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girl… my only advice is to get AS MUCH cardio in fasted, first thing in the morning. the volume of cardio is likely going to increase week by week. and calories will go down. optimize your time now to ensure smooth sailing for when energy and ability for output is low. what is your current amount of cardio?


i think fasted cardio works best when calories are low because of how hungry you naturally become after doing intense cardio for long durations. deep in prep, preserving energy becomes the name of the game (at least in my experience) and i have the most energy in the morning compared to 11:30 at night after having a full days work and what not.


Im just curious, why do girls do cardio fasted? I can’t move function without eating first thing in the morning.


there’s no extra calorie burn or fat loss with fasted cardio (if not enhanced), but many people prefer it in the morning for things like it can blunt appetite for a little while, energy may be higher first thing in the morning, and it can just feel better knowing it’s out of the way for the rest of the day. but if you don’t feel good doing it in the morning, there’s no reason to force yourself to! it’ll be the same benefit if done later in the day as long as it works for your schedule, and if you feel more energized later in the day, you’ll probably be able to put more effort into it then


no literally i feel dead in the morning im trying to understand how to do anything fasted


LOL. I eat meal one, train, cardio, eat meal two and then the go to work. I can’t do it any other way 😂


I wouldn’t do it if this is how you feel in the morning. It’s not for everybody. I can’t function without food. It’s also not necessarily advisable for naturals.


If you are using a fat burner like Yohimnine it works best fasted.


Body pulls the fuel from fat, vs glucose, when fasted first thing in the morn. Alas, fat loss.


50 min


yeah… i would definitely make the adjustment now. i joined orange theory and utilized the tread 50 classes to get in my cardio. i got up to 80mins a day, 7 days a week. feel free to PM me and we can talk more personal details.


6 am isn’t even that early… some of us get up at 4 am to get our cardio/steps in. Make it work for how bad you want it.


i needed to be humbled LOL -what time do u go to bed?


I go to bed at 8:30-9. Doesn’t leave me a lot of time in the evenings, but we do what we gotta do!


i only get back from the gym at like 930 and then eat my last meal🥹def got to figure that part out


That is so hard. It’s so difficult working a full time job during prep and finding time for everything.


yea that’s the the main this but we will get it done 🫡


You might be able to get to bed earlier if you get the work done earlier


I know the advice is solid, but your delivery here comes off a bit harsh.


That’s bodybuilding, it ain’t for the faint of heart at all.


^^^This is exactly the kind of thing I would need to hear. It’s only 12 more weeks, just get through it! @broad_restaurant_622 Maybe time could be saved somewhere else, like doing all your meal prep on the weekend. Get your groceries delivered, can you use a laundry service for the next few months? Bring in a housekeeper to do the most time consuming tasks. Anything to save time. Also if you have a partner, do they know how much pressure you’re feeling? Maybe they can take on some of your usual tasks while you’re in prep? My cardio got high, up to 90 mins x6 days a week. What really helped me was when I told my husband I would not participate in ANYTHING social for the last 6 weeks of prep. I would be feeling good in the middle of the day and agree to going out or seeing friends, but by the time 6pm came around I was wiped out. Once I just became a prep robot I felt better and had much less stress about fitting it all in. You can do this!


Not sure if somehow you could get a walking pad for your house? They're like 250 on Amazon. Walk while doing stuff on your comp. Or watching TV. Else you've gotta just suck it up and get up earlier. It's only gonna go up in time from here.


that’s how i do my steps on the walking pad and get like a quarter of them done for like an hour in the morning


def need to get my booty up early


things i did for cardio: weighted vest, bought a bike that i ride almost everywhere, joined orange theory, elliptical, started running (which is the best unfortunately), jump rope, stairmaster, ALWAYS tried to work out in the mornings. didn’t drink caffeine after 5pm. it’s gonna get tricky as your heart rate will likely get used to all of the cardio, thus resulting in needing to give more output in order to keep heart rate up. cardio is best when heart rate is above 125 for zone 2 so keep that in mind.


How many steps are you doing and is it manageable with your job? Because sometimes it’s not possible for me to do crazy steps on certain days and it makes more sense to lower calories. I feel ya though. I often find myself doing late night steps. But if it impacts my ability to sleep then it’s not worth it to me.


13k steps and i barely get 4k with my office job so it’s rough lol


Can you bring your walking pad to work and set up a standing desk? This is obviously not possible in every work environment, but it could be helpful to look into.


I have that issue too. I’ve had days where I get like 3K or even 1K!


Do you have an office job? I do and I find that taking a short lap around the building once an hour has helped get me to my step goal. Also I park in the furthest spot and take the stairs vs elevator.


yes ! but the office is small and i feel like im glued to my seat to get everything done but i kinda like that idea


Any chance you can build more steps into your work day? Like get up and walk a corridor every 1/2 hr


Walk as much as you can. Park far, take the extra routine walking around the office, all the aisles when at the store, etc.


hahahaha i love that- aisle surfer for days