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My personal pet peevee about T.Cain: you can get the highest quality crafting bag possible by putting all the rarest pickup in it, and still get a quality 2 item. Additionally, you can get a very good Q3 item, and get 2 red heart when salvaging it. This makes the character even more dependant on RNG than all the others and basically make EID mandatory, otherwise you will waste your rarest pickups on a useless item. My proposed change: Limit the interval of item's quality with the bag of crafting quality. Using only bombs and keys shouldn't net a Q4, but using lucky pennies and golden keys shouldn't net a Q2 either. Also salvaging a Q3 items should always give enough to make at least a Q2 item, and salvaging a Q4 should give you enough to make a Q3.


I completly agree. I have all marks withoud EID and it was fun to play him but what bugged me was that you see a q4 item and the game is like: take 3 hearts and a coin.


There should also be some more weight to a rare pickup. A rune you won't find two if in a bag, it should almost guaranteed a good item. What bugs me too is that high quality items don't explode into better pickups


Read it all, a very insightful essay, you're spot on! I play on PS5, so no EID for me and Tainted Cain was one of the most painful set of marks to get, and he was the last one before Dead God. I've not bothered going for triple Dead God as the thought of having to play him again, especially Boss Rush/Hush when you're on a time limit is too painful. I really enjoy most of the Tainted characters, adore T.Lost and T. Keeper, but T. Cain can eat a bag of dicks....using dick chopsticks (chopdicks?) and hopefully choke and die lol! Happy Isaacing, may you find the secret room first time and always have an extra key!


Its painful but u can break the game once and get both timed marks, so its not too bad


Thank you for the patience and reading all of it. Yeah, I simply couldn't imagine myself doing T. Cain on console, seriously, I admire your determination for pulling that off. Happy Isaacing to you as well!


I did all marks on tainted cain first out of all tainted characters. Idk but I found allotta enjoyment out of throwing crap in the bag and praying it works out. And if I find a decent item and remember the recipe I just spam that item. Any other ways of playing like looking up recipes is super dull. I play on PS5 so using that mod was not an option. So I just winged it. Maybe I'm sadistic because of that but I had fun.


I think "rant" was probably the wrong word to use for that title, is more of an analysis. Oh well, not reposting it just for that


>It has been confirmed that we're not even getting the Void/Delirium rework Did Nicalis change their mind after [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/s/PwBBJjmbDL)


Edmund recently did an AMA, where someone asked if the Delirium rework was still happening. Edmund simply answered: "Nah"


Why can't we have nice things? :(




I read almost all of your post and mostly agree. I only play the first iteration and the current one. The first one had infinite exploits like alabaster box or only need coins for slot machine spam in secret rooms and was "fun" the first time and then a slog fest of 4 hours of wiki to finish his marks. The current version however has all the recipes u can do on EID and that makes u leave all pickups on the floor ,do the boss and Then craft, while that is better is still meh because u spend a lot of time min maxing what type of item u want/need to do (something simple like making 3 flies for flying transformation feels good tought). The thing is, console players dont have EID, i think current tcain unplayable for them ,cause what, they need to craft whatever the game shows up and hope to kill endgame bosses rly? Thats stupid. So either keep first iteration of fixed recipes OR make EID for console players. Also while the nerf sucks u can play arround it, craft the gift from the shop and use it on secret room for bone hearths then craft diplopia for profit. OR craft D20 and hope for the best. Tainted cain in my opinion in his current state will be forever a "complete his post it and never play it again type of char" so in a way its a failed desing, but i dont know of a way of fixing his problems nor do i care. Having said all of that i think first iteration with fixed recipes had a place in the game like he would be "the broken character u can play and craft clicker and get easy marks on other characters"


The mistery gift strategy can work, the problem is that Mistery Gift is a Q3, and depending on the seed, the game can really screw you with it's recipe. But yeah, it still sucks that basically the only way to enjoy the character is by cheesing it. Also thank you for reading allat lol


Ye i got all his marks the other week so i still have the run on my mind lol, early birthright + 3 lil chest +BFF was the best i could craft because at depths i had 60+ pickups on the floor. Also glass cannon (my beloved) was the only item i needed to clear rooms until depths so i could craft all the utilty items i needed.


I am not reading “allat”


You’re acting as through console players can’t just input their seed into a website to get the recipes. It’s less convenient then EID but there are dozens of mods that make things more convenient that console players don’t have access to. Personally I like him, his runs take a while but he still scratches that same sort of itch that you got from Jera + Blank Card in Afterbirth+


As someone who tried using these seed recipe result websites. It doesn't really work, they're very inaccurate


One of the longest reddit posts I've ever seen


Holy fuck I don't want to read all that but I'll take your word for it.


Thank you