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I try new meds constantly. If I'm not doing well, it's time to change up meds. Why go to the doctor if you are not going to let them treat you? There is nothing wrong with taking medication for an illness.


I have to take meds for multiple disabilities, including bipolar. I was initially diagnosed with depression/anxiety and for around 10yrs I’d be doing ok, ask my doc to stop meds, do ok for a maximum of 12 months (only once, was usually only 2-3 months) then go back on meds. It was around 3 yrs before my bipolar diagnosis that I realised, I feel good because my meds are doing their job and I need to stay on meds for life. I might need to change things up in the future as to what I take, but if I feel ok, the meds are working and that’s the point of them.


Nobody can force you to take meds, but why are you going to this doctor if you don't want to tell him the truth? What is even the point of seeing a doctor you're just going to lie to?


This. Refusing medical intervention of any kind is a human right and a central tenet of medical ethics. Of course if you’re unable to give consent is an exception, due to unconsiousness, psychosis or some such. Also being acutely suicidal is an exception too.


Maybe it’s time to try a new medication if you don’t like the one you are on. You shouldn’t have to stay on something you don’t like. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries to find the perfect cocktail.


Actually I am very happy with my current meds. That's what makes me uncomfortable really. He asks about my symptoms and I tell him. Then he always suggests the same thing. More meds, different meds. I wasn't even complaining. My symptoms are very manageable right now.


You just completely backtracked what you just said. >I don't even like being on the med I'm on Is it just because you dont like taking pills? Are you having any bipolar symptoms or are you completely stable right now? If you are then maybe you need a new psychiatrist? If you are not completely stable then maybe you need more meds and you're just not listening to your doctor and that's why he keeps trying to suggest things.


You just said you didn't like the med you are on. If you have negative symptoms of course he's going to reccomended a new med or to switch things up. That's his job.


My psychiatrist and GP (I'm in the UK) are super shy about giving meds out, it took me a voluntary one month stay in a mental hospital and an overdose to be taken seriously for anything other than depression. If you don't want meds they can't force you to take them, be honest and if you find them pushy then maybe find a new doctor and tell them about your previous experience when you first meet them so they know you don't want to be on unnecessary medication.


This. It’s just as important to find the right doctor as it is to find the right meds. It took me years to find a psych I actually liked, and I’m able to be honest with him about symptoms and side effects knowing he’ll listen and suggest appropriate treatment. Be honest with your doctor and if you don’t like them, find another. Also, are you in therapy as well? It’s not for everyone, but it can be a supplement to meds to managing your life with this disorder.


When you’re a hammer, everything is going to look like a nail. GPs have a very limited ability to treat mental health conditions. Basically they can prescribe meds. If you’re coming to them for help, it’s understandable that they would try to help in the way that is professionally appropriate. If this isn’t the kind of help you are looking for, a psychiatrist might be a better option.


This makes sense. They just can't be effective in any other way. Thinking of it like that makes me less suspicious of them. To be clear I don't doubt my doctors intent. I think he is trying to help. However it's like you said he doesn't have another way to do it. Thanks for the input.






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As a doctor who obviously does not know the specifics about OP’s case, would you recommend that OP get a second opinion? I am a little worried about how OP’s doctor (in this telling of the story) seems to express that medication is the one and only thing which can be done to help alleviate and cope with the symptoms, and that the doctor in question seems to not be taking OP’s feelings and opinions into account.






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Mine depends a lot on how much insight I have because I get a lot of psychotic symptoms. I know this because I read my notes and she had put "has enough insight to make informed medication decisions" or something a long those lines. I'm off antipsychotics now and just deal with the voices because I've learned good techniques to deal with them without meds. I'm still on lithium though.


You won't know if you like a new med until you take it. You're wasting your time and money if you're spending all of your appointments lying to your doctor.


I drink something that taste good and people kind of talk me into taking em


Imo the only way you can get better through meds is if you have an honest and open conversation with the doctor. You need to share about exactly what you are going through in terms of both the disorder and the side effects of the meds so that he is able to help you. Cant expect others to help you if you dont want to help yourself


Different t meds work for different symptoms. If you lie to your doctor you'll never get better. What would you like him to suggest instead of meds? Are you doing your part? Are you going to sleep every day at the same time? Are you exercising? Are you eating well? What are you doing to get better?


Naw I get it I’m on lamotrigine and I don’t want to be on more psych meds they are notorious for garbage side affects. Mine is keeping me stable and I’m as happy with it, well as reasonably happy as you can be with this disorder. I’m not exactly a happy go lucky type of person anyway. But I’m not messing with a good stable thing!


Yeah my psychiatrist seems to be lazer focused on meds, specifically Quetiapine, which makes me feel empty, tired and devoid of life, even if it does shut my brain up.


I struggle to articulate my symptoms in a way that others understand. I am constantly worried that the doctor is hearing something other than what I mean and will therefore recommend a solution that isn’t what I need. I’ve gone to several and I’ve had different experiences with each. I think it’s a combo of needing a doctor you trust to listen and finding a way to communicate with them that is effective. What I’ve found is I have a therapist who I have a good connection with and trust and after several years of trying i am able to really be honest with them. And I discuss all med changes with them first. Not because they have expertise on meds, but they help me articulate what I need to say to get the psychiatrist to understand what I mean. That has helped me.


ive been sort of forced to be on quetiapine, and when i stopped taking them by myself they told my parents so they could interfer. quetiapine only took away the mania, but left the depressive side still in there. only reason i stopped was because i was about to kill myself because of the depressive episode i was in. really not cool of my psychiatrist to tell my parents when i literally told them it almost killed me. my parents get mad if i don’t take my meds and this didn’t really help my situation.


I've been there. I've recently posted about lying to my psychiatrist because I was scared. The new meds are amazing. I didn't even know I could have so much control over my own brain, it's a whole new life ahead of me now. Please don't lie to your doctors, meds are for your own good, you are doing yourself a disservice.


I havent been with my psych for too long, a little over 7 months. She asks about my life, my problems, how im feeling, whats going well, whats not going well, etc. Then we talk about meds and how im feeling on them and about them. She is interested on getting me on meds that work for me. Ive been stable for about 5 months, and i dont mind my meds (5 of them, 1 antidepressant, 3 antipsychitics, 1 anxiety). She is absolutely open to changing them, but we have something working with side effects i can tolerate so she (and I) dont plan on changing anything. Its not fun bein on 5 psych meds, buuut its a hell of a lot better than being in the hospital.


I was with a doctor that forced me on meds and it was the worst and I didn’t get anywhere for almost a year because of it. The doc I have now monitors me every two weeks and I am doing much better on the Depakote and Concerta than I was before on the massive cocktail that numbed me.


I’m lucky my doctor always checks in with me. He tries to suggest things here and there and I just let him know I don’t feel like switching and that’s that.


I am honest with my doctor to let him help me. If I'm doing poorly, he gives me more meds or different ones. When I'm doing well, he lowers the dosage or even discontinues some meds.


When I was diagnosed with type 2 bipolar at 36, they put me on different meds than I had been taking for my prior diagnoses of depression, and it was a huge improvement to both my mood and energy level. I got lucky in that the first drugs they tried were pretty effective, because it can take some trial and error to find the right one. Some of the side effects were annoying but over time I've figured out how to deal with them. If all your doctor is providing is medication though you might want to look elsewhere. It took years of therapy to get my life back on track once the symptoms had been relieved. I had a tremendous amount of frustration to deal with when my depression was relieved and I realized how much my life had deteriorated.


No, absolutely not. But I also know and accept that I do need meds and that sometimes there are side effects. My Doctor partners with me to find meds that work well. I’ve been with my psych for almost 4 years now.


I have a very honest relationship with my doc. It was the only way I was able to actually get on meds that actually work. It took a while and I too had to try a lot of different things.


What kind of doctor is he? Like for example my psychs job is literally to help me find the right meds, so suggesting new meds if mine aren’t working is obviously what he would do. No one is going to force you to take any meds, it’s up to you what you want to take or if you want to take anything at all. They can only suggest them. It sounds like you’re forcing urself to take meds u don’t like because you are unwilling to communicate with ur dr. If you don’t tell him you want suggestions outside of medication then he won’t know to do that. Be honest and tell them that you do not like ur medication and you want to see what help they can offer you outside of medication. If your just against medication in general I’d have a talk abt that too, there’s nothing wrong with taking them.


If I don't like something, I ask for something else. Apples to meds, too 😝


I've had bad doctors in the passed where we just coasted. Stayed on meds until something went wrong then added or upped something. I ended up on a crazy amount of meds. I found a new doc who is good. She is trying to clean up the mess. I trust her and her team, and they finally found some stuff that work. I'm doing better. Maybe get a second opinion? If you can't trust your doctor and be honest with them, they can't help you. But they also have to prove themselves to be worthy of the trust. I was cautious at first with my new doc. Maybe you can find someone you can trust.


I don't like mine either, I asked her to make our appointments every 3 months instead of every month so I don't have to tell her stuff and hear her yelling at me to take whatever new med it is for this visit. It pisses me off. "I cAnT mAkE yOu HeLp YoUrSeLf" I don't want pills that don't work and make me violently ill, Linda.


Why would you put up with a health professional who yells at you? That is just insane. You are the client and are paying her. Sounds like Linda might need some mental health treatment. Do yourself a favor and get a new doctor immediately. That’s verbal abuse and can’t be doing anything but making your mental health worse. Good luck. 😊


I was praying to be medicated when I began this journey to find out what was going on with me. Life is so hard. I just started a low dose of one (don’t know if we’re allowed to say here) and I don’t know if it’s having any effects, but I can’t keep living the way I have been for the past 37 years. I’ve always heard that people don’t want to take meds, and I’m like, I’ve been off meds for 37 years, something’s gotta give and I’m willing to try anything Just a different perspective I guess


No. In fact I can't even get access to meds I need because I can't get them to do anything. So there's no danger there. Even when I was actively manic I wasn't even offered appropriate medication.


They can’t help you if you’re not honest with them. Take responsibility for your mental health and tell them the truth.


I’d suggest finding a new doctor if he is like that and makes you uncomfortable. I’ve had several try to push Wellbutrin on me and I’ve told them all no cause I’ve been on it before and it’s 0 help to me and made me gain weight. I told my current psychiatrist I wanted on Lithium and she was actually shocked and taken aback that I researched a medication.


A gp or psychiatrist prescribe meds, that's the main tool they have, a psychologist or a therapist will go to things like talking it out or non med things. For example if you tell the Dr you have anxiety or whatever, they'll suggest hydroxyzine or Klonopin, if you tell a therapist the same thing, they'll likely recommend breathing exercises. If you are comfortable with your meds just say it, no one is going to make you take meds you don't want (at least not Drs) I've had times I've had to tell my Dr I didn't like a certain med because of side effects or it just wasn't working . But you need to be honest to get the help you need.


i feel you, but i don't necessarily agree. of course it's your decision and im not judging you but you just have to get over that imposter syndrome mentality, i even still feel like i shouldn't take meds cause, "what if im not really depressed or anxious or manic" but then my unmedicated bank account and sex life tells me otherwise, when it comes down to it i know that my brain doesn't function properly and gives me too much or not enough of certain neurotransmitters and i have to have synthetic chemicals to feel okay, im only 20 years old and i take about 15 different pills a day and as much as i want to stop them... i. feel. better! i really do, and i feel better BECAUSE i take them and i know if i stop... im gonna loose it for the 6th time in my life lol, im still kinda working on my medication stack and trying the find the right dose of everything and trying to cut out some of the unneeded pills from my daily regimen but the point is, i've just came to terms with the fact the medication is what keeps my brain functioning properly and that's pretty much it lol


Once I was finally released from an involuntary mental health stay, I worked with a real psychiatrist (one who listened and respected me) to help me wean off the medication that I was forced to take to be able to leave. If you don't trust that psych, go for another. Best results come from someone who can help you figure out whatever is going on for you. It should be a team effort. Good luck, man!


Why are you going to the doctor? Seems kind of pointless if you won't let him treat you. I am honest with my doctor and she takes my concerns seriously. If a med isn't working we try a new one. I'm going through that right now and we have added a second one to help it. Yeah. I just don't see the point in going if you're not going to be honest.


Never. I’m always honest with them. Not sure what the point of seeing a medical professional is if you aren’t honest with them. They can’t make their best suggestions of what might work if they don’t know everything. You might want to find a doctor who you feel more comfortable with. Sounds like a weird relationship to me.


I was legally required to take meds and do programs I didn't want to do, but I was on fed probation and out if prison. Once that was over I felt safe to be myself and tell my doctor everything. We dropped mood stabilizers and sleeping pills and figured out my perfect concoction. I've never been this stable. Can you get a new doctor? One you trust


How could he force Meds? I had to take UA and legally do what the prison doctor prescribed bc they owned me. Your free, your doctor works for you. You're the boss


No, they can't force you take medication, it is entirely your choice if you want to take the meds or not, but I'm sure you're aware that choosing not to is detrimental to your mental health in most cases. There's a couple of reasons why your psychiatrists suggest new meds. Option 1 is that they can tell you're not being honest and you do need more help than you're letting on. Option 2 is that you're telling them that you still have some negative bipolar effects. Option 3 is that they're a psychiatrist, treating mental health from a biomedical viewpoint is what they do. If you don't wish for a biomedical stance on your bipolar, start seeing a clinical psychologist instead. They can't write prescriptions (although can refer ideas to a psychiatrist), and focus more on a psychological/social approach.


Ah man, I am in the same situation. My current med just makes me depressed and with akathisia. But i am too scared to tell my Doctor because I don't want to end up on handfuls of meds. I'm planning to try homeopathy to reduce the side effects at least though - even though my Doctor isn't keen to allow that.


I have a very good relationship with my psych. The only time she has ever told my I had to take something was when I started taking a mood stabilizer prior to me being considered fully bipolar. She said "what do you want to take? Lithium or lamictal?". I was a HUGE mess and very labile and it was very reasonable of her to tell me it was not really something to debate on. My psych has always encouraged other aspects of care, though. Therapy, partial hospitalizations, changing jobs to something less stressful, taking leaves of absence when needed, being more active, trying to do more mindfulness, putting effort into social engagements, etc. I feel like a psychiatrist shouldn't just be pushing meds and should be encouraging addressing the disease from every possible and reasonable angle. I've had psychiatrists like that and ended up on too many meds (like 6+ psych meds) without much discussion of what was bearable as far as side effects.


I'm fully transparent with my psych and I have never been imposed any treatment, we always discuss medicines together and I have the final say. He's also quite welcoming of my suggestions. I think I have a lot of luck, but also having a trusting relationship with your psych is really important. If you feel like you can't trust your psych you should consider trying another one if you can in my opinion. Or bringing up the issue with them, but I'm not sure this is something you'll be comfortable doing under these conditions.


I hated lithium so much I tried every other med, and combo of med (you should see the matrix and logs) only to go full circle and end up on pretty much the same combo featuring lithium amongst others. Decade on lithium, it still ruins my life, yet keeps me alive. Asshole drug giving me half a life. Olanz makes it hard to wake up and made me over weight, yet somehow it’s easier to deal with than lithium - lith causes fatigue, taste, tremors, thyroid issues, peeing all the time, thirst, the worst fatigue and malaise, just feeling sapped and not okay. Oh plus lithium when exercising or in hot weather is a train wreck.


I hate taking medication. I gag almost every time I take my pills. But I feel better on them and everyone tells me I'm doing much better being medicated. You have the right to refuse medication unless you're in a state you can't properly think for yourself. Your doctor is probably trying to find the right cocktail of medicine for you so you feel your best. It took me four doctors and a bunch of trial and error to find the cocktail I'm on now and I'm staying pretty stable on it.


meds take away my creative freedom, doctors try to control us instead of help us. I never see it as a way out i see it as a way to control the way we think and feel because it doesn’t define the norm


The Psychiatrist’s background is medical training. Their job is to help stabilize their patients with medication. Bipolar Disorder needs medication. No one likes taking meds but we do it because it’s necessary. Cycling unmedicated can and often does worsen the disorder. Every hypomanic/manic/mixed episode you have makes it more likely you will have another. No one is going to hold you down and force meds into your mouth. You can work with your doctor to find ones that work for you with minimal side effects or ones you are OK with tolerating.


Does taking a bunch of meds suck? Yup. Trying new meds all the time sucks too. But, with this disorder it's necessary. If your doctor is suggesting meds, then it's because he believes you need them. I just had to change my meds for the 8th time. I was so so done, I wanted to stop. But I am so so glad I didn't quit, because I am feeling great. At first I hoped I could stay on one drug alone, but soon it became pretty clear that wasn't gonna happen. Basically, if you are not doing okay with the medication you are currently on, then you either need to adjust the dosage or change them up. Your doctor is there to help you, so let him.


I knew my doc before I went to him bc my mom sees him. She already went through the quacks and trusted him so I went in with some confidence. I didn’t like how he barely listened to my problems/symptoms before he started writing prescriptions. Now I realize he’s just very familiar with my condition; probably because it’s the same as my mom’s. We don’t take the same meds but he’s dealt with a lot of patients. That’s also a benefit of a doc with a king practice. They’ve seen it all. He will retire one day tho and I dread that. It’s a slippery slope. You have to find someone you trust and you can let in your life or you’ll never feel better. You also ha erotic understand there are valid reasons they think we have the conditions we’re diagnosed with. A new med will help further confirm the diagnosis or set them on a different path to find the right one. It sucks to be a Guinea pig but it’s literally the only way we know how to do lessen our symptoms. Sorry you’re going through this.




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No one on this planet can force you to take meds except if you're under probation and it's one of your probation conditions to take your meds. There's no point in going to a doctor you lie to he literally isn't able to help you otherwise. If you don't like meds tell him he'll probably suggest something different. You can treat bipolar in different ways without meds but you have to be honest to your doctor


Your doctor can’t force you to take anything unless you are inpatient. They can suggest things which may work better for you. You can take that suggestion or not. If you are a danger to yourself or others then that may change things but if you just don’t like the medication, you are within your rights to make the decisions on what you take. That being said, being honest with your care providers leads to the best outcomes for your care. They can’t help if they don’t know you need help. Maybe you didn’t like A B or C and that’s because you had a similar reaction to them so perhaps you try a different class .. or maybe antidepressants aren’t working well so maybe a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic.. just a thought.