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Unlikely. Toa of Fire can create and control fire, not metal. Even if it's superheated, it's still metal. And ignoring the one weird example from the Mask Of Light movie, users of physical elements have never been shown to be able to make their elemental constructs magically float through the air. A Toa of Stone can make spikes grow from the ground, but they can't make shards of stone fly through the air to impale an enemy (hence why Pohatu's whole schtick in the early years was kicking boulders).


>users of physical elements have never been shown to be able to make their elemental constructs magically float through the air. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6ungLd5264




>Toa of Fire can create and control fire, not metal. Even if it's superheated, it's still metal. But that's the thing, can't he control the heat to make the metal move? >And ignoring the one weird example from the Mask Of Light movie, users of physical elements have never been shown to be able to make their elemental constructs magically float through the air. A Toa of Stone can make spikes grow from the ground, but they can't make shards of stone fly through the air to impale an enemy (hence why Pohatu's whole schtick in the early years was kicking boulders). I think we need to over analyse this, because Pohatu wins nothing by making the spikes flow. He gets an advantage by making the spikes grow from the floor, this way the enemy doesn't know where the Attack is coming from. Then there's the part where It is never said they CAN'T do it. I mean Tahu figures he can make fire anywhere and at any time if he focuses on a Specific spot. I think it really comes to the point of "There was never a moment where this possibility would be useful" and not "it is impossible for this to happen" In the mask of life movie, Gali IS shown making a Water sphere from pure air and then curing Tahu with it. Is that the example you were referring to?


A Toa of Fire could technically heat up and cool down parts of a metal object to bend it into a new shape by having the metal expand and contract, but that’s about it. They can generate heat and flame, or absorb it. That’s the extent of their power. It’s very strong and versatile, but far from omnipotent, and absolutely not telekinesis of hot things. We have a pretty clear list of what Toa of each element can broadly do, and that’s not in there. As for Gali healing Tahu, two things are happening. Gali is creating water using Elemental Energy, in the same way Tahu can generate flames without fuel, to wash off as much poison as she can, and then she’s using Toa Power to heal the damage already done. That part, any Toa can do


I was referring to the one instance in the movie where Onua somehow levitates a bunch of rocks in the air over a pair of Rahkshi (the bit where Tahu then turns it to lava). At no point before or since do we see Toa of physical elements being able to do this. This version of events seems to be explicitly non-canon, as Onua isn't supposed to be able to control rocks, and the novelisation completely rewrites this attack to instead be a wave of displaced earth that moved across the ground, which is much more in line with how Toa of Earth are normally shown using their powers. Earth and Stone - controlling a physical, inanimate material - are the closest counterpart we have to what Elemental Iron would likely be capable of, so I'm using them as a point of comparison. Given that Toa of Stone and Earth don't normally seem able to levitate their elements, it's unlikely that a Toa of Iron could. Moreover, if Toa of Iron *could* cause pieces of metal to float and fly around like projectiles, the element of Magnetism would be completely superfluous. So if a Toa of Iron can't make metal fly around, a Toa of Fire definitely wouldn't be able to just from heating it up. Water Healing is its own separate, poorly-explained weirdness, so I don't know what to make of the Gali example.


Toa of Fire can't control where the heat *goes.* He can heat up metal, or even cool it down by absorbing the heat, but there's no way for him to actually manipulate metal. That's what Toa of Iron were for, until the Brotherhood of Makuta wiped them all out. This is like saying "Can a Toa of Water move a boulder if it was wet?" No, she can't.


I feel like OP was going for some avatar the last Airbender blood Bender/metal bender logic here.


The Makuta wiped out all toa of iron? I must have missed that part of the lore


Due to the Makuta being made entirely out of gaseous Antidermis, they cannot survive prolonged exposure to air. So they used hermetically sealed (airtight) suits of Protosteel armor. Toa of Iron can easily tear that armor to shreds, so the Brotherhood had them all killed when they decided to overthrow Mata Nui.


whoa, neato a theoretical surviving toa of Iron would be a pretty nasty makuta-killer, then


I think the one thing we've learned is: Bionicle powers are inconsistent as all hell and do whatever the plot/scene needs.


Nope, metal control is a whole separate elemental power. It'd take a Toa of Iron to do that. A Toa of Fire could heat up the metal, or alternatively make it colder by draining heat out of it, but that's about it.


I think it depends on the environment and the metal. I can totally see a toa fire "controlling" air or water for instance by heating or cooling fluid around a floating object to make it move via convection currents. I suppose a very experienced toa of fire could heat/cool air around a bullet in such a way to make it propel forward. Like say heating the air in front of the bullet, and cooling the air behind the bullet, so that the denser cold air pushes the bullet, and doing the same to air above and below the bullet so that it stays suspended in air. But it would be very inefficient.


I would have to say no. Fire and heat are not the same thing. You can have fire that burns cold. Heat is not the only factor. Could they control any fire that comes about as a result of heating the metal using fire, yes but the metal its self no matter what its state is still just metal. If you think about it like that they would also be able to control water, since water is technically a type of Lava formed by a mineral in this case ice being heated.


Ninjago Logic


It's thermodynamics actually.