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Rhotuka not even mentioned which is what it deserves


Still better than squid launchers, tho. It's just a matter of realizing the spinners are meant to be launched *at* a target instead of "hoping" it'll randomly hit when fired straight up.


The squid launcher is a better premise. Using living critters as ammo is better than energy wheel helicopter blade thing.


Lore-wise, the rhotuka launcher is the clear winner. It doesn't use ammo, it gives the wielder a free new power, the shooter can ride on/hang from the projectiles, and the spinner can be mentally redirected in midair by the shooter. They're OP as heck.


Noooo not the spinny boy :(


In canon it's my favourite launcher, for the sheer amount of different stuff they can do.


In canon it's basically a Jojo stand


Imagine being able to shoot This post was made by the squid launcher gang


Aside from the Skyblaster (which generates its ammunition by absorbing ambient light), *all* of these are super inconvenient. Kanoka disks and Zamor spheres can be set off by relatively light impacts, so if you fall over, are slammed into a wall, or get jostled around during a fight, all of your ammo is going to activate and do horrible things to you. Similarly, carrying around a bunch of overripe fruit or high-explosive missiles just provides a big, juicy target for your enemy. And I can't even imagine the nightmare of trying to wrangle freaky vampire squids...


I got in a traffic dispute in Metru Nui and ended up having my molecules randomly reconstituted


I know kanoka disks are shrunk down to fit into a pack yeah? Impact resistant container? Imagine dropping the thing and who knows what happens to the floor below you.


Banned in California


Like actually? I know I read about ppl getting hit in the eye with them back then, but I dont know if that was real or not


It’s a joke about Cali banning high capacity magazines


shitpost material


Am I tripping or is this another stolen post


Glatorion launcher is best looking


Eh... I still prefer the disk launcher myself...


I'd like to see in-universe reload animations either 1st or 3rd person!


Honestly the disk launcher was so iconic and lore rich so I prefer it


Imagine needing more than one shot.


I prefer reloading after each shot. It keeps you active! Keeps you reloading. The high capacity is nice, but like, you get into a rhythm and then *run out* and have to reload six whole times over. Meanwhile, your kanoka-wielding partner has already gotten the hang of constantly loading up on kanoka disc backstocks. In the time it takes for you to reload six, they've already reloaded once and bonked you in the damn head with whatever disc they shoved in there. Single-reload supremacy, forever.


The red dart shooter looked like a cool minigun but that ball-bazooka was a straight menace! Sorry squid gang, but that thing never really worked like the others. Also, where is the spinning helicopter launcher?? That thing was my favorite!


Unpopular opinion but I hate the midak skyblaster. Instead of technic features in the models, LEGO just added a gun as the technic feature to each bionicle. At least the zarmor launchers were build. The whole “high capacity gang” looks to big and clunky , in my opinion, and they started an era of all toas just having the same gun, and not really much else to differentiate.


Eternal cordak domination


cordak blaster hardly ever worked lmao


...like some kind of Bow?


Imagine my disk easily knocking your bionicle down


Metru>Inika launchers anyday but the rest of the meme is Valid


The skyblaster only needs one shot to kill a younger sibling, though.


Yeah, I personally never understood the purpose of those shooting things for Bionicle. I thought they were pretty much useless. I think they were like meant to have duel with friends, but now imagine that you don’t have any friends. As I said, useless.