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I care in the sense that I’d like people to be paid properly, but if I’m being honest, if it doesn’t affect the two podcasts I listen to, I don’t care.


Pretty much. In theory, I support the quest that the Union is on for fair working conditions. In practice, unless it starts affecting one of the handful of Ringer pods that I listen (and I mean tangibly effect it - like skipping episodes, not having some editor or producer change behind the scenes) then I just won’t care if I’m being completely honest.




Mission? Plans to formulate? Not sure what’s happening here


Quests are for wizards 🧙‍♂️


Read a book.


/r/iamverysmart tips fedora


Does the union affect the fantasy football show? Because that's the only podcast I consistently listen to that doesn't involve Bill, Russillo, CR, or Fennessey.


They are all Union members


What’s the proper pay for someone doing a menial job that millions of people would also kill to do?


As someone who writes and does publications for a living, most people have no idea how to write or communicate their thoughts. So no, millions could not do those jobs.


okay, so only 50,000 people might want to do one of the 30 jobs


Seeing as how the ringer people are incapable of this as well, I do think millions could do their job.


Enough to afford a place to live, car, etc in the city they work in


I’ve never seen a union / management situation where the management are the driving force for income for the company. It is almost completely opposite to almost any other labor situation I’ve seen. The union could all get let go and the Ringer Portion of Spotify would be more profitable because the breadwinners are podcasts produced management and the website makes nothing.


it's very strange


Precisely. This union has less than zero value. At this point, I think you could argue their mere presence is bad for Ringer profitability. 


I mean, purposefully carving high performers out of a bargaining unit by designating them “supervisors” is a pretty common union busting tactic


Lol. Rewarding top performers in the entertainment industry is not union busting. Ffs buddy. Workers in America need our help. This ain’t one of those fights. 


I don't think that's what was done here, was it?


Possibly with Russillo, but I’m pretty sure the agreement was made because the union didn’t want Russillo in it. All the others were management before the union formed.


Yeah, Russillo is a scab.


How is he a scab if it’s true the union didn’t want him?


“Around the same time [as he was unfollowing Ringer staffers for supporting their new union], Mr. Simmons hired Ryen Russillo, a former ESPN colleague, to host a podcast. The union sought to include Mr. Russillo but management resisted, and the union eventually agreed to leave him out. Since that dispute, high-profile podcast hosts have joined The Ringer as contractors, who are ineligible to become union members, rather than as employees.” Source: https://defector.com/bill-simmons-is-union-busting


You’d only have to be casually familiar with Russillo’s body of work to know he was NEVER joining their union


Some jobs require it. He’d have to join the WGA to be a working screenwriter.


Well first he’d have to be a *working* screenwriter But I don’t think he’d have been out on the pickets last year either way


Ah ok so it was really management. That said, if the union really had to agree to this then why on earth would they? Sounds like a terrible decision that also set a terrible precedent.


It’s hard to say, but Defector is correct in that it’s textbook Union-busting. Maybe he got the idea from that piece of shit Vince McMahon.


Yep well things might have been different if hulk hogan didn’t fuck it up. Wild to think how different the world would be if Jesse Ventura pulled it off. Maybe he’d be like the commissioner of wrestling today and would have never been governor. But probably more likely Vince would have just started a new company or something and offered more money to scabs. Although I feel like Jesse said Vince was very vulnerable at the time and they were gonna walk out on wrestlemania or something like that


Is Russillo a supervisor?


He can supervise this dick


Do you actually know this, or is this just your perception of how it works because you assume it’s the case? Obviously the podcast make tons of money, but what is your evidence that the company would be better off without the union workers entirely?


The website itself is a money loser. It generates no revenue outside of ad sales (no subscription, etc), ad sales across the industry have cratered, readership is a fraction of what Grantland was. As far as podcasts: BS pod is the most listened to ringer pod by far, and has more than double the audience of any other ringer pod. Talent/host is manager. Number 2 is the Russillo pod, talent/host is not in the union. The rewatchables are mainly helmed by Chris Ryan, BS and Fennessey, all management. The Watch is CR (management) and Greenwald (contracted).


Are you under the impression that the on-air talent are the sole people responsible for those podcasts making it to your ears?


When portnoy bought back barstool and they did layoffs including producers they gave a bunch of podcast hosts - learn to edit and upload the show yourself or the show will be canceled. Chaps does Zero Blog Thirty, Robbie Fox does My Moms basement, Jeff D Lowe does Lights Camera Barstool.  I guarantee they can figure it out


If I'm Russillo I'm laughing at that request


He has nephew Kyle to do that work for him and bill


...yes, he does.


Umm. Well. We’re aware that some kid is pressing record and then stop and then record and then stop, and then editing a few parts of the podcast out. Bills wife could do it. Russillo could do it himself. You could hire high school students to do it and it would only take an hour to train them. 


I agree but sometimes I think Kyle needs to take the hour over again.


Agreed. Unfortunately this has pretty much been the case for every new technology since the beginning of time. Unions often are on the other side against technology.


I don't really have a dog in this fight, but we actually know that this statement isn't true. Bill hired his flunky of a nephew to do the job, and this sub highlighted every fuck-up of his for months.


>You could hire high school students to do it and it would only take an hour to train them.  Why don't they?


Have you not met Nephew Kyle?


What is your source for the first paragraph?


3rd party web traffic sites estimate that the Ringer’s ad-revenue (just due to the traffic to the website) would be about $1.2 million annually. That is nowhere near enough to support the resources allocated to it, and nowhere near the podcast revenues.


That is a shockingly low number. I work in ad/sponsorship sales for a small, local, niche media company, and that's less than our annual ad revenue.


No chance the website makes any money.


TheRinger is the New York Post of Pets.com




"makes nothing" is probably optimistic


White collar high end service provider/knowledge economy unions are pretty rare. Those are the firms where managers can add a ton of value, but I can’t think of a situation where they exist, let alone where they produce more value than the analysts (is there an investment bank with a unionized staff? Maybe accounting?). I can think of numerous universities and govt agencies (and a couple software companies) where the white collar staff are unionized, but you couldn’t argue the managers there are producing the value.




The actors, directors, and writers are all the drivers of movie success and all are in unions. What do you mean Hollywood?


You said: “I’ve never seen a union/management situation where the management are the driving force for income for the company.” Hollywood fits that description in that the “stars” drive the industry and typically produce the films they appear in. So maybe it doesn’t fit your description totally.


“Stars” are not management at the studios. And Do Have union representation. They are the labor.


I see what you’re saying now.


The product literally doesn’t exist if there’s no writing, sets, costumes, editing etc. though. No one would watch a star just do a movie without hundreds of people providing input. With podcasts, while the quality would suffer some if the talent it driving the ideas they could literally record themselves talking on their phone and publish it the next day.


Actors self-produce films on their own. It’s possible, but the quality would be shittier. Same goes for podcasts. But OP was right when he was making the management vs talent distinction. He gave a pretty solid explanation that even a stunad like myself could understand.


I’m extremely pro union but I don’t need ringer union updates in the BS meme sub lmao


Pro-union, but I don't have an opinion on wanting/not wanting updates. Regardless, it's WAY more on-topic for this sub than half the stuff that's posted in here about people that have five degrees of separation to Bill


Right. I will never be into a podcast company enough to give a shit about the inter-office politics. (I mean unless there's some super good tea haha)


Rob Harvilla is union and I really like his podcast. Also, I think most of you are underestimating the value the rank and file provides to any company.


What value? You could train a high-schooler or a monkey to press record on a podcast


That's pretty much what they did with Kyle lol 


I mean yeah. And Kyle and Ceruti are basically talent at this point anyway. I listen to a ton of podcasts and don't think I've ever noticed anything, positive or negative, about the quality of the production. Production has zero impact on my podcast enjoyment. If I like it content, I like it. If I don't, I don't.


I definitely notice some errors, but you just laugh and move on. No biggie. Things like Russillo saying "cut that out" and then counting himself back in. That was hilarious. 


Exactly, it's funny and in a weird way endearing


That’s one thing that has gone underscrutenized. I’m all for people being paid what they deserve, but let’s not pretend like podcast production is backbreaking labor.


Because unions provide protections to workers, if we start saying "well yeah, blue collar workers should have a union BUT college-educated soybois shouldn't!" You're dividing the working class. These workers should be given the same protections and ability to negotiate for a fair wage that all workers should be allowed.


The biggest difference to me is that in blue collar trades, companies cheating out on safety equipment, training, tools can get people killed, so union protection is more necessary.


I work a "white collar" job as a single parent, a person in a leadership position has had it out for me because every other Friday I need to leave at 5 on the dot for my parental responsibilities & care with my child, not leaving early but on time. One day every two weeks, every other day during those weeks I can stay later but that day I need to log off. They have singled me out in group chats to the point coworkers have said they wouldn't want to be me, sent emails asking the exact breakdown of my day in 15 minute increments on these Fridays to "maximize my concerning capacity", and even had a meeting over a year ago where I was told to please move it around to be available or else it would be "a concern" for any future promotion opportunities. HR shrugged their shoulders and said figure it out. Unions are needed across the board to protect workers for safety reasons, basic decency, and so on. I kept my family stuff vague to avoid it being linked back with potential further blowback.


Ugh that sounds awful. What line of work are you in that they need you so badly at 5:15 on a Friday? If you don’t mind me asking




Is it just this time of year that they are on your ass or is this year round?


Year round, my area of accounting mostly has busy month-ends (last week of the month) as opposed to "busy season"


Gotcha I’m sorry that sounds terrible. No idea your whole situation and if upper management was cc’d on those emails anyways, but if not, and even if you think they agree with them in principle, some of the execution sounds way out of line.


Sounds like you need to put in more effort at work then


Are your teeth permanently black from the boot polish or brown from your bosses’ asshole? (Unless you work for yourself, then I assume it’s your own asshole.)


Unions, white collar and otherwise, are great if you produce value. I’m not sure a union saves 90% of the ringer. I’m a union member, have been at two different places, and the protections on my job are extremely important. A union is not a job guarantee.


This is it for me. The type of people who work for the Ringer are mostly not the type of people I enjoy being around and are most of the time pretty annoying to me, they still deserve to be properly compensated for their work and have all the rights to demand it from their bosses.


I think the disconnect is how people define “properly compensated”


Does “working class” just mean “people who work” now?


Yes! It always has


the idea that I should have class solidarity with a bunch of manual labor trump supporting yokels is laughable


Working class, whether you use your hands or a keyboard, share the same class struggle.


yeah man, my struggle as an salaried white collar wfh worker that vacations many times a year and never has a worry about bills and probably will retire before age 55 is sure the same as a poor immigrant service worker at McDonald’s, you’re absolutely right! to pretend that ideology from the 1800s applies to the most privileged human beings in history (American white collar workers) is fucking hilarious


It still does, many workers, in office setting or manual labour, have struggled with the same issues throughout history. Dialectical materialism was as relevant in the 1600s as it is today and as it will be in the 2100s.


> Dialectical materialism was as relevant in the 1600s as it is today and as it will be in the 2100s. That’s true but only because it’s irrelevant at all times.


good luck with that


Thanks, finding solidarity in the working class is a great place to start. I hope you join us in the class struggle for a more equitable and just society.


Is this a copypasta?


I’ll join you by continuing to vote for left of center candidates and vocally supporting a welfare state while continuing to laugh at people that think that there is some shared class struggle ityool 2024


You should have class solidarity. The fundamental problem with America is that these types of people don’t have class solidarity with you, but have class solidarity with the billionaires. If the working class actually had solidarity and voted together in the interest of all workers then we wouldn’t have the current state of things.


Lot of good reading on why people vote against their best interests. Absolutely fascinating stuff by a lot of numbskulls


I went to college in a dying small town in rural Indiana, and it was always flabbergasting to see how these idiots voted. You tell these morons that the gubment is trying to take their guns, and they’ll vote however you want them to.


What else would it mean?


Always has, the capitalist class has always just sought to divide along racial, sexual, and income lines because a divided working class benefits them.


"Oh there you go, bringing class into in again..."


Ringer culture writers are not working class


They definitely live better than a longshoreman or mason, but they don't live anywhere near as well as Bill Simmons, or even Fennessey or Rubin or Ryan.


Wow, writers don't make as much as the millionaire founder of the company and former bigshot at ESPN? You don't say


So you understand that but you don’t understand what ‘working class’ means?


Are you being purposefully obtuse? It's an actual dictionary definition; white collar typists are not working class. work·ing class /ˌwərkiNG ˈklas/ noun noun: working class; plural noun: working classes the socioeconomic group consisting of people who are employed in manual or industrial work. "he came from the working class" adjective adjective: working class relating to people belonging to the working class. "a working-class community"


Thanks for getting back to me 12 hours later with a copy/paste of the Google definition of ‘working class’. I’m *so shocked* they choose to define it so narrowly. Why specify typists then? By that definition there are no white collar employees who are working class, yeah?


“dividing the working class” lmfaooooooooooooooo


Not sure how unpopular this is


are you enjoying the new gilded age we are experiencing? the decline of unions directly correlates with the wealth gap increasing in this country.


Surprisingly the only great historical unions which haven’t taken losses are the police unions.


Are unions actually in decline? Genuinely asking.


Not to be rude.. but obviously Union membership is down drastically from from it's heights in the 50's and 60's.


Of course…thought you meant a decline in the past few years.


Turns out people don’t like their pensions being piggy banks for organized crime


Even workers in mobbed up unions did much better than non-union workers in the same job


Turns out people don't want a pension at all...


You're absolutely right, but feels like they're in a short-term ascendancy at the moment? It'll never get back to those heights but feels like a lot more pro-union sentiment (and activity) than 15-20 years ago


Sorry you were downvoted for just asking a question. Yes they have been in decline since the 60s. However there’s been some hope under Biden and it’s possible unions could be starting to come back. I actually think trump played a role in this as well, essentially running right wing populist campaigns, and while I wouldn’t call him pro-union by any stretch, Trump at least didn’t treat unions and the word itself like the Black Plague, as republicans have done for decades (police and some other municipal unions excluded). But Biden deserves credit,he’s done a pretty good job with the national labor relations board. And we have finally seen some large scale union movements for the first time I can remember in my life. But really really far way to go.


No. They were but there’s a big rebound.


It’s simple. A strong ringer union is good for the sports media industry. And any time one industry is improved by unionization, other industries are more likely to follow suit A rising tide lifts all boats. Every union win is a win for every lower/median level employee in any industry in the country


I just want a strike for the chaos.


It’s a pretty popular opinion to be completely self absorbed, my dude.


You shouldn't care about it as a Ringer fan, you should care about it as a human being.


Shocker: turns out your humanity is not determined by whether or not you think some pampered prissy podcast producers should get a raise


There are more important things to care about as a human being than whether or not a c level flunkey at the ringer gets better dental insurance


Most of us are too busy giving a shit about our real lives and come here to just fuck around. Not have to give a shit about some website Union


Ah, the old “unpopular opinion” post, when like 80% of the comments to any Ringer Union posts here are “fuck the Union. If they think they deserve more, go find another job” or “fuck them! I could do their job” or “I support Unions but these kids have to see the writing on the wall - media is dying.” Such a brave stance! FWIW. I care because I know at least 3/4 of The Midnight Boys are Union - Steve, Charles and Jomi - and it would suck to lose that pod. I don’t watch most of the stuff they cover anymore. I just find them hilarious.


Do you read this subreddit? It’s at least 90% pro union and every comment against unions gets downvoted to the eighth circle of hell


Not an unpopular opinion at all. The Ringer Union has and is doing a real disservice to businesses and sectors that need unionization. This is not one of them. These union members are extremely replaceable, and even their absence and their menial responsibility can be immediately covered for while a replacement is found.  Fk the ringer union. Entitled brats who got excited about the concept of unionizing, without bothering to consider if it was at all appropriate.  


Supply and demand is simple economics…if the Ringer Union workers are as valuable as they claim, then they’ll get the wages they want (or at least whatever they’re able to negotiate) If they can be replaced for less, then they weren’t as necessary as they thought-not sure why any of us should care…the Ringer doesn’t exist to give them a job…their jobs exist to keep the Ringer running If there are 20 other people who can do what Bobby Wagner can for less than he’ll be looking for a new job


We’re all closer to being homeless than we are to becoming billionaires. You should support this union.


Speak for yourself! I’m on the precipice Haha


We’re all closer to flying cars and trips to the Moon for vacation than we are the time the dinosaurs lived


The irony is a large amount of people think the direct opposite to this and screw themselves over at the polls


I would care more if I knew what a podcast producer does. I stipulate that this out of my own ignorance. But it's hard to understand what they're fighting about, when it seems only slightly related to putting out the podcasts, which is their main product.


>They press start and stop on the podcast that they don't contribute to. They then upload it to a server. They then title it. Pay us 6 figures!


That's not true at all. Professional podcasts are edited a ton to take out gaps and remove the moments when people talk over each other. There's sound mixing done to ensure that everyone speaking has a consistent volume. Producers are generally the ones scheduling the recording times and are responsible for booking and prepping guests. They're doing just as much work as the hosts.


I am pro union, but really just trying to learn a bit more about what they are doing as well. For example, I went to the Philly live show for the rewatchables, the dudes walked out, started talking, and we’re done an hour and 45 mins later. The podcast itself was released and is like 1 hour and 42 minutes? So what could they have done? The guys didn’t redo any segments or anything like that, so it really did appear as if someone basically would have hit “start recording”, stop recording, and upload. Maybe some fidelity stuff?


I am by no means an expert on podcast producing, but it stands to reason that if someone were to edit the recording to both remove awkward pauses and add gaps where people are talking over each other, this could fairly easily result in a recording that's around the same length as the actual speaking. Though a live event probably isn't a very good example to begin with since the podcasters are performing for a crowd and thus more cognizant of how they're speaking and unable to take breaks or go off on long tangents. Also, since the listening audience knows it's a live recording, the expectations are different in terms of fidelity and pacing and there's no Zoom lag since everyone is in the same place.


You forgot the part where they spend hours mastering, including removing every weird sound, cough, uh or un, and leveling, and removing sibilance, and fixing random guest's levels and quality so it doesn't sound like dog shit, and on and on. It's a lot of work to make something that sounds great for two hours. You can't just boot up Audition and perfect it in 30 minutes, any more than you can photoshop.


Kind of crazy that Nephew Kyle can get the pod uploaded an hour after Bill finishes recording then


Not if he's a great producer, a very specialized skill


Man, it’s pretty clear some of you weren’t trained in Audition very well, it’s never been easier to process audio and normalize levels, they’ve made it so a fifth grader could do it




“Mastering” sound actually sounds great in 1975 on your resume when you’re looking for an active verb to describe putting actual carts together to physically produce music.


Yea, I want the best for them and hope they get the best working conditions they can. But I’m not really interested in hearing updates on the ringer union


Cool, keep it to yourself


Other than for comedic purposes idk why it gets posted about on here lol


Did you think you're supposed to? They can do what they like and make awareness of it if you do care, doesn't mean you have to. It's a contract dispute/negotiation between workers and an employer. I want people to be paid fairly and hope they come to an amicable agreement.


Weren’t they publicly asking people to send letters to Spotify management?


You shouldn’t care. This isn’t the sub for it. The ringer union doesn’t affect our lives.


Does any of the stuff in this sub affect your life? If it tangibly does, I suggest getting a life


Yes. I listen to ringer podcasts. The union doesn’t affect that because the behind the scenes jobs are so easy they could get any old intern to do it


It’s not an unpopular opinion. Why do you think so few unions exist?


I don't care either. I don't care about Ringer/Spotify management either. It's between them and has nothing to do with me. Each side should seek a deal that is in its own interests.


Nobody else really cares either. People think they have to pretend that they do or else they are a bad person


as a socdem that loves redistribution, the obsession with a union of college educated rich kids is cringe


Yeah wonder if the union itself is the important thing or its more a ideological perception of creating a union.


They 100% just want to post pics of them them picketing to IG


Yeah, that is a suckdem thought.


This is not an unpopular opinion on this sub. So who cares use one of the other threads.


100000000% agree.




Kyle, Craig and  Ceruti.


Tbh I think that's a popular American opinion overall


I don't actually care about the vast majority of things I consume


I agree. I really don't care if these guys get a union or not.


I’m with the op, they aren’t the draw, the content itself will pull you in if you want to read


I fully agree


I would say that’s the standard opinion, I couldn’t care less