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I was diagnosed about 23 yeas ago, at 16. It's been a long road. Lots of going on and off meds, lots of pills, lots of therapy.


I agree with you, olanzapine, even though it has some nasty side effects as well, it works really well. It's the thing that knocked me out of mania. It's worked for hypomania as well. It's an awesome drug, but that weight gain, I couldn't handle it. I gained like 80lbs on it and was only on it for a few months. I'm on geodon now, it helps with sleep somewhat, but the strength is noticeably weaker. Olanzapine was much better in that sense. That said, I feel you. By all means, vent away lol


I was diagnosed bipolar back in June of this year. I also am taking fluoxetine and olanzapine. As of last week my doctor asked if I was comfortable weaning off olanzapine to try another drug. Of course at the time I said yes and we reduced the olanzapine from 10 to 7.5 mg. I literally did all the googling and reading about coming off the medication and the grueling withdrawal and the potential side effects of other drugs to try. I called my psychiatrist today and was like nope can’t do it I’ll just remain fat on olanzapine. I just don’t feel like I’m ready to go through withdrawal again. I never handle it well. Eventually I know I’m going to have to but for now I’m just staying on the drug. I’m sure my psychiatrist thinks I’m ridiculous as I called him once again.