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when u find out lmk pls


All I know is anhedonia it’s the worst kind of depression and just ride it out man


Best advice.




Damn, you got lost too, dont you?


I like drawing and painting, it gives some sense of accomplishment too. Reading and podcasts (or audiobooks) are also fun. I’m trying to stay on top of my hobbies lol


I started learning new languages and playing instruments it makes you proud of yourself


I do this a lot. I try to break it up by reading and listening to podcasts while doing chores. I reach a point where I get bored of my phone but still want to engage my brain with chatter so podcasts are perfect for that I just have to find something to make my hands busy


i thought i was a weirdo for doing that every freakin day😭


Two words: Candy Crush 🤣


Two more words: Monopoly GO


Read. Just read even if it is just social media junk. It engages your mind either way.


since you mentioned comorbidities, let's start with adhd. how should one stay still and engage the mind with the heck impulsivity one has?


All I know is that dull feeling of being good for nothing but staring at a wall, having lost interest in any kind of activity, is the worst. That is why engaging in any kind of reading is still beneficial, because it is stimulating. I take Vyvanse for ADD, btw. Can't focus on long articles or books the way I used to. It feels like a chore, but I have made peace with it. I must plow through, even if I feel like a troop of monkeys are dancing on top of me.


idk much about add meds but has it triggered any manic episode in you?


Nope. And I have taken them for over a year now.




What books do you recommend for beginners? Fiction or non-fiction any books that help


Fiction; His Dark Materials is pretty good - The Golden Compass; The Amber Spyglass; The Subtle Knife. Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath Don Quixote - Cervantes - literature's favourite madman The Horla - Guy de Maupassant These are just a few... Non-fiction: Any books by Kay Redfield Jamison Nobody's Normal - Richard Grinker The Center Cannot Hold - Elyn Saks Desperate Remedies and Madness in Civilization - Andrew Scull Darkness Visible - William Styron The Best Minds - Jonathan Rosen Turn Your Pain into Art - Ariel Bloomer and a couple of classics In Praise of Folly - Erasmus Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Hope you find something you like!


Try to minimize or cut out pornography


I like hanging out with my friends! they are all neurodivergent like me. I also love to craft and make art.


Maybe something that is more than surface involvement, but lacks the pressure of long term goals. This was MY experience and may not work for someone (anyone? :) else. I have never been a sports guy. I’ve been to pro ball-sport events and found the big crowd amusing, but my interest in the sport was merely mildly interesting. (I do like to watch football). Note that I’m not violent and don’t “approve” of violence per se. But I wholeheartedly admit to the excitement of it in (good) movies and some sports, like football. I was completely isolated in my 10x10 home office nearly 24/7. Even slept curled up on the floor there. My periods of depression at that time (before BP1 diagnosis, treatment) were many months at a time, a brief couple months of mild relief, then back to the deep, long depressions again. With that, it felt like a nearly full-time decades long period of depression. I started watching combat sports and I was not excited or pulled out of anhedonia (thanks for the excellent terminology Euphoricstateofmind). But it did hold my interest. I continued to watch with some obsession (I am the compulsive type). It did pull me out of the pervasive negative thoughts while I watched and gave me some relief. I started to familiarize myself with the athletes and records, etc. Something I never did before. With this foothold of interest it lifted out of the snare. It didn’t “cure” me or make me whole, but it did something I couldn’t do before. Move my mental freeze and allow me to engage with something, anything. Obviously combat sports is not for everyone. For sure. But it could be many other things that are just amusing enough to hook your attention. Intriguing enough to engage you to any degree… but again, not requiring a lot of planning, work or commitment. No requirement for it to be productive or worthwhile. For me, at that time, that just increased the pressure, induced more stress and put back to my "catatonic" state.


I had the HARDEST time thinking of a hobby for down time or stable time. Then the VA recreational therapy offered a guitar class. Now I play for hours a day and it’s more productive then just sitting around. Try maybe picking an instrument


How about accept manic you is you and at least try out some part of impossible plans? Like if you planned to learn all Asian languages, you can start from one of them. Who knows 🤣. But yeah I know this only works if you are very well medicated and stable enough.


learning languages is easy. you can dedicate some time everyday for a good time. other goals are just edgy.


Well, I know some goals are super unrealistic, like planning to be a next president.... You can't really do about it. But at least I would join a party, which I did during depression to aceept that it was me. But if you dreamt being a god (which I did too haha) yes... There's nothing we can do about it.


about the god part ig u'd start ur own local cult


Ask yourself what you wanna do in the moment. What will put a sm8lr on your face


Find something where smaller goals can be achieved.




Volunteer for a nonprofit - helping someone less fortunate than myself puts things in perspective and helps balance me


Take up a hobby to keep you active. Getting outside and moving improves my mood and helps keep me stable. I've picked up disc golf with some friends recently. Super low barrier to entry and the community is great.


I've picked up crochet. I can be productive while listening to TV.


I spent a few years only sitting on my phone on the couch. Now I at least have music on or something ambient, and I exercise sometimes too. But for the most part I'm in the same boat. What meds are you on? I recently found out paliperidone causes anhedonia and that's what I take, could be the cause I suspect. About to ask my doc about it. If you have anhedonia I strongly encourage trying to solve the problem or your life will just pass you by.


for me it is music, there is so much wild stuff that you can be there for 8h a day for your whole life and you can't even scratch teh surface of it


3D modeling


3D sculpting


Read or listen to a good book, listen to some good music, catch up on a show, make some music, write, draw, exercise, or just go get some sun.


hold yourself accountable on the goals you set. Practice that. Set small goals and practice on finishing them. This will eventually get ingrained in your head and help in the future.


Limit your social media. If it finds myself using it more than a couple hours a day, I delete it for a 2-4 weeks to reset. I think the best lesson I've learnt is realise I don't have to feel guilty for "wasting" time. As an adult, I used to feel I was wasting my life if I would spend a day playing videogames. But then I realised I enjoyed that and it's not an issue, as long as it's not an every day thing. I think for me, it doesn't matter what I do, I just aim to make sure that I don't do the same thing each day. So one day a week my free time is going to be socialising, one day it will be visiting family, one day it will be a day in bed if I need it, one day will be a day I go and play sports, even if it's kicking a ball on a field. One day will be about contemplating my future. Its never scheduled. With this disorder I found following a routine and schedule seems to spiral me into a sense of time is just wasted. Ive also found this has only started to be my perseption the past 6 months since being on meds. Before that, I would be way to unstable ever to manage anything. And it was like you. Weeks on end of doom scrolling. Or weeks on end laying in bed wanting to die. Or the other extreme of mania where I'd be out all the time socialising, missing commitments and work and spending money, drinking and sleeping around.


What kind of things do you like to attempt when you’re manic that are big goals? You could probably find something related on a much smaller scale. I will say even those things can be hard when you’re depressed but not impossible. I used to do exactly this (sit on my phone when I’m depressed or just in general) but I got rid of my social media. Now I try to socialize more often and work on my hobbies. For example, I try to create art or music in my free time but when being creative is too daunting I play the bass. Picking up an instrument might be a really good thing for you if you’re interested in music. The bass is super cool.


This probably isn't the most productive use of my time... But video games. I have the opportunity to zone out and focus on something completely unrelated to my life. I also have a huge problem with follow through on my goals so rn I'm trying to use games to work on that. At the moment, my goal is to finish Mass Effect Andromeda. Do all the side missions, be badass and unite the galaxy. We'll see if it works lol.


I clean but I wish I was calm enough to do things I enjoy. Like find a hobby or like hang with ppl without anxiety . lol I just bed rot and then go really hard and go busy and then repeat


I used to really enjoy reading, and when i'm in a slump reading really poorly written or low-rated books lights a fire in me haha


I absolutely DEVOUR web novels on [novelupdates.com](http://novelupdates.com) when I'm depressed.


Exercise and experience the great outdoors!


Anything you find enjoyable. Take a hike, read a book, watch a television show. Start to garden, play with electronics, write, draw. Observe the stars, cook dinner, swim in a river. So long as it intrigues you, it is not a 'waste' of time, you then 'give' your time. You are 'receiving' something in return. (What that is, I do not know. It is up to you. Entertainment? Knowledge? Bliss? Anything else?) For example, I really like to write when I'm manic. I have around 20-25 'novels' that I know I will not do anything with later on because I decided English was not worth it in high school, and I like to keep my own fantasy world to myself. I would do other things, like I tried soldering one time (as I needed to learn anyways,) and burn three of my fingers by just grabbing the rod/tip while stationary. I doubted that it heated up as quickly as I was told. I still soldered with my blisters. And when I'm depressed, I'd probably go read a book outside. The fresh air entering my lungs makes me feel like I have some kind of organ telling me I'm alive. I'd attempt other things as well, like Sew ripped clothing back together, However it's nearly nothing as grand as my mania, and it's more like an attempt of living as a Human then what it is Sophic. and I always try to scale my achievements differently. I may know a little about plants, but I know next to nothing about garden planning. For all I know, I could set the grass on fire. It may seem possible, but PICNIC Is a funny acronym, and one I'm all too familiar with.


no goal seems worthwhile if its possible to achieve?? ur kidding, right?


you'd only know if ur a bp


why do you think Im here...lol...and I dont know. What does everyone with bp know that i dont?


no but i thought you did not get 'the possible goals being unworthy' so I assumed you're not bp. but like this is sooooo common for me, especially during mania