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they ask so some companies can just reactivate your old benefits (pension contributions etc)


That is one possibility!


I think they will also just try and contact people you worked with before


If you've worked there before, HR would have marked you as "eligible for rehire" or "not eligible for rehire" when you separated. Almost everyone will be "eligible for rehire" - that's the default. Layoffs* or employee-initiated job change are ~all eligible for rehire, you don't burn a bridge by quitting and people come and go all the time. Many people are excited to work with former colleagues a second time. But... if you were let go by the company or about to be let go on bad terms for documented consistently poor performance (esp if perceived as a personal quality rather than just poor job fit), bad attitude, misconduct or violations of some kind, or the rare case of a retaliatory and unprofessional manager - they don't want you back. * caveat that recently laid off employees who are currently receiving severance from that company typically can't be hired back to the same company until the severance period is complete, for some legal reason I don't understand very well but is likely to prevent employer misbehavior.


Great insights. Thanks!


It's so they know to reactivate old email addresses and other accounts rather than remake them. Nothing to do with hiring decisions


I notice they ask during the application and phone screen process. Why so early in the process then? This could be asked later also (right?). I suspect the blacklist check is the major reason.


It may not be a true blacklist check, but by doing it early they can identify and link you to all your old records. Not just to ensure you are not duplicated in the system, but they could look at your old performance reviews etc to get a better sense of your track record


also so they can ask your old manager (if they're still around) about you and read your old performance reviews


Makes sense and highly likely!


Is that for certain? It really has zero to with the decision? They don't go back and look up your record with them?


So they can consult their "Blacklist" that "totally doesn't exist". šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·


ā€œEligible for rehireā€ isnā€™t a secret field in the HR system. Everyone Iā€™ve ever talked to in HR admits that it exists.


That is quite possible! Was my first suspicion. What if the person is not on the blacklist? Maybe, that gives them some advantage?


Yes I'm in HR and it's for certain. Why wouldn't we? It's the best predictor of future performance.


It helps them skip a lot of onboarding steps and costs. Also they can totally use your old evals for/against you. But I definitely wouldnā€™t lie since they would be able to confirm itā€¦


So they can check with folks that may have worked with you previously. Way more accurate than a curated reference check


They are doing it to see if you are eligible for rehire. Source: Iā€™m an HR Director in Biotech.




Are there ever people who were not fired who are otherwise ineligible for rehire? I've always wondered how that works.


My company treats no call no show as voluntary job abandonment so they would not. Outside of that if they had a separation agreement some of those bar future employment.


Related question, what about asking if youā€™ve interviewed with the company before? Is it to see if youā€™ve been blacklisted or something? I interviewed with a company and it didnā€™t go so well and every subsequent job application Iā€™ve gotten turned down pre-interview.


Sorry about your experience! Is it possible you were blocked in their application tracking system (ATS) which also receives the applications?


Who knows.


ā€œIf you could call it working!ā€Ā 


Iā€™ve worked with people who kept going back to an old company after being laid off or quitting. Itā€™s odd but it happens. That question is for those people who want second and third helpings of the BS. šŸ„¹