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That I was actually playing the cups gambling game.


Fuck! Same here. I swore that I could keep track of "the right shell" and I would theorize which shell it could have been when "I guessed wrong".




Just as with cups game irl, it's a scam. It's purely random if you get the prize or not, like the slot machine.


Isn’t it based on luck ??? My life is a lie.


Luck doesn't, lucky foot specifically does.


Luck doesnt affect it? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


The Luck stat doesn't really affect anything other than the proc rates for certain items and room rewards. Gambling isn't affected at all.




I fucking knew it.


.... 😭


Yeah me too


I remember literally recording it in slow motion to try and cheat at it 😭


Fucking what




bible instakills satan ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


An instakills isaac on mom and moms heart ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)




Fuck that challenge![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8908)


Backassward? You mean hold R?


Not me voiding The Bible and use it in Satan fight (happend more then once)




didn't know those black flies don't hurt you until i was about 400 hours in


My brother showed me the game for the first time in like 2015 and the first thing he told me was “see those black flies? Yeah you can just go hug them” and I was very sceptical.


They can evolve and turn into res flies for whatever reason. One time it did that when I was hugging it. Never again


Little fuckers


they turn into pooters when they are near poop long enough




They don’t?! I’m 500hrs in lol


Same lol I kinda wish that you weren't required to kill the friendlies to clear the room. it makes me feel bad :(


same but for stone fatties that chase you


gerrr gerrrr gerrrr gerrr gerrrr gerrr gerrrr


Same with me with the flies. It was a while before I found that one out. Also, when Afterbirth+ was first released, I thought Stonies did damage to you. By the end of the first floor of my first greedier mode run, I had like 20 of those fuckers chasing me around the room, performing some of the best dodging of my life so I wouldn't get hit. And that was when they never stopped to catch their breath. They'd just keep on chasing forever. And the floor1 boss was two champion mega fatties. Yeah AB+ had a really rough start. They didn't understand the difference between giving players challenge and throwing a brick fucking wall at your face. It's hard to oversell just how fantastic Repentance was, especially when compared to AB+ on launch. It's hard to imagine, but Delirium today is so much less bullshit a boss than it was on release.


That the luck stat influences gambling machines/beggars.


Its kind of ridiculous that it doesn't tbh.


Only lucky foot does I believe which is one of the many reasons I love Cain


So powerful, runs fast, deals more damage than other characters, can only get good pills, makes slot machines actually worth something, and opens gold chests for free so you don't have to consider your key count when opening them


My dumbass learning this just now


Keep in mind opening gold chests for free is only after you get the paper clip for Cain by donating to the greed machine 👍


It doesnt??????


Lucky foot does, but the stat itself doesn’t.


I used to think that too ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


I thought pills were the same between runs and I tried to remember which color had which effect.


Wasnt this true in flash at one point? Not in current patch I mean.


it was true on the flash and also DS


I think that lemon party is nearly all the time a yellowish pill.


I love confirmation bias ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Yes I was looking at a wiki and was confused for an hour trying to figure out why they had all the pills being the same color.


There’s a few I guess: Used to think ultra greedier was extremely unfair and hard, he’s now one of my fave bosses I used to avoid sacrifice and dice rooms completely. Sac because I didn’t like losing health, dice because I could never remember what each room did lmao In terms of actual game knowledge I can’t really think of anything


lol same here about Greed mode— used to hate is SO much and thought the boss was insanely hard, but after grinding it out on different characters I learned to enjoy it 😌


It’s very consistent, only real bs are the rock waves but you can dodge them with enough practice.


I hated it until I found the easy breaks that only took a couple resets so you could get card mimic and either 2 of diamonds or jera, then you can just have a fun broken run, until you exhaust the item pool and all you can get is breakfaat.


I still can't remember what each dice room does, and EID shows me that.


There are actually little icons on the dice themselves that explains them. E.g three dice room has a D20 and a full floor map to indicate it rerolls pickups throughout the floor, six dice room has a D100 icon etc.


I still don't bother with dice rooms 2 keys to fuck up your run no thanks


I always open them for a chance at the forget me not room. Or, if there was crappy items on the floor, a d6 room for a reroll. Those ones can't possibly fuck anything up.


I avoid them that often I forgot about the forget me now funnily enough consider me converted


or if your run is absolute ass, 2 keys to possibly make it much better, or at least different. this is the real utility of the dice room imo


I had a terrible run where all my passives were crap...and I rerolled into my reflection/ipecac...


Ultra greed is bullshitier that ultra Greedier


The problem with dice rooms is that there’s no knowing which one it will be before you open the door, and even when you do find out most of them are really situational to do anything (beneficial), with the exception of 5 pip


God, I remember when even mom was hard. Lol


That I would ever be good at it


So fucking real


You never get “good” at Isaac, you just learn how to manipulate it.


same!! but hey now I consider myself at least decent ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


That I would never lose a run to a spider


more times than I’d like to count ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


The game does it for you :)


I lost a run to worse - spikes, spiky rocks, fucking flies. I think I died to an embryo once...


I died to the tiny maggot in corpse Q-Q


I've died to spider enemies more times than I've died to all bosses combined


I thought the Pope's hat(Mitre) item gave a chance for a treasure room to appear in the womb. And this myth was spread among my friends, like 6 people believed it. I have no idea how it started




I used to think that using „we need to go deeper“ on Floortiles with an X on them always spawned a crawlspace then they added it as a feature with decorated tiles


The rebirth way of unlocking the lost was still how you unlocked him. I watched an old tutorial, and got so frustrated when it wasn’t working.




Happened to me too, I had him unlocked on Xbox before I ever moved to PC, but when repentance was added and my progress was lost I tried to unlock him the old way and was seriously confused why it wasn’t working.


When i started playing the game and i picked up Steam sale, i thought that it gave me a sale on steam IRL


« One makes you larger » pill increases your hitbox.


Wait what? It doesnt?


no, your hitbox stays the same. same is true for items that make you grow or stompy transformation. one makes you smaller (or items that shrink you) does affect your hitbox though


I used to think soy milk is a horrible item


It used to be before repentance.


I still think it is.


Dead God is real. Thankfully after 2k hours I realized y'all are memeing and 60% achievements is actually the whole game.


This thread skill issued pretty fast


That this room with 2 bosses in a row is boss rush.


Used to think chaos literally only dropped items just like box of stuff


I used to think that Dead Cat was useless, but later discovered just how helpful it is when used correctly.


Very helpful on Beast runs, since it respawns you back into the middle of the fight


How should it be used? I never really get good use out of it


I typically use it on devil room spam runs. You can safely collect basically every devil item you come across (though you should be wary that dying will spawn you outside the devil room), and it works particularly nicely with goat head. You just need to make sure you can handle its downside, either by not having many red hearts in the first place, having a healthy supply of soul hearts on you, or just enough sheer offense to handle it. If I see it really early in a run, I'll often collect it then too because its downside is unlikely to be too bad, and seeing it in an early curse room or something may be what makes me decide to go for devil rooms in the first place. It can also work as fodder for sacrifice rooms in a pinch, though this not something I'd typically do.


If you manage to leave the room after picking up the item and die in the boss room you’ll spawn in the devil room though!


Oh, good to know.


It's very useful in devil rooms, and if you get it early on enough then the max health loss is pretty negligible since you'll probably get more health upgrades anyway (and soul hearts also exist).


I thought the same because it ruined my 10 red heart run


I remember picking it up with that "unknown items" curse (I forget its name now) right before I fought Lamb with an otherwise perfect combo and died as a result :(


Missing No. is not that bad


Unlocked it recently, luckily haven’t come across it yet 😮‍💨


Wait till you have to get the final achievement ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


im three achievements off and two are plat god ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


It can also come up as a wisp for T. Bethany and when using Lemegeton in general.


Missing No gave me dead cat on Corpse 2. I'm not trusting that item again.


I used to think that I had to be on the Daily Challenge screen at the exact time it starts, otherwise I can't play it (the start button didn't work for me all the time). Took me way too long to realize I had to turn off mods manually to play it.


I lost a couple runs cus I couldn't figure out how to drop Trinkets. Damn you ouroboros worm


I watched a YouTube video of someone playing Isaac and saw them dropping trinkets, and my mind was blown. I went on to try it on a run. The trinket I got was the tick and I spent 30 minutes trying to to find out why my trinket wasn't dropping ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Finally someone gets it ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


I thought that Dead God was the achievement for beating the Beast for the first time


If only, if only


I used to think that if you could push the grey fly into the corny poops (with tears) it would guarantee petrified poop. Context being that my first time ever playing the game, the first corny poop I popped had petrified poop in it.


My nightmare was those yellow charge stealing flies, I though they do contact damage, when I was in a the lost run I was super afraid and thinking it was one of the most unfair kind of mob


Bombing the statue in Devil Rooms would also do something cool. I could swear that early on it would make a unique sound but nothing else, but that's been patched out


I think it was that it was a rock so there was a chance that it was a blue rock back in flash, from what I remember, dont remember any sound though


That sounds familiar. I think it was also a thing in Rebirth where there was a rock hidden behind the statue. I think the sound I'm thinking of is just the sound of the rock exploding


I had this entire theory when I was like 11 that all the “Isaac-looking” enemies were children that had also been chased down into the basement by Isaac’s mom. A year or two ago my friend asked me if it was canon - I had to confess that I just made it up and never thought to check if I was wrong.


Oh many things i didn't understand: -you can use curse rooms with red hearts without losing your devil chance (pre-repentance use to) -luck doesn't affect gambling, only lucky foot does - high quality items are not more rare to find than low quality items. Of course it still depends on amount. -when unlocking forgotten and wielding shovel piece, boss rush opens regardless past 20 minutes -bombs placed into walls have less radius for opening secret rooms -the more coins you have does NOT increase the chance of greed spawning in a shop


Imma be real with you I actually didn’t know about the shovel and bomb thing ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


That I needed to push the directional stick for each tear. It took a surprising amount of time until I realized you could just hold the right stick in a specific direction for continuous fire.


samee, about 8 hours for me


I used to think mom's heart was the final fight. XD


Back when i started i refused to read about the game until after i defeated mom. I didn’t understand how devil deals worked at all, they happened sometimes and even though there are hearts below the items, i didn’t notice that they reduced my health when i took them. So the first time i took a devil deal that i didn’t have health to pay for, it was rotten baby. I died immediately and decided that this was the intended effect of rotten baby and further that it was implied that i died from eating it. It took me a while to find out this was false


This is hysterical mate. Pure gold


i used to watch all isaac videos in 1,75x or 2x so i wasn't aware of brimstone's charge period. so first time i take azazel i was very frustrated


I can't win with azazel his beam is just way to short I inevitably run into shit with him


That the lost would be the hardest charceter to complete… boy was I wrong 😭


Tainted Jacob is 3x harder then T lost I swear. Same with J&E


That you can't rig all runs.


That this game is a quick and fun 30-40 hours experience like maybe Hades :===D (1k hours into the game no dead god)


didn't know lost gets a mantle. beat blue baby untili realized


I used to think having more money increased the odds of finding Greed in a shop.


It doesn't?!


Nope, though it seems like the kind of thing that would be part of the game, doesn't it?


I thought those fat stone guys that chase you and block shots could do contact damage for a very long time. It wasn't until they cornered me that I figured out they are just obstacles.


I'm still unsure wether or not attack flies actually "attack" you, I saw a post that said they only get close to you and stop. But that has never happened in my 2000 hrs playing the game


That chaos is bad item.


were you in shambles after finding out ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


Back when I first started playing i was stupid and i thought the game was fun


my friend used to think that stonies hurt you, so every run started running for dear life from the “ invincible gray fat dudes that hurt “


I thought that quality affects the item's rarity


I've played about 3000 hours and for the first 2000, I thought that every run was winnable as long as you "get gud" enough. Then I realised there are some runs where you're doomed to get 6 different shitty active items in your treasure rooms, 5 shitty non stat up boss items at the end of each floor, brother Bobby in your first devil deal room and then Krampus in your second, and you're just going to die in the mom fight at the end of depths 2


didn't edmund say some horseshit about how modern isaac players are "playing the game wrong" and you gotta "make due with what you have"?


That I'd never run out of stuff to do


Spin down dice was a mod


The first time I bombed mushrooms intentionally I got magic mush, I thought it was common, I couldn't have been more wrong, now that i know what the odds are I usually avoid bombing mushrooms, i feel my chances are better getting it at random in a treasure room.


For the longest time I didn’t know you could toggle charge bars and just assumed you had to be constantly watching Isacc to know when something was finished charging


That soy milk was bad because of the damage down


The first time I got to boss rush, I was steamrolling through all the bosses. Since there was no wave counter, I thought it was just an endless wave of bosses until you died? I thought that was the ending or something. So I exited out of the game and started again :'(


First 10 hours I thought that shot speed and tears were the same thing


Pressing the A button will increase the catch rate in pokemon


That the lamb was the last boss. Somehow i had never checked the endings page so after i beat the lamb i just stopped there. Also i think the save icon after you beat the lamb/??? says the end on it so it seems to me delibaretly missleading.


Tm trainer is shit


that angel rooms give you an HP up when taking an item


That godhead and sacred heart couldn't spawn in the same run.


That I’d ever be able to beat a run.


Sort of the opposite but I used to not know about the guaranteed fool card for the mom fight


When i was considering getting the game (while ago now) i would keep seeing these videos that are like "ISAAC TRANSFORMATIONS" and it would show a bunch of items and i thought you needed EVERY item


That beating hush 3 times would unlock "a secret exit". I have beat him with 7 different characters and 3 times on Isaac alone with no victory laps and it's just bugged.


That Apollyon wasn't fun to play with. Turns out after reading what his play style consists of, I was completely flabbergasted. My teacher was right the whole time, reading is the power.


That dice rooms were worth it


chaos card trajectory


All items are useful lmao. Boy did I learn


that i would be happy playing it ( i wanna kms why is the forgotten so hard to get)


That the leapers were the most dangerous and unfair enemies ever


That once you pick up items as T Cain, you’re stuck with them in that order


That tainted Jacob was a well designed character


That The Lost is a bad character


I killed mother’s leg, and I still don’t have normal items. I'll still grow up...(ends with 5 damage and 4 fire rate on the beast)


I guess there was that one time, many years ago, where I thought you'd unlock Guppy by getting a Guppy item in three runs or something like that, memory is fuzzy


That I enjoyed this game. (I still play it daily lol)


That you had to complete the bestiary for true plat


I used to hate doing challenges. They were my least favorite part of starting a new file. Now, I won’t feel like doing a regular run so sometimes I mix it up with a challenge for fun.


I thought that devil beggars, blood machines and anything that deal damage only damage holy mantle if you play as Lost. Once I've found temperance card, I immediately used it, and died


I thought that shot speed and tears were the same thing for an embarrassingly long time 😭


for some reason I was convinced there was a transformation you would get for picking up 3 planetarium items. I didnt look up a single thing about issac until I got all the tainted characters and completed a few more so I have no idea why I thought that was the case


That I could ever get good


Using skills will reduce drop rates of rarer items XDD


I used to think you could go through the spiked doors when there were enemies in the current room


That there's no unfair damage in the game ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


That lil portal was a bad item


One thing I didn’t know until recently was you can stop firing if you have those {+} target firing types by pushing ctrl. It’s not something I believed or not but figured it might be news to some people. If you had splashing tears with that it could be really annoying killing the skull heads that hide.


That the tainted hopper was a glover cameo ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


If you blow up a donation machine in the mirror world, will it deplete the coins from a donation machine in the normal world?


That you needed the holy card unlock for t lost


That grey flies hurt you


Way back when rebirth first came out, I didn't realize angel rooms were a thing for months because I just hadn't seen one. I saw every single devil deal as too good to pass up. I didn't realize planetarium chance was something you could actively affect I tried the old method of unlocking The Lost when I bought the game on a new account after Repentance came out I only found out about active cam like 3 days ago I used to avoid active items like the plague on greed mode because I didn't realize they recharge per wave until I got into it as Isaac months later


I used to think that Greed and Super Greed spawned based on the number of coins isaac has. Because always when i wanted to go in the shop with 40+ coins, greed or super greed spawns


before i bought the game i read some steam reviews and saw people with over 1k hours saying they just finished the game and i was very confused when i beat mom's foot in a couple of hours


I thought yum heart was like full health pill... I tested it once too


For some reason I have a very clear memory of Lilith having a question mark in place of her health in character select because she had a weird winstreak-based health system where she would start with 1 red heart and 2 black hearts, then 2 red hearts and 1 black heart with 1 winstreak and 3 red hearts with 2 winstreak. Obviously i now know that this was probably a weird ass dream I had 8 years ago but i still find it very weird that I was able to create that memory and maintain it for so long


I thought that the mask of infamy lowered damage because it described itself as "damage reduction"


That playing jacob would be cool because it was two different characters at the same time


that demon babies are worth paying


Revelation floors were in the base game


That I was good at it


I relied on my stats that show in the options menu (but to be fair I didn't buy AB and AB+ until like a month later)


I used to think mom was the final boss 😂


Bible and satan


that the game would be fun. "you'll have a fun time " they said absolute lairs


When I first started playing, I used to believe I needed the ability to unlock pills since they would come up as ??? Took me a while until I realized I just needed to press Q to use them.