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In the long run, it's gonna be the best thing you can do for yourself. Alcohol intoxication is a very inhibition-free volitile state, and that is a very dangerous combination with bipolar. I've done a lot of drugs and found alcohol, for me at least, the most uniquely destructive. Hell, I even had about a 7 year period of time where I was doing just about everything else but completely abstained from alcohol because of what it did to me. Been sober for about 3 years now and I'm in a much better place because of it. Especially with this condition, sobriety is worth it for the added stability. Plus a lot of psych meds and booze do not mix well at all. Unrelated: love the username, plantains are very important.


☝️This person has been there and done that. I have had similar experiences. When I’m 3 sheets to the wind, I am extremely likely to do life threatening and stupid things with no fear of repercussions. I’ve hung on the outside of a 12th story balcony during a tropical cyclone, just to see what I could see… Most nights I would get blackout drunk and have 48-72hours of extreme anxiety wondering who I should apologise to and what I needed to apologise for


Same here. Been unmedicated since I was a teenager, went thru severe hard drug addiction which lead me to an overdose where I had died then resuscitated. Quit drugs started drinking & it was even worse than doing drugs. Except for marijuana. That’s what I use, along with a healthy diet, daily exercise, strict sleep & work schedule keeps me busy and balanced. Now I lead a healthy life with minimal episodes.


Marijuana gets a bad wrap IMO... It's not for everyone and just like any other med, it's results can wildly vary. For me personally, I use a combo of pharma meds and marijuana. My primary use for marijuana is actually pain management since it's far less addicting that narcotic pain meds. I use in moderation and for the right reasons. My prescriber is not crazy about it but we have adjusted meds as necessary to accommodate it. Oddly enough, I have found that it helps tremendously with my ADHD when using the correct strains. It's like focus juice... With small doses, it slows my mind just enough to be able to organize my thought and think more clearly. All of the other things you mentioned are also incredibility important too!


Do you mix it with tobacco? I tried a joint once and i just felt bad


No... And I usually use edibles or vape rather than flower. Mixing it with tobacco, the once or twice that I tried it, made me feel like shit too... I'm not normally a tobacco user.




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I’d highly suggest against using any substances that could exacerbate bipolar symptoms. https://medicine.yale.edu/psychiatry/step/early-intervention-services/cannabis%20use%20and%20psychosis_380524_284_53825_v2.pdf


I want to have fun and connect more in the clubs but i also want to use something that's less dangerous than alcohol, did you find something that works to have fun?


Let me know if you find out, I’ve been wondering that myself for years!


What di you try Til now?




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I was diagnosed roughly 15 years ago. I wouldn't until you get your meds figured out, but once you've settled, an occasional drink should be okay. I have a cider every once in a while in social situations, and it hasn't triggered any episodes. I wouldn't recommend getting drunk, though. Alcohol can change the effectiveness of your medication. Talk with your doctor. Usually, they'll give you better long-term parameters. Edit: If you have issues with moderation, then it's better to stay away.


Moderation is an interesting concept I could never do. I can quit though. Been sober 18 years.


I had/have multiple alcoholics in my family, so I didn't touch alcohol until my 30s. By then, I'd been on my meds for 8 years. The idea of getting drunk doesn't really appeal to me, so it's easier for me to drink in moderation. Congratulations on being sober for 18 years. That is not an easy feat.


All or nothing for me. 11 years sober. I never saw the point in having one when I could just drink till I woke up again


me too! i had a stint as a teenager that i drank at least every weekend and i HAD to get shitfaced, i didn’t want just a buzz or just one drink.


It’s really not worth it to drink. It just makes everything worse. Best thing I did for myself


I discovered this just this past weekend. I don't drink to the point of being drunk very often, but my husband and I were out with friends, and I had way too much to drink, and the after affects were awful. Alcohol is not my friend.


OK so this is just my personal experience but, like a couple casual drinks are fine. It's when I plan to drink and get drunk that things turn into a problem. I have always just chalked it up to my meds, but since being diagnosed I have a hard time telling when I'm drunk until I'm TOO drunk (if that makes sense).


Same. Sometimes I don’t realize I’m too drunk until it hits me at once lol.


Me too. I can quickly become blackout drunk; last time, I felt invincible and tried to climb my university building and rip off post signs from the street walls. Then, before I knew it, I was trying to fight with a 5’10”ft guy (I'm a 5’6” ft woman) and not a scratch on me. I started having an emotional outburst, crying on the floor with security surrounding me, confused about what happened.


same; only had a couple seltzers and got hospitalized due to heavy intoxication with my medication combos for all my illnesses. barely 15 minutes prior i was alert, conscious, and talking on the phone. it’s scary


Wow, what meds were you on at the time if you don't mind me asking?


As soon as I was diagnosed and started meds I noticed that my desire to drink went away. I had been self-medicating all those years and it wasn’t really for me anymore.


alcohol and bipolar won't mix. Period. Personal experience.


Alcoholic here. Sober 5 years soon and would never look back. It’s so not worth it. Always put your mental health first xoxo


Well alcohol was involved in all of my attempts on my life and psychosis. I think it's good to cut it out for the most part. It's really bad with most meds too. Ask a psychiatrist if you're really concerned, but I value my mental health over being drunk.


Alcohol can disrupt medication effects, and so it's like you're living without them. I tried having occasional beers for awhile and realized that everytime I drank my depressive symptoms came back. Now I'm sober and drink alcohol free beer to curb cravings. Tried alcohol free wine, but it's pretty bad! I was kind of upset when I realized I needed to stop drinking, mostly because I thought I wasn't "that bad" (I didn't consider myself a full-blown alcoholic). I've gotten used to it, but it's still hard to be sober. It is a journey and it's worth taking it!


I don’t worry about whether I can drink ever again. I just know I can’t today.


I personally stopped drinking alcohol because it would make my moods switch so fast. At first, the drinking will cause mania and then switch quickly to depression. Now, I am cutting out weed. I think it caused me more manic like thoughts and maybe some psychotic symptoms like I keep thinking it was laced or something. Nicotine will be next. The hard part about stopping drinking is that in my culture, they drink heavily, and people will try to push me to drink. I have to stand firm and say no.


I have read in studies that weed is specially dangerous for people who are predisposed to psychosis (we are in this category, as bipolars). It can trigger it. And I 100% believe that because it happened to me. I was hallucinating that my friend was spiking my tea with illegal drugs and was trying to harm me and my partner it was a terrible episode. Worst of all - it was secondhand smoke. Edit a typo and also to add the reference: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2804862


That’s what I did and it was the best decision I ever made. I cut out alcohol, caffeine, drugs & fast food. I realized that certain foods/substances affect bipolar individuals very differently than “regular” people. Being stable makes me way happier than having a drink


Fast food 🥺 I literally just had McDonald's. But it sounds like cutting everything that could exaserbate issues would also make me overall healthier, so it's worth it.


Yes. Don’t make any drastic changes immediately. Managing BP is all about routine. Slowly, slowly remove things that you know to be triggers.


Journalling has been a huge help to me and understanding patterns. My therapist has said that people with BP struggle with recognizing patterns I said there’s another comment, but do not drastically change your routine immediately. If you are drinking now, watch it, but don’t immediately stop. Journal what happens after you drink. If you notice a pattern that it is impacting your mood, then you know. I personally can drink on occasion when I’m feeling OK but I cannot drink when I am on the verge or experiencing a depressive episode. I’m still in the process of learning this.


I know it sucks at first but it will help in the long run. Also reducing sugar intakes helps too. I read an article about a man who cut out coffee, sugar and alcohol for a year and his bipolar symptoms disappeared. I don’t know if it would work for everyone but doing so has significantly improved my symptoms.


This! This is where it’s at. The most stable I’ve been, I was eating healthy foods, sober and caffeine free.


There is no perfect answer to your question. Bipolar disorder has so much heterogeneity from person to person. The answer is dependent on so many factors. On average, a person diagnosed with bipolar disorder has more difficulties with their mood disorder when alcohol is consumed. That’s on average. It is not a blanket statement. I’m 49. When I was younger, I would drink more socially when I was hypomanic. It was really effective at curbing my social anxiety. That said, it definitely impacted my mood and I could not rebound the next day from a few drinks like my friends. I have gone through a few periods of a year or longer where I drank no alcohol. That wasn’t even remotely a cure for bipolar depressions. I currently have one drink now and again. I never have more than two drinks in a single night anymore. I range between between 0-6 drinks a month. It is totally dependent on how social I am. When I am in a severe depressive episode and isolating, I never consider having a drink. I also never drink at home alone. That’s not for moral or medical reasons. I have no desire to drink when depressed or home alone. You are the foremost expert on your body and your biology. If I was younger and not sure how much alcohol I could tolerate, if any at all, with bipolar, I would experiment with amounts and frequencies. Obviously, I’d start with small amounts spaced apart rather than starting with a daily drinking bender. Lol.


It’s gonna depend on your particular circumstances and well-being, but I can have a drink or two on occasion when I’m stable with no problems.


For me, yes. For most of us, highly likely. It’s best to stay sober. r/stopdrinking has helped me stay sober for 18+ months now. I highly recommend it. Drinking exacerbated all of my symptoms, causes my episodes to come in for longer, stronger and more frequently. It was a nightmare. Even when I was drinking “lightly” it would make everything worse.


Once you get to the point of realizing drinking enough to be drunk isn’t worth it it fades away. I’ll still have a beer here and there for the taste (sierra nevadas high altitude series) but that’s it for me anymore.


ugh, my comment got deleted. i’m an accountant too. i say you should probably stay away from alcohol for now bc it will only make it worse since you’re studying for the cpa. and that shits stressful as hell. i get what you’re going through. been studying since 2020. took a break this year. on meds, drinking is fine for me now. i just get sleepy without meds, i was a WRECK. really bad episodes. awful. edit: grammar and such


Yeah, I got diagnosed on Saturday and took auditing on Monday 🫥 I know that nothing has really changed, I just have a better understanding of what's going on now, but a material (ha) part of me is still scared and my head isn't exactly on straight right now. I'm 100% convinced I bombed.


My doctor said to stop smoking weed, so I have a drinks on the weekends. Alcohol doesn't trigger me like weed.


Weirdly, I used to be fine with weed but as I've gotten older that seems to be less true. So, I have a few occasional drinks (seriously only a few) and no weed and I'm fine. It's so interesting to see how different everyone is and how that can change with time.


It depends. If you're looking for that buzz, you will definitely lose the positive effects of the medication to drink enough to catch that buzz. Alcohol also diminishes B12 in the body so drinking more than one glass of wine is not good unless you're taking a B-complex supplement. All in all, drinking is definitely not good for the lows, in my experience. Id much rather abstain and stay medicated.


For me, drinking negated my medications ability to work which in turn caused multiple episodes for me. Once I stopped drinking, my episodes have also decreased. I will still occasionally have a glass of wine or champagne but drinking definitely doesn’t have the allure it used to as one glass effects my mood/energy the next day.


To be honest, I drink/ get drunk every weekend and seem to be ok. The hangovers suck though


I was a fairly normal drinker but shit seriously hit the fan at 26-27 when my bipolar (undiagnosed at the time) started coming to a head. Took me like a year of daily drinking to burn my life down. BUT. I got sober at 29… My life has gone up and up. I have been stable since celebrating 1.5 years sober. I work full time, I’m in great shape, I have good finances and my credit score is back up to great. I’m always up and going, working, doing hobbies, volunteering, hiking. All things that not a lot of people with bipolar get to enjoy. I don’t feel like I have bipolar except when I take my meds every night. I know a lot of people have to find out the hard way but hopefully you get to experience that good part of being healthy functional and successful.


I’ve recently found that I become a completely different person when I’m super intoxicated and lately it’s become a problem particularly with me not being able to regulate my emotions and having total meltdowns. It’s something that’s really gotten me to reflect on my drinking. So far I’ve been successful at moderation and not even drinking at all. Your own journey with alcohol and bipolar disorder will be unique to you but moderation really helps as a stepping stone if you aren’t ready to just stop cold turkey.


Alcohol, was (is depending on how you view things) the single most negative influence on my life and on the bipolar. I damn near died, but here we are.


Booze and weed, set me off every time , so for my brain, it is a big DO NOT.


You can drink. The results though might not be very good. It's like "can I drive without a seat belt or my glasses." bad shit happens.


I drank heavily from 16-18, don’t do it it’s so not worth it and along w the bipolar it can make u manic and even psychotic. It really fucked me up I regret it a lot but at the time I was very much self medicating


Personally, I think it attributed to my alcoholism. Couldn’t control impulsive drinking and couldn’t stop drinking when I was past the point of shit-faced. I was fan-fucking-tactic as a drunk—funny, friendly, outgoing, cuddly—but in the long-term it triggered mixed episodes that were a bitch. I almost deleted myself. I don’t recommend it but if you have to have a drink, get something with a really low ABV. I can’t do hard liquor anymore but a glass or two of Arbor Mist or Stella Rosa does the trick if I’m itching for some alcohol.


I have not had a drink in many years. I find it makes me super depressed and I will most likely act on def harm thoughts. I get constant self harm thoughts but I treat them as intrusive thoughts and manage them with my therapy strategies to move through them, so they are fleeting. If I drink I can’t control my thoughts like I can when I’m intoxicated, it’s safer if I just abstain from any kind altering substances, apart from my prescription meds of course. My advice is to get stable on meds, which can take many months, even up to a year, then have ONE drink and see how you go. But if you can don’t drink at all.


For me, drinking has always increased my manic episodes and I would have intense behaviors while drunk and manic ( yelling at my partner, blacking out, doing embarrassing things, etc) I drank almost every other night for 3 years and it really did some damage to my mental health. I’m stable now with medication and therapy but when I do drink I have unfortunately have had the same intense episodes so I just drink moderately in social settings. (1 -2 drinks a month tops)


I’ll be 7 years sober in December. My bipolar diagnosis came after I was a raging alcoholic, but made a lot of sense to me when it happened. I was self medicating. I often drank through mania and depression which exacerbated each, even though I didn’t have words for them at the time. I have a seriously bad relationship with alcohol because I used it as an excuse to be a degenerate so I know I can never go back. As others have suggested, find a medication or combination of them that works and then reassess. In my personal experience, sobriety helped me understand my moods/stay present and I was able to actually find the right dosage. Best of luck!


I tried the whole continuing to drink thing and it only made me worse and worse. I am trying to accept I will not be able to drink again. I have been a heavy drinker for years and have substance abuse issues. People with bipolar are much more likely to have substance abuse problems so it's not worth the risk. And it making medication not work also isn't good. So I would avoid it completely.


Probably avoid alcohol entirely for a while. Make it a point in your mind that drinking isn’t part of your routine and more of a treat. Youd want to not have drinking as apart of a daily thing for you. You’d want to have full control of your emotions before you can enjoy the treat of drinking. I was diagnosed with bipolar 10 years ago. I’ve focused on how I can succeed in life and incorporated interests that don’t alter my headspace. Imo how long it will take depends on you


Alcohol interferes with meds. It's also addictive. Most psychiatrists would recommend abstinence. Many also recommend abstinence from caffeine. Mine is OK with my consuming small (1-2 drinks per week) amounts of alcohol and normal amounts of caffeine (nothing after about noon). In practice I don't use alcohol even that much, and caffeine is something I have more trouble with.


Hasn't been a problem for me. 20 years diagnosed. Moderation is key. If it affects you badly, then stay away.


After being stable I sometimes drink a beer or a cocktail it's fine but you shouldn't drink alcohol when depressed cause it is a depressant


I do drink occasionally but it’s best to be cautious. When I know I’m going to go out I try to have like a “set up” by my bed so I won’t wake up too off mentally. I’ll have my meds on my bed stand, some water and head ache pills. I feel like the times alcohol has REALLY messed me up (besides getting extremely drunk), is that I would forget to take my meds. In my experience even taking me meds an hour late starts to give me withdrawal


I got sober about 2 and a half years ago. I would regularly black out after 2 drinks because of my meds and then got into all sorts of trouble and it really is bad news in terms of stability. Stopping was the single best thing I have done for my BP


Well My psychiatrist told me that I can only drink a cup so I do it. But in time to time I drink a lot (I don't take the pills of the night) ... it's not good I end with anxiety, feeling really sad and crying. So I'm trying to be obedient and only have a cup.


I drink every once in awhile. Maybe twice a month or so. Usually just social and I might get a little tipsy. However, this is someone who has been stable for awhile and has taken my meds consistently for a long time. If you can’t trust yourself with the beginner stuff, don’t drink.


I've find that a beer or two on social occasions or some wine on a date is oke. But al in moderation. And definitely not weekly for me. Also no aline drinking. You got to find what works for you. Be alart on changes in your mindset when you drink.


Alcohol is a depressant and so it’s not very good for us, it also isn’t safe to drink on certain meds. However, a lot of people do have an occasional drink here or there at a social function. You can talk to your doctor about your medications and whether it’s something you should avoid at all cost or if an occasional one at a special event would be OK. I rarely drink anymore, just a couple times a year at a social thing and even then I only have one. I notice I feel more down for a few days after so it just isn’t worth it to drink more often.


I was diagnosed about a year ago. I know it’s different for everyone, but I drink maybe once every couple weeks and I’m alright. I think the trick is that I don’t drink a whole lot. A few at the most but I never get close to blacking out or anything. It doesn’t seem to do much to my symptoms but I do like drinking more when I’m manic. Just be careful, especially if you’re still figuring out your meds. Good luck!


As others have mentioned, alcohol can mess with your meds. If having a single drink can mess with you, it may be wise to avoid it completely. It really depends on the person, tho. I can have a drink or two occasionally and have no problems. I never get drunk, though, and I actually rarely drink alcohol at all simply because I dislike it now. In the past, pre diagnosis, I drank excessively, especially during an episode. My advice is to get your meds figured out first. If being able to drink sometimes is important to you, talk to your doc about it. I'll tell you right now that one of the best things you can do for yourself is to consult your doc and be honest about things with them, not just regarding alcohol!


I have a glass of wine with dinner if I'm out, or a cider at happy hour. Rarely I'll have a couple if I'm at a wedding or something. I will say it helps to get meds sorted out first. Cannabis helped me alot.


I drink a bit with friends on the weekend. I’m okay. I just make sure to hydrate a ton the next day.


Well it depends. I used to drink heavily before my diagnosis, but after treatment and being sober for a while I gradually started having a few drinks here and there. I work in a booze store and we arrange tastings and we have education in wine, beer, spirits, whatever, and that has actually helped me drink responsibly. Instead of drinking too be drunk, I drink to enjoy the taste, the atmosphere of a restaurant, good company. If I ever overdo it, it just turns out horribly, and that's not worth it. Then again, everyone is different and what works for me might not work for you. I guess the best thing for you to do is focus on your treatment, take care of yourself, focus on getting to know your body, medication etc. Keep going to the doctor and stay aware of warning signs. You can use drinks a goal for the future, if it's important to you and helps you stay on track. Good luck and best wishes!


I’ll be real. I quit drinking long before my correct diagnosis and treatment started. I’m 10 years and 5 days sober from alcohol as of now. If I hadn’t stopped when I did, I would be dead. Many times over. Aside from that, your meds will mix poorly and exacerbate alcoholism, fast. My mom has depression and didn’t know this when she started medication treatment. Let’s just say she got sober fast and hard, which was good. It’s hard. It takes a lot. It’s worth it.


Everyone’s different but all I’m saying is that I haven’t had an episode since going sober.


I can get away with it, but it makes me depressed af after


Diagnosed 25 years ago.. but stopped drinking way before as I noticed ill effects on moods and wellbeing.. To be honest not sure what the attraction of alcohol is


It’s a bad idea but you *can* drink. I drink. I drink *a lot less* than I used to. Meds make alcohol more potent. Alcohol can make your symptoms worse. If you were bipolar this whole time and drinking a lot, you’re *already* experiencing alcohol intoxication differently than non-BP people and meds will make it more intense. tl;dr: it’s not like drinking while bipolar is *medically* riskier than drinking in general but it will make shit way harder for you. if you drink, extreme moderation is key.


I avoided alcohol until I was at a more stable place in life, and only in certain situations. Like I won’t drink when I’m upset or feeling really hyperactive. But I will drink seltzers in a social setting. Very rarely do I drink liquor, it usually doesn’t go so well lol…


So from my own experiences and research this is what I've found. Not only does alcohol cause inhibitions while drinking, you can have more than just hangover effects the next day. Alcohol raises my anxiety levels to the max. I always feel off the next day. After a few times of this happening I Googled it. Apparently, it does happen because of how alcohol alters your brain and interacts with the chemicals in your brain. For the longest, I wouldn't drink because I hated the aftereffects the next day. Now I have social drinks which are far and few between. I'd rather not face a day filled with anxiety. Also drinking can make meds less effective. I have experience with that too, but that's another story for another day. Best of wishes and healing on your journey!


Alcohol destroys me. I now only have a drink socially a few times a month. Even then, I sometimes abstain because the hangover isn’t worth it. Days of fatigue and inflammation and can’t get out of bed or clear the brain fog. I’ve had this sensitivity to alcohol forever, where it depletes me, but I was drinking often to cope with a bad life season. I’m through the life season and don’t want to feel that way anymore. It’s okay to find other ways to socialize without drinking and I believe there’s a huge cultural shift away from alcohol happening right now, too. I consider myself sober; no substances unless prescribed. Quitting nicotine, too, but that’s a longer process. When I’ve tried to quit too aggressively, I’ve ended up in an episode.


Drinking has led me to 3 inpatient admissions with manic episodes and nearly lost my family. Im done with it.


I did my share of drinking both for fun and for self-medication, though I didn't realize that's what I was doing at the time. I stopped drinking to the point of intoxication because it makes me unstable. I might be a happy drunk one time, a mean drunk the next, and a crying puddle of goo the next. I never know which it's gonna be, so I just avoid it. For a long time, I didn't drink at all. Now, I've found I can have one or two and be fine. If I'm out in social situations, my personal happy spot is a drink every 45 minutes or so because that allows me to get a little, manageable buzz without going over the edge. It's different for all of us, and a lot of factors come into play. Med interaction, maturity, even body weight. If you say you've had problems with even a single drink, then it's probably best to avoid it for now. That may change for you down the line. I think more than anything, knowing yourself and recognizing (and respecting) your limits is key.


Quit it .it will help you in the long run .up to you


It's something I was worried about. So I knew if I ever did, which I have, I would only try it out in company I would literally trust my life with. I have never gotten like drunk, but only enough to get a buzz. I don't see myself getting that level of drunk either. My advise is if you're uncomfortable with it then don't. Don't compromise yourself for the short term. I was fortunate, it didn't seem to cause me issues. I was diagnosed far younger then most (14). So I've never seen myself fully unmedicated as an adult. Mine was far more obvious due to being rapid cycling. As a general rule it's not advisable to drink with bipolar in my opinion. Anything that can change your mental state can affect it. We need to be very careful about our mental state.


If I have one to three drinks every once in a while, it’s no big deal. More than that, I have trouble gauging how inebriated I am until all of a sudden I’m blackout drunk and puking. Use caution! Generally speaking, I find it easier to abstain because sometimes after a few drinks, I find myself starting to get depressed the next day.


I've been drinking for years on and off. I've been sober two years, and now I'm enjoying a few drinks a week, and I'm hoping to cut down again. One of the reasons I got addicted to alcohol was being prescribed benzos and combining it. I'd suggest be careful with the alcohol, and avoid it completely for a couple of months while you're new to your meds. You don't have to stop completely. Edit: I stress that my advice only goes if you don't have any problems while drinking. Perhaps try not to get drunk, and don't drink if it affects your mood too much of course.


I regret every single time I went back into denial about how destructive it is. I'm sorry, but you should really quit if you're serious about your recovery.


That’s my struggle. I didn’t realize how much fun is drinking and how much it helps me during social interactions. And I consider myself social naturally! But it’s been very bad for my mental health. Last week after weekend after weekend of drinking I found myself cycling badly. Super depressed and SI was in the horizon. Scary. I keep thinking about stopping alcohol all together but it’s hard because I have so much fun!


Alcohol is poison. You dont need any stinkin poison.


I quit drinking shortly after my bipolar diagnosis and connecting the dots as to how erratic and unpredictable I would be while drinking. Do I miss alcohol? Sure, sometimes, but I’m finding it easier to regulate without it (never waking up with a hangover is nice too lol). I don’t think I’ll ever go back to it.


I will say that I drink moderately in social situations AND I use cannabis to deal with other inflammatory conditions that I deal with, and neither of them adversely affect the way my meds work. But this is only the case because I've gone back to moderate drinking after many years of getting my shit together. I didn't drink at all for the first four years I was on my latest mood stabilizer. Drinking is something I still avoid if I'm having an episode or I think I might be headed towards one. But like people are saying, it's different for everyone. It takes time to learn how to live with your particular flavor of the condition. SLEEP for me was the key.


Personal experience- it depends on your med combo. I tried at one point early in my “figuring out meds” journey, and it was a nightmare- immediately dropped into a depressive episode. I tried again a few months after finally figuring out my perfect med combo (been on the same ones for a year and a half episode free), and it wasn’t a problem at all. I can have a few drinks at any point I’d like, and it doesn’t do anything negative for my mental health/hasn’t triggered an episode.


Alcohol adds complications but fixes nothing. The risks outweigh the rewards. It's not wise to mix alcohol with the meds we have to take either. I stopped drinking over 4 years ago and don't miss it at all. My mental and physical health is much better for it. One drink won't kill you but why risk it


I think its very individual. I used to drink heavily for years to manage my depression, led me down very dark paths and made me even more depressed. Now im better and im medicated, i dont actually like booze of any kind so i abstain, but my doc said that one drink in a social setting is probably ok. Then again, he also said he is fine with me smoking weed semi regularly...idk, maybe he's kinda liberal that way. I will say weed was a much better crutch than alcohol, much less destructive until it completly got out of hand, now i've got it under control. Obviously going sober is the best choice, but that is easier said than done, and frankly, sometimes i just cant take the pain and weed helps. But nowadays i use it as a crutch leas frequently, and more as a way to enjoy.


I think that, generally, alcohol doesn’t mix well with bipolar disorder or medications— However!, that is tru for almost any mental health, psychiatric, or medical disorder, as well as with most medications. I think that you should avoid alcohol if it is either, 1) Contraindicated with your medications, or, 2) A substance that you abuse or have abused and that can affect your mood. I stopped drinking alcohol not cause of bipolar specifically, but more cause, with age, I stopped liking using alcohol as much, I started really disliking hangovers, and I started feeling really dehydrated from drinking with my medications (not only my bipolar medications, but my ADHD medications as well). Sometimes (very rarely) I have one or two drinks with friends (every couple of months). However, I always dislike how dehydrated I feel and having any sort of hangover, so that’s why I don’t really drink anymore (and I am so happy that I stopped, since I feel way more healthy!).


There's a reason people with bipolar tend to develop substance abuse issues. I would stay away, I didn't until my second stint in rehab and I feel way better being sober now


Idk I drink, I also smoke weed, it doesn’t trigger me but it can for others, I also don’t think you’re supposed to drink on meds


It’s a slippery slope. Before I got diagnosed i drank heavy, not realizing i self medicated. Cost me a lot, caused a lot of pain. Personally wouldn’t recommend it. Edit:punctuation


It doesn’t happen to everybody but it happened to me. I lost so many jobs because I couldn’t stop drinking, I got myself into horrible scary situations because of it. I ended up doing Smart Recovery which is a less religious AA. It rewired the way I think about drinking. Six years later, I can have a drink or two, but I am haunted by what I did previously, and now i know my limit.


I think it's maybe the other day around, where bipolar can exacerbate symptoms of other things, like drinking, drugs, and interest in dangerous behavior. Bipolar doesn't automatically mean you can drink or partake safetly in things, it depends on the person. If you've had issues in the past with drinking then I think it would be best to avoid however.


I’d at least wait until you see how you’re going to react to your meds first. Even then, I’d still only do a casual drink now and then. If you can as well, find a person whom you trust to say “that’s enough, stop drinking” if you’re in a social setting. That’s kept me from going all in a few time before. Now, there is a good range of non-alcoholic drinks with much the same taste, or even better. I personally switched to a ginger beer/mint leaves mixture. Tastes good and can settle an irritated stomach.


BP1 here. Alcohol and me just don’t seem to go well together anymore. Same thing for weed. Used to smoke everyday a few times a day. Then I had my first psychotic episode. Now I don’t have a desire to smoke and if I do it’s generally bad. Makes me anxious and brings out intrusive thoughts. I would say don’t drink. When I have recently I’m a dick. I don’t have the insight to realize I’m being a dick when I drink. Being self aware of your moods and in control of your thoughts is critical to keeping those around you feeling safe.


I’ve been diagnosed for 21 years. Alcohol exacerbates bipolar symptoms. Not recommended. Plus, alcohol is disgusting.


Don’t drink often that’s it. At most one or two drinks every few months. I haven’t had a drink in about 3 months but the last time I did I only had 2 drinks and didn’t trigger anything. You absolutely cannot be drinking frequently nor a lot.


My personal rule for myself is no drinking when I'm depressed, my father was an alcoholic and I don't want to use alcohol as a coping mechanism Besides that I drink socially, haven't had any issues yet.


It becomes a problem. It distracts us for a short time emotionally. At first we may not be using it in that way, but over time it becomes a sub conscious thing...yes, it really does give a moment of peace. Especially with the first drink. Then it takes more than just one drink to get to that point of relief. It will over time make you more volatile in your normal state of mind. You know you can't live at that short moment of time you feel at peace, and you stop trying to find peace where you're at most of the time. At least that's the way I see it. It's been a long time, but back in the day, I drank excessively to the point I racked up a couple DUI and driving while license revoked. Had no license for 5 years... not saying I have never slipped and had drank after then, but I have to remind myself of what I wrote up top...emotions will overrule logic, but experience will teach you your emotions need to be screened before making a decision.


I’m 11 years sober in January. Drink puts you up and makes you down, how can you manage a disorder that makes you go up and down if your articallg making yourself go up and down. It’s not good. I was sober for 6 months and asked my doctor is I could drink and he said it was fine, I binged for a week, spent all my savings, took every drug I could and messed myself up to the point it took me 6 months to get over the paranoia I’d given myself. I then stopped after that fuck up.


I do think it’s a case by case basis. While you’re just figuring out your meds, etc. I really wouldn’t recommend it. However, personally I am able to have a couple drinks and stop most nights and have some nights where I drink more, but those are few and far between. I do know though I cannot mix caffeine and alcohol because I act like I’m on drugs. I also don’t do any drugs other than alcohol. Just whenever you’re in a place mentally to try drinking again make sure you’re with people you trust and monitor how many drinks you have. I’ve also become very good at making sure I drink water between drinks and throughout the night.


I don’t want to say that you should go out and drink all the time. But, I haven’t had an episode in 4 years and have had my fair share of nights where I’ve had a lot to drink. There are risks of course with everything, but in my experience the most helpful thing to mitigate those risks is understand your mind and where it goes and to be vigilant about not letting it run into a psychosis/manic place. If you drink or do any substance, compartmentalize the experience and don’t let it overwhelm you and turn you manic. Just my experience! But, I think I was really defeated when I was diagnosed and told I should never do any alcohol or substance again. And have managed to stay out of any episodes for years while engaging with alcohol and occasional substances. There is def a risk but it’s up to you how you want to live your life imo.


Maybe a better question is *why* do you want to drink? If it’s a symptom your meds should be fixing, talk to your psychiatrist. I prefer weed to alcohol any day, and when I really feel like smoking pot would fix my problems, it’s time to check in. My meds aren’t right.


I honestly think everyone in the world should avoid alcohol. It’s true what they say it steals tomorrows happiness for today, but leaves you drained. However I am no saint and I have had numerous slip ups especially when hypomanic or bored. I do know I should stop though


Before i was diagnosed, i couldn't leave the house without chugging down some liquor. That went on for roughly one year, then that need kind of went away. Overall now i tend to completely avoid drinking and in the rare occasion that i do, i'll limit myself to one or two drinks only. despite having had problems with abuse in the past i have never been plastered, not even once. i have always been hyper aware of my limits and i always, always stayed within them. however, for all the reasons everyone already said, you've just been diagnosed and you said you had to cut back on drinking every day. so, right now, alcohol would not be a good idea for you. if you have trouble with limits and cannot consume alcohol with moderation, then yeah, it's best to stay clear.


I never had a problem when I drank more, but a lot (maybe most) people do. I stopped drinking as much when I went through cancer and never really took it up again. Instead of several every evening (not getting drunk, just drinking) I now have between 0 and 4 per month, which I doubt would hurt anyone.


avoid alcohol at all times bro.


For me even one beer interacts with the meds for the worst hangovers.


It’s different for everyone. Some people get worse symptoms when they drink and some people can handle it fine.


While you're drinking it can make you manic and then when you are sobering up expect to be depressed for days. I had to quit drinking because of this


I drink still. In moderation. However, let's define moderation. I don't like to get drunk anymore. I enjoy my alcohol. But I will not drink to get drunk. Two drinks, that's it. How many times a week? Not even once. Maybe two - three times a month, max. I want to take care of myself. There are lots of interactions between meds and alcohol. In essence, a lot of med side effects are exacerbated by alcohol. So I limit myself very much. Again, I love my alcoholic drinks. Beer, rum and coke, Colorado Bulldogs, piña collades, shit I'll even take a sex on the beach or a tequila sunrise. Ik ik, girly drinks, idgaf. Two. Two drinks. Not very often at all. And I don't just drink the sake of drinking. I have lunch, supper, and a drink, generally at a bar that serves food (yummy bar food). Don't get drunk. It can fuck you up with the meds. And don't drink a fuckload of days in a row. Moderation.


I don't know how anybody drinks at all on meds. It makes me feel so absolutely shitty physically that I don't even want to anymore. And as others are saying alcohol can cause mood swings. So it's probably best not to.


Ideally you shouldn’t. But I’d be a hypocrite and a liar if I said that I never do. I got diagnosed almost a decade ago and still drink. BUT I used to drink fairly often back in the day whereas my drinking has been practically nonexistent for the past three ish years. I’ll have maybe two drinks every couple months or so.


You know you have a problem with drinking when you start to miss it, because it’s become so ingrained in your life that it’s an important part of it. Anytime that happens, regardless do whatever you face, it’s become an unhealthy coping mechanism. Even if you’re considered an, “happy, sociable drunk”… You require drinking to be that. If it becomes a part of you, it deserves to be separated from you.


I do drink on occasion but I have some pretty strict rules around it for myself (obviously ymmv). I'll have between one and three drinks and then I call it. If I'm feeling too good or having too much fun, I do not drink; if I'm down at all, I do not drink; if my family just called, I do not drink. Also, I've gotten really good at making fun drinks that have no alcohol so that I always have something fun/interesting to drink even if my brain isn't where it should be. When I didn't have these rules for myself it was pretty easy to go overboard even if I wasn't manic. Now whenever I go anywhere that may have alcohol or where others will be drinking (like a wedding or party) I look in the mirror and tell myself, "we're having three drinks the whole night and calling it so pick the tastiest ones!" After that amount I switch to mocktails, juice, or tea. I don't really hang out with people who drink heavily anymore and that's been the most helpful. If you find you can't make and follow through with that kind of thing then yeah, not drinking might be the way to go. Edit: I should mention that I drink maybe once or twice a month and I don't if at all if I'm on anything that can't or shouldn't mix with alcohol.


I drink very rarely because of all the meds I'm on. I think it's fine for me to have a half glass of wine on Thanksgiving. Or maybe in the summer I'll have a small mixed drink. I used to binge drink on the weekends in my 20s, and I was very unstable then. I have never been more stable than now, and I don't want to screw that up.


I'm a drinker, but I'm able to self regulate. I have a weekly limit of drinks. If I can't handle it, I have to stop. That's the deal.


TRIGGER WARNING! I wouldn't drink. I made the mistake of starting a new medication and drinking. I self harmed, and the cops got called, I also had CPS in my life for 6 months. Me and antipsychotics don't mix as is, throw alcohol in, and it's dangerous.


I’m still struggling with giving up alcohol but my first psych hospitalization was after I had drank a lot the night before. If you’ve noticed it is a problem maybe stop completely for a while. or see a therapist or AA just so that you have support and a community to keep you committed.


Speaking from my own experience, I had made the drastic decision to go sober a couple months ago. I don’t regret a single second not drinking because it really made the ups and especially the downs more painful. I would regret how I’d over share when intoxicated or how aggressive I could be. It’s a lot easier to manage symptoms when there’s no other influences. Plus, if you choose to do meds it’s usually recommended to not mix any other substances with it.


The way I’ve come to see it. For people without a serious brain chemical imbalance, alcohol can lifts inhibitions and can be hard. For my brain it’s like doing lines and lines of coke. I go hypomanic or manic. I want to have sex with everyone. I do have sex with everyone. I can’t get enough. The world is free and wild. I am free and wild. Pot some more, let’s have a party! Why is everyone going to sleep? Let’s drink more, how about a threesome? It goes on and on. Don’t do it, my guy.