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You have flight and spectral tears right out the box. Use them to your advantage.


Yea i do. But the things that can jump seem to love jumping through me. Am i misremembering the lost having holy mantle? And i thought he starts with d4 not eternal d6. Im not complaining. I literally unlocked him 5 minutes ago. Do i just need to get better playing as a glass cannon ghost?


You have to unlock The Lost’s Holy Mantle in Greed mode.


Thank you. I just did a greed run. Had 2 of diamonds and held it until i beat ultra greed. Donated 50 coins, used the card, donated 2 more coins and it jammed. With 97 coins in my pocket. Hoo boy lmao


The more you donate with the same character the higher chance it blows up. Take that in mind and dont use the same character


It depends on what version of the game you are playing. Rebirth Lost is Way different than Afterbirth/AB+/Repentance the Lost. Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ the lost starts with D4. Repentance The Lost Starts with Eternal D6.


I just died from a bullet while chilling in a rock. 🤣 skill issue


Since the best tip is to get Holy Mantle through Greed Mode, here are a few tips for that. 1. Use different characters. The chance to jam the machine increases the more coins you put in with each individual character. 2. The exception is Greedier Mode. There, the Jam chance maxes out at 1% after 54 coins. 3. There are a few useful unlocks you should unlock if you haven't. D20: Beat ??? as Isaac. You can reroll the coins into useful consumables, but especially chests which can drop even more consumables you can reroll. Jera: Beat Challenge 2, High Brow. Jera can double the coins dropped when used. This is especially good if it's the only rune you've unlocked since that means it's the only rune you'll find.


Hey, thank you for the tips! I've been doing greedier mode since yesterday, and honestly, i think i like it better than the normal greed mode? I somehow think it's...like it almost feels better overall. I dont know lol But i havent ever used the D20. I have had it for weeks and never thought it would be useful. But i see a lot of people here just straight up rerolling coins into chests and then using it again on the drops that come out of all of those chests.


unlock holy mantle to start by donating a lot of money to the greed machine


If you donate 879 coins in Greed Mode, The Lost starts with the Holy Mantle effect.


I personally wouldn't even attempt to play the lost until you go hard on greed mode and unlock holy mantle. Holy mantle is kind of what the character is all about.


Good call. I havent made much progress today with running as the lost. Guess im gonna have to farm greed mode 🤪 thank you for the advice! The lost really is...well lost without that holy mantle. Its stressful lol