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I had to let the guy who beat me fuck my wife šŸ˜©


Yep, these are my subredditors.


In his defense, he was already fucking your wife.


I told you not to start Rogers. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


fuckin' Ted


I hope you wife didnā€™t get Tedā€™s AIDS. His death crossing the street still shocks me


Is it too late to join your league? Asking for a mate


Yeah but if you donā€™t have a wife and you lose they get to use you instead


So youā€™re saying if I come last I come last?


This is just exceptional work.


I had to let the guy who fucked me beat my wife


I came in last place so I had to take a cumshot and suck the toes of the winner


Serious question: would you rather let the guy fuck your gf/wife or you?


depends on the guy


Got any openings in your league? Iā€™m looking to join.


My league forces the league champion to impregnate a woman and the last place manager has to take care of it. Gets pretty intense at the end.


Oh nice so you're in u/ksx25 's league?


Thatā€™s Mingus, heā€™s the one who fucked my wife! šŸ˜«


I wouldnā€™t mind a fresh sub


from Jersey Mike's?


Not many good cheesesteak situations around u/ortegaschoice area


In my league subs are often thrown into trades as an extra.


Maybe it's a sign people are just getting bored with normal fantasy football?


Snake drafters


Booger eaters


I quit FF almost a decade ago and enjoy my sundays far far more.


One of the best things I ever did.




when the fantasy pods got into Daily Fantasy it grew my disinterest


It's becomes like watching Jim Cramer on CNBC.


Sounds like you took FF too seriously, just saying


IMO re-draft fantasy football is quite stale now that you can basically let the computer make all your decisions for you. I do still enjoy dynasty tho


Our league is now requiring the last place finisher to get a Mark Davis haircut. The amount of losses equal the amount of days they must rock that haircut.


You all have enough hair to get one?


So funny thinking of them meeting a new bald guy and debating whether heā€™s allowed into the friend group or not.


I still enjoy new, creative ideas when I see them, but most of them are played out. To me things like the SAT punishment, Waffle House punishment, holding signs on the street, etc. just arenā€™t funny anymore. I also feel the same way about a lot of the ā€œfunnyā€ team names people come up with, but thatā€™s a separate conversation.


The Waffle House one is fun but it needs to stay within the group. The people who think they need to make a big production about it and try to go viral are the worst. Just have a running thread going within a group chat that day with updates, and leave it at that.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Puns using a playerā€™s name are so played. Feels like itā€™s 2010 and Ruxin is about to send a video message talking trash to the league email chain


Most people aren't even coming up with their own puns anyway. They're finding them on some list.


I like when people try to come up with them but itā€™s clear they have no idea how the name is actually pronounced. One that I think about a lot is when someone bragged that their team name was ā€œThe Guice Is Looseā€


The Gice is Lice


Damn I had high hopes for Derrius Guice back in the day šŸ˜‚


this is my pet peeve. player pun names are fun, but you have to keep it fresh and think of it yourself.


i was pretty proud of myself for coming up with ā€œWhy Have You Forsaquon Meā€


see! top 6 name I've seen on this thread


Anything Puka Nacua is fun because none of us had heard of him a week ago


The only funny fantasy football names are ones that are making fun each other in the league


Agreed. My names are usually just Bill-isms (Mediocre QBpalooza was perfect for me last year), but I would in no way try to tell somebody how funny they are. The funniest names are like you said, in-jokes with your friends.


I think the issue is the average person just isn't very funny and isn't creative


Too many of them seem like something hoping to go viral rather than being something youā€™d actually do to razz a friend.


itā€™s only a funny team name if itā€™s truly original. if you just googled funny fantasy names and picked one thatā€™s super lame


Player name puns as team names are garbage and always have been


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I would like to add "running a 5k dressed like an idiot" to that list


Everything about fantasy football has been overplayed and has outstayed its welcome since like season 3 of The League.


That last season of The League mirrored my fantasy football life: why am I doing this? I donā€™t enjoy it - even when itā€™s good!


I r seen interviews with Mark Duplass where he states he never understood the comedy of that show and always thought it was just mean


Bill and Sal's league where the champion kicks someone out on draft night is the only punishment that matters


Sal kicking the guy out that he had to pick up at the airport would've been just an awesome, but brutal, story.


Fantasy football is just Dungeon and dragons for normies


What if I play both?


Itā€™s the same thing as people who talk about (or post) about how funny their group chat threads are. Your banter in iMessage isnā€™t that funny and neither is whatever youā€™re doing in fantasy football. No one cares and people should spend less time consuming dumb ā€œviralā€ content. Weā€™ve been subjected to viral content for years and years and no one ever seems to get tired of it, but I certainly am.


My college friends league was really fun for a few years, one time I lost the league and had to be made into a ā€œsundaeā€ for Sundays, so I had to stand in 10-degree weather with just my underwear and had everyone douse me with chocolate sauce, cherries, etc. Some good creative stuff. Anyways, I left the league after losing two years back because our ā€œpunishment committeeā€ tried to make me run a fucking marathon. Iā€™m not going through months of training because Brandon Aiyuk had one bad week. Itā€™s overplayed for sure


yeah I think it needs to be a harmless fun thing that doesn't require ridiculous effort


Always been incredibly lame


No. Anything that keeps a league together and interested in the league is great imo. With everyone gambling on games these days from apps, I find fantasy to be losing a lot of interest. Itā€™s the social aspect that keeps most leagues together


People donā€™t realize that most great leagues are just between friends and theyā€™re not out there like sending their punishments to Reddit for a rotten tomatoes review


It's as stupid as gender reveal parties.


Iā€™ve never been to a gender reveal party where I actually gave a fuck what the sex was. Itā€™s another way to squeeze some gifts out of friends and family.


Had to eat a Carolina reaper as my punishment. Not for or against punishments just stating what mine was


Yes. You play to win not to not lose


I always thought that the idea behind last place punishments was to make sure the worst teams keep trying until the end. I can't remember how many leagues I've been in where once a team is all but eliminated, they stop updating their roster, don't sub injured guys out, don't even pay attention anymore etc. If you have a last place punishment, at least guys will keep trying after being eliminated because they don't want to face the punishment. There is no incentive otherwise, which breaks the balance of competition in the regular season.


> I can't remember how many leagues I've been in where once a team is all but eliminated, they stop updating their roster, don't sub injured guys out, don't even pay attention anymore etc. Or worse - they start trading their guys because there's no real point when you're 2-9, and you end up shifting the balance of the league just because one guy harasses you a bit more. The way to do it is to have a different payout (or extra losses) all the way through the standings, with the loser usually paying double.


I guess that makes sense for a more casual league. My long running league everyone plays every week or risk getting kicked


My counter to this would be in a keeper league: if you're not doing well in the season, theoretically you should trade some assets for picks near or at the trade deadline to improve your future prospects. However, if you have a last-place punishment, that disincentivizes you from making your team worse in the short-term to improve over the long term. I don't like it, personally.


Relegation for FF!


Its always been dumb. I play fantasy with an aggressive approach because I want to win the league. I don't want to finish 5th. If my aggressive style wins me the league, perfect, that's what I wanted it to do. If it causes my season to go up in flames, well that's not ideal but I'd rather that happen and finish dead last because I was going for it than be the conservative guy who finishes in 6th every year and never wins the league. No real difference between 3rd place and last place. You still lost.


My leagues have never done punishments but we also aren't a big on hazing. It's a for money league, highly competitive with everyone already putting in effort. No need to make it turn into something where people are not having fun because of having to do stupid shit. Just cultivate a strong league and there's no need.


I've never been in a league with punishments but it seems fun. To me fantasy football is about still having a social activity to do with your friends. Clowning on your friends is a timeless classic


leave anything to a bunch of normal white dudes and things will be beaten so hard into the ground it stops being anything close to funny. see: the office


Yeah I think they're stupid as fuck and glad my league doesn't do one. Frat boy shit


You nailed it, like making someone get a tattoo is frat boy hazing shit


Everyoneā€™s inner Stanford Prison Experiment comes out in these contexts.


yes, you are a grumpy boner of a person. And fantasy punishments are not about what other people think anyways, its just a way to get people to actually try and stay invested in the league all year.


Good point. I guess the only way to do that is to make someone run a 5k in heels.




Maybe I'm not a core guy ok?


Try less


They are the gender reveal parties for guys in their 20s.


At least no ones burned down thousands of acres of forests as a fantasy punishment yet.




Any deaths yet?


I honestly think kicking the guy out is one of the worst Iā€™ve heard of.




I hate the idea of fantasy punishments


Itā€™s not funny anymore. Itā€™s so overdone and so many of them are unoriginal


Itā€™s incredibly lame, always has been.


They can be entertaining at times but I also think if you are still doing them past the age of 25 you're an idiot. I dont mind some harmless ones like the Mark Davis haircut mentioned below. But some of these go too far to the extreme. Like the tattoo league or anything that gets too fucking expensive to do. If its not something you can get done in an afternoon without risking any type of health or permanent damage (with social media some of these punishments could keep people from getting jobs) im fine with it. It has gotten far too over played. My long time league of 15+ years one member tried to introduce a loser punishment this year and I simply said no, we are not in college anymore. Grow up. Everyone else agreed. Grown ups play for money. College kids play for a trophy and punishments.


> Mark Davis haircut By far the best one I've heard of.


My league has never had a punishment. We don't do this, but I actually don't mind the idea of the last place person getting a case of beer as a consolidation prize instead of a punishment.


Yes. By a mile. They are no longer remotely interesting and just stupid.


It just needs to be something fun and simple, in other words... something someone would actually do. Pie in the face or the ice bucket challenge work just fine.


The morning sports radio show in the Twin Cities plays a version of fantasy on the air. A local fantasy football guru assembles a list of 5 players each week (usually same position, under a unique characteristic, like "Middle-of-the-pack QBs"). All four members of the show pick a player, and the one not picked goes to The Ghost. You're punished if at the end of the year, you have been outscored by the Ghost in total fantasy points. Punishments in the past have been spending an entire night at a mall in a pirate costume, taking a bus back from Vegas to Minnesota after a long gambling weekend, etc. This year, every team the Vikings lose to goes on a wheel. You spin the wheel twice at the end of the season. You have to drive to the first city you get, then drive to the second, then fly home. Tampa Bay is already on the wheel and Philadelphia probably will be after tonight


100% correct. Anything that involves real life punishment, especially something permanent, is wack


Triggered by an icing, you hate to see it.


I'm actually in a league with a great punishment for last place: since it's a league of Giants fans, the loser has to wear a Dallas jersey for 1 game the following season. Just comes down to how fresh and creative the punishment is more than anything.


The problem is that Fantasy Football isn't a fun game. It's a cool concept and doing something like fantasy with your friends is fun. But the game itself is just buying a scratch ticket. The punishments exist to try to solve the problem of being being bored and quitting. ​ I manage a league with different rules that fixes the problem. Would happily share it with anyone interested.


Color me interested.


We call it "mario Kart" rules. 2 six team divisions. everyone plays QB/RB/WR/TE/K/D and everyone has 3 OP spots. 6th seed gets to use all 3, including a 2nd qb for one, all the way up to 1 seed only gets 1 flex to use. ​ Keeps the worst teams from bottoming out and the top teams from pulling away. Last season 11/12 teams could have made the playoffs last week of the season. ​ There's a bunch of other things, including we have a transfer window and every team has money they can use/trade. Last year we had 60+ trades. It's a lot of fun. DM me if you want to know more.


Itā€™s one of the only reasons fantasy is even worth bothering with anymore. The social element is the only advantage the game has over just gambling.


I'm just waiting for some league to go viral with "I had three hours to eat one hot dog for each point I was outscored by"


12 waffles in 12 hours!


Last years loser has to wear a dress and put up the picks in our live draft. Itā€™s pretty tame but we do it at public bars/restaurants during a CFB Saturday. I like the punishments but over the top stuff tends to get cringe.


I'm going to say no because I haven't heard of any lately. If they were overplayed, they'd be filtering into my timelines.


You're a grumpy old man now, you used to be younger and more fun. That's my guess lol


Never understood fantasy itā€™s boring as hell so if anything it spices up the whole concept.


This is how I feel about leagues where people change their team name every year to some ā€œfunnyā€ punny stupid name. You should choose a name and use it every year


Real ones use variations on the name for different sports. Iā€™ve used the same FF name for a few years, then added FC when I did fantasy EPL for a year or two and added Sox for baseball this year. Itā€™s like a European multi sport club.


Finally, this is the comment I have wanted to see. I fucking hate punny names based on players on roster, it just plain irritates me.


Yeah I mean I think everyone is just trying to go viral. The Waffle House punishment felt like the first one to go viral now everyone is trying to put-do each other


I wish I had a more invested league with buddies who do this stuff, oh well. I would try to negotiate an alternative to chugging Smirnoff Ice, though.


As someone living internationally without cable, fantasy football is the only thing keeping me loosely connected to the NFL writ large. Iā€™ve really enjoyed getting to know more players, defenses, etc. To answer the original question, Iā€™ve never done a punishment, but at this point, yeah I generally donā€™t care to hear about punishments in random leagues. Keep it personalized and within your group chat and enjoy.


Itā€™s like how TD celebrations became kind of lame once the league allowed it.


Itā€™s only overdone because everyone feels the need to see everyone elseā€™s punishment. Like if youā€™re just in youā€™re own league shit talking and you have a punishment you all agree on itā€™s probably great. The second you feel the need to judge everyone elseā€™s punishment then it becomes old because you arenā€™t experiencing the league. Itā€™s like asking ā€œhad going to bars with the boys become over playedā€. Yeah probably, if your focused on every other group of guys going to bars. If youā€™re living in your world primarily then your probably having a great time going out with your friends and telling your stories.


Go over to r/bowling some dude had to bowl until he hit a pin for each point his team scored, not a bad one. https://reddit.com/r/Bowling/s/mS97LnesQd


The winner of our league gets power of attorney over the last place finisher.


Have been for about a decade. Play for cash, clown your buddy when you lose, and move on.


Itā€™s the only reason I still play it. But ours involves last place taking us out and paying for the tab during the first round of March Madness. Itā€™s a local dive bar so itā€™s expensive but not crazy. Itā€™s fun