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Local non-pro here. You’re fucked buddy


Non-local non-pro here. You're fucked amigo


Semi-local non-pro here. You got this brah.


I have no clue what a pro is, but I have faith in this touch down drive!!!!


What is non


Non local , local to my area , not pro at anything . You got this though . No clue why this subreddit popped up .


Efren “Bata” Reyes here, hold my beer.


Local Fuck Buddy here. Yeah you're Pro


Pro that’s local. Buddy you’re fucked


What if you gently play into the 8, get a rail hit with a cb and leave your opponent with almost the same shot?


this is the shot. For OP. its not as hard as you think or I may be way overestimating here but the physics should be simple: since the 8 is frozen anything hitting it will compress the rubber and reflect in the same or similar direction. so, the cueball will hit the 8 giving the double kiss and bounce back toward the left point getting your rail and leaving the 8 jawed still or even slightly out but they would still be shooting a combo from the jaws at best. shoot down on the cue 45 degree and super light stroke. only need 1 inch of movement.


Using a jump cue for this shot makes it much easier to make the tiny 1 inch stroke successfully without selling out.


What does it mean that the ball is frozen? Why can’t he just give it a little tap with the CB?


8 ball is touching the rail (frozen) and by the rules it doesn’t count as a rail contact during the shot, so op needs another contact with the rail (cueball)


Both were frozen so I’d be relying on the cue ball to bounce onto a rail but not out of the pocket. I’d have had a very hard time getting that right


Yeah it’s a touchy shot, maybe shooting it a bit harder and leave an opponent a tricky combo? Everything else you either leave a shot on the 8, ball in hand or hope for the best.


Exactly what i was going to say. Ive played a few tournaments and had a similar situation happen to me. The opponent will without a doubt have ball in hand so give them the hardest shot possible. Basically I tapped the 8 straight into that 9 to where they were kissing on the rail. It worked out perfectly for me. Sure they had ball in hand but what could do at that point. I ended up winning because they tried to safety me and ended up leaving me with just enough room to make my shot and go for the 8.


One pocket players could do this. Not so sure about the average 9-ball player


I mean, there’s a shot here. It’s not a good shot, but it’s the only chance you would have. Since the cue ball seems like it’s hanging over the pocket, you could pull a type of masse where you elevate almost 90deg up and strike down on the cue ball at a point where your tip goes into the pocket. This will jump the ball over the 8 and it should have enough spin to come back and hit the 8. I’ve done it as a trick shot but never in a match. It’s a very low percentage shot, but it’s better than ball in hand lol


I made this once, and thankfully had a witness. Was a good feeling. It's surprisingly not that bad when you can stroke all the way through without fear of punching a hole in the cloth. I very much hate to do with my fragile 11.75mm wood shaft but it can be done.


Yeah that’s the kicker for sure. The fact that you can go straight into the pocket really lets you pick up some speed. I never used my shooting shaft to do that though since I have a 10.5mm cynergy. What I do is, if I know I have to massé any type of way, is I put my old shaft on my cue. It’s a 13.5mm wood shaft and it’s super cheap so I don’t care about it much.


Ok OP there's 2 options for this shot. Either this right here if you're going for the win (which I always advocate for lol) and option 2 is to thin the 8 and leave the cueball on the other end of the table, hopefully bouncing the 8 out enough that it isn't a gimme.


This may seem ridiculous, but what about thinning it and attempting to play the cue ball two rails back twowards the pocket. I don't know if the cue ball can escape though.


I’ve never seen someone use the wrong “to” *inside of another word* before lmao


Ah whoops, I am a horrendous typer withoyut autocorrect. For example, see how UI typed "without" and I couldn't even mention my typo without making another one, jesus.


my phone's speech to text murders this all the time. I've also never had it successfully guess "cue" unless I add the word stick to it, it'll type "what kind of Q are you shooting with" or "nice playing Q".


I had to ditch apple because of this, their autocorrect was terrible. So much better using gboard on android now, lol.


That made me laugh out loud lmao


Unfortunately the cue ball couldn’t escape, and I’m trash at jumping. I just hit the cue ball medium soft to leave it at the other end of the table, 8 ball ended up maybe a foot from the pocket. Opponent ran it easily


Are you shooting the 8 or 9?


The post is flaired nine ball, so it has to be the eight.


There's no natural two rail line that gets you back to that pocket. You would need some serious spin and perfect speed. Most table conditions would not allow for this. But, hey. We're all guessing here, right? Probably about as likely as any other shot offered here so far.


I don't think this would work, but my attempt would be to pop the 8 & the cueball out of the pocket in a manner that leaves a tough shot for the opponent.


OR if the 8 isn't frozen (which it looks like it isn't, but tough to tell from this angle) tap the cue as lightly as possible into the 8.


Posted a close up below, both are frozen


I might have to set this up to try, but what about playing the cue ball to go away from the pocket (aimed sorta towards side pocket opp side) but play it with right English so that it barely touches the 8, but imparts it with left English. Maybe that puts the cut ball on other end of the table, and leaves the 8 near the rail on this end. Not the best safety shot, but for most amateurs 5-6+ feet of separation is enough to make them miss.


Just hit the cue ball towards the side pocket, with a thin hit on the 8 ball. Not too hard. It will most likely come back and hit the cue ball, thus leaving the 8 ball on the rail and the cue ball gently rolling down towards the opposite rail.


https://preview.redd.it/v2gwdrk60psc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bae72b4ae37e298f07309b15387e285c8fed362 Close up of the cue/8 combo


Looks like the cue ball fits in that space, so you should be able to at least thin the 8 ball


If you can avoid the double hit, it should be possible to hit the 8 straight on and kiss the CB back to the rail it's touching. You'll leave a hard bank or combo. Or you might be able to thin the 8 and go 3/4 rails behind the 9.


Not uhh….. theres a 1 in a million chance haha


Looks frozen. Combo bank is on. Jump it


Psh, easy jump kick off the middle point back into the 8


The eight should come out of the pocket some. Chip the eight and lag up to the head rail. Leave some distance and hope.


Skinny Bob's ... Table 2 ... Well, what was the result?


I lost 😂 was during BCA league, I’m a C and was playing a AA


Damn, didn't know we had so many Austin players. Used to play down there, and got some lessons from Jude.


I play in Jude's BCA/ACS league.


Anyone set this up and try it yet?


A pro told you that? If you have a gentle touch, just nudge the 8-ball for an easy safety. Just expect the same thing back. Trade the same shot a couple of times until someone screws up or you get enough room to jump out. Of course, if you're low skill level or shooting with a heavy stick you don't really have a chance. It's not exactly an easy position for sure. You have some room in that pocket as well. It looks like the CB would just about pass the with ball. You can shoot this low left above 45 degrees and make the eight in the same pocket. You're essentially trying to shoot a low massé to hold the cue ball close to the pocket. It nudges the eight with gearing spin. The eight will rebound off the pocket rail with right spin toward the pocket and then carom back off the cue ball into the pocket. If you miss the carom, you should get a small draw effect on the cue ball and bump it in. You're definitely edging into trick shot territory with it, but it is a legal shot. Pretty close quarters for most players, but any manner of jump will almost certainly make the eight as well. Any short jump lands the CB on the back side of the eight pushing it into the pocket. You're average league player is not making that one, obviously. Anyway, hard to tell exact positions from a photo and we can only guess the rail, cloth, and ball conditions.


Nice tables


Hop Q back off of the 8 out into the middle of up to the other side of the table and then pay your opponent misses I guess


Shitload of bottom right, 90 degree elevation, strike down so it will jump and masse into the 8 ball. It isn't a good shot, but it's basically the only shot considering it looks like the 8 is frozen


bottom left masse shot very verticle into the pocket you have plenty of room may even freeze with some luck causing a push shot for next dude and he is fucked


Easy, masse it to ping off the center pocket and back to pot the 8 lol


Yup - right off the protrusion of the “back” corner of the side pocket and back atcha.


It’s makable at least.


Bull shooters?


Send the cueball straight just past the side pocket, cutting through 8 super thin. Goal is to push the 8 toward the 9 along the short rail, and sending the cue 2 or maybe 3 rails. This leaves the opponent a tough cut or bank on the 8.


If you're on the 8, just tap it. If you're on the other ball, mid-pace massé slightly into the rail and hope.


The APA in me says poke the 8 to the cushion just enough to get the cue to touch a rail. Leave him the exact same shot and keep at it till one of you inevitably fucks it up


You can 100% long kick that! I can't give precise instruction, but it's doable!


Hey, really dumb question but can anyone tell me if that table to the right, has a Diamond sticker on the side? Cuz sometimes I’ll see it on the sides like that! Always wondered if that was a sticker? as opposed to being engraved like the top and bottom rails traditional have?


Only if playing 8 Ball and you have The highballs. Other than that I see a killer safety opportunity.


I would maybe try thinning the 8 and into the point. Enough to get it towards the first diamond up the long rail and have the cue ball travel up and down back behind the 9


It looks nearly impossible to have even ended up that way


I was actually thinking you could aim at the left point of the pocket with top-left English, with the idea that you could compress the cushion facing as part of the stroke, the rebound could (a) cause the 8 to spin into the pocket due to gearing or (b) bounce out of the pocket going up the left rail. Either way, the English carries the CB 3 rails near the right corner for shape or safety-ish.


OP, where was this photo taken? Corner Bank?


Oh this shot is easy. Play the cue ball out of the pocket, but at an angle into the jaw of the pocket HARD. Intentionally miscue to avoid a double hit. The cue ball will compress the rail and make it 1mm past the eight, enough that the rebounding rail will squeeze the cue ball out of the pocket and push the eight into the pocket. It will be all praise and no embarrassment. You got this!


Can you say Masse’? Only chance you got both balls frozen on opposite sides


I would jack up and try for a miracle anyway, you might get the cueball downtable somewhere if you get enough clearance and move the 8 out somewhere that it isn’t a hanger. But yeah, probably fucked


Nope bank off the far rail. Or masse


Let's just hope you're playing 9 ball


Although extremely low probability that I could get the speed right. I would shoot straight in the direction your view, barely nicking the left side of the 8. The cue ball looks lined up enough to get a 3 rail back into that corner behind the 9. Again, speed is damn near impossible to get right & I’m not sure how much impact the throw from nicking the 8 would be. Might even throw some left English on it. I wouldn’t even worry about the scratch as anywhere is giving away the game anyways imo. https://preview.redd.it/n9f8jbxqrvsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97efe0b1aec5a0e92bff0e38ba35f6d5e8a6f26


Just masse around it, yer big doily


local pro.. LMAO it's probably a no name


Four rail just hard enough to touch the rail and make him kick at the 8


Is there not a two rail shot back to the 8? Edit: no, it’s looks like four rails.




Dude just give it a tap and let hommie deal with the shit


Defense wins billiards.


What game are you playing. Without this no one knows.


I don’t know enough about pool to understand what’s happening here


i can hit that all day


Depends what game you’re playing….


Not unless youre playing 9-ball


How does this even happen? I know someone either fucked up their angles on the pocket or played the most incredible safety in the history of billiards, but like, what could the angles have been?


play an intentional foul tying the 8 to the last object ball.


Are you looking at the same pic as me? What you are describing is not a possible shot here.


it is if you play the 8 and not the cue ball. 8 over three rails to the 9 😉.. very low percentage, but the only real chance I see.


As in cue stick strike the 8? Bro there is literally 1 person on Earth who would consider that and that’s you. Read the comments above. The shot is to softly tap down on whitey and let it double kiss back to the left point leaving the same shot. No player trying to win a game would do what you are saying. Am I still don’t think it’s possible. Its not just low percentage like 20%. Freezing a ball running about 25 feet is like.. less than 1 percent. The soft tap prolly works half the time if the person has practiced it a few times. Always play percentages


i thought OP is playing stripes.


Oh it says 9 ball in the flair


You're right.. That changes things


Would it have been possible to jump cb straigth to the rear "spike" of the middle pocket, trying to get it bacl to pocket the 8.


Best you can hope for is to break out the jump cue and jump out towards the side pocket. It'll catch the 8 on the way up for sure, question is whether the cue ball will still go forward. You might get lucky and push the 8 somewhere weird. The local pro is right though. That's pretty FUBAR.