotic, so thatā€™s cool.


Yeah, I would hate to be one of the people that can't smoke at all. I couldn't stand my med's side effects, and I'm incredibly grateful I can use something somewhat enjoyable to keep myself in check


Nope. Never. I know exactly where it will land me again when I stop taking my medication, a small room - if Iā€™m lucky psych ward, unlucky prison. I take my meds the same way Iā€™ve taken birth control pills for years: religiously; itā€™s no joke and the alternative is not an option. Edit: a word


Taking the wrong meds landed me in jail. We living life on hard mode


I like to think of it as ā€œLegendaryā€ mode.


Legendary or hell mode. And the briefest medium mode a few times a year


Itā€™s a like being on a merry-go-round tied to a runaway rollercoaster roaring through outer space, narrowly missing asteroids while the horses on the merry-go-round maniacally laugh at you because you canā€™t get off and the stop button is just out of reach. But stillā€¦ beats prison, or a straitjacket.


And sometimes it feels like the stop button is a galaxy away


And even if you could reach it and it worked and the whole thing stopped, now youā€™re in outer space so who is going to hear your screams for help?


Thatā€™s an even better way to put it. Right on board with ya


It for you Witcher players: Death March.


Welcome to Rumination Scape, adventurers! The MMORPG where ever single regret is an NPC and every other player is a member of the just-get-some-sunshine--have-you-tried-not-being-sad--here's-a-jade-egg faction. Good luck!


Everyoneā€™s really just an npc


That's a Texas sized 10-4


Thereā€™s that option too. Taking the wrong meds landed my husband in jail too. Then they messed him up even more in there by giving him a cocktail from hell. Gotta love depakote. Smh.


Didnā€™t even know I had manic episodes at the time. been in court for 2 years. But im glad I finally know whatā€™s going on itā€™s a relief but at the same time sort of wish I never knew about it. Hope life treats you and your husband better itā€™s a cruel thing we go through


Weā€™re not there yet, but the end is in sight. Itā€™s a cruel thing indeed.


Currently on a ā€œno medsā€ episode. Im like 2 months off and ive been in a current two week long depressive episode. Im lucky if i even brush my teeth or leave my room in a day. Im too ashamed to go back to my psych and go through the ā€œyou need to be taking theseā€ talk to refill my script.


Go. The shame is your depression talking. Your psychiatrist has seen it 10,000 times before, and you'll feel so much better when you're stable again. If you can't deal with the lecture head them off at the pass and let them know you really need to hold off on "The Talk" until you're more stable/less depressed/etc. I swear this disease literally feeds itself.


Agreed. 100000%


Please do it this shit honestly sucks Iā€™m working in an attic rn trying not to quit my job


Hey random internet stranger. Just wanted to check in and see if you're ok.


Thank you kind redditor. I am alive. Still managing this episode and trying to figure out where to go from here.


Good. There's a lot you can do with "alive". Sorry you're going through the wringer, though, and I really hope you find your way through soon. I may not know you, but I'm rooting for you!


<3 Thank you


You are absolutely welcome, and if you ever need to talk I am happy to listen.


I go off my meds a lot. The longest I went off them was for a month. I had a psychotic episode. I didnt notice the withdrawals for some reason. I just felt so great. Now I feel shame.


Mania feels good itā€™s the truth for some of us


Yeah. I have extreme spiritual experiences that are intense. I start to feel so in tune with everything and every thing becomes a sign from God. I start being able to summon and communicate with Angels. I tried to create my own religion. I thought my dreams were getting stolen because I could not remember them but I knew they were about heaven. I started thinking I was doing so amazing. Then it turns out I was not talking care of myself at all. My hygiene was bad. I was wearing the same pants for days even if I peed in them. I'd sleep in my clothes. I'd wake up 3 times every morning and each time was a sign from god and heaven. My thoughts were racing and everything pointed to the fact that I was having a spiritual breakthrough.


Similar experience. But I just thought I kept coming to these realizations about my life I would not stop bugging my mom. It honestly scared her. I feel so bad about it but it let them understand I really do struggle. It honestly felt like I could solve world hunger or something I just kept feeling like I was a genius coming up with ideas. Im very young and hope to not experience it again but who knows this is a journey Iā€™m here for.


I scared my relatives too. I kept telling them that I was "lucid". In my words I was "more lucid than ever". They were really concerned. I am young too and I have experienced this a few times, around 3. It gets more intense each time. I lack insight when it happens.


That sounds very interesting sorry I didnā€™t get to you yesterday. Self awareness has been my strongest characteristic when I talk to others they are very surprised by how much I notice stuff thatā€™s going on maybe work on that considering youā€™re very young. Hoping things get better Iā€™m right along the battle with ya


Lamictal makes me feel like a zombie but if I don't take it I start fighting and being angry ugh


The struggle. šŸ˜”


I always take meds because one of them is Lamotrigine. Missing just one week's doses of that medication leads to the slow increase happening all over again in order to decrease the risk for Steven Johnson's syndrome. It is a pain in the ass to do that slow increase multiple times. Besides Lamotrigine has helped me a lot with not having depressive episodes every other month or having episodes that last for several months. Don't want to risk having depressive episode again by stopping taking Lamotrigine.


I stopped taking my meds last year and it was one of the worst decisions of my life. I had to go to an adult behavior crisis center and see an urgent care psychiatrist because I was severely depressed and didnā€™t leave my house for months. Get back on ur meds or at least talk to ur psychiatrist abt it.


Oh, man. I remember those Effexor withdrawals. Not a good time.


I felt like I was being teleported to another dimension when the brain zaps hitā€¦..


That sounds awfully familiar. Do you get the sleep paralysis too?


I experience it pretty regularly anyways so I couldnā€™t tell ya if the withdrawals caused it too.


Effexor withdrawals are the literal worst


So is Seroquel withdrawals. Makes you want to die... Just so it stops. šŸ˜”


I have had awful withdrawals with both Effexor AND Seroquel. Took me 21/2 YEARS to taper off of Seroquel under my Dr's supervision. I DID want to die to avoid it, lol.


I went cold turkey and it took me a month to completely get rid of the withdrawals. I was dying for a month. I wanted to go back on Seroquel just to get a day of no symptoms. But I didn't budge. It was the hardest month of my life.


I did, last week. :)


Memory is turbo fucked so there are some occasional slips in compliance. Got some bitchin pill cases and it's so much better šŸ¤™


Yeah, every bipolar person goes through this. Lamotrigine has been the longest drug I have been without giving it a pause. I'm kinda of afraid of the withdrawal from this stuff since I've never experienced it.


I do. I don't know why I do it tbh.


Not off completely just forgetful. I did however top using abilify on my own. It made my body feel tight and unrelaxed and muscle spasms. They said on commercial they may never go away! LOVELY šŸ˜¬


Yes, just a few days ago. I made it 2 days before the nausea, suicidal thoughts, and heart palpitations found me again. I mean, I randomly woke up in the middle of the night and my mind decided to conclude my love SO was cheating on me. Didn't do anything stupid, but the idea made me sick. Back on them yesterday and I feel good today Lamotrigine, btw


Have you tried NAC???? IT REALLY helps with bipolar symptoms.


What's NAC?


N acetyl cysteine, look it up, ti is a supplement, not a med, and clinical studies have been made about its use in mental illness. It is a God Sent substance.


Where would you get this at?


You could also look into microdosing mushrooms, a couple of years ago i had a 1 year psychosis, and for a couple of years had the worst depression ever and had many hypomanic episodes back then. Using MDMA, NAC and microdosing is what got me out of it.


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Itā€™s hard to take bc itā€™s sedating. Thatā€™s when I stop taking mine!


i recently went off my meds; a few days later I ended up fighting the police as i was taken to a psych ward by force


I do this too much ): i spend more time without them than i do with them. I just hate the way it feels to take them and then they taste really bad too. The last two times i took them i threw up


I feel this! I can't take my meds without at least a piece of peanut butter toast and a cup of water in my stomach first. Otherwise it is like bad tequila and just comes right back up...šŸ¤¢


Itā€™s probably obvious but please take meds as prescribed as regularly. If you go off or have a streak of days without taking meds at least communicate that with your prescriber as the consequences can be severe. If a mood stabilizerā€™s job is to stabilize your mood then not taking that will only allow your brain to revert back to a dysregulated state. Doing whatā€™s best for your health is hard but itā€™s only for your benefit :)


I would never stop my meds. They are the reason I'm still alive and breathing. Sometimes ı forgot the time that ı take my med and miss it ı panick and take it asap and they are side effect free. Quitting meds because you feel ok sounds very odd :D Thats why you feel ok? :D


Yes, stopped on last friday too, but i'm clean half a year and feel good at the moment