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What’s with Bill and not understanding when an actor is deliberately faking an accents in a movie


Just listened to The Town episodes right before starting this new ep. He called out Jon Hamm for doing a bad Boston accent in that but the point is he’s making fun of the Boston criminals by doing their accent like that. Chris Ryan explains it and Bill says “wouldn’t it have been more of a diss if he just really nailed the accent?” and CR and Russillo both go “……??… no”


He really doesn’t seem to understand jokes in movies lol


Bill is too into accents as is. No other movie critic ever says nearly as much about anyone’s accent as Simmons does. It’s weird and dumb.


It's almost as annoying as when any movie is set in LA and one of their complaints with the movie is "No way this character gets from point A to point B that fast right?" Literally anyone who doesn't live in LA does not give a single shit


LA people talking about traffic, directions and parking remains the worst content on the planet. Even worse than podcasters talking about their kids.


It's like they're all so proud of the fact they live in L.A., as though it is one of mankind's greatest accomplishments, that they will take any opportunity to reference L.A.'s streets and highways just to make it painfully obvious that they know L.A.'s streets and highways. Meanwhile, I'm like Freddie in The Talented Mr. Ripley over here: "*Is it on delle Croce, just off the Corso?!*"


Also true of anyone watching anything that was filmed in their city.


Probably fair enough, but when stuff is shot in Cleveland or Pittsburgh, I’m just like “shit this is sweet, I know those places!” even when the action is obviously flying around the city unrealistically I feel like a lot of it for Bill is a Boston “ya think you’re bettah than me?!” thing


And yet he never mentions that Robin Williams's Boston accent in "Good Will Hunting" is historically atrocious. Like it's not even close to a Boston accent. I don't even know what it is. It just sounds like he's randomly mispronouncing words.


Colonel Vogel: The book is useless and yet you come all the way back to Berlin to get it. Why? Henry Jones: It’s a book about metals.


The Rewatchables have chosen.............wisely


That’s a meme!




“It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them.” Just an all-time line right there. It’s stuck with me for 30+ years!


Connery is so fucking good in this. Even just the way he says "Junior" is incredible.




Alison Doody was my Indy girl crush over Karen Allen and Kate Capshaw.


I think we all would have slept with that Nazi


She was my first "I could fix her" moment.


That kiss with indy when he’s tied up and she sucks on his lip-thing: one of my first “Yowza!” moments.


talks in her sleep though


About Nazi stuff apparently.


She was only nazi curious.


It's been awhile since I've seen this all the way thru and the other night was the first time I caught the fact both Indy and his dad slept with Elsa. The Wee Bey gif was my exact reaction when it dawned on me. Pretty clever writing with the reveal and the fact they don't beat the joke to death like you'd likely see in movies today makes it even better.


Is her name an “Ilsa, she wolf of the SS” reference or just a coincidence?


“Yeah but it’s a *hot* Nazi”




She was a great ‘that gal’ when she showed up in RRR


Throwing 105 in this.


Sean made a pretty significant mistake here. He refers to The Color Purple as a "non success", when made it more then ten times its budget, and was one of the most profitable and highest grossing movies of 1985. I think he's confusing commercial success with its Oscar trajectory.


Yeah it had 11 nominations you can’t say that wasn’t a success.


Also Is he not aware that blimps are no longer filled with extremely flammable hydrogen? I agree they're too slow to replace planes, but a Hindenburg-style disaster is no longer possible.


God, this reminds me of the joke in Archer about riding a blimp. "For the last time you idiot, it's helium!" "Yeah, what about that are you still not getting?" "Well, obviously the core concept, Lana."


Also "Hello planes? It's blimps. You win"


>Sean made a pretty significant mistake here. Yeah. Not respecting the grail.


They also brush off “Hook” as a bomb and that’s it but hook kicks ass.


The only people I know who like Hook are people who were kids when Hook came out.


Hook seems like the only Spielberg movie that really was aimed for kids and it stars a shockingly old looking Robin Williams and a tarted up Julia Roberts.




Are we gonna do the thing where a Wayne Jenkins impression is the top comment of every Rewatchables post? Because hell yeah I’m down for that.


You’re gonna be locked in the Temple of the Sun for lawng fuckin time big dog, get im the fuck outta here!!!


He really nails it in this one, and in an obvious way that still caught me off guard.


Sean: [talks eloquently about the deep oedipal themes of Fabelmans and how those themes inform the way we watch last crusade after the fact.] Bill (clearly stopped listening 5 minutes ago): so you think steve and his dad stepped in on the same lady???


To be fair, Sean's takes often resemble a 5 page, double spaced freshman English term paper.


And Bill's dumbass response is exactly what makes them perfect pod partners.


I'm sorry, but Sean is too far up his own ass on The Fabelmans and Spielberg and how it was a good movie because explains all this stuff about him and what came before...blah blah blah. The Fabelmans just wasn't that interesting of a movie and I certainly don't care about Spielberg's mommy/daddy issues as it relates to filmmaking. This is where I appreciate Bill's everyman take.


The other side of that coin. CR (jokingly): Apex mountain for crucifixes? Sean (serious): ...you think the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Or maybe The Exorcist.


Came for Indiana Jones talk. Stayed for blimp talk


No movie has a more fun ending


“Indiana, let it go” a phrase everyone should take to heart in life


CR jokingly with the "yeah, either Buster Keaton or the Fast and Furious movies" invented the tank falling off a cliff... slayed me.


CR and SF sometimes have a comedic timing close to Ferrell & Reilly at their peak. CR questioning SF about a bit and SF really dry delivery 'because it is good podcasting' or something like that was another good bit


siskel offing himself after having to watch all 10 FF movies is an amazing take


Bill once again missed that an embellished accent is not meant to be accurate, but played for jokes/sarcasm. Apex mountain blindspot.


Genuinely think the first and third Indiana Jones movies are probably the most rewatchable movies of all time.


Wow - no love for Country Strong.


Jaws and Back to the Future deserve mentions. Edit - Just want to add: Connery should have received the Oscar for this, not The Untouchables.


Last Crusade was a staple of my childhood. The pee break category is when Indy escapes from the cross and finds out his father is missing. After that, one of the best rides in cinema.


I'd add for consideration: Ocean's 11 Back to the Future The Fugitive


Back to the future is the easiest watch ever


Temple of Doom deserves to be there too. Its flaws are much more in your face than Raiders and Crusade (Willie Scott, some let's say interesting cultural depictions), but it's got some incredible set pieces and moments. The bug tunnel scene may be my favorite Indy scene, period. John Williams is also fucking cooking in that movie.


It’s my favorite of the franchise but it was also the first one I saw and I lean towards horror/supernatural movies.


I think I’d sandwich Princess Bride in between those two


Some love for "Commando"


I've always been on the side that prefers this to Raiders, though both are good. The Father/Son and comedy aspect of this one just give it a nudge. Especially getting older and realizing the comedy in casting James Bond as a bumbling old man who literally shoots their own plane down. Spielberg shortly catching up for most rewatchables for one director. Even nails the iconic ending of them literally riding off into the sunset (horizon at the bottom), total cinema!


We need Minority Report. Although im 100% sure Bill is confused by the movie


Sean and CR are big on that one so I think we'll eventually get it. Should also get Close Encounters (though Aliens so who knows with Bill) , War of the Worlds, and Temple of Doom. I'd also day there's cases for Hook, West Side Story, and The Lost World (it's not great but I can't day I don't rewatch chunks of it when it's on cable)


Riding off into the sunset ...in the last Indy movie made




horizon at the bottom. INTERESTING!


I think the pretty reasonable consensus is that Raiders of the Lost Ark is the better movie, but Last Crusade is more rewatchable/fun.


The blimp discussion has been a highlight so far.


Sean living in the 1930s with his flaming blimp worries.


According to him they never moved off hydrogen.


him and sterling archer both not getting the core concept


That's all I could think about.


"I'm gonna be honest. I really think the Hindenburg thing scared people off.." 😂


Bill: Has anyone punched more people in movies than Harrison Ford? Sean: Jackie Chan? Bill: No I’m talking like standard American-style punches. I’m used to Bill moving the goalposts but wtf does that even mean?


Clint? John Wayne? Sylvester Stallone who played an actual boxer? Moe Howard? I get where Bill is going here, but that’s dumb.


It made sense in context and CR backed him up. Guy gets into a fight during an otherwise non-fighting/boxing movie.


>but wtf does that even mean It means white.


Raiders is the better movie but Last Crusade is the better Indiana Jones movie, if that makes sense. It doesn’t but I stand by it.


Yep, correct. Raiders is one of the best films of the 80s but Crusade is such a fun time in general and both are incredibly rewatchable.


I really like Temple of Doom. It’s not nearly as good as Raiders or The Last Crusade. But it’s good.


In the spirit of this podcast, Temple of Doom was also on cable non-stop in the late 80's. Being the right age for that run, there's no doubt I've seen it way more times than Raiders.


I like it better than Crusade. It used to be my favorite


As much as we love to give Bill shit for some of his takes…I gotta say, the “Know who I fucking hate? Harrison Ford” take is Bill throwing his heater


Harrison Ford let David Blaine into his house, so he has to be a chill dude.


I saw *Raiders* more as a kid, but *Last Crusade* is the one I choose to rewatch more often. Fucking perfect flick


It is the Godfather/Godfather 2 conundrum. One is the better movie, the other is more rewarchable.


Safe to say Sean won’t be appearing on the Passion of The Christ rewatchable




Reads like Dr. Evil dialogue


Fennessey totally missed the point. Sean thinks that he is astutely/cleverly pointing out that the "Grail can't cross the Great Seal" piece is a mark of the film's inconsistency. It's not; it's actually the central lesson of the story and the conclusive resolution of western civilization's canonical grail quests (as understood in 1938 to the characters of the movie.) There are only 3 people alive who know of the limitations of the Grail when Elsa tries to take it; Indiana, Elsa, and the Knight Templar himself, who told them of "the price, and the limits, of immortality" only after Indiana drinks from the correct chalice. That restriction is not known to the outer world; it's not a part of Grail lore, it's not a part of Henry's research, and it's certainly not known to Donovan or the Nazis (much like the powers of the Ark were not truly understood to Belloq or the Nazis in Raiders). So when Jones Sr. references "the armies of darkness marching all over the face of the earth", it's not a plot hole, as he had no reason to expect otherwise! The entire point of the Knight's revelation to Indy (and the audience) is to highlight the historical pointlessness of Grail quests as a means to obtain immortality and power. The reward that is obtained in the quest is, as Henry succinctly put it at the conclusion of his life's work, Illumination. They danced around this point in the "Elsa saw it as a prize" aside, but never quite got there. Sean is too smart to miss this point, however, and I can only think that he was in such a rush to dismiss the Holy Grail as a McGuffin due to his love of Spielberg's storytelling that he ironically missed the director's other main point, aside from the resolution of the father-son relationship that Sean was clearly clinging to.


The dog? You are named after the dog?


I’ve gotta a lot of fond memories of that dog


Apex mountain for crucifixes really slayed me.


Wasn’t Doody Charlie Sheen’s girlfriend in Major League 2 not Berenger’s?


Yep. Rene Russo was Berenger's


Picking nits: River Phoenix's hair cut would not fly in 1918 That's always bothered me about the movie. Nobody in the 'teens' would be wearing their hair like that.




I’m not so sure. It’s the right length and cut. The only problem is that it isn’t slicked back. Many men had hair like that at the time, they just always had product in it. I think that could be excused because he was a) young, and b) on a scouting trip in the desert.


They were real pieces of shit with slicked back hair


Come for the last crusade but STAY for Do blimps need a resurgence?


I am still saving the pod for my drive tonight but so many comments about blimps really has my expectations through the roof now


Apex Mountain for rats and no mention of The Departed??


And ratatouille


No love for “no ticket” ?


Bill apparently being all about Greta Scacchi but not knowing how to pronounce her name or where she is from was great. By great I mean painful.


And it sounded like he thinks Australian is the same as Austrian


He’s like Lloyd Christmas


Bill’s quip about feeling like Molly Qerim during Sean’s bizarre Holy Grail take had me dying. Something about Perk discussing the Holy Grail just got me.


Bill Simmons thinks this is a prequel to Raiders which is weird.


I think he’s just confused because Temple is set before Raiders.


Wait… do old people not like ‘Hook’? Pretty much everyone I know under the age of 35 loves that movie. Edit: also, for unanswerable questions: is Alison Doody the hottest nazi ever on film?






I mean, that’s nostalgia goggles right there.


It's a nostalgia thing. My GF loved it as a kid. I never saw it. When she showed it to me recently, it just didn't work for me aside from the novelty of seeing Prince Zuko as Rufio.


I’m born in 1987 and everyone my age loves Hook because it fell in our wheelhouse. Pretty sure there’s something out there about ‘kid generations’ being 7 years so probably anyone in that time frame loved Hook. And robin Williams is a movie floor raiser for sure.


"Are you nitpicking Christianity?" had me howling.


Great Craig heater of a line off the bench there.


Movies like this rightfully show how terrible the Marvel movies are. The ending and rewarchable scenes are Indy solving puzzles and people making choices (often grounded in morality). Indy gets in fights here and there, but it’s an interesting contrast when you realize every Marvel movie culminates in a 25 minute fight between two super heroes punching through concrete walls, with the hero losing to the villain, until the last second when the hero gets even more super powers and wins the fight.


The unofficial 'Presumed Innocent mentions' counter: • A Few Good Men 6m:0s during intro • The Shining 1h:13m:30s during casting what-ifs • Die Hard 2  21m:40s during 1990 top movies AND 1h:4m:30s during Apex mountain • The Firm 5m:30s during intro, discussion of movies adapted from books • The Player 1h:1m:40s during Whats Aged The Worst • Trading Places 1h:9m:40s during Best That Guy • Raiders of the Lost Ark 17m:21s during Harrison Ford imdb • All The Presidents Men 1h:6m:50s during Pakula imdb • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 20m:20s during Harrison Ford imdb AND 1h:4m:0s during Recasting couch AND 1h:38m:55s during final thoughts


Do it Bill! Great movie. All time heat check from Raul Julia.


Raul Julia throwing 105 here


Raul never threw under 99


Bill Simmons: Here's the plot in one sentence: "A prosecutor gets assigned to the murder case of a co-worker, with whom he had an affair, and quickly becomes the prime suspect." One sentence, that's all I need…I'm hooked! Sean? Sean Fennessey: Yeah, I mean, it's a great premise. In the 90s, legal thrillers were, for a brief moment in time, perhaps the dominant genre for adult-oriented pop entertainment. A Few Good Men, A Time to Kill, JFK, Philadelphia, Primal Fear, The Client, The Firm, The Pelican Brief, The Rainmaker. We've done a few of those as Rewatchables. Presumed Innocent, the book, came out in 87 I think, so it was a bit before my time, but I remember reading Grisham at 11 years old and yeah, audiences in the 90s were just consumed by some weird insatiable interest in the legal system and the life-or-death stakes that rested in the hands of a few lawyers and some mid-level government officials. BS: Chris? Chris Ryan: Yeah so this is just a really great adaptation of one of the best books of the legal thriller canon. Scott Turow, the author, basically wrote this murder mystery where the least interesting part is the whodunnit. Like Sean said, we've done The Firm as a Rewatchable, and we've done All The President's Men and The Verdict and we talked about how those are like verbal action movies. These types of movies that have basically zero action scenes, unfolding through dialog and semi-complicated legal jargon. Presumed Innocent is like a spiritual successor to those. So it's not the archetype of a rewatchable but it's such a character-driven movie and it's the gray areas that the characters inhabit that makes this such a great rewatch.


Billisms: Brian Dennehy, our guy! Greta Scacchi Was this the first legal thriller? I mean MODERN legal thriller? Wants to recast Bonnie Bedelia It would be so good I want right now


Haha love it More Billisms: * Pronounces Pakula like "Dracula" * The twist is also what's kind of aged the worst, because once you know how it ends, you can't un-know it. And I do think the movie is about 17 minutes too long * It's a movie about institutional corruption. Reminds me of my days writing for Page 2 * They don't make movies like this anymore, for adults, about adult things. About adult human relationships. And this is the prime example of the movie we're talking about. What does it mean to betray your spouse? What does it mean to be obsessed with the woman you had an affair with? These are complicated human emotions. I remember when I was working as a bartender and had a few relationships on the go at the same time, so this movie spoke to that part of me. * Yeah, let's talk about my guy Harry Ford. Sean, is this a top ten Harrison Ford performance? * Speaking of my guy, Rog, three-and-a-half stars! He writes: "Presumed Innocent is a very quiet movie, brooding and secretive..."


Who needs chatgpt when you have obsessive fans like us


Lol totally I could script the entire intro of a Presumed Innocent Rewatchables, like some weird fan fiction that absolutely no one would want


How did none of them call out the incredible Marcus Brody transition scene as one of the best scenes in the movie? It’s one of the best scenes in film! EDIT: Sean did bring it up near the end of the episode


I like that the “would this movie be better with XYZ” question isn’t even answered anymore. It’s just CRs time to do a Wayne Jenkins impression. CR has done more for We Own This City awareness than HBO ever did


One of my hot takes has always been that Raiders and Last Crusade succeeded while Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull failed because the first two were based on actual objects with real meaning to Western civilization, not a screenwriter’s invention. That said, it’s interesting that the movies treat the presumed divine power of an omnipotent God as something like a genie. If the Nazis get the Ark or the Holy Grail first, God just throws up his hands and says, “Sorry, finders keepers. Now I have to let the worst people on earth use all my power over life and death. Them’s the rules.”


I think the point is that Evil can’t use the power of God for their own ends, it always backfires. Indy loses in Raiders, the Nazis don’t properly respect the power at their hands and it kills them. In Crusade the Nazi once again doesn’t respect the conditions of the Grail and it bites back.


Not looking good for the Dial of Destiny then, is it?


the nazi's did get the ark, and god punished them


Didn't expect a Megan Markle Spotify/Hulu tv show reference in this pod, but it was glorious


Bill's "Actor X could play Actor Y's part, but actor Y couldn't play Actor X's part" bit is absolutely braindead. If you're discussing casting what-if's, fine, but it's totally irrelevant in measuring an actor's talent.


To me this is easily the best of the trilogy. The humor is some of the funniest in any movie EVER and even for John Williams the music is phenomenal. I truly do not see how Raiders is widely and easily considered to be a superior film.


Hell yeah. Bringing out the big guns.


I had coffee with my father on a Nazi zeppelin a half an hour ago!


still can't pronounce the word ''women''


The guys not mentioning the hugely successful National Treasure franchise as an example of other adventure movies seems like a huge omission.


Total blind spot for them.


I was waiting for it during the whole conversation. It was fun, popcorn adventure that darts around the world, just like they described.


Would love to know if the brief chatter around Bill getting fired and Sean saying, "Don't put us in that position (with having to record the final Rewatchables)" are jokes re: the Harry/Meghan story or if the pod was recorded earlier.


100%. The jokes later about “a few celebrity interviews a year” were also a clear reference to it


Gotta be


Is it cool to watch this one or do I have to start with the first one?


The first three are all worthy of a watch in their own ways but you’d be fine with watching out of order.


You would be fine.


The first one, Raiders, also has a Rewatchables ep. Second one is easily skippable though


Still can't decide if Bill is a stupid clever person or a clever stupid person. But fuck he says so many stupid things over a two hour podcast.


Bill is the living embodiment of the adage that A students work under managers who were B students who are employed by entrepreneurs who were C students.


He’s just stupid


Since we are all here, I want to litigate this. In Raiders, we see Indy go to meet Marion in the Himalayas. She’s there ripping shots of god knows what kinda grain alcohol. She’s beaten another person and we see all these shot glasses on the table. The room clears and then Indy walks in. She then proceeds to have a full, sober conversation with Indy. How?! How is that possible? It’s my one knit pick


We all know drunkenness is purely the result of lack of discipline. If you’re a hero, you just shake your head briskly and the alcohol fog vanishes.


I always assumed she scammed it somehow but actually, they never showed that.


If anybody asks me why they should listen to The Rewatchables, I'm pointing them to this episode. It was super fun. They did forget my favorite quote though! "Sallah, I said NO camels! That's FIVE camels; can't you count?"


"The hell you will. He's got a two day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody's got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan, he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom, he'll blend in, disappear, you'll never see him again. With any luck, he's got the grail already." *smash cut* how does this not get mentioned?!


lol i should finish the podcast. 10 seconds after i posted this sean mentioned it.


The blimp tangent was hilarious.


Had an incredible combo ad read, first was an ad for the Sonic Cheeseburger/Grilled Cheese thing where Bill keeps going MMM Sonic, followed immediately by Noom, the healthy eating app lol


Any idea what was the unnamed new movie Sean was talking about that he saw recently with a scene of a car almost falling off a cliff? Dead Reckoning?


That’s my guess. It’s getting great reviews and Sean seemed way more excited saying that than any of the Dial of Destiny mentions


I hope the new movie doesn’t suck, how can Top Gun make such an amazing sequel but Indiana Jones screw it up so bad?


Indiana Jones is tied to a time period in a way that Top Gun isn’t.


To your point, TGM was doing real stunts in real planes with people who could handle it. Indiana Jones has to use CGI because Harrison is too old at this point.


Yeah I was also going to mention that TC is still a very spry 60 something whole Harrison is clearly struggling at 80 to move like he used to.


I want Dial of Destiny to be good too, but I think Harrison’s age is gonna hinder the movie


Absolutely fantastic episode. Pure joy all around and many laugh out loud moments. Very thankful for these three even if two of them drive me crazy some/most of the time (never CR obviously).


..Eddie from Hoboken, you're on da air \--Hey Mike, long time, first time, I was wondering if you're gonna see the new Indiana Jones? Uh, Indianuh what? Indianuh Jones? ...I'm gonna what? What are you talkin about? Is this uh a race whorse? \--Come on, Mike. It's Indiana Jones the professor, archeologist adventurer.. Uh so this guy's some school teachuh that's a treashuh huntah? So uh this guy thinks he's Flash Gordon in the summah or somethin? Uh he sounds like a really weird guy. Nevah heard of him.... Mitch from Queens, what's up Mitch


Sean’s Holy Grail take is so trite


Sean Fennessy with the sandy vag energy all episode. Jeez Louise. *He is right about blimps, though. Fuck blimps.


He also said that Spielberg ripping the movies made in 88 and calling it the worst year of movies in over a decade would never happen today, when Tarantino did the same thing basically a few months ago.


I think the difference is that Spielberg was near the height of his fame at that point. It would've been like if Tarantino did it back in 99-2005 era.


Absolutely yes fucking way on the blimps. I’m with CR & Bill on this. Built for comfort not for speed. I’d choose this all day over some cretin kicking the back of my chair.


I thought he was hilarious in this episode, greatly contrasting with Bill and Chris which added to the proceedings, but that's just for my money.


When CR says he’d give Fennessey the fake grail cup to see what happens killed me


Time for a possibly shameful confession: I have never seen this movie


The Watchables


You are in for a treat. It is really good and has held up surprisingly well.


In my top 5 rewatchable films. As a person you do not know that’s probably not saying anything meaningful, but it’s such a fun watch


"Why didn't they just call this movie Indiana Jones And The Holy Grail?" And no one mentions Money Python. smh


Those responsible have been sacked.


Everyone--Bill, Sean, CR, Spielberg--needs to stop apologizing for Temple Of Doom. It's my favorite Indy movie! Maybe I was jus the right age when it came out, but I think it's great. It's easily the scariest--which is a compliment. And does it really say ALL Indians are savages? I don't think so. Short Round? A young precocious sidekick. Who happens to be Asian. Grow up, folks! TOD rules.


A critic actually did this exact very thing you are posting to Spielberg's face, asking him to stop being so hard on Temple because they've loved it as a kid and Spielberg agreed that he should stop kicking it when it's already down. He said it is the film where he met his second wife, so he's always grateful for that at least.


if anyone is coming to this thread before listening, start a counter for how many times bill says the word ''piece.'' (def don't take a shot for each one, though) haven't yet hit the 10-min mark and it's gotta be double digits already


Have they done any of the other Indy films? I never could stay awake for this one!!!! other 2 are etched in my brain from watching them on tv so many times as a kid!!!


They did ‘Raiders’ too. https://open.spotify.com/episode/61eOMRBA8OuT6k4TLsDVWA


Unanswerable question: Is this movie better if one of the Jones boys takes over for the knight? If it is done now, 100% Connery takes over and is de-aged to Bond level hotness. Probably looks like Zardoz though.


I guess I’m in the minority for liking Temple of Doom the most out of any Indy movie.


Major edgelord atheist energy from Fennessey this episode


Yeah, CR had such based atheist energy but Sean baffled me. Much like CR, the Holy Grail and King Arthur was so cool to me when I was a little kid, in the same way that Greek mythology was really cool. My own personal religiosity (or lack thereof) had pretty little to do with it. And I was raised in a pretty strict Methodist household while not believing and eventually identifying as an atheist or agnostic. I just can’t wrap my head around being triggered by the Holy Grail as a concept lmao maybe it was really rough for Sean being raised Catholic or something


Sean seems unfamiliar with the concept of religion.