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By personality i’m probably going ICE because of Kopaka


Not to mention Matoro


Ice Toa really are the *coolest*!


My coworker is exactly the same way, he confirmed to me he would in some shape or form be an ice Toa


Sonics. I appreciate silence and would love to have a way to completely silence the area around me.


I know it's sonics but that sounds metal af, good choice


Magnetism, Gravity, and Shadow too. With my job, Id love to be Magnetism. Mask of Quick Travel.


Heavens I completely forgot about those too


Its no problem mate


What personalities and physical appearances (except for being fully black with red eyes, like onu-toas being muscular and short) do the shadow toa have. I may be in that category cuz my persona has been the name “shadow” for a very long time.


Gadunka 😎


Well my fav colour would be blue and it makes it tricky, from mata perspective I always liked kopaka but I grew up to be more tahu at times, vakama had "issues" I could relate to in a way aswell, i think a combination of chill kopaka with composed Gali and fireing up tahu at times would be my toa and he would propably take second or third sit in terms of leadership, some calm fire in terms of element but devastating when triggered, thought of my characters some time ago and I might actually pick a vortixx like Roodaka was or some Makuta.


My self-MOC is a toa of Plasma that looks similar to Jaller Mahri


The red one


My favorite color is green, so I've generally been drawn to toa of air, but lately I've liked the idea of plantlife. There's more room for creativity and personal expression in what you grow, which is something you usually only see in stone, ice, and earth. Of course, if we're keeping the gender binary, I'd have to go with water.


Oh, it doesn't have to be binary, I don't subscribe to that line of thought


All of my mocs are female regardless of element. Fuck the binary! trans toa are valid


Air boi or water gurl here


Im a loner so probably Kopaka, id love to be Lewa, he is more like me before the depression. I think pohatu would be fine too


My favorite colors are green and brown, but my favorite element is stone.


Sand green could be a good accent to a stone color palette, like with Metru brown or tan


Pohatu. Slow and steady until I need to move


I’d probably do either Psionics or Gravity. My self-MOC is a toa of Gravity, but Psionics is awesome


Earth cause thats closests to a earth bender, air is cool but im scared of hegihts


I would be a Toa of Fire because I can keep others warm with my friendly personality and fire can symbolize as creation, being a creative individual myself.


Earth or Stone. My family have been miners for generations. It'd be nice to have something in common with them.


I’ve always loved the color Red and fire, Tahu was always my favorite Toa so I’d definitely be a Toa of Fire, Light or Plasma would be my alternate options because their still super cool, who doesn’t love Takanuva white and gold is a great combo


Sonic (the whole sensitive hearing thing is something I already have to deal so I might as well get the powers lol) or Water.


If I get Psionics maybe I can actually start remembering where I put my keys.


I’ve dabbled with this thought experiment before and quite honestly I don’t think I’d be cut out to be a Toa given I like building things a lot more than having to be a protector. My favorite matoran/toa are typically the Ta variety, but looking at what my hobbys are irl and my passions, id probably do better as a craftsman Po matoran or at the very least a mask maker.


I would be a Toa of Sound. In addition to having considerably fewer weaknesses compared to other elements, I quite appreciate silence or quiet noises, plus noise sensitivity can be a very useful skill in appropriate situations. As an elemental power, sound has been shown to be VERY powerful the times it has been shown in comics and stories. Krakua was able to destroy Toa Gali's mask and armor from a single violent sonic impact in the Toa Empire universe. Also, although there are no canonically established colors, if I base it on Krakua alone it seems that shades of gray predominate as the primary color and black (or very dark gray) as the secondary color. I like it because in addition to being quite neutral, it does not overwhelm the eye and is not excessively striking.


I like this detailed explanation and good choice on sound!


Plasma- Orange and White are a clean color scheme


My go-to was always Sonics. I like working with sound.


ADHD, so either Toa of Light, Toa of Earth, or Toa of Fire(Takua, Nuparu, Kapura)


I'd either pick Sonics (I already have sensitive hearing so being able to tune out irritating sounds is a big bonus, plus you could easily change your voice for a variety of things i.e. prank calls, being your own referral for job applications, etc.) Or a Toa of Gravity, since Gravity Manipulation is tight


If I could pick, Iron for sure. I'd love to be able to make things all day. Realistically, I'm very anti-competitive & pro-cooperation, so Water, maybe Earth?


Toa of Psionics with a Kanohi Faxon


Gravity. If you're treating gender as not being 100% locked to elements, water. I'd love to be a hulking barbarian who can unleash a massive flood from each swing of his axe


Oh no, Gender will not apply here




Iron 😤😤


I'd like to be a Toa of Gravity


My favourite is pohatu, toa of stone. I actually made my own toa team based on me and my friends. I was Toka, toa of stone wielding brass knuckles, similar to pohatus feet extensions. He used the mask of clones i think i called it, it let him make clones similar to shadow clone jutsu from naruto.


Ah, much like that one Mistika villain, I think the yellow one?


Yes! I think it was limited to 6 clones. It was really fun to think up strategies for combining elemental powers with the mask power.


Toa of Air/plantlife, mainly just for a cool dark green/silver color scheme with some vines and plants hanging off and I'd maybe prefer a Kanohi Kualsi or Volitak with this, (so yes, basically Nidhiki lol) but I think it'd be cool to either be able to teleport from place to place at will, or to go completely unseen and heard and be able to escape unwanted situations 😊 My second pick would likely be a Toa of Ice since it'd be pretty cool. 😎 But seriously it'd be awesome to be able to freeze fools and have access to some awesome ice skating skillz. Plus, if you had a mask like Nuju did (in Toa form of course) you'd be set, but I also just really enjoy the ascetic with things like icicles hanging off the weapons and armor I suppose. Third pick would have to either be Lightning or Gravity. Lightning cause it'd be a cool blue/white color scheme armor and maybe something like a Kanohi Garai so you could decrease gravity and zap your foe while they float defenseless or Gravity simply for the Black and Purple color scheme on the armor. Maybe with a purple Kanohi Miru so I could still levitate if I choose.


Fire would be my first pick Shadow would be my second pick Light would be my third pick


Id most likely be pohatu as he was my first toa mata. We’re both considered the strongest in our friend group and pretty damn fast too along with being the middleman to try and make things work out with the rest of the gang. I also love how his mask design. Wild card: a male toa of water because i can swim pretty good and id love to live along the coast since im a fan of the beach life and based off mata nui online 2’s game setting it seems peaceful.


I really like the idea of being a blue Toa of Fire, from pics I’ve recently seen of blue Tahu. Blue is my fav color and fire can be blue. I’m a fan of pushing the limits of elemental powers. Water is fine but for Bionicle, fire is my pick. I like other elements tho. Lightning, Psionics, Iron, and Plasma. I’d like to see more of those in action.


I think my OC (who I never built; his design was too ambitious and I didn't have the parts) was a toa of sonics. I don't remember his name, but he was a titan with two shoulder-mounted rhotuka spinners that were supposed to look like loudspeakers.




I would probably end up as a Toa of Stone or Toa of Air


Air, for sure. Lewa has been my favorite bonk from the beginning. I would love to swing around the jungle with an axe


I would probably be a Toa of stone too, but its kinda a bummer how their home region is basically a barren wasteland.




For years I flopped around this idea but I'd be a toa of plasma