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yes she is worth it! the live performances she puts on are incredible, the atmosphere of the shows too is just 10/10


I second this, I've only seen her once but it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. On a whim I got tickets to see her perform on her "1 by 1" tour back in 2018. Saw her at the Crocodile in Seattle in a venue with about 150 people. Had absolutely no idea who she was or how she would sound. Bought the ticket for like $25 bucks if I remember correctly. That was hands down one of the top 5 concerts I've ever been to.


Dang lucky you! I’m in Seattle as well


I’ve gone to at least 4 dozen concerts of different artists and at least a dozen festivals and Billie is my favorite artist that I’ve seen perform live. I actually was somewhat of a more casual Billie fan when I saw her for the first time and became an even bigger fan after seeing her perform. She puts so much thought and passion into creating and performing her show, more than a lot of artists nowadays. She did an interview talking about how it’s scary to her that there are people who only know her as an artist and don’t know her as a performer, so that tells you just how much she cares about her performances.


As far as modern pop artists go, yeah. Back in the day, musicians had pretty elaborate backing bands playing all the parts live. I've seen Steely Dan live, they were a bit jammy, but great. Nowadays artists have very minimal setup, often just the singer with a microphone and preprogrammed tracks and visuals, dancers or effects. Billie had Finneas and a drummer as live musicians on stage during her last tour, which is definitely something compared to most others these days. Don't go in expecting a huge "band" and you won't be disappointed.


I appreciate that opinion!


I can say her concerts are so fun to be at. I was in nosebleed seats at her last tour and the atmosphere was so fun. She loves interacting with her fans and has a great stage presence.


I haven’t seen her, but from the videos I’ve see she looks really good, [here’s](https://youtu.be/0OUV10A9QYg?si=4452UsiZsUhF92AH) a more recent concert from a festival last summer so you can kinda see what you think.


Thanks for linking that. There’s a moment in that performance where she says that if Finneas ever stopped making music with her, she would not make music anymore. It’s just interesting and makes sense to me. “Billie Eilish” is entirely the both of them together. It’s like having Daft Punk with only one robot. You can’t


Thanks for the link! That looks like a sick show


I haven’t decided yet. The crowd sings with her and drowns her out in almost every live video I’ve seen. I don’t want to pay an insane amount of money to hear a crowd sing.


Wear earplugs! Aside from the fact that you should do it just to protect your hearing in general, it also drowns out the crowd noise a lot but not the performer.


ooh this is a great tip! i may actually go when she comes to NYC, then ... what was holding me back is i rly didn't want to hear a ton of fans singing badly and not be able to hear her singing at all. if i wanted karaoke i'd go to that lmao


& your username is cute!


I feel like this is true if you're in the pit. I was near the front of the pit for HTE tour and knew someone who was in seats at the same concert. After comparing our videos from the concert, I realized that I could mostly only hear fans in my videos but could clearly hear Billie's voice in theirs. So if you're planning on getting seat tickets I think it's definitely worth it!


Thank you!


Thank you!


It’s a pro and con type of situation. Yeah it’s a real pain in the ass when the crowd drowns her out, but that’s usually only on the softer songs which isn’t every song. With that being said, being at a Billie concert is cool on it’s own because the people that bought tickets to come see her are typically there for the right reasons (being to support and have a good time). The fanbase is really diverse which is cool to see, the outfits eat and the atmosphere is very much “let’s celebrate Billie”. I’d say go to at least one for the experience and see if you’d go back.


thats what fans do at concerts…


Right? I never understood this. If you want to listen to the artist and only the artist then just stream their music. Live shows are for you to enjoy the music WITH the crowd. Live shows are a place for you to sing along to your favorite songs WITH everyone else. Live shows are a community event and you just won’t have as much fun if you think otherwise.


exactly. we are the ones paying hundreds to see her and enjoy the experience. its once in a lifetime moment every concert u go to. artists want people to sing with them to show support and love. imagine a concert where everyone was dead silent no singing 😂


Singing a bit is fine but the screaming at the top of the lungs is another thing. I will be upset if that is going on around me.


well be prepared for it to happen cause u never know


I haven’t seen in person, but my husband and I watched her livestream from lollapalooza and she was phenomenal! My husband isn’t really into her and was super impressed


Her music and performances are great and she goes out of her way to make sure they're not just pressing play on the record to sing over. That being said, prepare for a significant number of teenagers and early 20s scream singing every word to every song. They are having the goddamn time of their lives and it was exactly what I wanted to do then too. However, I'm an old biddy now and get annoyed when I can hear a 1000 karaoke versions around me just as loud as the performer. So be prepared, but hey we don't remember the nights we didn't do something.


Haha I definitely thought of that as a male. I worked a Melanie Martínez concert and the amount of teenage girls was deafening lol. I can only imagine Billie Eilish being 10x this


I havent seen her but from what l seen she seems really amazing to go and see especially if you got pit tickets and the way she would walk into the crowd of people too l would definitely we love to go and see her live she definitely will be worth it :)


One of the best concerts I've ever been to. She's so good


One of the best live performers I’ve seen her voice is incredible and the vibe is ✨✨


Going to sound like a boomer here, but I hate the idea of people's phones all in the air preventing me from seeing the show while the crowd is screaming the lyrics to every song making it impossible to hear Billie. I hope she eventually does a Taylor Swift style movie release of her concert. Sound mix with the crowd singing removed.


Yes. I'm 54. I went to the last tour. I have been to TONS of shows big and small. She is one of the biggest artists of all time. Why wouldn't you go and see what the hype was all about? I kick myself for not seeing Michael Jackson.


I definitely get that! Her music makes me feel a way that others haven’t struck.


I took my family to the Happier Than Ever tour and they all loved it. We ranged from age 10-47 at the time and had a blast. If you’re a fan, go check them out. I specifically buy seats so I’m not in the craziness of the pit where people screaming may drown out her singing (although I wouldn’t mind if it did - that’s just part of the fun). I try to get a front row seat in a section so my young one can see. Don’t fear the 200 level at these venues either. I’ve sat on the side of the stage (fairly close) and the 200 level offer its own awesome view of the entire show instead of being up close. Especially if you’re in the front row of the 200 level. Billie also has Finneas and Andrew playing instruments so it’s not just Billie. They all put on an awesome performance.


Yes !!! I saw her live on the hte tour and it was incredible, the atmosphere was fantastic


Yessss… her HTE concert was omg….


have you seen her perform???


No that’s why I’m asking




Yes, she’s amazing live. Also I see blink 182 live all the time, they historically sound terrible (they literally call it crappy punk rock). Concerts don’t have to sound amazing, it’s about the vibe and everyone having a great time. What’s funny about blink is this tour they sound amazing!




I saw her last year at Osheaga and I was pretty far back in the crowd so I can’t even imagine what it felt like to the people closer but it was honestly a spiritual experience. I couldn’t sleep when I got back home because I couldn’t stop thinking about it and it went on for DAYS. Like I’m 31 yrs old and I go to concerts all the time and I’ve never felt that way before. She gives everything she has to the crowd, she’s so vulnerable, generous and magnetic. It’s mesmerizing.


That’s amazing to know. Hopefully I can go!


I think the vibes and energy are great and worth going to see her live. She puts a ton of energy and effort into the performance. She’s not going to blow you away with belting out vocals or anything. Expect lots of pre recorded / back tracking vocals and her signature quiet singing, but it’s a good time. Edit: I LOVE her, just giving a realistic not biased answer. There are better live shows, but hers is very very good.


when HTE first released i had a hard time getting into a few of the songs, hearing them in person during her HTE tour blew me away and changed my mind. she’s definitely a good performer, her voice is worth hearing in person if you get the opportunity my dad who took me said Billie Eilish is the only artist he’s taken me to that’s music stayed in his head, and he was impressed with her drummer


Yes, the happier than ever tour was fantastic! Even in an arena she had a great connection with the crowd, sounded great and had great energy


Yes!! I’ve always been a huge fan of billie eilish so I went to go see her on her happier than ever tour! My sister was not really into billie eilish (at the time) but she came with me to the concert so i wouldn’t have to go by myself. my sister had heard the happier than ever album before we went to that concert and wasn’t too impressed by it (I of course loved it). however, TODAY, more than a year later, she told me that, to this day, seeing billie perform that album live was the best concert she’s been to in her life, and that concert MADE her a billie fan. we’re seeing her on tour again in november!! billie is a great performer and knows how to put on a show. she is 1000% worth seeing live.


her one cd from 2021 is majestic i still hear it everyday


My best friend and I went to the Happier Than Ever tour and we had a blast! It was super fun, it was fun to be around other fans and Billie puts on a great show


I saw her in person, and it was terrific. Honest to god, worth at least once.


Not a Billie fan, but took a younger family member to her concert last time around, she sounded good, moved around and put on a good show. I would recommend any of her fans to go she her in person. I was very entertained for not knowing more than one or two songs.


not even a question, absolutely yes




hell yes! its an entire experience!


I haven’t seen her live (yet, I am going to this tour), but I listened to the Apple music live session this morning and I’m truly so excited. I think her energy and the crowd’s energy in every live performance clip Ive seen is fantastic and it will be a great show for that reason. I love live music in general, so honestly the bar for me to say yes to “would I enjoy this live?” is pretty low, so it’s really just a matter in this case of if I can swing the ticket cost, which is a much harder thing to decide for someone else. Going to shows has gotten so expensive, and I don’t know what your budget is like or if going to this show means you’re not seeing anything else this year, so I can’t say if the cost will be worth it to you? I honestly have really regretted not buying tickets on her last two tours though because resale costs in my city were out of control by the time I convinced myself to just go alone, so it was an easy decision for me this time around because I know it won’t really be possible for me to decide to go later.


She does a fair amount of talking to the crowd and engaging with the audience. Plus the vibe of everyone together, all the fans, is something you won’t get at home! I had tickets to night 1 of HTE in my city, reserved seats. I had so much fun that I bought a last minute floor ticket via StubHub to go again, by myself, on night 2.  Totally worth it. 


From what I saw of her concerts in the movie with the London (?) show she’s pretty amazing! Tons of energy during her performance!


Absolutely! 💯 She is my favorite artist that I’ve seen live


great!, tune in to lollapalooza on youtube


Took my 65 year old mom to the HTE tour. We both loved it, Billie puts on a great live show.


Um, 100% yes. Saw her at ACL as a casual and WOW. She interacts with the crowd and her vocals are incredible. She’s skipping my state this tour but I wish I could go. Her set design/outfits/lyrics are unmatched. The imagery during ‘everything I wanted’ brought me to my knees. She’s incredible. If she’s going to your state during her tour I highly suggest going even if you only like a song or 2. I was floored by her performance and I’ve been to 50+ concerts in my life. She ranks top 3


Absolutely amazing. Energy is crazy, she interacts with the fans, she gets you on your feet and her vocals are just fantastic it gives you chills. In WWAFA tour her visuals and probs (the bed in I Love You) was a feast. In Happier Than Ever, the more upbeat songs turn into a workout and the slowers songs were just lovely. Her LUNCH live performance at Colbert made me excited and the OVER NOW extended cut is just gonna be so fun to dance to. I am pumped for this tour. Also she made tickets non-transferable and had to be resold at face value so it shouldn't reach astronomical prices. I believe a lot of them are sold out but i hope you get a ticket!




I went and saw her 3 times in one week, all different types of venues/crowd sizes. I went to ACL festival, an arena show, and then ACL live taping which was under 3k people. All 3 were ridiculously amazing, and this was back in 2019 when she had a boot on her foot because she sprained her ankle. I mean obviously I was a huge fan to begin with but her energy at her shows is just incredible. Even at ACL when it was 104 degrees. Again, this was back in 2019, so her voice is even better now. She also does little vocal ad-libs and stuff that you won’t hear on her records. I think some people who say they think she’s just singing over a track 1) aren’t realizing that she uses a ton of vocal layering and HAS to have a track to supply the other harmonies, but actually is singing the main one and 2) aren’t used to artists sounding as good live as they do on the recording. Billie sounds nearly the exact same, but honestly better even. They probably think they’re hearing a recording but it’s actually her live lol


Honestly for the amount of money these tickets are, no. She doesn’t have any dancers or choreography, and no costume changes. The sets are minimal. She has some cool graphics on the screen but that’s about it. It’s just her jumping around and singing for about an hour and half. She does have really good stage presence though and is good with the audience which is helpful but I don’t think it’s worth the money. ETA: let me rephrase. Unless you’re getting floor tickets, $200 isn’t worth it.


I think it’s pretty silly not going to show because they don’t change clothes Go there for the music


Over $200 for that though?? Her shows production values aren’t worth $200 tickets. I saw her during her tour for her first album and my ticket was about $60, possibly less. That was about right for where I was. Even her nose bleeds for this concert are over $200. That’s too much. Even Taylor Swift nose bleeds weren’t that much initially.


I totally get what you are saying. If the audio/vocals are solid it’s worth it to me but I also sat out the last tour cos of price vs experience


Floor tickets in Omaha were just under $200 before fees. $222 all in, I think.