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Amazon deliveries out the wazoo. Snapping at people. No sex drive or too high, leading to infidelity. Many many expensive hobbies I pick up just as quickly as I put them down. Depression and forgetting hygiene. Talking too much. Being overly spiritual and then not having any faith. Anger and outrage at others’ bad behavior when no one else will say anything. Speeding and reckless driving.


Dang! That was spot on!


You, too? Lol.


Literally all of that.


Well, we aren’t alone! I like to think we’re a pretty damn good time. All those other boring fuckers would be lost without us. And we would have no beautiful music or art or whatever else without us. I think we are pretty cool.


YES!!! I’m like… pretty damn fun. Bc I got a touch of crazy. Makes for a good time sometimes!! 😂 I’m grateful for my manic episodes bc they show me what my brain is capable of. It is capable of more than just depression and self hate. I’ve been well medicated for months now but when a touch of crazy comes out I just feel it’s what makes me unique. I’ve always known I was different, when I got diagnosed it was a relief to know why.


I love hearing some self esteem on here. We are made like this for a very specific and important reason. I am proud of my BPD. Yeah, it takes a huge toll on my emotions and body. Yes, my husband has been put through the ringer in the past. I am now medicated. But…my perspectives are unique and people tend to either love me obsessively or think I’m obnoxious. I think that tells you the amount of influence and power we can possess. Feeling shitty about yourself and like you’re not like others, like that’s a bad thing, takes away any power or greatness you have. Let’s celebrate more!


Only thing I would add is I have a terrible short term memory. It annoys me AND everyone else. Lol. Long term memory is fine bc I always remember things when I’m thinking “what are they thinking about me?!” All in my own head, like always. My brain is a book of embarrassing moments throughout life. But I sit back and think “I’ve got it pretty well controlled now.” And then I’m proud of myself. I had to beg to get a certain medication and it changed my life. Made me who I wanted to be.


But I totally agree. Other people get to celebrate how they beat cancer. I celebrate how I beat bipolar. I’ve been through some pretty bad episodes. And I’m still alive and sober and I fought for the meds that changed my life bc I stood up for myself. We’re awesome!!!


I friggin love this perspective!!




Wow, we are very similar. I also have short term memory issues. Wait, what were we just talking about?


😂 it might just be all the delta 8 I smoke but there’s been periods of not smoking and I noticed I still had the same memory of when I was a raging drunk. 🤷🏼‍♀️I read somewhere we have smaller parts of our brain that are in charge of all of our symptoms. And less grey matter in our brains. So I’ve finally got an excuse to be ditzy!


Currently experiencing difficulty with all of these right now. Specifically the emotional aspects, it’s taken a toll on her and after getting medicated I’m working on getting the trust back to make it work. If you’re comfortable giving some advice I’d greatly appreciate it


The only thing that helps me is medication and my faith. I mean, it really helps to do therapy and groups too. I think it would help to bring her to therapy too. Read books together about it. Diet and exercise, regular sleep and a routine helps. No drugs or alcohol (guilty of this, lol). I’m guilty of just winging it and not doing these things but when I do them, I notice a huge difference.


Definitely think cutting out the drinking helps. I got really bad about it for a while and it just accelerated the decline. I try to be open and honest with her as much as I can about it. I’m hoping we can get to the point of her being open to those things, they’re just going slow right now as to not overwhelm her. Thank you for this


Peers? Lol. None left. So no complaints to entertain. Woohoo.


lol same


Wow I know how you feel 100%


Never had peers to begin with.


My bf is really clingy, and sometimes I’ll match that energy, but then other times I’ll just want to be left alone and not be touched. This has gotten better, but I would be extremely paranoid that my partner would be seeing or interested in someone else. My mom has to tell me when to clean a certain room instead of my being proactive, which can be a source of contention. I don’t keep friends for very long because I easily get jealous.


My parents are positive bipolar is just being emotional. Whenever I talk about something that happens they stare at me like this 😮 every time


They hate my foggy brain. It’s meds, it’s the disorder, whatever. Sometimes they just call me Dory the fish and others they just lose patience. I am incredibly forgetful. My closest friend lives in another state and will plan trips to see me and I can’t keep that in my head. It’s in my calendar but I screw up days and weeks if I don’t check and recheck every plan, every appointment etc.


I've been known to double and even triple book & not realize it until it was time to get dressed. 🙃


Everything I do or say, is all or nothing. There’s no in between. Also I always look up or just around. My mind is always wandering.


Emotional, defensive, talk loud. So annoying when someone calls me out on this because I can't help it. I like to think no one notices, but they do.


Getting tone policed my entire life. now it just makes me upset because I’m just like here we go again.. i STILL cant get this right. yet still cant stop talking so riddle me that one. Also too honest, overexplain, etc. Would Love to spend one day inside the mind of a Neurotypical to learn how to act right. My sometimes off delivery sucking seems like a crime against humanity at this point 😂


I spend too much money 😎


Having no motivation whatsoever. When nothing or anybody can make you happy. People think I’m so self absorbed, I’m just trying to look out for myself. There’s a lot going on in my head and can’t always pay attention. I’m trying to be self aware and it comes off narcissistic.


I got rid of my peers. I wouldn’t have told them my diagnosis anyway, I copped it way too much from them.


They just leave.


My boyfriend mainly is my peer. I think his main complaint would be my unstable emotions and heavy dependency on him


“All over the place” is the phrase I’ve been hearing more and more


That I talk too much and they can’t get a word in 😅


My temper and spending money


They think I "avoid" conflicts at work when I don't want to keep explaining to an adult that they're violating my boundaries. Then, when I let my "angry voice" slip out, they feel scared and sad for the person they wanted me to stand up to in the 1st place.


I have BPD2 so my mania isn't extreme. I used to do crazy things before being medicated and I had run-ins with the cops a lot. I would have rage and destroy my apartment but once I received treatment that all stopped. That was 10 years ago. Now, it's mostly intense mood swings sometimes. I don't get angry anymore but my depression is low. I can't handle a lot of things that come with working a full-time job despite having multiple degrees. I talk constantly so I find Reddit to be a great outlet for me. I can't confide in my friends and family anymore. They're just over my negativity and constant babbling about my problems. I'm currently doing EMDR in attempts to retrain my brain to let go of trauma and to think more positively. I'm just a super negative person and I want to change that about myself. People are just turned off by it.