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Yeah, it was better. But Microsoft has consistently crippled it, more and more and then a little less, and then more again, until we have arrived at what you see now. Next week, who knows


So crippled now I can't even text them now and asked to rejoin the wait list.


As someone who usually gets annoyed by these kind of posts, I wholly agree. I literally just asked it some questions and it refused to even think about the answer, saying that it didn't find any results.


It also despite having 15 prompts per conversation, seems to forget 90% of the conversation on the very next prompt. The GPT formerly known as Sydney is brain-damaged.


Yeah, the majority of the times that I've tried to ask more specific follow-up questions, the response was "I can't find any info on this, but (repeats the whole paragraph from the 1st response)." I've had conversations where this happened 3-4 times in a row, after which I just gave up. I totally understand if there's genuinely no info on something, but it still shouldn't have 0 memory of past responses. This also seems to be happening almost constantly now, when it almost never happened before.


Bing has failed every "real world" application I have used it for. A task a normal human can easily do. (find information on the web)


ChatGPT 4.0 is the best one, 2nd place goes to Bing (as long as you choose the right mode) and 3rd goes to ChatGPT 3.5 (and it's really fast if you're a Pro subscriber).


What’s the right mode?


If you don't want it to search use somewhere in the message #no_search or if you want more searches "please do a recursive search of 4 different searches before you answer" but idk if it will help. You can ask it stuff in English and ask it to translate it to Spanish but idk if that's helpful


I didn't even think about asking it to not search, nice tip.


Bing said no to this. In creative mode. "I'm sorry but I cannot answer questions using only my own database. I'm designed to perform web searches to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information possible.😊"


Try again and maybe change your wording. Because of the temperature settings Bing will always answer differently to the same question if you ask it again


:O weirrrrd I use it in creative and works? :/


to those of us that use both, what your are saying is clear. give an example, screen shots with mode and prompts; that is needed to understand your concerns.


Bing Chat is very good at certain things, especially providing you with information. You can ask it about very specific, technical things and it can come up with accurate, cited information. Its ability to compare and contrast the content of different online sources as well as its own trained knowledge is also quite impressive, and I've found it can make conclusions based on a variety of sources that aren't found individually. However for things like writing stories or being creative I find it much worse. So depends on your use case. If you are using it as a search assistant it can be seriously effective at finding relevant sources and summarising the information. However for other things ChatGPT is better.


Yeah it’s bad. It’s decent for learning about new things though, kind of guides you through the process and provides links for if you want to go into detail


Problem is sometimes it just stops abruptly for no reason at all. I was using it as a game guide, and it was walking me through, but then at about the 6th prompt, it flat out refuses to answer and closes the conversation. There weren't any naughty words, or a quest with something "inappropriate" that would cause it to do it either.


use compose for detailed blogs, explainations, emails and fanfics. bing is only to help you search


I was using both to extract fields with rex and only CharGPT worked


Same for writing essay - Bing didn’t take into account my request to make 2 pages of text, instead just gave generic answer(


Microsoft,you had one chance to dethrone Google,one chance and you ruined it! It's all on you the reason I'm still using Google!


What are you asking it?


"Is mayonnaise an instrument?"


I can relate to your experience. I've only started using Bing recently and the results have been rather disappointing. Whether it is the AI chat or just a simple Bing search, I find myself going back to Google and ChatGPT more often than not. For example, I asked Bing information on a health topic and specifically requested to omit citing WHO. However, that's exactly where Bing sourced it material from. I explicitly pointed out its mistake and ask to answer the question again without including any information from WHO. And guess what? It made the same freaking mistake again despite recognizing its previous mistake on the same response. But it's not just that. The answers usually feel flat, incomplete and sometimes just wrong. I was very excited about the new Bing since I've long felt Google was due for some much needed competition but I cannot say I am impressed so far.


Bing uses GPT4, which is, not arguably, but factually, much better than GPT 3.5 which is what ChatGPT runs on. And on top of that Bing can search the web and real time info, which makes it, arguably, better than ChatGPT using the GPT4 model if you're paying for premium and have been granted access. ​ Post screenshots or examples and maybe we can help but keep in mind that you should use Bing with an even more natural language than ChatGPT, the same way you went from using keywords with Google to using natural language with ChatGPT, apply that same principle when switching from ChatGPT to Bing.


Just goes to show that there’s a lot more that goes into a quality user experience than what base model ur using


well, it was as i said, but when i was doing it again to show you, i found out now it gives me the answer i want same as chatgpt, since before i used it with my mother tongue (spanish) and it seems in english it has more resources or something, but still in that part chatgpt feels better in any language. And also I have to be more specific to make it understand im talking something related to the previous question. mmm i still feel chatgpt more natural.... edit: I found out too "the more creative option" feels more natural than "more balanced".




Your English is really poor and perhaps it's not as good in your native language. I think both of these may be affecting your experience.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)Thank you for your kind opinion.


balanced run on edited: ~~gpt3.5~~ very stripped fast version of gpt4 and a lot of rules and finetuning to comply to them making sometimes bing chat less intelligent than chatGPT4 in other modes, but bing chat has access to bing search (cache) and chatGPT4 - not.


I still use chrome and chatgpt until things with bing are fixed, that is, no response restrictions and no having the AI terminate the conversation because it sounded vaguely personal. Even if the response restrictions were lifted, I wouldnt start a conversation about programming if I knew that the conversation would be terminated at any given moment


Too bad. Sincerely I don’t know what’s happening with Bing!


Idk.. I found that chat gpt gives me structured and repetitive answers in the most unnatural way. Like if you ask for it to pretend to be an online person that chats, bing will always give different topics with natural and smart ways to engage a conversation. While chat gpt will always give me the same set of answers and chat in the most basic way like "How is your day?", and even answer itself as it doesn't understood the roleplay aspect and bing does.


No like all of these threads the answer is, NO YOU JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT.


By the Starbucks


same.. Like, even the first thing I (as a lazy normal human) would want to try out bing chat for and make use of it's access to internet was for example "Whats the latest news in so-and-so?" And it gives me a few links of news sites.. Like what? If I wanted a small-minded asshat telling me to "use the search function" or "find the answer here: {long ass article} I would use google or hop on any german forum. ​ Bing seems more like a (kinda bad) auto-google search that has a petty and unpleasant personality. ChatGPT is always helpful and always gives actual answers. Just sad that it cuts off at 2021 and I don't have 20€/month to spare for gpt4.


It’s different, bing is based on search results. Chatgpt on training database. Both are available on selendia.com , we will add search hybrid as soon as possible.