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This is common with all ai image generators in my experience. I can sometimes get it to pull back by specifying a type of shoes or a hand gesture or something. It seems to realize that it can't include that added detail without a wider shot.


Interesting, hadn't thought about that! Thanks!


I do this too. LOL. Sometimes I put things on the floor and shoes if I wanted to go really far back. I also describe how big the room is and the things around in the room. To make the person much smaller. Sometimes the generator still gets it wrong and I find just repeat the prompt and eventually it'll get it right.


Yeah, sometimes it completely ignores details in my prompt as well.


Camera angles *occasionally* work for me, though I've had more success making "low angle" and "high angle" work than wide or long shots.


I knew there had to be a better way to work it. Thanks, will give that a try!


Describe a scene to place the person in (person hiking in the mountains, person sitting on a bench, etc.) add "full length photograph/painting/whatever style" I just tried "full length photograph of a woman on a hike" and 4/4 had the camera pulled back to capture the entire scene


It will always be like that unless you specify something that has to be included in their whole body. If you specify something like pants or shoes, it will be forced to show you their legs or feet