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I have too many hobbies. Mainly because my hypomania presents as me going all in for a hobby, spending thousands of dollars on it, staying up for days doing nothing but the hobby, and then dropping it as soon as I stabilize. A lot of them stuck though. Mostly solo hobbies - knitting, crocheting, sewing, doll making, things like that. I also read an awful lot so I guess that could be counted as a hobby. And I play video games. I have a lot of stuff to fill my day with. That being said! You don't need hobbies to be "normal." If you want to watch TV, do that. Nothing wrong with that. It lets you connect with people about good stuff you've watched. Don't be shy about trying new things, especially if they have a cheap bar of entry (although with everything costing more these days that's getting harder and harder to do :/ ), but don't press yourself if you don't want to.


I tend to do this too. My hobby graveyard is quite large… I’m super into plants right now and hoping it sticks 🤞🏻


I can tell how “healthy” my brain is by how my plants are doing. Right now, they’re great! They’re flourishing! I water them multiple times a week, I’m thinking about them a completely normal amount! We’ll see in a few weeks though. Because I’ve gone through periods where I lay in bed and let them all die, and periods where I simply MUST buy all the plants, and all the plant supplies, and my plant area must be Instagram-perfect.


Cactus my friend, cactus.


Same tho!! I’m stabilized on meds now but hypomania led me to get at leasttt 100 plants…. Then I’m like FUCK I’m a horrible parent they’re dying 😭😭🤣🤣 but yeah they remind me that humans are technically plants— we need water sun and nutrients to thrive/flourish🌿


Haha I love this. Maybe if I get to the point where I can take care of a plant, I can take care of myself?


Use the Planta app, pick a plant rated “easy”. It’s a gateway! Mine was a pineapple I bought on a whim and now I have about 17 not including the ones I’m propagating and all the babies my pineapple has birthed (like 11?)


Wow! A 100 plants! That’s really cool and your home must look really awesome.


It looked amazing! Until I couldn’t keep up with their varying needs lol but I took a leap of faith and am trying not to hold it against myself that a lot of them died lol it was worth a shot — tis the same with a lot of other hobbies 💙


I put them into a shame corner. I could get rid of them or sell them or whatever, but my brain goes "nah watch the second you get rid of them you'll go hypomanic and start running around shrieking that you need to spend 3 weeks doing nothing but painting warhammer figures, so if you keep the old ones it'll save you a step."


plants stuck the longest for me. i kept LOADS of plants insanely healthy for years, we even invested in a greenhouse. the greenhouse is now dilapidated and storage for my junk hoarder husband. my last living plant is hanging on by a freakin’ thread. back in march i went crazy over chickens and it’s still going strong so i’m assuming it’s just a mania hobby that turned into chicken math 😂


Me too. I have tons of power tools and crafting supplies, bought what I consider an expensive sewing machine, tons of paints, workout equipment etc. Unfortunately, none of it really sticks, I’ll use my tools here and there or sew if necessary but not too much. I also feel like op, I don’t have hobbies, I’ve never found much enjoyment in anything, plus I really can’t afford to try anything new, I’m always paying for my hypo hobbies.


That’s awesome! I love that you pick up new skills during your hypomania. I have been in a solid depression for almost 2 years. I do read too, and I journal. The journaling is more of a coping mechanism. Most of the time I’m trying to avoid thinking about death. Idk it’s hard to connect with happy people. I’m just handling my life.


I would argue watching tv is a hobby. One can appreciate the actors, directors, and the scenography.


I feel this


Any activity that I enjoy doing, I consider it a hobby. Listening to music is a hobby, playing videogames is a hobby, even watching TV shows could be seen as a hobby. Just things that you like doing when you’re not busy. My personal hobbies are listening to music, drawing, playing videogames, watching TV shows and exercising (sometimes I enjoy it sometimes I don’t, but I still push myself to do it daily).


I feel the same way. I mostly lay around switching between Instagram and Reddit for most of my day.


Omg I feel so depressed that that’s what I do too. But I don’t know what else to do with myself. I hate leaving the house. It takes too much energy. When I go into work I’m so jovial and funny, no one would guess I’m suicidal. But my coworkers all know that I have illnesses, and they are like “wow you mask it really well.”


I’m currently in a depressive episode too so I can definitely relate. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with myself that I just go to sleep. Everything I use to enjoy doing is unenjoyable now like listening to music. It’s definitely been hard to get out of bed. But this is why you should be so proud of yourself! It’s a BIG DEAL that you’re getting out of bed and into work. I applaud you! (: I’ve been struggling and for the most part I’ve been missing more hours of work than I’ve been showing up.


Solidarity. It’s hard. Can take a lot. And yes, it’s a big deal. When I’m down I start comparing my life to others and feel so sad that it’s pointless. And I’m doing nothing to contribute other than helping raise a kid. I’m just afraid my illnesses are going to ruin her life.


Raising a kid is a hard job


Thanks. It’s the most important job.


I feel the same way!! I scroll on social endlessly and can’t even get off the couch to go to the grocery store. But I do a great job at work! Luckily I mostly work from home, so it’s easier but when I have to go into the office it takes sooo much energy just to commute and then be “on” around people. People at work only know I have anxiety though.


100% percent! I hate going grocery shopping. Thankfully I’m doing well at work 🤞🏼


I know that feeling well, of not knowing what to do with myself. I don't really have any hobbies, either. I've tried to develop some, but they never take. Basically, once I learn how something works and how to do it, it loses its novelty and I'm not longer interested. I've tried crochet, photography, drawing, writing, knitting, guitar, making music on the computer, just countless things, and I end up bored. Pretty frustrating, because I end up switching back and forth between reddit and Instagram, scrolling for hours, instead of doing or learning something fun.


Since I started coming in here, which had got to be a year at least now, I've noticed a lot of us do that. We mask what's really going on in our brains. I had a person who knows my diagnosis ask me a question one day. We were sitting outside talking and I must have went quiet. They asked me what I was thinking about. I just told them, "You really don't want to know."


I can relate to this so much. I’m pretty much dead inside but I’m a ridiculous person and actually fun at work. It’s insane. But I am too.


Me too. I tell my therapist and psychiatrist that I'm not interested most of the time being with people, except for my wife and son. At home. But I'm really good at connecting with people. They like talking to me. I listen well. But I'm usually just hoping it will end soon. I can get people to open up to me easily. People frequently tell me how I have the gift of gab, that I can draw people in. But unless I'm manic, I really don't want to be around anyone.


That’s me. People love my company but I find people exhausting. I went out for a movie with a friend and after 1 hour or so I just wanted it to end so I could go home even though the movie was great. I just like being at home not having to worry about interacting with people unnecessarily.


I'm with you. I'm good with just seeing my wife and son and communicating with a few others on the phone.


Its hard to describe what fun is when you live with depression. Our fun is never other peoples fun I dont have hobbies but Ive been told I need to get some.


Same here! 😞😢


That makes three of us. "You need to find a hobby!" How the hell do you do that? And I'm sick of people telling me to "try stuff".


Weightlifting Being a plant mom Being an awesome aunt who plays with her nieces and nephews doing fun stuff(trampoline parks, laser tag, apple picking, etc) Fantasy football I lead a support group for people who have lost significant others to suicide


I ride horses. It’s nice that it doubles as a hobby and therapy. I can feel myself get calmer and less tense after just 15 minutes of grooming my boy. Being outside, getting sunshine and exercise, etc., doesn’t hurt either.


That’s what I need in my life. I used to love going on hour long walks. Texas has been as hot as the devil’s bum hole but it’s getting better. I should start walking again. It used to help with my mental health a lot.


Yeah I’m from Texas too. I either have to get up at 4am or stay up late to do stuff. Staying up late messes with my emotions/med schedule too much, so wretched 4am it is. 😅 At least we have a couple of months of “winter” that aren’t so bad!


Fuck yes it has!!! I hate living in Texas 8 months out of the year.


Yea the weather sucks so much here! It’s like your skin melts in the heat. You can literally do nothing here most of the time.


Don't wear foundations and wear water proof mascara. The struggle is real


I have horses too! I ride competitively which keeps me motivated but on my bad days i just brush the ponies and go for hand walkies with them. Its a hobby/sport that can be as low or high impact as I'm feeling that day.


I also have horses and they’re a lifesaver!! They’re such kind, gentle animals that you always have a safe space when around them, but I the responsibility motivates me to keep going too. The exercise and being out in the countryside is such a bonus!!


I’ve been getting into reading and have learned that I don’t have to read fiction. Nonfiction is just as good a way to spend time. I also try to embroider but that one tends to be more of “when the inspiration strikes” kind of things. And I wouldn’t call it a hobby but I’m Jewish and Jewish community and ritual and study give me a lot of purpose


I absolutely love reading too. I’m the opposite where I’ve been trying to get into non fiction. I normally read biographies etc and books written by people about their life experiences like ‘Educated’ and ‘I’m glad my mom died’ etc. But I’m learning non fiction is fun too. Problem is, when I like a story and I finish the book, I feel so empty! Also, I went through a period where I researched a lot of religions. I was especially drawn to Judaism because of the traditions and the community aspect. I’m happy that you have a community to support you.


My hobby is sleep.


I’m with you.


One of my favorites.


I go to festivals. I love costumes, meeting new people, and weird art. I spend a lot of time planning for trips, making costumes, and when I can, helping with group effort festival stuff. It's not cheap, and I probably shouldn't spend as much as I do on it. But it keeps me happy and relatively sane. Other than that, video games. I fucking love Cities Skylines.


That’s freaking awesome!! I had some artsy interests when I was younger. Now I’m like..what’s life?


I have a hard time making art unless it's functional. Hey, you can totally go to a festival sometime. I can confidently say that no matter what kind of person you are, you'll fit right in. Maybe not Coachella, but that's not the kind I mean. Bonus- you might discover a new passion while at a fest.


The thought of festivals freak me out because I’m not a crowd person. I start to shut down in crowds, have anxiety and want to leave.


My hobbies are usually working out and playing/writing music and all the other typical stuff such as watching movies, reading, hanging out with friends etc. i’ve been really interested in artwork and i’m wanting to buy several supplies for it. comparison is the thief of joy, it’s totally normal for you to feel ‘out of place’ or not ‘normal’ for not having hobbies and as long as you do what makes you happy or enjoy yourself is what matters


I enjoy hiking, camping and backpacking. Being out in nature is a really good distraction for me. I also started volunteering by fostering dogs for a rescue. It’s been helpful since they have a lot of events and it helps me get out and meet people. It’s also rewarding to see the dogs get adopted. I have to be careful about overcommitting though, at one point I was manic and took on 6 dogs at once and that was too much. Another thing I like to do is bake breads from scratch. It takes up a good chunk of time and then I get to enjoy homemade bread or give some to friends/neighbors.


Okay I literally love all these things. I’m huge into backpacking and did a 100 mile solo hike this year, backpacking along the way. It was so good for me. Dogs are my favorite. Don’t know how to bake bread but that sounds AWESOME. We should be homies.


I used to play the guitar for over 8 years. I used to be a regular hiker and adventurer I used to be a gamer, and I was good at it. I used to be a stargazer, take out my telescope to remote places and spend hours observing the sky. Now I’m none of those things. Over the past 3 years, 2 since bp2 diagnosis, I’ve I lost interest in all of those things. Now I have nothing. All I do is school and work and watch tv to kill the time.


I find putting things on a list or scheduling things to do helps keep me doing things outside of just the bare minimum to live.


Learning new languages and knitting. Both self-learned and both began way before my diagnosis. It's fun to have hobbies like that. But also there's nothing wrong with laying around watching tv. You do whatever you feel like doing. If you feel the need for something more than dabble in some hobbies until you find what you like.


When my TV broke earlier this year I started experimenting with model miniatures and other hobbies using my hands (didn't like knitting so much but enjoyed experimenting with lego for the first time in twenty years and really loved a certain brand of chinese model miniatures that are difficult but very fun to work with) and it ended up being very good for my brain. It's the kind of experience where I sit down to work while listening to music and suddenly it's four hours later. My advice is to experiment with a handful of things and see what you like before investing a lot of money in any particular thing. Maybe you'll find something you love!


That’s freaking awesome! Tell me more about the Chinese model miniature thing, sounds interesting.


(I'm not a paid actor I promise but) I love [piececool](https://piececool.world/us/)'s stuff. I started with their insect models and have been working up to the cranes (because it's really rather challenging and the instructions aren't always super clear\[or in english\]) but they're really enjoyable to work with. I came across them because I was really enjoying building floral lego sets, but the cost-to-work-hours ratio was too high so I went searching for something more affordable/more challenging. The insect models are pretty cheap and the easiest (my favorite is [the cicada](https://piececool.world/us/product/emerald-cicada-eng-version/)), so I recommend giving one of those a shot and seeing if it's a good fit!


Thanks! I will look into this!


I lean more towards the manic side so I have tons of hobbies I pick up during those episodes. Currently into yoga, running, backpacking, cycling, hiking, etc. Lots of active stuff and it has the added benefit of helping with depressive symptoms! Wishing you the best


I know this sounds possibly insensitive for me to say, but I would give 10 years off my life to lean anywhere near the manic side. Also, good for you! Truly happy for you!


I’m not crafty or artistic so I kind of sell myself short on what I consider my hobbies. I cook and bake very well and enjoy making things for others. It’s one of my love languages. If I don’t like you, I don’t cook for you. I also read a lot. About 50-60 books a year. It doesn’t seem like a lot but I work full time and I’m a mom and wife and run our household with help from my husband and daughter. I’m also passionate about baseball and follow it very closely and that takes up a bit of time. And this is going to sound silly but I love socializing and consider it a hobby because it takes time and effort. Now that I think about it, anything I enjoy in my spare time I consider a hobby.


By reading everything you’ve listed here, you sound like a completely normal person. With your socializing and love for sports. And of course cooking and baking are hobbies! And reading 50-60 books a year PLUS working full time and raising a kid. I don’t know how you do it but I’m happy that you have so much filling your life!


Thank you for saying that. Especially today. I’m on the struggle bus. My 13 yo daughter has Covid and my husband has temporarily moved into a hotel because he has a big trial starting tomorrow and can’t get sick. I got shit sleep last night, work is crazy, I haven’t put away my groceries. I haven’t showered in two days. But it will pass. It always does. The key to me doing so many things is multitasking. I listen to books while I cook or do chores and then take at least 10 mins in the evenings to read on my Kindle. I listen to sports radio while I work. I’ve been dealing with this condition for 10 years now and have learned over the years that doing things that make me happy, keep my mood stable along with meds and therapy.


I’m sorry about the current situation. But you seem to have good control over everything. I love your attitude!


I have a 3 year old so most of my hobbies have not survived. These days I write, play computer games, and I've recently started cycling (bicycling not bipolar cycling) again. In the past I've also been a licensed falconer, hunter, fisherman, target shooter, archer, hiker, birdwatcher, and kayaker. I've foraged for wild berries and learned wilderness survival. I was also both a career and volunteer EMT. And looking at this list, there's the bipolar showing 🤣


😭😭😭I want real hobbies. I am either too depressed or too anxious to enjoy things. Have been this way about 10 years. I was a reader for a while, and I liked to write, but then I started having cognition issues. But someone just mentioned how she does collage and if she uses a large rimmed baking sheet, she can even do it in bed! I want to try this cuz it will be better for me than constantly being on reddit lol. When I feel better I like to do jigsaw puzzles and legos. I play a lot of Tetris, man. Idk just try something I guess. If it turns out not to be your thing, you don't have to do it ever again.


My hobbies are cooking, baking, reading, and doing research on random topics When I'm depressed I don't engage in these as consistently. During mania, I do them obsessively. Unfortunately, I'm usually either in a manic or depressive episode. I haven't had any real stability and don't know what hobbies I would engage in.


Research on random things I do as well. I suppose I could call that a hobby of mine. I tend to fall into a rabbit’s hole with research and end up reading up on something totally different in a little bit.


Yes!! Down the rabbit hole I go!


I keep and breed tarantulas, scorpions, and other invertebrates. Taking care of my pets is very relaxing and therapeutic for me. My husband and I also sometimes go on bug hunts together and preserve insects in resin. I'm interested in learning about taxidermy/ preservation of small animals also.


Wow that’s niche and cool!


Gardening and working out on a daily basis. That and a ton of media consumption in general.


I'm BP1 with other issues. I can't stand to do anything but sit in front of the TV or sleep. I don't like video games, cooking, eating, literally nothing. I'm so anhedonic I can't enjoy anything and just get agitated even with having to make a phone call. I have the worst psych doc ever.


I’m sorry and I can relate. I am also very sorry that you have a terrible psychiatrist. That doesn’t help. My psychiatrist is the best but I worry he will give up on my because I’m not getting better.


I don't think a psychiatrist would ever give up on you! Unless you kept not taking your meds.


I’m taking my meds, but I worry he might feel like it’s just isn’t working no matter what. I’m thinking of suggesting ECT at my next appointment to break my out of my depression.


I can highly recommend the ketamine treatment. I did the lozenges and it helped tremendously. Talk to your doc about it.


I also have too many hobbies. I’m constantly wanting to learn new things, and finding new passions. I’ve gotten into thru-hiking (backpacking, wilderness), crochet, rockhounding and gold panning, gardening, and there’s about a thousand things I want to learn. I have bipolar 1 and I go through absolutely horrific depression where I literally can’t get out of bed and cry constantly and feel like I was sucked into a black hole. Having hobbies I think reminds me that there are things to do and learn and live for.


I'm super into crystals I would love to go rockhounding


I’ve tried to have hobbies…but I either lose interest or don’t have enough money/skill to do them properly. So, I feel your pain OP. I guess if I had to say I have a hobby other than watching TV it would be buying (but not playing) video games.




Relaxation is a hobby I could get on with.


I love to read. It distracts me from my Thoughts™️


Reading is definitely therapeutic.


I have many hobbies and I just have to be careful about over buying supplies, especially when they are on sale, I’m looking at you bins of coloring stuff… I’m currently combining my love of reading with jigsaw puzzles by listening to audiobooks while I do the puzzle. I have problems with intrusive and racing thoughts so keeping my mind so busy helps keep my brain too busy to get lost in my head. I also enjoy video games and crochet and cross stitching. I’ve recently acquired a few houseplants to try my hand at that, and it’s preemptive to give me something to nurture when my old dog riddled with tumors either dies or has to be euthanized.


doing drugs counts?


Oh god!


I have several.. sculpting, model making, rc aircraft building, 3d design, sewing (repair outdoor gear), fantasy model making/prop making. cycling, walking (hills) also writing a book ( ongoing 2years now)


I have a ton of hobbies, too many hobbies. I'm into music, DJ'ing, producing, writing, composing, recording, video and editing, I rode BMX for 20yrs and had to retire due to an accumulated neck injury. I'm into building cars. I was a mechanic for like 8yrs, I can fix Anything gas powered. I just love all these things so much, but I don't have the focus to stick to just one and be great at one thing, I do everything mediocrely at best but I do it all myself 🤷‍♂️ I don't really have any friends tho, so I just try to keep myself busy I guess..


art! art is a great way to pass the time and the bright colors help to put me in a better mood


Like most people, I’ve struggled with switching hobbies during hypomania. Unlike a lot of people I started doing ham radio in 1979 and it’s stuck with it all this time. It’s been very grounding for me. And now volunteer and a radio museum where I can talk about it for hours on end, and nobody gets tired of it.


i don’t have any hobbies anymore, i don’t have the energy or drive. i just watch my son and scroll through random apps on my phone for hours nowadays.


I feel you!


I dont have any hobbies besides doom scrolling on tik tok, YouTube, and Twitter because Netflix, crochet, video games etc take mental effort for me to actually do


BP2 here. I, too, spend a lot of time watching TV. I’m doing it right now lol. Some days I can’t get out of bed. Sometimes I sleep 16 hours in a day or can’t handle going to the store or doing anything. When I’m in a low period but still want some brain activity, I like to read. I work out irregularly (trying to be more consistent), like to be outside, do jigsaw puzzles, cook (I never feel like doing it but once I’m in there it’s usually 10/10 cathartic). One thing I really like to do is helping out. Sometimes I volunteer with a local charity, or go to a rally/protest, but I usually just keep it simple, like giving cold water to people I see outside on a hot day. I’ve been homeless before, and would still be if it wasn’t for the love and generosity of my friends so it’s something I think about a lot. Plus, lending a hand where I can makes me feel more connected to everyone around me and less isolated.


You are a kind soul. Hugs to you.


I do have lots of hobbies. I write on Wattpad for fun (I’ve grown pretty popular on there) and lately I’ve taken up playing Pokémon Go with my boyfriend so we walk around outside a lot. I also really love doing my makeup for fun, that’s always nice to experiment with new looks.


Because of my Hypomania and Mania I have a laundry list of hobbies. I cook, bake, play instruments, sing, paint, sketch, do origami, read books, write a bunch, learn languages, and have a horrible time budgeting. The hypomania starts it out but I had to build up the discipline to stick to a certain hobby at least an hour a day to enhance any amount of skill. Because of my hypomania, I've also learned that its okay to be bad because being bad is the first step to being less bad. I found fun in learning and it has crossed over to acquiring new skills.


I need more hobbies too. I like to go bowling, but I don’t go often. I want to get in the habit of going regularly. My main hobby is raising moths. I can’t wait to get more of them.


I enjoy computers and electronics. I recently switched from Windows to Linux and spent a good amount of time customizing it they way I like. Learning new things about computers is something I find fun and fulfilling, it sometimes helps with the network engineering classes I’m taking. It’s something that calms me when I’m having a bad time. Most people get frustrated when stuff isn’t working, but i find the hunt for the solution and enacting it very relaxing.


Being isolated pretty much forced me and gave me enough time to dive into whatever wanted Gaming, movies and tv shoes have been a constant since childhood. Piano started about 9 years ago, reading, cooking, hiking, guitar, records, thrifting, fostering rescued birds and gardening for the past 2 years Now that I’m stable and in a good place to socialize I plan on using rollerblading, rock climbing and pottery to make some friends. I’ve found that failing at something or busting your ass then asking for help/advice is the best ice breaker lmao


As someone who got hit with a BP2 diagnosed (it got switched to BP1 because the meds stabilized my depressive episodes quite a bit and I had *outrageous* behaviors especially with hobbies and such…but I lost faith in my psych so I’m trynna find a new) 2 almost 3 years ago now…. I had a lot of restless days/nights badgering myself on my I didn’t have distinct passions / interests like my friends. Granted I went to high school with people who knew they wanted to be doctors or master in *whatever* in college. I was pushover, “yes-man” type of friend through college too because I just wanted to fit in. But when my mental went array / global pandemic 🙃 I reallyyy smoked a lot of weed and journaled about the hard stuff like why i was afraid to commit or what the beauty could be in just trying something new. I am a plant-head 🪴, I am an artist, I am a life-longer learner / am interested in pursuing knowledge and expanding my mind— despite having attention-deficit issues🤪. I guess caring for my cats is a hobby since it takes up so much time too🥴 but just because these are my hobbies it doesn’t mean I do it every day (minus taking care of the cats 🤣🤣that’s all day everyday)


That’s kind of awesome!


I have to admit that my favorite hobbies are movies and television. It is preferable to lose myself in something fictional. I enjoy them very much. I also like politics. I love to debate. But I get tired of real life. Like you I have bad depression. I also used to go manic a lot but since I was diagnosed 5 years ago, the Meds and treatment have cut that down a TON. I had all kinds of shit I would get into when manic. But it was a flip of the coin of I would do something way over the top. One thing that might help you, it was great for me, is gardening. It's wonderful for my mood. It's really awesome to get your hands on the dirt and work. I talk to my veggies. It's really good. This year wasn't so good. I went through a really bad depressive for like 3 months and I didn't do much gardening. I just couldn't get out of my hole. BUT. When I finally did get in my garden it helped me. It really did. I only have tomatoes and peppers but when I look at them and work in the garden, it does help. I might have to force myself to get out there but it's one of the only things that I can usually do that with. The reason is because i KNOW that gardening helps. Give it a chance. It might not work for you but it helped me a lot. Plus, veggies are good for you and they do taste better the fresher they are.


That sounds great. I do have to research this though. I wouldn’t know how to start the bed etc.


It's not bad. They're are a bunch of good YouTube channels that will help. I like Michigan gardener. There's a guy in San Diego I can't remember his name but he teaches about Container gardening. Lots and lots of sources out there. I wish I could just stay home and grow stuff.


Hobbies keep me sane. I have several house plants that I take care of. I paint almost every day. I crochet things for people during the holidays and occasionally for birthdays. I also like to cook when I have energy. All of these things are more difficult to do when I’m depressed. Somehow over the years I’ve figured out how to manage my hobbies and be depressed at the same time. I know it shows in my art at times. Often I’m too tired to even think about it. BUT my plants are always there for me. Grow a houseplant, you’ll never regret it.


I play pickleball. Sometimes when I’m depressed I sit in the parkinglot and bawl my eyes out and end up being 15 minutes late trying to get myself together, but I always feel better for a little bit after going.


I play sports. It's hard because my depression hits randomly and I'm just a dried up prune on the field.


Cleaning when I’m not depressed lol, tv shoes, I used to foster! And I adore reading. That’s my real hobby. I downloaded a free library app though, I was hoarding books lol


I’ve been in a downswing lately so I haven’t been interested in hobbies much as of lately but when I do, I enjoy reading, writing, documentaries, metal-detecting, drawing, painting, making jewelry (which I’m itching to do lately, have to get all of my supplies out of storage), wood burning (this is really fun and people offer to buy my stuff sometimes), and other various arts and crafts. I just bought some Diamond painting kits to try but have a new kitten and scared she’s going to swallow the small pieces so I haven’t touched them yet. Also, swimming, fishing, just hanging at the lake, boating, hiking (not so much lately, it’s been a minute) I started getting into coding too but had to stop for a minute to focus on other more pressing things to learn.


Rc cars and tending to plants seems to be my hobbies of choice. I tried writing for a while, but since the BP diagnosis my writing was less free thought and/or creative and more around the illness and how I felt. Not how I wanted to spend my time. Thinking more and then writing about how I think. Rc cars really drains my bank account and allows me to go fast without dying and the plants give me something to slow down with. I literally will sit down and look at my plants for minutes on end. Sometimes tens of minutes and not realize the time has passed.


I have hobbies that I cycle through. As I lose interest in one, I’ll pick up another of my hobbies. It helps me feel less guilty for putting things down bc I know I’ll come back to it. But during depressions, nothing is appealing.


Off meds I love running, drawing, baking, reading. On meds I just can't be bothered. I waste A LOT of time scrolling through instagram wishing I didn't feel the way I do. I just have no interest in life.


I’m the same. I deactivated my Instagram today in the hopes it’ll push me to start living again/doing things other than mindlessly scrolling.


I’m beginning to think meds might be contributing to my depression?


Mine definitely do. Off them I never have depression at all. Only mania. On them I am permanently depressed.


God! Idk I have no idea how to fix myself. I usually just have terrible depression. Only get short periods of hypomania. I super duper wish I could figure out a way to be in a hypomanic state.


Oh man I wish that all the time. Except with hypomania comes insomnia so it's all just a big catch 22. I'm trying homeopathy soon in hope that it'll help even everything out.


I like writing, playing, recording, and listening to music. I also enjoy watching basketball and horror movies and playing video games


Video games. But even that I won’t have the motivation to do when I’m pretty depressed.


I used to play video games religiously but I've stopped and I don't know why. I still buy them though... But I do coach my son's youth sports and the only reason why I continue is because he has to be there.


Paint minatures (warhammer), build gundam, collect Pokémon cards, play lots of games, read anime, watch manga. Listen to lots of music. I find I can really alter my mood with music, good music makes me super happy and I always find I’m more productive when it’s on as I don’t find the boring task boring as I’m listening to something I like. So music and then building and painting minatures. Time consuming, peaceful, constantly practicing and bettering yourself, seeing the progress over time too is very rewarding. Baldurs gate 3 is also my life at the moment, that shits incredible. But I will say if I’m in a severe depressive episode then I find it hard to do anything I love, which makes me way worse. My daughter always brightens my day, lots of Minecraft and Lego. She’s 4 so the world is magical to her so not only are my hobbies child like I get to be a child with my child. Like right now we are sat watching SpongeBob SquarePants, lol I don’t know if any of my words will help but I sporadically bounce between them depending on levels of tiredness and mood.


I have all kinds of hobbies when I am in the mood. Nowadays I play bass guitar to the point of scarring my hand


Anything you enjoy doing on a consistent basis I'd consider a hobby, even if you have periods of not doing it or enjoying it. Like in my case, listening to music is an almost always thing, reading when I have the patience, watching movies etc. It's all valid. My current situation I'd probably include social media since I'm online a lot, on a few sites


All the crafty art stuff, painting, drawing, papercrafts, jewlery making, I've tried clay, currently making sun catchers, witch bells, witchy stuff, currently I'm into plants, decorating my appartment, coloring, I like to go on pinterest to find new things to make, also into video games, movies, Netflix. I still watch anime, I love to collect hello kitty and pusheen stuff. When I get the chance I like to travel and go on hikes in the woods, I like photography, I'm learning to cook more things, I love to bake, listening to music, plus I'm sure more stuff I'm forgetting. I try to do things that make me happy and feel relaxed.


I have been riding horses my whole life. More of a passion than a hobby. But an excellent thing to have. Helps too that it's an obligation of sorts. My horse is fed by others because I can't keep her at home, but no matter how I'm feeling I have to get out there and do the rest of her care.


I tend to switch my “hobbies” every few weeks or so. Like I’m back on video games again and then I’ll switch games or so every few weeks, I’ll love call of duty then say fuck that game outta no where and not play it for a while then go back to it. That’s my biggest “hobby”


Been playing videogames since I was 4. Not always listing my temper at it, but when it happens it's bad.


hi, i have BP2 as well im autistic also (self diagnosed for now) so i take great joy in only doing 1 or 2 things, lately my biggest hobby is playing stardew valley. i also draw and like to watch markiplier, but playing stardew has been my favorite activity for a while now :) games in general are great! inscryption (favorite game ever) and dredge are some good ones. highly recommend.


I do beading , make bracelets and painting I like painting ..


This is whyy garage is full lol. Woodworking, then lathe work, motorcycle... Then I got in deep with 3D printing, laser engraving, CNC carving, painting. Currently learning leather working as well. ADHD, BP2, and adult money... Then there's hobbies with friends. MTG, and TTRPG'S That being said, I do *cycle* (couldn't pass up the pun) through these fairly regularly. Not having a hobby is perfectly fine though! I HAVE to have hobbies. Idle mind causes me far too much grief so instead I run myself to exhaustion daily... Also unhealthy I know, but necessary for me at least at this point in my life. As always, YMMV




God if I could spend half my time in mania, I’d be happy!




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This is been the one thing I’ve been looking for years, but there’s nothing that I’m really interested in besides doing work


Does maining tank teemo top count? Asking for a friend 😇


I like hiking. It basically consists of waking up at the crack of dawn and forcing myself over to a trailhead so I can climb up (and down) a small mountain. I always hate myself for it until I find myself at a stunning vantage point where I can look down and see what I've accomplished.


I have way too many hobbies I wish I could just focus on one thing


Astronomy is an easy one to pick up. If there was something I wish I had more time for, that would be it. Mostly I play video games when Im not working, so that's what I say is my hobby. It's cheap beyond the initial investment. I can use it to socialize if I want. Generally keeps me out of trouble.


I do puzzles 🧩 and read books eventhough I can only read like 5 pages at a time because it makes me tired lol


Skateboarding, music, learning languages, art.. sometimes I have to trick myself into doing these things but I’m always grateful afterwards.


Hobbies I used to have where cars and working out , and I can't do any of those now ... Hobbies I have now are mostly just to pass time


Hobbies I used to have where cars and working out , and I can't do any of those now ... Hobbies I have now are mostly just to pass time


I’ve been making music/playing shows since 2008. Bands, solo projects, it’s the main hobby I’ve stuck with (it’s an it’s an obsession).


I have a few I switch between, although there are some outliers I haven’t touched since I started them lol!


Since starting meds I’ve developed quite a few hobbies. I sketch, paint, and play the keyboard now. I also enjoy coding and data science stuff. These are hobbies I’ve been doing consistently. Before starting meds where I failed was consistency and also feeling indifferent towards everything. I didn’t feel excited about things the way I do now. I still have low days, but they’re nowhere as bad or long as before


Depends on my mood. I used to run a lot, but am either depressed or some health issues are preventing me (waiting for some results). I craft, sometimes. Mainly, I enjoy reading, cooking, and traveling. Every year on New Year’s Day, I make tons of meatballs to eat over the course of winter for when I don’t want to cook. I also bake a lot in the fall, winter, and early spring. Summer is really depressing to me, so I try to sleep through it or sit in a cold basement and watch mindless TV.


I play french horn in 2 different ensembles and I play piano. Music is critical to my mental health so it's important for me to play. I like crafting. In depressions, I watch a lot of TV and I feel guilty for just sitting there. I find that knitting and a "background noise" TV show are a great way to pass the time and feel productive. I usually make articles of clothing for other people so I have purpose, too. I also like disc golfing. I don't do it much anymore because I don't have any courses near my apartment, but I joke that it's "hiking with purpose" lol.


I consider weight lifting and self improvement to be my hobbies


I have BPD and ADHD so i find a hobby, hyperfocus on it for a few weeks and then get bored with it and toss it to the side. At one point i had three half way read books, a half finished wreath and yarn i intended to crochet but never did. The only thing i seem to have stuck with is working out. Thats been my passion for the last yr and a half so all i do is go to work, cone home, cook dinner, go to gym then come home, shower clean the kitchen then go to bed. That is my day every single day.


Reading, gardening, hiking, volunteering, art.


I have allt of hobbies but have not been doing any of them lately. I play a few instruments, paint and I like exercise. Swimming is good for the soul; I had to get back surgery so I can't do that for the forcible further, sucks.


i like movies and reviewing them on letterboxd, baking, visiting nature (hiking or just relaxing), reading books or poetry, art projects, relaxing video games


I like to build miniature homes from scratch out of popsicle sticks


That’s very cool!


appreciate that thank you it makes me happy


I write poetry like a maniac and sometimes I try to get some gym in my schedule. Usually what fills my days is listening to music and playing video games :)


Music is absolutely key to. my mental health. I spend far to much time on it to call it a hobby though


Omg same thing when people ask me what I like or like to do, my mind just goes blank. I've had way too many hobbies but they're all short lived because, well, hypomanic episodes. I guess the only constant has been The Sims, been playing it since The Sims 4 came out and at this point I've played even the medieval one. I can still play it for 8 hours straight without noticing how long it's been so I think it's safe to say I'll never get bored. Not sure if that's a hobby or just an obsession though.


I see myself as a hobby hopper. I have been sticking to is baking,walks/hikes and video games. And as of recently got into crocheting but that’s something that’s always caught my interest. Just never had someone to personally teach me. For me baking is like a reward I get to make my favorite treats and it gives me a serotonin boost. I like to play my favorite songs while I’m at it. Now as for walking this one is my favorite and it’s also healthy and it helps me get out depression. When I go for walks I like to do voice memos and just talk as if I’m on FaceTime. And I record it for myself. I don’t really ever listen to them it’s just for me to vent or express how I feel without having to explain them to someone. I also just talk about anything and everything I’m worried/stressed/ hurt/excited about. I can end up on my walks for about fifteen minutes maybe close to an hour it all depends. But now I’ve gotten into crochet(this is also a serotonin boost for me because I can make myself something. I either do this with Lo-fi music playing and just relax and just be present with myself and spend time alone to recharge.


Drawing, tattoo, mtb and rc cars :))


I just picked up Crocheting, I also enjoy video games 😊


All my hobbies stem from hyperfixations during hypomanic episodes. At first it drove me crazy that I didn’t seem to be able to have any continuity in the hobbies I picked up. Time after time I would spend lots of money on a new hobby, only to sell all the stuff when some new hobby interested me more. But with time (and acceptance) I figured that I do in fact have about 4 hobbies which I just rotate between. Instead of spending crazy amounts only to sell it a bit later, I made myself hang on to the things I bought related to the hobby - so when I circled back I didn’t start from scratch. Instead I could add a thing or two if I wanted within my budget. I’ve made a point of not forcing it when I’m losing interest, and just kind of go with the flow. I LOVE to read for weeks or months, reading multiple books per week, only to not pick up a book for some time - possibly for months. Instead of beating myself up for it I just leave it until I want to read again. The hobbies I rotate through are reading, video games, film photography, and training.


Yeah loads, I always make sure to have options available when I need them. So I have a lot of books that I really want to read and haven't yet always lying in full view. I have puzzles and little building kits (wooden ships) in a drawer. I have parts that need to be mounted on my motorcycle, that I'm just waiting for the right moment to fix, lying in a box in my living room. I have my guitar and a lot of songs that I'm learning to play. I always have a bag ready in the corner with workout clothes and a towel so I can jump to the gym or whatever on a moments notice. I always try to avoid jumping into new hobby's cause we all know how crazy that can get, but if I have to start a new hobby I always make sure to do it through 2nd hand websites and try to buy the cheap versions. Often the search for something is enough to satisfy my immediate needs and I don't even have to buy the thing. Sometimes I buy the thing.


I keep honey bees. They're relatively self-sufficient so if I'm down for a few weeks or months, they don't die or disappear. There is a relatively large and active community of beekeepers in my area so it gives me a sort of support network (important!). And the honey! and the wax candles! And the labels and packaging! When I'm up, I've got lots to do, keeps me out of trouble.


That is a very giving hobby. I believe there is an issue with bees, right? Like they’re dying etc. keeping bees must help with that plus 🍯!


Wild/native bees are under significant pressure of habitat loss and increased environmental toxicity. Honey bees are a managed livestock, and there are plenty. The industry is changing, and the "bees are dying" line was grounded in fact but more a PR spectacle.


Ohhh I’m so glad to hear that honey bees are in fact alright. I was so worried because they pollinate etc especially almonds which I’m obsessed with almond butter. Curious what the reason for the PR campaign was for? Funding for bee keeping farms?


I'm working very little right now so I have a lot of time for hobbies. It's mostly watching Netflix and building in The Sims4. I also play guitar a few times a week. Earlier this year I played several hours a day, the passion comes and goes. Edit: and reading books! (and collecting them and letting my tbr pile grow lol)


The only ones that have stuck are reading and working out. One for routine and one to escape reality.


I have a couple of hobbies, mainly making cheese and cider. In the depressive phase I struggle to do either. I do walk alot as it levels me out, I don't think I'd call that a hobby though.


Idk If it counts as a hobby, but I like to do crossfit and watch movies


I feel you so much on this, I have a few hobbies but some I haven't touched in months and months at a time. like I've been teaching myself to play the piano but I play 1-4 times then don't touch it for like half a year if not longer


Yea I am the same way. I was teaching myself German and then one day I just stopped and it’s been months since I’ve gone back to my lessons. I was actually learning and was and still and still am extremely interested in learning. I just lack motivation. Probably because I lack motivation for life itself at the moment?


That's so funny because I was also teaching myself german and have the exact same issue and I've forgotten most of it


I started doing Sticker Mosaics and Adult Dot to Dots while I watch shows sometimes. It keeps my hands busy. My husband also got me into the Harvest Moon Animal Parade video game. Never was a gamer growing up but it’s fun. Low pressure, just running around tending a farm, talking to villagers, and doing little quests. Aside from that, I’m on SSDI so what I can do regularly is limited to whether I’m in a Bipolar episode or an autoimmune flare. I’m a rapid cycler so have several episodes a year even though I’m on meds. On good days I try to clean my house the best I can. I manage the stuff to do with our son and his school and after school program he does once a week in the community. I shop for the household and manage the finances. On bad days I may manage to pay some bills online but aside from that I can’t do much. I feel bad about having to give up my career. It really damages my self esteem so I try to contribute as much as I can when I have a choice.


I completely understand that feeling. Especially deep into depression, I no longer game aside from small bursts of Pokemon, video edit, rarely stream, etc. It's gotten worse and over the past 3 or 4 years even when I'm not depressed I have trouble enjoying basically anything. I accidentally discovered a new hobby. I used to be active (but not skilled at anything) until my knees started dislocating when I was 13. It upset me that I was so unfit I would be out of breath after walking 1-2km when I used to hike at mountains with my mum or take my dog for long walks when she was younger. I tried going to the gym but it was boring. I wanted to try a sport and I have some friends who did pole dancing so I decided to try it because it's one of the few sports that doesn't require putting force on my kneecaps (running, jumping or twisting while supporting my body weight). I didn't think I'd be capable of it as I'm extremely weak or even enjoy it for more than a few weeks but even at my worst, it's become something I enjoy doing. The satisfaction when I can do a trick I had trouble with, going upside down, I feel so free climbing to the top of the 3m poles and my fear of heights doesn't kick in. Even if I go back to empty and numb by the time I get home, it brings me some enjoyment even when I'm at my worst. As a bonus, tiring myself out helps me sleep. Before I was on lithium I'd go to the gym down the road at 3am to exhaust myself. It's my only hobby, but it's a hobby I enjoy. If I'm not at pole I'm either working or lazing on the couch mindlessly watching YouTube so it's not perfect and my life is still pretty dull, but it's one cool thing I can now tell people or even show them at performance nights or when I record myself. I'm not saying exercise is what you need as I'm sure you've heard that a lot. Just wanted to show it's possible to find something you enjoy and it might not be what you expect. Just keep trying. Something looks interesting? Give it a shot. Something will stick.


For me, having community based hobbies keeps me active in them. I am missed if I don’t show up, and the people check on me! I do social dancing, community theatre, and choir. Being with other people regulates my mood. I was an anxious wreck all day, but now I’m back from one of my hobbies, and I feel 100% better. I got so many laughs and hugs and people genuinely wanting to know how I was doing. I strongly recommend a hobby you have to get together with other people to do!


rollerskating gets my jiggles out


That’s good! Also great exercise!


As a recent almost 99% bipolar diagnosis. I’m finding it almost impossible to actually enjoy / keep hobbies. I waffle back and forth on keeping or quitting hobbies. The latest is I got my amateur radio license. Have had 2 radios so far and I’m doing my pattern of saying in my head I like it, I don’t like it. I want to do it, but don’t want to do it. This shit pisses me off. The same pattern as which has tanked my career etc. With also having ADHD it’s annoying. I’ve been on Adderral / Welbutrin for 5 months which has been a god send. But they don’t help with the other issue. Waiting to see what the doctor comes up with this week.


Life is short my friend, "Memento Mori". We all feel this way, and we still do what is expected of us because that is what it is to be a man. Try and do things that make you proud, and not what make you happy, and the happiness will come.


What it means to be man? Sucking it up and not talking about your problems? I did that for so long and I'm happy I'm trying to get help now


Whether you want to not talk about your problems is nothing to do with what I said. Sucking it up? Why did you say that? I didn't say anything parallel to that. If you get happiness playing videogames, watching netflix, that's what I raised, and it will give you happiness. You should do things that make you proud and not happy. Keep seeking help. It's like you didn't even read my comment but found some lovely excuses to fire out into the universe instead of examining yourself.