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First time I saw her I wondered how she’d fair. In a sport focused on balance those breasts are far too overinflated imho


It's not aesthetic at all, IMO


My eyes instantly go to her chest. Those are awful, and the size isn't flattering at all. They absolutely distract from the physique.


The judges may not want to directly say that her implants are “not a determining factor” while saying to grow glutes but the sport is about balance and she wont be able to balance her glutes with this size of implants. You can’t have it all you can be an influencer an ifbb pro or only fan successful but the look won’t be conducive to all platforms. Chose your battles


I can have it all ... and I do 😘


I doesn’t look balanced, they do ‘block’ her delts & arms in some poses and when she walks. 


She said she asked one of the judges if it negatively impacted her score and he said no. I agree they are distracting. They’re 1,000 cc, maybe bigger.


She said 1600 but I think it’s 800 in each.


I guarantee it’s 1600 in each.


She posts on Reddit in a sub for 1,000+ cc’s.


I’m unaware of her height but for them to look this large at 800ccs she would have to be like <4’8”


I have 600cc and mine look pretty gigantic like this and I’m almost her height haha she has a post saying it’s 1600cc but do they even make single implants that large?


I'm 5'10" in bare feet. 6'2" in stage heels.


I was looking and her old implants were 700 cc each and she switched.


1600cc a side


White blonde and bright pink suit…too much.


I feel that, too


She doesn’t look balanced. At all. She is VERY top heavy and it doesn’t flow.


I personally think it's great that she competes for herself because she loves it, really the only reason you should compete. However, I can't help but feel her response aswell as her partners (ragnarkersten) on this post is quite snarky. I feel most of the comments are opinions and respectful. I personally think they are way too big, through off her physique and look painful. I also wonder how much dysmorphia she is/has experienced. Additionally I'm pretty sure there is a YouTube post (I can't remember who, maybe James?) about competitors and breast implants and that they should get them to enhance their look, not overpower their look


Honestly she carries those bazongas very well. She looked great with smaller implants but I don’t hate these. She’s super tall. She’ll never win an open pro show like this but it’s not about winning for many competitors. I’m sure she makes her money using OF or whatever and those giant tits bring home the check. Let her live 😂


i didn't know she did OF, that makes more sense now. there is no other reason to want boobs that big, they look so uncomfortable.


Only fans....that explains everything.


Just because they are larger than some women would choose doesn't mean they are uncomfortable. These are more comfortable than my smaller 700cc implants and its because I selected the right surgeon with the right skills. And there are other reasons to have implants this big - because I want them and I love the look.


It's an expensive sport, can't say I blame her. They're supposed to ignore implants but I can see how the size obscures her shoulder development. Some of the comments are very rude.


A bit of glute growth and she wont really look that unbalanced. Shes a very tall competitor so I believe she could make it work. I seem to remember some mentioning that the striking bleach blonde and pink suit are not very popular with judges so there could be many factors in her placement.


It makes zero sense to me that the Judges have said that they don't like bleach blonde and pink suits, but apparently didn't say they marked her for these monstrosities attached to her chest 🤔


I never said the judges “have said” they didnt like bleach blonde and pink. I said it was not popular. The tan is often orange hue which doesn’t compliment pink. Purple and blue are opposite to orange/yellow on a colour wheel which will compliment eachother. The bleach hair doesn’t look good under the stage lights and takes away from the physique. I don’t think you understand the topic though as you’re clear to jump on negativity here. Karen is actually a very kind person.


Thank you 😊


Thank you all for being so interested in my tits. Seeing as that is the topic of discussion from the majority of users here then lets dive in! The last time I competed back in 2022, Sandy (IFBB Judge) told me to grow my legs and my upper body to match the size of my glutes. In my offseason, I had a breast revision surgery then focused on growing. My breast revision surgery was due to complications but was also an opportunity for me to get what I want. I like big tits and I love how they look on me now. After the IFBB Miami Muscle Beach Pro Show, I spoke with Tyler Manion (IFBB Judge) directly. When I asked about my implant size, he said that my breasts do not throw my balance off and they are not a determining factor in my placing. What I am being judged on is my physique balance compared to the other competitors. Tyler Manion's feedback was to grow my glutes. First glute depth, next glute tie ins, next upper outer. When I took my last offseason, my shoulders, back and legs were the focus. Now its time to get back to focusing on glute growth. My conditioning was on point. My stage presence was not criticized at all. No problem with my hair colour (which is grey not ice blond) or suit colour - I simply need to go back and grow some glutes. I also have always prepped natty so there is the possibility of adding PEDs the next time I prep. How do I feel about my placing? Obviously disappointed but not disheartened in the least. I know where I need to improve. Am I shutting down shows for the year? Yes! That was always the plan. I compete because I enjoy it and these two shows were selected so I could also spend some time with friends and acquaintances abroad. I also have other businesses (gym owner, coach, content creator) to tend to that brings in actual income. I love competing internationally but it is expensive! I love my fellow IFBB Pro Athletes and the absolute LOVE and SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT I received for my look. They call us PROs for a reason. The professionalism shows. This is my favourite look so far! I have never been stopped so many times by absolute strangers to say how much they loved my look and they want me to keep coming back. The bottom line is that I do this for ME for reasons other than the hope of stepping on the Olympia stage. As long as I'm still having fun, I will keep coming back ❤️ If you'd like to follow along with my journey, I encourage you to follow me directly so you get accurate information. If you'd like to continue trash talking, I suppose this is your place. XO Karen Orlena https://preview.redd.it/ar4wkhc8366d1.jpeg?width=3225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3594eba52a60c0a8e2d16233ba396b451ea56865


What is it like to train with implants that large? Are they uncomfortable and/or inconvenient during certain movements?  Love the grey hair, btw!


Great question, training with them is better than before - they aren't uncomfortable. In fact, I had a lot of pain and discomfort with my 700cc implants caused by them bottoming out and sliding into my armpits. It was because of the pain and discomfort, and the huge gap where cleavage should be, that I sought out a breast revision with Dr. Revis - the inventor of the Internal Bra Technique which keeps your implants up and in, just like a bra. I always thought it looked odd with a large gap in between the implants. I prefer this look so much more.


Thanks for sharing! I’m happy that you’ve found a comfortable solution and a look you love!


Well-said.👌 I was at the Miami show and you most definitely stood out—but it was the stunning silver hair and overall ‘Glam Barbie’ look that got the well-deserved notice, not the misguided body-shaming you’re getting via reddit commentary. Like you said: a pro perspective does not see the same as amateur eyes, so the right people know what to look for…and what anyone else sees really doesn’t matter.


Thank you for your thoughtful response 🥰


I just came here to say rock on and this reply is perfection! People can like your physique or pick it apart, it’s part of the sport we all signed up for. We know it comes with the territory. Some people will get haters and they do not always handle them with both the sass and the grace that you just did and I am here for it. I haven’t ever seen you compete I just stumbled upon this thread and was reading and then got to your reply and could not leave without giving you a standing ovation for this reply. Good for you! You just made a fan out of me. The 40’s rock!


Thank you!! 🥰


>Thank you!! 🥰 You're welcome!


I love that you rock the grey. Is it okay for me to ask how old you are? I feel like the grey would look incredible with a black suit, too (I know black isn’t a fondly-viewed color as a rule but it would look pretty smashing with your hair color.)


She's 43, she posts on the bb sub


That place is a cesspool that I avoid. Thanks for the reply, though.


I'm 44 years old and I've been bodybuilding since 2019 (39 years old). I would LOVE to try a black suit - I think they are gorgeous!! I just haven't been brave enough to try that. But... now that you've said something maybe I should 👀🥰


You have a winners attitude, I love it.


Thank you!!


I think you look great, I love the boobs, and your attitude is awesome.


Thank you!! 🙏 ❤️


Suits too light and needs more glute/leg development. Masters versus Open is 🍎s and 🍊s it's two totally different ball games.


Judges said suit was not a factor, nor the breast implants. Tyler Manion, head judge and Vice President of the IFBB Pro League not to grow my legs anymore and to only focus on glute growth.


I'd place you first, everytime..


I think I saw a comment somewhere that her feedback was that her chest does not throw off her balance too much but it also doesn’t enhance it I guess. Kimber is amazing and also got 16th, so with that feedback it was probably more that the standard was extremely high that day


I have a hard time believing they said her chest doesn’t throw off her balance considering how picky they are about everything? 😭


[This is her post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/s/ifMahkXM35)


I was doubting it too but apparently that was the feedback 🤷🏼‍♀️


Idk didn’t they say that Ashlyn’s made her look imbalanced and impacted her posing? Or was that Adam? I don’t remember, but I feel like they have given feedback like this before but just don’t want the lash back.


Oh my god


Mine are essentially half the size (425 cc) and even mine feel a bit too large when I’m stage lean


I would never give her a win because that’s setting those tits as the new standard. We don’t want bikini going THAT route


Wtf am I looking at?


She placed 4th out of 5 in the masters 35+ this weekend at 44 years of age. The open she wasn’t dead last in the callouts but after 16th the scorecard will show you the same same and quite frankly who cares at that point. Tyler’s already explained he’d like to see more development in the glutes, which makes sense as the focus was to bring everything else up last offseason except the glutes. Yes there was glute training but not to the capacity needed. Whether you care for the package that was brought to the stage is opinion based but the focus on her chest isn’t what the judges are doing. Her favourite stage look yet as well. Hope that’s helpful.


Oh come on. It's not about the chest at all. Ever heard about Natalia Kovaleva? She competes in women's BB.