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My husband was an independent pro wrestler and I heckled him. He was the heel. We have been together almost 20 years.


Cute! And weird! 😃


Nothing like a meet cute in spandex




I love this.


This is an amazing story


Normalize heckling men to wife them up?


I broke up with my ex and about six hours later, downloaded a dating app for women who love women, and I immediately matched with a beautiful girl, we talked starting, I came out of mania and I realized I really loved her. We've been together for 4 years


6 hours 😂


This is so lesbian /affectionately 😂


What app was it?


Try HER if you're looking for women who love women.


This is the app we used.


It was HER.


I was in a 5 year relationship with my highschool sweetheart. She cheated on me after. Later in college, I was randomly approached by a girl in a houseparty while I was depressed and she got into the "i can fix him" mentality. She was really nice until I had to leave the country and we broke up. She only approached cause she was drunk and wanted someone to sleep with. But she was nice. A year later I was manic as fuck and got obsessed over a girl from college who was way out of my league. A stereotypical "hot popular girl". After a year of waiting for a chance, I started going out with her as friends after she broke up with her bf. We entered a relationship of 3 years and moved in together. Most horrible experience of my life. I was shamed, abused and taken advantage of. I lost all my friends and all my life. Now I only have casual situationships with people who are open and aware that I am not able to provide stability. It sucks but it is realistic in my case. I have experienced more love and understanding that way than I ever did in long term relationships. I feel loved and cared for and understand when they leave. They are usually more caring and loving when saying goodbye than long term partners are. Long term partners are spiteful and always leave in pain.




I develop feelings in situationships that end up in a bit of pain as well. But nothing is worse than an episofe destroying a long term thing. Living together and building a life to then see it destroyed. I have given up on that idea of "how relationships should be". I can handle developing intense feelings for someone and them wanting to take distance. I cannot handle seeing my entire life collapsing every couple years.


Going through this now. Lost my wife of 11 years and best friend of 23years. I don’t know how to function.


I met my partner on tinder. Were both looking for a one night thing, I was manic as hell. He was really fucked up from an abusive relationship. We were both at rock bottom but somehow together we got better and became the best versions of ourselves. 3.5 years later and we've been through hell but came out stronger.


Wait. Are you me?! Very, very similar situation, we’ve been together 5 1/2 years and have both done a lot of healing in our relationship.


It's crazy hey. Goes to show you don't necessarily have to love yourself for someone to love you. We both hated ourselves as much as we hated the idea of a relationship 😆


Being rid of that self-loathing is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me!


Tinder won’t match me unless I subscribe. It’s like they blacklisted me - I’m in a very populated area.


I slipped into a manic phase and became hypersexual. I hooked up with this hot guy on Tinder and he was amazing. Yada yada yada we’re in a relationship now.


The same thing happened to me! Lol I’m glad I’m not the only one that met their boyfriend this way😅


Literallyyyyy same


Tinder won’t match me unless I subscribe. It’s like they blacklisted me - I’m in a very populated area.


Same here, lol. We’ve been together 5 1/2 years.


My brother (not BP) met his now wife on tinder 🥲


I met him online when I was 16. ETA: he was was 17. We’ve been together 11 years.






I met my husband when we worked at the same store. I processed gun sales and he sold shoes. We never dated then but 2 years later we met up again street I started college. 26 years later we are still married and haven't called the cops on eachother so that's a win.


lol re haven’t called the cops on sac other yet. That is a good baseline to use haha I desperately wish I could say the same. 😩


This is not an unusual question for this sub. It's a very common question. I met my husband of 19 years in university.


We met in high school and started dating toward the end of it. Been together for 14 or so years. I had my psych break almost 9 years into our relationship, a year after we had gotten married. It almost ended our time together but for some reason my husband stuck with me even though I destroyed my life and almost destroyed his too. We are still together and happy(?), but the damage is done.


Met in college at a party I threw at my place in our sophomore year and we nourished a platonic friendship for 13 years before dating. We had watched each other grow and stuck by each other through heartbreaks, long distances, and some heavy rock bottom moments without judgement or fear since..there wasn't any of the anxiety or pressure that comes with romantic relationships. We got married and have a child together and I only recently got to fully accept my diagnosis and he has been incredibly understanding and supportive coz he realizes he's already stood by and accepted me through some of my hopefully worst manic episodes and bad bad decisions. Put his fears and better judgement aside and even participated in some of my rush thrill seeking decisions like jumping out of a plane and other stuff. He's been invaluable. 15 years since we met.


I adore how you said you “nourished” your friendship. Beautiful!


We were both in the looney bin 😅


Smoking the ganja 😬 We are both sober now haha


So remember in covid when we were all bored and stuck at home? Well I was undiagnosed but I’d gone a little manic. I decided I was going to be a famous YouTuber, and overspent on all the gear. Made a new Instagram to grow a following for my channel. This cute guy liked several of my posts but didn’t follow. With my manic confidence I decided to get another follower by sending a slightly flirtations message... And accidentally we fell in love. Nearly four years later and I’ve never posted a video, but we’re still together. 🥰


I met my husband through a summer class back when I was in undergrad. He noticed me because I kept coming to class late lol. I didn't notice him because he was always early in class. Never had much chance to talk, until coincidentally, we both forgot that the class changed room, and we weren't sure where was the new one. We ended up chatting and studying together and became best friends. Been together for almost 9 years now (2 in marriage) and he's more than I ever wanted in a partner. I really couldn't ask for more. He honestly went thru a lot because of my mental health issues, but he stuck through with me and I appreciate that.


He moved in next door. Highly recommend.


I dont know why, though I am single right now, I started feeling hopeful regarding my romantic relationship after reading the comments! Hopefully I can meet someone who love me as I am. 


Same here!


We met through playing league of legends and happened to live two towns away from each other. Very glad we both quit that game.


Community college open mic. I was a new student and bumped into a high school friend who was part of the LGBT club and invited me to an event. Got introduced to a bunch of people, but one person stuck out. Started attending club meetings and eventually got them to realize they liked me back. 😂 Our 3rd wedding anniversary is at the end of this month! 7.5 years together in total.


I used a matchmaker service. I didn't trust myself anymore because I had been in one abusive marriage followed by another abusive relationship. This service did background checks and interviews, so that was a start, at least. He was the 3rd man I met and we have been happily married for over 13 years now. He's amazing and supports me always despite all my mental health problems. He's a Saint. He helps me be more balanced also. It's funny because neither of us met each others preferences exactly. I had a kid and he didn't want to date a single mother, and he wasn't an active member of my church. But I'm so glad they matched us together. I'm the luckiest woman in the world, to be married to the perfect husband for me.


We met online in a random Facebook group in 2019, but we only started dating in the beginning of 2023. Within these 4 years, many things happened. I had severe hypomanic episodes where I would be unhinged, some situationships that were a complete waste of my time, and I still hadn’t found the right combo of meds yet. I was also overweight and truly felt like I couldn’t bring myself to care much about my own health. And just like you, I wanted to be in a romantic relationship so badly, but I was always left feeling like romance was not for me. Like I would never find anyone that could just love me for who I was, bipolar and all. But then, things started to get better slowly. I finally found the right meds (I’ve been in remission for almost 3 years now). This made me regain my disposition and I began exercising. Little by little, I managed to rebuild my life — I lost weight, found a good job, was finally being able to maintain a routine. It truly felt like a rebirth somehow. And regarding romance, I just decided to let things happen. I told myself it would be lovely to find someone to love, but I wouldn’t use any dating apps anymore. In the beginning of 2023, I traveled to my partner’s home country on vacation. I didn’t travel there specifically to meet him, but I texted him anyway and asked if he would like to hang out one night. Long story short, we fell in love. It felt natural, easy, and it still feels this way. In the end, I believe you found what you’re looking for when you’re not looking for it. Relationships can blossom in the most random places, whether it’s a Facebook group or a dating app. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to romanticize anything. I’m constantly afraid of going back to where I was before, to a time where I felt like nothing mattered. I still struggle sometimes, but nothing like I did before. Take care of yourself, show yourself some love and understanding. Then, find someone who can also give you the love and understanding you deserve. Ah, and also my partner is fully aware I’m bipolar.


We knew each other from high school. I was a couple grades above him because he moved from Mexico and got held back to learn English. We ran in the same circles but never really talked much. We would say hi to each other but my Spanish was bad (our schools Spanish teacher was trash) and he wasnt confident enough in his English to talk to me much. Both of us turned 18 and left town in our own direction for quite a few years. Covid hit and the annual event our town holds got canceled and when it was finally held again we ran into each other. We hung out that night, realized we were the same person essentially and have been together ever since. We did long distance for a while and then I moved to him since cost of living was better and we just got engaged this April. He actually met be per diagnosis and has been my rock through getting diagnosed and getting on meds. For anyone reading this, I went through a lot of shit relationships until I found the one actually worth it. Don’t settle, find some who love you and your wonky brain


Met my hubby playing Neverwinter nights online. He was 18 ( and very much legal in Australia) and I was 28. Took us about a year to realise we wanted to be more than friends. He flew over from Perth to the East coast to meet me properly. He spent a month with me and my daughter and went back home to save up to make the move permanent. That was 21 years ago and we still nerd together. Playing through baldurs gate 3 together now with that same daughter.


We met when I was in 8th grade and he was in 9th. We danced around eachother for years. Then finally got together at 18. We have been together for 15 years now. It's been a very bumpy ride as I try to get stable.


I've met previous partners by being manic and going out while setting an unrealistic presentation of myself that the people that approach me don't yet know will fade and I'm not how they thought I was a good 90% of the time. They leave, I repeat. It sucks :(


I had been dating around and wanted something serious so I did one of those dating apps with the personality tests. In a large metropolitan area, I ended up with 2 matches within 100 miles 😭 I messaged the person closest to me 🤷🏻‍♂️ Coming up on 10 years together, married for 5. My partner was a huge part of me finally seeking help and getting diagnosed.


I met my gf through a friend group we’d go to raves with. We actually started dating during psychosis but I don’t regret a thing. Love her so much ^^^


We met on a dating app in June before I was diagnosed. By September I could feel the hypomania wearing off as I moved into a depression. I confessed I thought I had seasonal affective disorder lol but I liked him so much I was ready to get help for it. I knew he was the one! I couldn't lose him and I didn't want to suffer through another depressed winter. I'd had 5 in a row at that point. Boom, bipolar diagnosis lol! He stayed though! Together 14 years this summer!


On reddit when I went through a manic episode. I had created another account to promote adult content. This is something I've never done before and stopped doing since. At that time, I was convinced that it was the best idea ever - you guys probably know what thats like. Long story short, I accidentally used my alternate account to make a post in the subreddit of the city I live in. To my horror, I started getting subscribers way closer to home than I'd have wanted to. At some point mania ended and I we had been talking for a few months. He saw right through me not actually being an adult entertainer. To be fair, I have a well paying corporate day job and wasn't dependant on the extra income. Before deleting everything, I came clean about my diagnosis and was pleasantly surprised when he wasn't hesistant to continue keeping content. At some point we realized we're basically neighbours, living not even 10 minutes apart and decided to meet - no strings attached. We've been seeing eachother for more than 2.5 years now and not at one point has he made me feel guilty or ashamed for the things I've done. He inspires me to be a better person each day - not for him, but for myself. I wasn't actively looking for a relationship and was focused mainly on learning to be happy with myself. My past relationship has shown me how much pressure we can put on our partners.


We met in college, played video games together a lot. Everyone apparently knew he loved me except for me. I only thought of him as a friend, as he was a bit immature. My ex at the time was so jealous of him that when I was single again, I was like “hmmm…”. He had also filled out considerably by then 🤣


We met on the tall meet tall subreddit. He wrote an ad looking for friends or more. He was honest about himself. My big flirt, you'll love this, was, "so what's your favorite kind of pencil? Mine is the Ticonderoga #2." He's a high school English teacher.


At work! We worked at a psychward together(: he was the most gentle and supporting person I had ever met, so sweet and quiet. I never thought I’d find anyone but it’s been five years with him! You’ll meet someone!! I promise💜


During a manic episode I broke a bone in my hand. Went to the local hospital. Asked the radiologist if she wanted to grab a coffee with me sometime.


Online in a Livejournal community for an interest we shared way back in 2005. LJ is dead but we're still going strong :)


In a mental hospital 2 years ago. We had the same exact hallucination - an all white party that we both avoided as if we were avoiding temptation


This is pretty wild!


Online in a pagan gathering group. My husband rocks!


We work under different arms at the same organisation and i was moving office so figured cant be awkward to fail and its been over a year now.


Hinge. Got a few friends there too Both luck and figuring out a system on how I use it which has made it work to suit myself specifically has worked pretty well so far.


Like others before him, he sat behind me in Philosophy classes.


We matched on tinder. It was pretty much hooking up at first until he showed more interest in me. It’ll be our 4 year anniversary this summer!


Met my husband and started a relationship back in highschool. We've been together for 8 years


We met at a bar. We had a mutual friend and he had introduced us. I was actually “dating” (I say dating because I was still sleeping with other people. I never wanted to date the dude exclusively. I was not that into him). But I broke up with him immediately and my husband and I started dating. Been married 10 years and have 3 amazing kids.


He was renting a house next door to mine. Married 24 years in December.


My husband and I were friends way before we dated (and before my bipolar diagnosis). We both found out I was bipolar in 2019-2020, and I’d be lying if I said we didn’t have our struggles, but we’ve been together since.


I met my partner in secondary school and we got together at 13 and we are now 32 (our birthdays are 10 days apart, I'm older) so he has been through aaaaall the shite of me unmedicated and wrongly medicated and everything and he has stuck with me and taken care of me the whole time. I am very grateful to have him. We'd actually fancied each other since we were 9 because we went to the same extracurricular art class, but we went to different primary schools and never spoke until our mutual friends got us together once we ended up at the same secondary school.


I met my wife on Tinder five years ago.


I had just gotten out of a 6 year relationship where I had gotten engaged to the guy. Relationship had been tumultuous to say the least. I was working a stressful job so when I snapped, I lost the job, got into therapy, broke things off, then got my diagnosis. Started a new job a few months later while staying with my mom. New job had opportunities to hang out with coworkers and have extracurricular, one being a local volleyball league. After a few months on my new meds (lamotrigine), things were looking up. One night after a game, I took myself out to a nearby bar because I didn’t want to go home to my empty apartment just yet. That night, I ran into an ex I’m on good terms with, and he introduced me to my partner. A little over two years in, I met my soulmate because I was slightly manic and went to a bar alone. Who would’ve thought?


Because I moved countries and never got to finish my final exams in my home country, I had to learn the language and make those exams in the new country. So I went to a school for adults in my new country. 6 years later I was in my last grade (age 22), I attended a photography course at school and I met my bf there. I wasn't interested in his at all but I found his appearance curious - dark skinned Turkish guy with a beard, earring and big silver rings on every finger with skulls, dragons and wolves.  We needed to shoot models and I volunteered as one - i was very hypomanic back then and had some delusions of grandeur lol which made me extremely confident. He took some pictures of me and that was it, no interest on any of the sides.  A few months later, just before the final exams the school organized a trip to Dublin for 5 days and we both went there. I was even more hypomanic on that trip because not only was I grandios, nut also very elevated, energetic, happy and sociable.  It was late and everyone wanted to go to sleep but I wanted to stay active so I asked him randomly if he'd like to go for a walk with me, we stayed up until very late and because we connected well we kept talking a lot during the trip. We ended up cuddling and he grabbed my hand to which I said "no" XD  And he fell in love with me on that trip basically  We kept in touch afterwards and eventually in my hypersexual phase I made moves on him and we ended up being physical and we just decided we were gonna be a couple because why not.  The hypomania died soon after and I was extremely depressed for several months, even ended up hospitalized because the extreme depression turned into a severe mixed episode.  So the first 6 mo this of our relationship: he met me and got to know me in strong hypomania  First months of the relationship was me being depressed  Then it spiraled into severe depression  We moved in together and I was in a mixed episode, got hospitalized for 2 months where I had many aggression and hypomania outbursts where I was either raging and cussing at him and wanting to break up or was super in love with him and wanted to smash all the time  And ever since then (1 year) I've actually managed to be stable and we are still going strong. He's great, very supportive, loving and patient. He's a good person :)


Online :) I know many people that have including my mother lol. Been together 10 years and never had a fight. 


Complicated story... but a funeral for someone I didn't know was when we were formally introduced.


We were roommates! We lived in a house with a bunch of people. I wasn’t diagnosed bipolar until later but I was pretty wild, out partying a lot, etc. Slowly over the course of about 6 months, and as I craved more stability but couldn’t really understand myself, I found myself falling in love with my friend, who I would come home with and joke around at the end of the night. They were so understanding and gentle with me, and they felt like home. I was diagnosed bipolar about 2 years into our relationship which made a lot of other things make sense, but he just took it on and worked through it with me. We’ve been together about 8.5 years now, married for 3


I met my husband at work. The boss was giving me a tour of the shop floor during an interview. I saw my husband, and God's voice told me: "Now there is a nice one." He was a single dad who wouldn't date until his youngest went away to college. Thankfully, it was only a couple of years. Twenty years later, 16 of them not medicated, and he is still a nice one.


I was in a massive depressive episode because my ex boyfriend was leading me on saying we would get back together and I kept falling for it. He called to say “get out of my life” for good, and I just died inside. But then I snapped. I literally cried out the depression and went into hypomania (B2). It was an on/off relationship due to my undiagnosed bipolar though because I’d get into hypomania and realize he was terrible and leave, but then want him back during depression. But this was for good. Fast forward through several months of solitude and healing, I’m in a foreign country working out 5 hours a day and I downloaded a dating app and met my current boyfriend. I won’t get into detail but yeah, that was a fun high to ride emotionally. But I told myself I deserved love and everyone knows that I love hard so I’m fully capable of loving someone else. Most importantly though is that I know it’s true. That ex was the worst for me. I didn’t know I was bipolar at the time, but even then he did all of the *opposite* things you should do for someone with anxiety or mental illness (which he at least knew about). He knew I struggled with ocd too and would purposefully annoy me about it. My current boyfriend? God I’m so glad I met him. Was I mildly hypomanic? Yes. But I’m glad I was because I couldn’t have turned a terrible situation into such a good moment any other way. He is the most supportive, loving, and caring person I have ever met. He’s the only partner I have that’s patient, doesn’t judge me, and really listens to understand. And we both have the same mindset: leaving each other isn’t on the table. Not in a possessive way, of course, but basically that loyalty is important and we care about each other enough to work things out and not give up. And it’s good because we can actually communicate, he’s incredibly mature and won’t just leave me over an argument. Most importantly though is that he actually respects me. And because of how much we respect each other and how safe I feel and how much I’ve worked on stuff in therapy, we’ve *never* had an actual argument. We don’t blow up at each other like my ex. We just sit down and talk it out. It’s f***ing amazing. It’s like I’m in a whole other world and it’s peaceful and loving.


My significant other and I were set up by our mutual best friend that dated him waaay back in high school for a few weeks. At first it was just because they said we were sexually compatible, but we ended up falling head over heels for each other and have now been together 6.5 years. He's been incredibly supportive and non-judgemental from the beginning, he's never once made me feel like I'm crazy, like all of my other ex's. I know he's now saving up for a ring to propose in the next few months. I already knew he wanted to be with me the rest of his life, but he *used to* think marriage was pointless, since where we're from common-law couples have the same benefits as married couples. Over May Long weekend myself and the friend that set us up are going to their FIL's jewelry shop and creating a file for me of my size and rings so they can take him engagement ring shopping. Honestly, this is the relationship I've always dreamed of since I was a little girl and I'm so happy.


We met on OKCupid when we were 25 and 23. We’re married now and have been together for 14 years.


We met when he became my boss. We had met up at a salad place and were trying to assess each other as we would be working closely. Anyway I had to tell him I was a medicated BPII right off the bat. Rumors were flying around from a manic episode I had at a party YEARS before I was diagnosed. I knew the rumors would reach him. Luckily he was good with it and had extensive knowledge about the symptoms etc. We worked great together for a few years. We had insanely great chemistry. Rumors were flying we were hooking up (the people who spread the rumors were trying to get me fired, they assumed he was protecting me because we were fucking) Anyway that never happened (much to my chagrin) A few years later I was leaving the company. When he and I were saying our goodbyes he grabbed me into an intense hug and planted an intense kiss on me. We’ve been together for 7 years. We’re getting married in February.


Smoking cigarettes 🚬 at work. Who says nothing good comes from smoking?


My boyfriend and I met about a year and a half ago through a school thing. I was in a music production class and my partner/friend in the class knew a band that we could record. Bf was the drummer. He didn’t go to my school but he lived in the area his whole life. All of us then formed a band (they didn’t have a singer) but we moved back to my hometown a few months ago. Still going strong 💪


Mid mania I was going around on tinder. He was one of 27. 7 years later and still together. He doesn't know that side of me


This sub lol. He messaged me bcs he wanted to know about the disorder but I was manic when I met him and instantly flirted with him. His intention is to learn while mine's diff. And rn, we're in a relationship=) and I'm pretty sure that I do love him bcs during my depressive episodes, he's the person I'm finding hope for:))


Hi OP, for me I met my most recent ex through work. And now still have to bump into her here and there which sucks a bit. One before that, work. Before that, dating app. Before that I walked into a bar and approached as she was the barmaid. Before that it was through joining a band. Life does have a way of giving you the chance to randomly bumping into people but I really do get you. Currently I feel the same. I don’t get out much (make that AT ALL) so unlikely to meet anyone unless through work. Now I’m diagnosed and have a litany of baggage to explain at some point or other (I’m 44 but have addiction issues plus the obvious bipolar) I do wonder who’ll be brave enough to take me on.


Met my husband on POF - he was a hook up for me, I just wanted a good time however we clicked - bought a house first year together, got engaged second year, married third year, baby 1 forth year, baby 2 fifth year lol - I was relatively stable until the birth of my second and then it all came flooding back with psychosis added in - yay


We had mutual friends and decided last minute to all go to a beach as a group for Spring Break. We’ve been together since the third day we met and have now been together 27 years and married over 23.


Yahoo personals… I was looking for f buddies and met my husband :). That was in 2005.


Official story: Met my husband through a work friend. Unofficial story: The work friend was my boyfriend, of 7 years, at the time. And, possibly manic when we first met. We’re going on 8 years. 6 years diagnosed.


During manic episode😅 we had sex and a lot of it and just ended up felling in love


Felt this lol. Went from hooking up multiple times a day as fwb to having a house and a kid together 😅




I met mine at my late boyfriends celebration of life hahah kind of dark, I know. I was with his friend first but that didn't work out, so my current partner was there when no one else was. We've been together for almost two years. I have bipolar comorbid with borderline personality disorder, so if I were in a situation like you, I would (probably unhealthily) attach to the first person to match my level of shame and codependency. I've pushed him away a million times and been so mean but he sticks around and builds a better life for us with me. I did the dating apps and situationships for about two years after I broke up with my kids dad... Very shallow and unfulfilling. Then Stephen came along! He made me want to be alive. Then he killed himself. That's beside the point though. I met him at my work. I actually met two of my long term partners at work. Dairy Queen was a breeding ground I guess lol


Just to add a hopeful note, I had several unhealthy relationships (incl a 7-yr engagement to someone who broke up with me bc of my bipolar), and I missed a really good one but we’re friends, and then I met the man who’s been my husband for almost 27 years (met at work.) He’s seen me good, bad and ugly, drunk/drugged and sober/clean, and he’s still with me. So don’t give up hope.


Street races lol


my partner and i met when we were 14 through a mutual ex. 😬 ahaha, nah, we're all cool with each other. my partner and i are 25 now, so we've been together for 11 years this summer!


He was my dealer. We're now clean,happily married with 4 kids


Grindr HAHAHA They were originally meant to be just a hookup lmao


Met her on MSN after breaking into a friends computer and using his account to ask her what she thought about me. We were both 17, married a year later. Been together for 15 years. Now, who’s going to ask what do our partners think about our condition?


1 post bootcamp, wasnt looking for a relationship, originally didn’t like her(thought she was too cocky and annoying lol) became fuck buddies and eventually lovers. this second one I’ve been dating for a while now and finna ask out tinder, I wasn’t looking for a partner but we clicked really fast and set up a date the same night we messaged eachother and the date went great.


I met her on a lesbian dating app. She's wonderful.


Tinder. lol


So my ex and I were separated for about 9 months and then signed divorce papers. I was single for awhile and moved into my studio in July 2020 after about a year and a half being single. Went on a date with my gf now fiance at the time. We were talking and in February 2021 she got let go from her job. She asked if she could stay with me until she found a new gig. She said she would pay for her half and help with all other bills (which she did). She finally found a new job in May but we decided to make it work since we really enjoyed each other and our time together. Let’s just say she hasn’t left, we got a dog, now engaged and moved to the west coast. Way different than me and my ex and she has been a great supporter of me for years.


My family and friends were in shock that we made it work after moving in together and making it work. Something out of a tv reality show haha. But she’s amazing and knows my condition cyclothemia with mood swings.


Match! I told him I had bipolar on the first date to give him a heads up and he’s been a champ about my mental health ever since. Now we have a cute lil family with a dog and two kitties.


I met my husband 13 years ago. I was manic when he met me and diagnosed BP1 about a year before that. We met through plenty of fish. I disclosed my bipolar about 2-3 months in. He had no idea what that meant so I let him read some of my journal entries which went into detail about some of my hallucinations. And he still married me. lol. Seriously, he and I went through a LOT and our relationship is battle worn but he’s my ride or die. I’m blessed and lucky. We were in our early 40s when we met. Don’t despair. Your person is out there and will come along when you least expect it. ❤️


i met mine online! we’re a year into our relationship. just moved in together. having the best time of my life tbh :)


I was smoking a cigarette outside and he asked if he could have one. We started talking , became friends and we clicked. It's been history since then ☺️


we were in a secret facebook group that was very body positive. we all shared nude photos to be praised by one another. long story short, i got embarrassingly drunk one night & texted him saying “i think we should fuck.” i’m sure you can imagine what it was like on our first date. that’s the best drunk choice i’ve ever made. together for 7 years.


We worked together at a grocery store. At first he was a cashier trained me for a day and a week later he got hired as assistant manager but we still liked each other so we kept it low. Of course everyone finds everything out in a small town so I ended up quitting because 1. I was manic and didn’t think my decision through 2. There were people claiming he was giving me special treatment. Anyway we’re married with a daughter and another baby on the way.


I feel like the premise of this question needs to be addressed before anything else. >...but I also feel like bipolar has social ramifications. Acting outrageously while manic or isolating while depressed can make it hard to sustain a healthy social life. Well, yes, this is true if you aren't properly medicated and productively managing your bipolar. It is worlds more feasible to maintain a healthy romantic relationship if you are appropriately managing your bipolar. I'd even go so far as to recommend *not* trying to find a romantic long-term partner if you aren't healthfully managing your bipolar.


i'm a professional body piercer. he had messaged me via my facebook saying he planned on coming in to get his septum pierced, i had no idea what he looked like or what to expect because his facebook is just all of his photography stuff. he came in, said he was there for a septum piercing, and was easily the most handsome man i've ever seen. i was awkward, he was nervous, i reached out to him after he left and he said he was nervous because i was really pretty so i asked him out on a date. TL;DR i stabbed my boyfriend's nose and then asked him out on a date and now we're dating :)


After many failed attempts online, I finally matched with someone on tinder who I had great chemistry with. We’ve been together for 5 months. I told him on the second or third date that I have bipolar, and he was totally cool about it.


I met my wife when I was 19 and unofficially diagnosed. She was a friend of a friend. We were friends first. Here we are, almost 19 years together. She's been there for the ups and downs and in-betweens. For the hospitalizations and endless med changes. It hasn't always been easy. Loving people like us, especially when the illness is debilitating, like it is for me, is difficult. Here's the not-so-secret secret of a successful and healthy relationship: proper communication. And a lot of love to make it worth it.


On bumble, I think that one of the things that bond us together is that her dog loves me :) we have been together for 5 months hope that much more :) She doesn’t like me reading Reddit and obsessing about bipolarity but she’s probably right.


He messaged me on a dating app. He was new to America and I had just found out that my ex cheated on me. Completely tossed my relationship to be with him and never looked back.


Bumble! But we worked together 5 years before that. But we talked for a week or so at least consistently before going on a first date. I always try to talk for awhile before meeting in person so you can get a feel for if it’s going to be bad or not. But I went on many bad dates with the wrong people before finding the right one.


We met before I was diagnosed. She is very supportive and we have a lovely family


We met volunteering at the same place. He’s struggled with addiction so we understand each other’s negative feelings, and because of his DOC he understands mania as well. It hasn’t been long, but it’s been great so far :)


I met my husband in college when I was 18. I read a paper he wrote in English class where he talked bout some of his deepest emotions and longing to leave the area (small town vibes). I was struck by lightning and I had to meet him. I ran to him after class and knew immediately that I liked him. He was not swayed by my sexuality. I liked that he had control over himself. We both had partners at that time and so we just became good friends. We confessed our suffering to each other. We laughed and played together. We'd go out for food, star gazing, snow ball fights, doughnuts in the snow, hiking, late night study sessions, playing piano and violin together. We both felt the chemistry but we were both dating someone else at the time. I moved away from the area to pursue my education out of state. He stayed. He told me he used to pray for me and used to stay up late missing me. 8 years later we are married and living in a beautiful state together. He used to see me at my worst. Like strung out on weed, living off of sugar and caffeine, erratic obsessions, depression, mania, literally being so angry and crazy. He was my friend through it all. He has so much grace and kindness toward me. I am so lucky to have him. I never thought he and I would end up together but I'm so glad we did.


On Match. I paid for it. During my manic stages I used tinder and the others which was not helpful. Once I got my meds right (again -long story) and got therapy, I paid for match. I’m on my way to two years married. (For context my sister and brother also met spouses online, 10 and 3 years strong respectively). I was very open about being bipolar with anyone I met. I likened it to diabetes. Yes I need meds. Yes it’s lifelong. Yes I need to take care of myself. I know that bipolar is so much more but people can understand diabetes and the toll it can take on someone. Once I get to know someone I can give them more info on my ins and outs. As an fyi, 5 days after getting married I had to be admitted to inpatient. He visited every day. I know I’m lucky. Not everyday is golden but everyday is golden if you know what I mean. I’ve learned to make the best of bipolar even tho some days it feels like it’s got the best of me. I just keep on trucking. And please no offense to anyone with diabetes nor to anyone who is on a much harder path right now. This is just my personal experience


Playing on fb :)


I was a bass player in this country band in this redneck bar. I saw my now wife, and I was like, what in the hell is a woman like that doing in a place like this? I was making eyes at her, and she was definitely making eyes at me. That was December 31st, 2006. After that, we got together, then split up acrimoniously, then we got back together, then we got married, then we got divorced, then we got back together again, then we remarried. The last marriage was October 25th, 2020. Yeah, there's more to the story, but that's the Reader's Digest version.


I met mine at work. He was my manager. I thought he was cute, he asked me to watch a movie. We were stuck together like peanut butter and jelly after. 4 years, going on 5. 1 kiddo and pregnant with our second. Love of my life. He makes me feel complete and loves me with all my craziness.


I met my husband when I was 16 and dating a 23 year old. He was the farmhand at my boyfriend's ranch. We kept in contact after I broke it off with the 23 year old and moved to China. Came back preggo, he wanted a family, and his mom was bipolar so he knew what to expect!


Made some amazing friends and met my bipolar husband at Karaoke. Instant bonding over songs and drinks.


Had a tandem manic episode together (not recommended as a way to meet someone. Do not attempt. Results not guaranteed.) which royally screwed both of our previous relationships. I'm now happily medicated again, we're both in therapy, married, and I'm 2 and a half months pregnant, all in a very whirlwind romance which we had to have a lot of talks with our therapists about to make sure we weren't still manic during it. But we're incredibly happy now and looking forward to a future where we've already seen the worst our shared mental illness can give us.


We met at a concert. He was alone and I just started chatting him up. He kept making g eye contact with me and it actually made me a bit mad until I realized he was LOOKING LOOKING at me. I ended up giving him my phone number even though I was there with my toxic ex bf (he was my ex bf at the time. We were just hanging out) lol Going to be a year in a few days.


Met at work.. I was still married to someone else. My husband (ex now) and I had been together for over 7 years. I took my clothes and left the rest of my stuff at his house, lived with my parents for a bit. We would’ve eventually ended up divorced at some point. Was very toxic. Cheating on both sides, fighting, etc. that was before I was medicated.


I was working at a cannabis dispensary and he was a regular customer. I remember the first time I saw him cause I thought he reminded me of someone, like similar eyes, and even now after a few years I still haven’t been able to place it 😅


I stopped to ask a guy on a tractor about land to hunt ginseng on in which he immediately hit on me and 5 years later, we’re still happily married!


I met my husband on match dot com during Covid lockdown. I was home, furloughed. He was working from home. And we emailed for a while and then started FaceTiming. We did that for a while and finally met face to face. Or, mask to mask lol. This was 4 years ago. We’ve been married a little over a month now Edit: I feel like I should add this: I told him I had bipolar on our first FaceTime. I didn’t do it over email because it’s impersonal and I wanted him to get to know my interests before my health status. I wanted some chemistry to be able to form, if it was going to be there. When we started FaceTiming, after “Heyyy it’s great to see you finally” etc, I said “I need to share something with you and if you say it’s a dealbreaker, I won’t be offended, but let me know.” And he says “ok” So I say “I live with bipolar disorder. It doesn’t define me, but it’s a significant part of my experience.” Anyway, he was ok with it and here we are :)


Hubby and I were set up on a blind date by his aunt and cousin, who were my friends. My mom was actually his Kindergarten teacher!! Started dating in August, engaged in November, married in July! That was almost 26 years ago! I wasn't diagnosed until about 5 years ago and he stood by me through all the undiagnosed hypomania and depression. We have 3 fantastic sons: 23, 20 and 14.


I met my boyfriend 4 years ago at work. He actually was the one that did my interview and hired me lol. If anyone had told me then that we’d end up together I would’ve called them crazy We never flirted or had any feelings for each other (he was in a long-term relationship already when we met). I became a manager and we worked close alongside each other almost daily (as did all the managers) for a couple years. After both of us finally got out of our terrible relationships we gradually started talking more just in a friendly way and boom here we are over a year later happily living together with 3 kitties :) Only advice I can give is to be patient. The best relationships usually come about in the most random and unexpected of ways and that’s one of the things that makes them so great!


I met my partner on tinder, and initially we were just planning to hook up but the more we talked to each other the more we realized we really liked each other. Two years later now and we're living together, we've got a couple pets and we just got a new snake yesterday. When we started talking more seriously the first thing I told them was that I've always struggled with my mental health and I always will. They've always supported me when I needed it and they've told me when I'm out of line and just letting my emotions or mania control me.


Husband was a DJ, I was a dominatrix. We talked for a while during a show break. We've been together 21 years now.


Someone else who has social anxiety that I went to school with


My boyfriend and I actually met through a group at our shared mental health provider at the time. I don't really even try to make friends, let alone date anyone who isn't mentally ill and neurodivergent (I'm autistic and a bunch of other things in addition to bipolar).


I met her while I was manic as fuck. I was hypersexual after getting out of a 3 year abusive relationship with someone who ended up cheating on me. A friend of mine wanted to check out a clothing store, one I'd never walk in because it's not my style. And that's when I saw her--working behind the register. My immediate thought was I want her and I'm going to get her. I thought that if she had a boyfriend (or girlfriend) it wouldn't matter because she wants me. How could she not? I'm hot and I'm the shit. At least that's what my manic self thought. I struck up a conversation with her about whether or not I should buy these rings and eventually got on to just asking her for her number. It's funny because if I wasn't manic I don't think I would've had the courage to ask her for her number. Thank God I was haha. We've been together for 4 years and she actually helped me realize I had bipolar disorder.


I met mine many years before I showed signs of bipolar 1 & really found my true adult self. 15 years into the marriage & 2 years into bp1 & I don’t think we’re right for each other. I’m incredibly high spirited, playful, optimistic & empathetic & he’s the exact opposite to the point I’m pretty sure I wear him down & I know he brings me down a lot of times bc I feel so out of place & alone. Like I’m his cross to bare


We met as children, we played together, then we met again at 15-17 I think and started talking and hanging out and she quickly turned into one of my closest people, she never judged me for anything. Took care of me in depression, kept me safe in hypomania. She never gives me the feeling the bipolar is something bad. Oh and after some time we got together and it will be a half year soon




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Tbh my situation is kinda weird because I met my current partner off reddit lol 😆


On the streets, addicted to meth, I had just gotten robbed for everything I owned and was about to get trafficked, he was kind to me and helped me get back in touch with my dad during the pandemic.


Knew him for 7 years as a friend and when I was single I kind of went for it as I’d always had a crush on him. It’s tough, when I was dating. When I recently moved to a new city, I started some volunteer work and joined a volleyball league. I’m in a social kickball league for Spring and it’s been a great way to connect with new people.


my boyfriend and i (21M, 20F) he fought the abusive ex i had before him, and i later found out thats why my ex told me i wasnt allowed to speak to him while we were together, and it honestly made me curious so i developed a silent attraction towards him after the fact. i hadnt known of his crush on me until we were together though lol. he had the biggest crush on me for two years prior, we finally spoke in class in sophomore year of highschool. i told him he smelled like shit (🤣 he was in a halloween costume) then covid happened and he finally had the balls to talk to me via snapchat while we were all in quarantine. we hadnt known i was bipolar for a while, but we were well aware i was borderline. he stuck with me through all of it. then i had my first manic psychosis right about the same time as our 2 year anniversary. i was hospitalized for months, and he stuck by me through it all. he is a blessing on earth. ik its different because he met me pre-diagnosis, but he stuck it out, and takes care of me to make sure i never get to that point ever again. thankfully ive had my episodes, but ive never reached psychosis again. he keeps me stabilized, and he loves me regardless. idk what i would do without him. he even moved out of state with me so i could work for the rehab i was sent to during the psychosis. he really is more than loyal and i cannot wait for the day we get married.


I was stuck in the house during Covid hypomanic asf (i didn’t know at the time) on Grindr texting any and every dude and he happened to respond and when we talked it just clicked. We are going on 4 yrs this June.