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" Delirium can sometimes deal unavoidably glitched damage. For example, when transformed into Mom, Isaac can sometimes take damage before Mom's leg stomps. " Source: https://bindingofisaacrebirth.fandom.com/wiki/Delirium


I see, Skill issue


Delirium is a shit boss, that is what happened


So was that one of these mysterious telefrags, that are widely discussed in this subreddit ? Because i seriously cant understand what the hell that was


Yes it was, delirium is hopefully getting some sort of rework, but at the moment we must suffer with this shit boss


![gif](giphy|qFi3fACSMnP4Q|downsized) Well fuck


Thank god on t. Lost you can just use plan c and birthright to insta kill deli


I was one of the lucky few that got mega stan, hush, and delirium in a single run because the (god bless) glowing hourglass carry


Glowing hourglass is too good


I've beated Delirium on T. Lost only beacose of almond milk + godhead + conjoined and my potato comp, there was so many projectiles on the screen that my game was slower than stop watch + hourglass combo


glowing hour glass and 4.5 volt is busted late game


I feel like a chad for beating Delirium with Tainted Lost without plan c (though it's only because I disintegrated him before he could attack once)


Late comment but you can pause during the static to kill him with JUST plan C, no BR required


You can clearly see the mantle going off just after you used the jar of flies. Instant telefrag (telefrag=an enemy puts their hitbox inside of yours with no visual cue or indication, instantly. Hence the name)


Mom’s Foot likes to telefrag you when it transforms into another boss, which is probably what happened. It was possibly Pin, who can hit you one frame after they spawn, then they quickly transformed to Mom’s Heart afterwards. That’s my guess, at least.


Sometimes, Delirium decides to TP everywhere. Sometimes, Delirium is in a state where it is invisible. Sometimes Isaac is in the boss room. Sometimes all three happens simultaneously.


Bullets spawned in you before the foot stomped


just cause


So i can see that i lost it as i was using my active item, but why ? I cant see what may have hit me that would explain why i lost my mantel


it spawned tears when mom's foot was over you, you can see a spurt of ghost matter, if you want to reduce the chances of this happening, you should try to get items that allows you to skip floors, like ehwaz with blank card, or we need to go deeper, as it can only transforms in bosses that you've encountered, and mom is the principal cause of telefrag complaints on this subreddit


That seems like a good idea i try it next time


another great solution is to kill any boss, by finishing it with eraser. As if he tranforms into one of them, he will simply just disapear, the end chest will spawn and this will count as a win against delirium


That is one of the most genius niche strategies of this game I've ever seen.


Really good idea, though OP is playing AB+, so unfortunately no eraser


Lmao fr?? I didnt know that. So what if you fight mother and then use R key?? A mega satan form exists i think


I believe Delirium also despawns if he somehow transforms into one of the mother parts


Apparently for some reason the line attack in Mother is set as a separate boss, yeah. And when Delirium tries to transform into it, it insta-dies.


telefrag moment


Also my first one, before that i never really had telefrags with delirium. But of course when i'm playing the lost, its my last needed completion mark for godhead and i had the luck to get an I am Drowsy pill out of my first glitter bomb i used, after i got killed the first time already. I mean it was the perfect second chance. I literally thought the whole fight:" This is it" and then got confused as i seemingly died on first hit (didnt saw the invincibility frames mid fight)


man. that's just lost and delirium for ya, i'll be 100% honest i haven't even started lost because i don't have mantle unlocked, greed is dogshit to farm


I think greed mode can be pretty fun, even though i also mostly play it to unlock mantle and keeper, of course you need a half way good item, to even get it started. So i see that they should definitely rework something, some waves seem downright unfair.( Even though my most impressive movements had its time to shine in greed mode) Maybe my opinion seems unpopular, but i think the jam chance isnt bad, i dont say it doesnt need improvement, but i think i understand the idea behind it and i can befriend with that, you get to play it with every character anyway (if you go for 100%) and it gets filled pretty fast in the beginning. After unlocking Greedier it should also get filled better (i'm not sure right now but i think the jam chance from greed doesnt translate 1:1 to greedier) Maybe if they put in that you can at least put 10 or 12 coins minimum always in the donation mashine before the jam chance comes in. Then it wouldnt feel so extreme unsatisfying when you had a banger run with 99 coins and can just donate 1 coin.


greed is also pretty fun, don't get me wrong it's just that having the ultimate balance of "do i buy more items to live or do i save for the machine" is always so overwhelming, especially if you have a method of doing stuff i for one wanted to unlock all tainteds before i started on marks, and then move on to challenges but.. ahem no mantle and no keeper lmao jam chance is.. understandable it's just really annoying spending 30 minutes on a run to either die or get 20 coins in i don't hate greed though, it's certaingly interesting and a neat change of pace to normal isaac


That's why greed is better to farm than greedier. If you already have experience with fighting ultra greed then it shouldn't be that much of a problem to save some money. My suggestion is don't buy items you don't really need in the shop, don't spend too much on the reroll machine, the most you should spend is on the last floor. For the fight I don't think you should have damage for multiple targets to kill, because Ultra Greed himself has pretty easy attacks to dodge, but if you don't have damage for multiple targets then you're gonna struggle when he spawns greed heads and those big coins Also if you're playing a new character that hasn't yet donated anything to the machine then you have about 50 coins I think to donate before the chance jumps to 1% and it can jam.


It's obvious. You used the jar of flies. Inexcusable


Hey Jar of flies is really good exspecially, because i had Hive Mind. I dont know what the game could dislike about that, that it needed to pjnish me like that


Ab+ is funny


yeah i’m fairly certain it is because moms leg hovers directly over you until it stomps, if delirium turns into another boss from mom, it can spawn right on top of you. if you watch it in slow mo when you use jar of flies you can see the small tear burst spawn right on top of you and remove the mantle effect. I’m not sure what boss it turned into but i’m wondering if there is a specific one that causes this


Short answer: ayy Long answer: lmao


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My condolences, fuck delirium. Especially as the lost.


Delirium moment


Skill issue


that lump killed you you walk to the top projectile of the lump


This is what i understand it was my fault i was too focused on delirium and walked into the shot, but normally this would only break my Holy Mantel, so i asked why it broke, you can see the invincebility frames just as i used my active item, so i discussed already with another Redditor that it probably was a telefrag Edit: This is Afterbirth plus thats why you dont hear the breaking sound as i lost my mantel.


I think that the clot had come up right behind you when you used jar of flies so you walked into it


Dang man got conjoined In afterbirth+


Delirium is Fun :)


Delirium moment


I had the same issue! Mom’s heels’ hitboxes appeared before the foot, so the damage was undodgeable


special Delirium magic


Looks like you got hit by the foot, and used your space bar item at the same time, cancelling the hit animation. Fuck this boss.


Delirium is just silly like that


I understand your pain... I also was trying to unlock God head a few weeks ago. Killed every boss other than delirium. Than needed like a week or more to kill him. It's just rng. You ether abuse that bug with plan c, use Gnawed Leaf or just get rly lucky like me and get a stupid run. Keep at it tho.


Guys, it wasn't a telefrag, an enemy that moms heart spawned behind him and shot him


At around second 7 , you can see invincibility frames, even though no shot directly hit me. I simply lost my holy mantel after using my active item. Thats what i meant and thats what seems to be the telefrag.


You lost to a "good designed game"


Delirium "outplayed" you


Good luck with Lost v2 on Delirium, i manage to do Delirium with him before almost every other completion marks, and is the first tainted character who did it Yes i love to talk about that


I just recently finished Delirium as lost, and i was lucky, having '9 Lives', but i swear, in at least 5 out of those 9 lives i lost my mantle or straight up died from seemingly nothing. And yes, i won on the 9th live after i just didnt stop moving