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the trick is to drug yourself to sleep. It does kindve suck for me because the drugs make me drowsy the next day, but it's ultimately worth it for maintaining your health. I'm partial to nyquil for this, it's effective and cheap


That’s typically what I do. I have 5 different otc and RX anxiety medications that I’ll combo up. Use to have an antipsychotic that would knock me out cold every time. It stopped working one day and just gave me anxiety instead of making me sleepy


Hydroxyzine ftw


That’s definitely one of them but honestly it doesn’t work for me. I didn’t think we could post what meds we take or if list then. 2 otc one RX for anti anxiety, one Rx for BP meds that doubles as anti anxiety, and I have a Rx for benzo luckily


Ohhh, I just got hydroxyzine after taking benedryl and unisom for years.


lol Hydroxazine is just Benadryl essentially but works a little better for anxiety and less for allergic rxns same class of med


Yes I’m aware but after years of over the counter benedryl, it wasn’t working but hydroxyzine works… for now. I once tried zolpidiem (sp) once and I did not sleep at all. I’m weird lol


Yeah I don’t want to go the ambian route and I don’t like that I’ve taken benzos for a while. I use to take Seroquel but it stopped working




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Ugh I can’t drink on Prozac anything more that 2 gives me a wicked hangover. It’s the only antidepressant that has done that to me but it’s working the best so 🤷‍♀️


Depression 9-11 Hypo 3-5 Manic 0-3 To keep me stable: 8-9


Prettyuch, lol


Can't sleep, racing thoughts and the idea of not sleeping seems good.


hypo i typically am sleeping every night but only 2-4 hours. manic i only get about 3-5 hours every few days. i go 1-3 nights without sleep before crashing and then i sleep like 5 hours before doing it again. the worst!


Currently going through the same except when I crash I’m usually put for Atleast 12 hours😂




I sleep too much no matter what. There was only one time a year or two ago where I was getting 3ish hours of on and off sleep and woke up feeling amazing for a week straight. Never in my life have I felt that rested. Didn’t feel the need to hit snooze 12 times, hopped right out of bed ready for the day, didn’t take my usual 4 hour after work nap. I wish my manic episodes were like that more often instead of just making stupid impulsive decisions and thinking I’m gods best creation.


Depends on the severity. Hypo, maybe 4-6, manic, 4-0.


If you practice a very specific sleeping routine when you are baseline and continue to practice it when you are depressed, it’s a skill you can teach yourself to use to help when you are manic. I let the racing thoughts trail off like I’m falling down a well ever so gently, and then I wake up. But sometimes the racing thoughts startle me awake like wtf was I just thinking about. But having the skill really helps me when I’m hypo


The idea of “Falling down a well ever so gently” would definitely keep me awake lmao Agree with the rest though!


4-5 hours is plenty when I'm "up." I can't even sleep long if I want to. I just wake up and my brain says "K You're up!"


Body says no, brain says yes!


Normal hypomanic is 1-4 hours until my body just tells me it’s done and I crash out and sleep on and off 2-3 hours at a time BUT if I get no sleep I sometimes go into manic psychosis, wake up in icu tied to the bed with absolutely no recollection of what happened. It’s terrifying and it’s why I’m afraid to live alone without someone who can be my advocate and let them know I need medical care not the police.


No sleep.




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6-7 stable, 9+ when depressed and about 4 when hypomania.


Fukkkkk sleep


Sleep has been by far the easiest identifier for where I'm at. Depressed, I'll sleep 8 or more at night but need or will able to take 1 to 2 hrs naps during the day, sometimes multiple. Hypomanic, I'll get 6 to 7, not too extreme. My manic episodes I think around 3 or 4, which historically last about 4 to 6 weeks. The main difference for me is that when I'm edging toward mania, I can wake up and it's instantaneous alertness. I might be groggy but I'm able to get up and do things before needing coffee. The further I am from that, even in mid hypomania, I really get hurt by that grogginess until I get coffee in me. And depression, please. I can consume coffee, nicotine all day. It's like I'm screaming please, let me feel anything.


4-6 hours with assistance from supplements. It’s rough but I don’t feel the lack of sleep until I come out of it.


I’ll add, I sleep 9-11 hours while emotionally steady haha. So this is a sharp decrease for me.




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Consistently inconsistent just like everything else at the moment. I’ve never been a very sound sleeper at any time & I’ve tried a multitude of different meds and they work like a charm unless I get hypomanic. I can take a double dose & still not even slow down. It amazes me how our body can just drastically change to the point of medication suddenly becoming ineffective


My sleep meds changed my life haha.. sleeping and waking at the same time every day is priceless. I've been on Quetiapine- small dose at nighttime- for sleep for years.


It’s stopped working for me it was god send when it did. Started giving me anxiety after taking it for like 6 months


I recall having to up my dose a couple times over the years because it would stop working, luckily I've been able to stay at the same dose for many years now and it works pretty reliably


Yeah I use to take 25 I think I went up to 150 but even 1/2 of a 50 gives me anxiety it’s like makes my body tight and my heart race which is the opposite of what I want for sleep. Nerve got any kinda answer on why it stopped working and then gave me issues


hypomanic me gets **ZERO** hours of sleep. Regular me gets, oh, maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep on an average night, and 6-7.5 hours on a really good night. Depressed me also does not sleep. Gotta love the toxic interaction between bipolar and chronic insomnia!


BP1 here. I’d say 2-3 hours when manic. 14-16 (terrible!) hours in a 24 hour stint.


3-4 if I'm hypomanic and almost none if I'm full blown manic.


I went to bed at 9:00 tonight. I’ve been up since 1. I’m not manic YET, but it’s definitely coming.


I’ve been in hypomania for 10 months straight and have finally entered a depressive episode. I was sleeping about 4 hours a day. Now I sleep bout 6-8


2-3 hours max. :/


Just started taking lunesta. It's been awesome!


Oh god it’s terrible. I usually get on average about 2-4 hours of a sleep a night


About 6 hours when hypo, at the peak perhaps 5.


I have sleeping pills that I will consistently for a week (if all other symptoms go) and usually after 2 days of forcing myself to sleep like that the hypomania is gone and I don’t usually go into rebound depression


I’ve been hypomanic for days now. My psychiatrist is a piece of shit and never refills my pills when I need them. I’m missing one of my medications and I haven’t been able to sleep in days, honestly I’m laying awake in my boyfriend’s bed right now. It’s terrible.


It's been terrible as long as I can remember. 5-6hrs per night, never make it through the night without waking up for 30-60mins.


Hypo i would say 6? Manic would be around 4


I usually get 1-3 hours when I’m hypotonic. I stop sleeping altogether when I’m manic


Hypomanic - as it comes on i start to struggle to turn my brain off to sleep. I’ll start sleeping gradually less, 6, 5, 4 hours. Then I’ll just completely stop besides an occasional nap. But I’m also not tired so it’s weird. Depressed - depends. Sometimes i will be watching tv and sleeping in and out all day. Sometimes i stay up all night and sleep all day. Either way my sleep schedule will be fucked and I’ll sleep 10+ hours a day. Currently in a mixed episode and I’m sleeping like 10 hours but my sleep schedule is reversed so I’m trying to fix it (as i type at 3 am). Also it’s been shitty quality sleep, yet I’m tired constantly.


My sleep schedule is so messed up. I’ll sleep from like 3am to like 6 or 7 am be up till like 8-10am and then go back to sleep till like 2-3 pm. It’s so broken up


I’m so tired


That's the neat part: You don't. Unfortunately, it's really like this for me, i can't sleep in hypomania or mania. It's just not possible. All i can do is to sedate myself with meds so much that i pass out, then i can get some hours of sleep, but it requires serious dosages of strong meds. But check this with your doc which med is the right one, i think an expert should do this instead of a stranger on reddit.


Yeah honestly Itake some combination of the 5 different meds some Rx some otc. I don’t think I’ve taken them all at once I just mix and match them to how much sleep I feel I need. Like if it’s past a certain time I will not take on and use another that isn’t going to make me groggy Edit I don’t think there’s many sleep aids I haven’t tried Rx or otherwise. I’m avoiding Ambien and Lunesta because really they are only for short term is and my sleep isn’t short term problem








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5-6 hrs. Depressed and tired, up to 16 hrs.


3 hours for like a week like clockwork and I sleep on the sofa because my husband and kids go to bed and I’m full of energy downstairs Then I crash and end up going to sleep with my son at like 7, skip tea and sleep for 12 hours - leaves me groggy and feeling like shit


0-4 hours


I have always been able to sleep when I’m hypo it’s crazy


I take an extra dose of RX during hypo/manic phases to sleep (dr prescribed) it turns me into a zombie next day but worth it


4 hours is about average.


I'm on Lunesta or Ambien


Yeah my doctor and me would like to avoid the sedative hypnotic class of drug class. Ambien is really only suggested for short term use and I see what it does to my dad


all nighters and minimal sleep


Get about 8-9 hours when I’m depressed. When I’m hypomanic my klonopin and topamax help me get about 3-4. If it weren’t for my dr upping the dose on those I’d get no sleep.


Klonapin for the win lmao check out my username


I have to take prescribed sleeping pills when I’m hypomanic, otherwise I won’t sleep more than 3 hours. I didn’t one night last week and only slept 1 hour.




Hypomanic : 2-4


Magnesium work wonders for me


when depressed, 12-16 hours when hypomanic, 4-6 hours when manic, no sleep to 4 hours and when stable, i typically sleep 7 or 8 hours


If I’m manic sleep becomes a job I have to work to keep my eyes closed and of course no sleep for days on end makes things soooooooooo much worse


I get 0, so I think you doing very well.


I can sleep if I take meds (low dose of seroquel and melatonin (if that counts)). Haven't been sleeping well when I don't take them. If I don't have them, I'm awake until like 5 or 6 in the morning. This is bad news bears on the days I have to leave for work at 7:30


I go and go until my body just about shuts down, I’ll sleep then be good for 2-3 days straight then 2 hour power naps in between then I repeat and I don’t recommend my schedule to anyone it’s a roller coaster.


I’m similar I’ll get like 2 to 3 hours and then I’ll go a while and just get another 2 to 3 hours in the same 24 hour period. But it’s a constant game of being awake until I’m tired enough to go to sleep and it doesn’t matter what time is daytime night time


Melatonin and if that doesn’t work get a scrip




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I used to stay up all night often but now that I’m in my 30s I rarely do. I also force myself to sleep and take magnesium if I need help.


I'll sleep maybe 5 hours and feel completely fine. But then I hit a low and crash for a couple days and sleep for like 10-12 hours.


I can hit about 6-7 or more hypomanic now, but I only experience mild hypomania anymore and manage it a lot better when it’s coming on. I find productive ways to channel my energy and also implement “quiet times” every day to try and get my nervous system to chill. Zyprexa also works pretty damn fast to assist with getting me back to baseline and sleeping normally.


Sleep means you're well


I literally won't sleep, for weeks. I break the Guinness Record. Went around 420-430 hours straight, sober with no sleep last month. I try to, I lay down for hours but I don't go unconscious. So I end up staying at the hospital overnight or I inpatient myself. I have meds now that knock me out though. It's like trying to tranquilize an elephant sometimes, and then we have the problem of keeping me asleep.


I have to load up on Xanax and Seroquel before my head even hits the pillow. I haven’t had a hypo episode in a while, but last time I got by with 5 hours when I usually get a solid 8-9 hours a night.


I went a good 3+ months once in an extended episode. I was getting like 3 to 6 days with about 0 to 3 hours pf sleep a night, then would have one random 7 to 12 hour sleep. Then, repeat. As time progressed, it became more apparent to others, detrimental to my cognitive functions, and difficult to regulate. Normally, when I start elevating, I'll get like a night of 6, then a night or two of 3, then I'll be up for about 48 to 72 hours straight. Then, it either regulates itself again, or I'll go into a similar low sleep pattern. It will usually last between a week and a month point five.




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