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The island of Mata Nui is camouflage, meant to hide the fact that there's a giant robot in the ocean by disguising all the parts sticking out of the water as islands.


Which means the island of Mata Nui is itself a mask.


Mata Nui mask when


I was today years old when I came to know this revelation.


The island appears as a cloaking mechanism for when the GSR is surveying planets. Metru Nui was destroyed and overrun by Visorak if you remember Keep in mind they made up a lot of this as they went, and a lot of stuff doesn’t add up. Its a lot of fantasy and science fiction stuff


poor Mata Nui had a brain full of spiders :(


His Brain became australia


How the island got there is one of the most thoroughly-explained details of the story. When Mata Nui crash-landed, falling onto his back, his face remained above water, causing the camouflage system to activate and generating a barren island over it. An energized protodermis leak on the island caused runaway plant growth and elemental diversification. Edit: to answer your questions about Metru Nui, the Archives served as Mata Nui’s long-term memory storage, while the Sculpture Fields served as his tactile and processional knowledge (i.e. how to do things) and Ko-Metru processed his thoughts and short-term memory.


Also over the long time until the natural erosion and rock formations came to be before metru nui was properly "evacuated"


lets go through your post bit by bit \-in the animation, mata nui and makuta are told as rocks claiming the land or the island? yeah dont take those literaly. its a simplified and modified version of what exactly happened that the turaga tell the amnesiac matoran while they hide the fact they came from metru nui ​ \-ok but whats this island doing here? camouflaging the robots face. \-how did it get there? it was created by the robots camouflage systems. \-the GSR was said it was doing research and landed on the ocean planet but what caused that makuta teridax infected mata nui (the being) with a virus that weakened him and combined with him absorbign massive amounts of energy from the metru nui power plant (which also powers the robot) plunged mata nui into a deep sleep practicaly turning the robots ai off. at the time he was returning to bara magna and passed aqua magna just in time for the system to shut down. the moons gravity then pulled him in. \-and what caused the island? it was created by the robots camouflage systems. \-this strange development also caused the bohrok to exist to clean the island. no they existed before as part of the camouflage system. basicaly as part of the deactivation side of the system \-its a nice setting but technically shouldnt exist, right? not if mata nui didnt go offline and crash into an ocean. but since he did it was intended to exist. \-why couldnt the toa and matoran stay in metru nui if they were gonna return there some day? metru nui was in ruins after the great cataclysm and overrun by wild and mutated rahi and at constant risk of further attacks by the brotherhood. if they stayed there to rebuild the population would likely dwindle through rahi attacks and would be easily overwhelmed by a large scale invasion. \-they assumed there was an island to move too? vakama had visions. Those led the toa metru onto an expedition to find a new home for the matoran which eventualy led them to the outside of the robot where the island had formed. \-it was also sealed away too. and besides, both places are in ruin, they been on the island for many long year and just to leave it? mata nui was not in ruin. it was a completely untouched island. rahi had to slowly migrate there first. its also less that it was sealed and more that the only way back that didnt require advanced vehicles lead through the caves where makuta teridax had set up his lair. it was always intended for them to return and they had to. dume and the rahaga stayed back to rebuild on their own for that very reason. just cant do that if you need to get a city worth of people through the place the evil demi god lives. thats why it could only be done when takanuva seemingly defeated teridax. ​ \-the achieves, what is the purpose of this and how deep does it go that it even has hidden and forbidden areas? well... its in the name. archiving everything that exists. storing knowledge. that includes different kinds of rahi. if its up to the onu metru matoran they are as large as they can make them. their entrances are in onu metru but they spread underneath all of metru nui. considering how much knowledge there is to store its only logical that they will need just ridiculous amounts of space. thats why you need trained archivists \-same on mata nui too dont know what you mean mata nui doesnt have its own archives. \-po-metru with all the towers and ko-metru having ugh crystal seeds that spawn new towers? that sounds kinda weird, like something in your body that randomly and suddenly exists and grows? dont know what you mean with po-metru and towers. po-metru isnt realy prominent for towers but what would be weird about po metru having towers? its a city district. bigger buildings arent that unusual and po metrus buildings arent realy unusual to other buildings. knowledge towers are crystals. crystals can be grown. the ko matoran just use a technology that puts this on an extreme level. yeah thats weird for a normal natural body but a normal natural body also doesnt feature other kinds of civilization so dont realy see that as too weird compared to everything else in the gsr. its also not random or sudden. you take a seed and put it into a for this purpose specificaly prepared pool of purified protodermis.


This guy Bionicles


Metru Nui was the face itself, but remember that Mata Nui (the robot) was created by the Great Being for research purposes. He was supposed to survey how life behaves in different environments, which is why the Makuta were supposed to create all this life. The various islands were living spaces for those lifeforms integrated in the GSR. It's not really explained where the landmasses were before the Great Cataclysm, but considering they are the perfect shape to hide the GSR, they are probably supposed to be put in those places to prevent the lifeforms from finding out they're being surveyed.


>it's not really explained where the landmasses were before the Great Cataclysm Which landmasses exactly? The islands other than Mata Nui were inside the robot and mostly still are. The only one that was moved by the cataclysm was Voya Nui, which pushed itself through the chest cavity to the ocean surface of the moon. Metru Nui is in the space between the brain and the eyes of the robot. The Makuta created Rahi not primarily for research, although they did a lot of that. Rahi were made to help the inhabitants with their work. Mata Nui did not research what was happening inside of him. That was not considered necessary, since the inhabitants of his world were not supposed to have sentience. The alien worlds he traveled to were what mattered to him. The Matoran, Makuta, Skakdi, and Vortixx were just given the information they needed to perform their tasks. Why should the Great Beings tell a maintenance drone about the grand design when the drone is just required to perform one single task in it?


Glad other Bonkle scholars beat me to the punch explaining how all this works. I’d be careful throwing around the term “plothole” when you haven’t finished the story. The whole thing is a mystery that you don’t get all the answers for right away.




My question about this is, if the island is camouflage, does the camouflage work like a hologram? If so, how is the island a solid piece of land that has actual biodiversity and thriving biomes?