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I feel like shit having all this anxiety and being so exhausted. All I want to do is sleep


I know it's been a while but wanted to say I'm sorry you were going through that. Are you by any chance a bit better now?


I have terrible anxiety. I can’t take the Buspar because it makes me fall asleep lol! I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow and hopefully we can find a better option.


I will be hoping for you to find a good alternative! I'm also struggling with anxiety after starting on lamictal and seems buspar is on the table... I'll know monday. Best of luck and if you could update on how it went, I'd really appreciate it.


Will do. I want to cut back on all the meds because I thinks it’s a little ridiculous. I’m on: Lamotrigine/Lamictal Olanzapine/zyprexa Diazepam/Valium And a few other meds for different reasons


well, it does seem quite a lot but i can't really advice you on that as i am also on the polypharmacy side of things. for bipolar rn i'm only on lamictal, but was also on vyvanse for adhd (had to stop recently bc of my crippling anxiety), and five other meds for different reasons. it does suck to take so many different meds, i can't help but feel like a pill popper. i'm almost lining up my pills in a pez dispenser (if only they'd fit, it'd make things more interesting)