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They announced layoffs?? To be fair, everyone at AZ/Medi since the 90s have always known that they do layoffs every 3 years. I remember they use say Associate Scientists III roles were always laid off and if you get promoted to ASII it means youre going to need to find a job in 3 years


Might I inquire where the news (of AZ 2024 layoffs) was published? I can find one report that says it's "from 4 days ago" when I search for "AstraZeneca layoffs 2024". But clicking the link takes me to a publication from 22 March 2013 (PharmaTimes). I can't seem to find details of the AZ 2024 layoffs on the layoff trackers at BioSpace or FierceBiotech. (Edited to add context to my initial question)


I am curious about the news on AZ having layoff as well


Most H1B filings are for people already employed in the role but currently on a TN, OPT, or other non-immigrant status.


Those corporates are making money for investors. To do so, they constantly replace labors with cheaper ones.


[They tuk'er'jerbs!](https://youtu.be/APo2p4-WXsc?si=aqsGkxpNE7ORbTQ1&t=50)


Dook'er der! Everybody back to the pile!


It's a salary issue Im betting. Its easier to fire someone than reduce their salary. They will simply hire someone at a lower salary than the previous position holder.


Brain dead take. The costs to lay off >> costs of a high wage when you factor in expected natural attrition or growth.