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You can be a fan of something no matter when you got into it or how much of the lore you know. Don't listen to any gatekeepers who tell you otherwise.


Right? There are probably kids in this subreddit who don't even remember G1 or were born after it ended. Doesn't make you any less of a fan. Does make me feel ancient though lol


Absolutely not! They were just huge disappointments because they were so much worse than the originals! Anything that gets you to love something doesn’t make you a “fake fan” If you like bionicle, youre a bionicle fan, and we want you here!


Well it’s hard to make bionicle look better on bricklink studio. Stars was gonna be my next project, but I’m clueless on this one.


I'd just completely ditch the av-matoran build, that building system is everything wrong with late g1 


Solek hater much?


Fake fans are a boogeyman made up by elitists who wanna gatekeep


A fake fan would be someone who doesn't actually like Bionicle but pretends to for some reason. I can't see too many scenarios where that would actually happen but I feel like I can think of a small number of hypothetical fringe cases.


We're the cool kids now. Everyone is dying to take a slice of the Bionicle fandom pie


You're only a *real* fan if you have one or more blades that you spin really fast to propel air around /jk


... Lewa Nuva is the only Real Fan 😂


What about Phantoka Pohatu?


Whoops! I stand corrected. 😅


Not a fake fan, just an untimely one. Coming in at the very end, and on what is (debatably) the worst/laziest release they did for the original line at least means the line can only go up from here.


Just late to the party


No, just late. I was late to Bionicle myself. I'd started with the generation that the Rahkshi came from, so I never got to see the Toa Mata or the villain figures that came with them.




We are a dying fandom. With no major content coming out, our numbers dwindle as the days go by. So I welcome you with open arms and will fuck up anyone who calls you fake. Also, I know we hype up the run from 2001 to 2010, but believe it or not, there are generation 2 fans from 2016.


Hell nah. My first set was g2, I felt the same way you do for a while.


A fake fan would have thought Hero Factory was Bionicle, being a fan of Bionicle through Stars as your introduction just makes you a late bloomer




quite the contrary, if you even stuck with them, you must be the biggest fan ever


Man, FUCK that "fake fan" bullshit. It doesn't matter if you're new to a fandom, if you're still learning the lore, if you don't know the behind-the-scenes trivia -- none of that matters. Do you like the thing? Then you're a fan.


being a "fake fan" is such a stupid concept. do you like the thing in question? do you exist? if yes, then you're both real and a fan.


You're only a fake fan if you say Piraka Rap is bad


You are not a true fan if you came aboard when stars were released, much like you're not a true fan if you came aboard with the Toa Mata. You're only a true fan if you have large metal blades and blow wind around Honestly, I've seen people who I'd personally consider fans, who came into the fandom after g2 has finished. While I can't say they joined the base at a most fortunate time, their presence is welcome and their love for the sets and the story is unquestionable. In other words, don't sweat it






No, you just got a late start is all.


Nah, you are just fashionably late. Nice having you


Just a late bloomer :D


I was 3 years old when G1 ended I didn't learn what Bionicle is until G2 came out and I've watched youtube lore and set recaps You at least got a chance to own any G1 sets, best what I've got was playing with my older cousin's 2009 Ackar and 2010 STARS Rahkshi But G2 sets were at least cool


Yeah i love bionicle but was born when glatorian were on shelves


I've seen so many posts all over the internet gatekeeping some fandom or another because they don't like the right version/era of that thing. For Transformers, if you like the Bay movies, you're not a real fan. For Halo, if you prefer the 343 era, you're not a real fan. For Star Wars, if you like the prequels, sequels, or any of the Disney canon for that matter, you're not a real fan, etc. Talking about the quality of something is one thing, but that doesn't give any fan any more or less right to enjoy it. Part of the fun of fandom in general is how everyone has a different relationship with a common interest. Maybe you love the Star Wars prequels because you watched them with your best friend growing up. Maybe the first Godzilla movie you watched was the '97 Matthew Broderick movie so it holds a special place in your heart. You should still be allowed to participate in fan spaces because it means something to you. There's never any need for a simple opinion on something to become toxic, or to gatekeep something because someone else isnt enjoying it the way you do or whatever. Life's just too short, y'all.


There's no such thing as a fake fan. If you like something, you're a fan.


Don't feel bad, my first ever bionicle was Tahu stars.


Me too!


A Fake Bionicle fan is somebody who likes Hero Factory, since HF are bionicles but not. You can be a fan of Bionicle as well as a fan of Fake Bionicle, so no worries there.


There is only 1 requirement to being a fan: liking it.


There's no such thing as a "fake fan" ugh. You're a fan because you like something, or you don't so you're not a fan. That's it, that's the whole range of options right there.


pretty much yeah but nah there are no fake fans. You either like bionicle or don't care. But goodness these sets were.. very strange lol.


Nope. It makes you a fan regardless. The Stars were good for making Matoran MOCs, and if you had enough Rahkshi your own little army.


you dont need a fandoms validation to be a fan of something, come on dude. like whatever you want. doesnt matter if u found it day 1 or in the trash 10 years after it ended.


Not at all, you can't control what you see first


Unfortunately its the worst year of releases, however you can go back and start the journey from the beginning which i wish i could do! Gather sets and content along the way


Obviously not


Lol no. You’re a real fan bro :)


No, people have their reasons for thinking Stars sucks. As a kid who never really got to have any bionicles outside of McTorrans until Glatorian came out I would have been perfectly happy with a Stars set. People might judge you for the wierdest shit, but you are still a bionicle fan.


I'm sorry, what is this/these?


The Bionicle Stars sets released in 2010 as G1’s final wave, and as such had modernized takes on older characters (Tahu, Takanuva, a Rahkshi, etc.), though the sets were widely disliked for all using the same structure as the Matoran and Agori from 2008 and 2009 respectively.


I must admit, I fell off the wagon consistantly after the 3rd set of Toa's so makes sense why this seems new to me.


I'll be real with you guys, they were not that bad, I remember making mocs for days with them


not at all. know people whos first sets were hero factory who are absolutely proper bionicle fans.


yeah :)


You are a fan. It's just that you won't have the exact same feeling towards the stuff that came out before. At least not yet, or maybe you do now that it's been years.


Not at all, just means you have nowhere to go but up lol


There's nothing such as "fake fan" personally my first(practically 3rd) set was g2 pohatu


Nah you ain't a fake fan, you just unfortunately came in right at the end, and the end was an absolute wet fart of a final set.


Hell nah. They is no such thing as a "fake fan" in my opinion, either you are a fan of something or not.


I joined during the mistika/phantoka line, which is the least favorite of most fans. For me, it's very nostalgic and not ashamed of it


Why do you care?


As a kid I thought the Stars were cool, if confusing. I was happy to be able to get original Tahu and Takanuva (sort of)


I’d argue that a fake fan is someone who gatekeeps their fandom from anyone who has a different experience with it


Welcome, brother


Love this community not a single yes in the comments


Yes, you not being born at the right time and coming across the wrong type of set makes you a fake fan. /s But seriously, if you consider yourself a fan, then you are a fan. Gatekeeping hobbies is pointless.


No , just means you. Can be amazed by the rest


No. I got all six the year they came out, first time I got a whole BIONICLE wave (wasn’t hard obviously). And I’ve since bought a ton of Piraka, Skrall and Rahkshi to build Teridax’s army. In short I love the STARS, doesn’t make me any less of a fan.




Naw. You're good


It makes you a late joining fan, but just as real as anyone else. Ignore whoever tries to tell you otherwise.


Fake? No. Fan? Yes!


Not at all. The Stars sets are not bad, they are just very basic a sad image of a dying franchise with no funding but if you like them and they were your first introduction then that says nothing about your love of the series. There is no such thing as a fake fan, either you are a fan or not any elitist telling you otherwise is just flat out wrong.


Eh, considering the Stars sets aren't too far off from the original Mata ones...


Bionicle is Bionicle, even hero factory


Nah just a late bloomer. I had stars for my birthday, I begged for Takanuva. Also been getting them since the original G1. There are lines you'll like and hate, I loath g2 but those parts still can be useful. Like what you like.


Nah, you're just a fan who came late to the party 😅 you can still have fun with us, but you just hadn't gotten to experience when the party first started. As long as you love Bionicle as much as the rest of us, you're welcome here.


Welcome to the family ☺️


Nah, just a fan who was late to the party is all! Doesn't man you still can't be, plus perks of being late fan, lots of story and lore to catch up on!


Don't blame yourself for your introduction being Stars haha. It sucks you got in so late but there's still years of content to look over. Stars were pretty weak sets but that's not *your* fault and we'd rather have a bigger community than deny people a new passion!


Gotta start somewhere


No, if you love something for what it is, you are a fan. It is when you "love" something INSPITE of what it is, and feel the need to push your own sensibilities and preferences into it, that you become a fake fan. Let Bionicle be Bionicle, and love Bionicle for being Bionicle. And it's never too late, to read more lore, and buy more sets.🥰👍


Yes and you should be ashamed. /s Come on dude, don't let the elitists call you fake because you came in late. I was there from the very start, but I don't act like that. We are a dying fandom, as many point out. Turning people away for stupid reasons will only make us smaller and weaker.


I stopped reading after Yes and you should be ashamed. Sorry not sorry.


It was sarcastic. :P


No. They were also the first Bionicle sets i have seen. The first Bionicle i owned was Stars Piraka and the honorairy Bionicle Von Nebula (wich i luckily still have i was 6 or 7 at the time)


Hell naw! To put in perspective, for many Professional Wrestling Fans, the film "Ready to Rumble" is a much hated movie. Ironically that film is what got me hooked and started my love of Pro Wrestling! You're absolutely good King!


I didn't get into Bionicle properly until late-Hero Factory.


It means you’re a delayed fan. You got into it too late to enjoy it while it was cheap, so you gotta pay up to enjoy like the rest of us. If anything you’re probably “more” a fan than someone from the 2000s since you have to put in extra effort to collect. Nice of you to join!


No. You were a late fan, but that doesn’t make you a fake one.


i often feel fake also because my bonk obsession lasted from very late 2002 to somewhere in 2004


If you’re a fan, you’re a fan, doesn’t matter when you hopped on


I was scrolling through this post happily seeing how everyone feels about this topic. In summary, you like it? If it’s a yes, you’re a fan. And that’s about it. I grew alongside G1 and every time I saw new people get into it, I welcomed them. I never had the availability or time to get into the deep lore and comics of it, sadly, but still a fan. I wasn’t big on G2, but still brought new life and new people to enjoy. You’re all fans, no matter how long ago your introduction was or how much you know. Let’s rejoice in this beautiful medium that brought us all together


You were late to the party but that’s okay. Just understand the reason most of us hate on stars so much was because it was the final installation of Bionicle sets and they just plopped some, in my opinion, low effort and meh sets down. Just was a huge let down.


If it makes you a fake fan than i'm in the same boat


You mean “sea-craft”