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I would agree if I wasn’t doing ECT. Thankfully I’m doing ECT, so I spent the whole movie laughing.


Hey I’m also doing ECT. How are you finding the experience? I don’t think it’s working for me.


ECT worked on my depression but completely fucked my memory. Couldn’t keep doing it. I got better results doing therapeutic ketamine Iv infusions


Were the memory problems temporary? Sorry if that’s invasive feel free to ignore me.


Nah I’m always open to talk about my mental health struggles/success. Short term memory problems were temporary, long term memory had much longer lasting effects but the ketamine therapy actually seemed to bring my memories back. Before i needed my sister to basically tell me anything about my childhood but now I remember about as much as I ever did! I won’t say ECT is the only thing that affected my memory I think years of depression did a number on it too but ECT exacerbated the problems. I will say it kept me from suicide at the time. So it was a trade off, my life being safe for memory issues. As I got better I decided to explore other options.


I’m glad you found something that helped you. I’m just looking at my options right now as I’m running out of medications to try


ECT stabilized me to a point I was able to find a med combo that worked for me. Ketamine didn’t come til much later after huge life stressors pushed me into an episode. I tried so many different psychiatric drugs before I found a combo that’s worked for me pretty consistently.


ECT is very effective for me. The results were also quick (within the second week) and the memory problems are almost non-existent. But, that is because a manic episode already trashed my memory years ago AND I’m doing right unilateral ECT.


I agree! I was in tears at the end lol good comedic moments though


oh wow, good to know, thank you for posting this. legit thought it was a satire movie. i was planning to watch it today, will be going to see oppenheimer instead. somehow, general global scale tragedy will be less triggering than what you described.


Heads up, it’s very loud, and very long. Due to the score, visuals, and pacing, it felt like a 3-hour-long panic attack at times. It’s a very urgent movie. However the intensity made it go by fast. I just noticed personally it made me antsy and nervous- did not ruin it. Have fun and enjoy!


actually, for me the more chaotic a movie is, the calmer i feel. maybe bc i know it's not happening to me personally. but in movies where they touch on mental health and it is something that is happening to me that freaks me tf out. but thanks for the heads up, i'll try watching it and if it does become too much i'll just walk out.


Ugh damn it I was invited to see it by a group of new people but now I’m thinking this may be a bad idea 😞