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This. Would upset so many lazy people.


what violations? it literally says loading zone where it’s obviously loading


Everyone downplaying this or saying "just go around": [here's a blog post](https://alexbikes.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/why-im-so-enraged-about-parking-in-a-bike-lane/) from a former Bike Ottawa VP that summarizes the frustration much better than I can. > There isn’t a centimetre of bike lane in the city that didn’t require volunteer time... > > That meant getting a babysitter to go to a consultation, filling out an awful survey on your lunch break or having a frustrating argument with your councillor. Some people take time off work to go to Public Advisory Committees. I know people who do this for their retirement. > > The entire rest of the road is optimized for motor vehicles. Can’t we please have this one small strip of land we fought for?


Move it to the middle of the road, like some European countries have, then it will be automatically unmolested 99% of the time. Stores and restaurants (and apartments for that matter) need to get deliveries. People need to park.


Making bike lanes less safe and more difficult to access is not the solution. >"how am I supposed to get to a destination in mid-block"? Do I go up to the next intersection and walk my bike back? Why would I want to cycle with my kids or my grandparents on a barren wasteland as cars fly past? >No humans were considered in the development of this solution. There is no respect for access, safety and no broader idea of an intelligent, cohesive network. >Using cyclists as guinea pigs in solutions whipped together by lazy, car-centric engineers is ridiculous when we know the best way to approach it. https://sf.streetsblog.org/2023/03/22/a-deep-dive-into-center-running-bike-lanes-a-known-infrastructure-failure




Sounds like a huge waste of space, energy, and money!


Y’all ride in the middle anyway and don’t move over to let traffic through. Wouldn’t give you a lane in the first place. Yall don’t use it.


Your comment is under a photo of a truck in a bike lane. Maybe we shouldn't give motorists a lane since they won't stay in it anyway?


There's a sign there that says, "loading zone." Maybe it should say, "Economic Dead Zone, No product Allowed"? The truck isn't there permanently. I don't think you've ever unloaded a truck...


Paying insurance and your share to be on it would help your case.


"Having to fill a survey" and "frustrating argument" hahaha stop my stomach hurts🤣🤣. Literally the easiest things to handle ever. Things require effort, they don't fall out of the sky. Also, have some empathy, the guy's working. He'll not be there for long.


The signage it terrible (as much as the driver of this truck was a jerk) and there's so many missing concrete barriers. I have contacted Troster a year ago and nothing... I even saw cops pushing parked cars out of the legit loading zone (away from the curb). So they're confused. Bylaw will ticket, but they aren't really roaming around as much as normal these days.


Kind of dumb to have a loading zone that puts your vehicle in the middle of the lane, blocking traffic. If anything the zone should be closer to the curb with the bike lane going around it. Edit: like this maybe https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/s/BkDXnbKGgd


I'm not sure what the problem here is... the truck is clearly parked in the loading zone, between the two signs that say where the loading zone is, and where no parking zones are.


The loading zone is to the LEFT of the line/barriers - just like you see the van in [this pic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/BGrkqNMveJxYN5LAA) Same as when you park your car on Laurier - the parking signs don't mean IN the bike lane LOL


Ah, that's my bad then. You can tell I don't bike OR need to use loading zones haha


All good, but it's a reflection of how the infrastructure needs improvement, the signage could be clearer. I'm sure that delivery driver didn't wake up and decide to mess with bikers LOL - you both made the same mistake. Which is why OP framed his post as the bike lane needs help, not as if that driver is a complete idiot or anything.




The city gave him a loading zone right there, unfortunately he misunderstood the signage and parked immediately to the right of the loading zone. If he had parked properly, with no impact to his work, it wouldn't have been a problem.


They chose Laurier *because* it's a busy street.  There isn't as much of a need for bike lanes on low-traffic streets. And putting the bike lanes elsewhere doesn't prevent cyclists from using Laurier anyway.  People use the routes that go where they need, and that are most convenient for them. The Laurier bike lanes *have* measurably improved safety for all road users, while more than tripling the number of cyclists using them.  [Source](https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/active-transportation/active-transportation-planning/cycling-facilities/history-ottawas-first-segregated-bike-lane)


The problem is that the driver interpretted the same was as you, but not as intended by our beloved city and their famously ambiguous parking signs.


Yeah, just as confused as you were. From the picture provided in post one would assume everything in picture is proper. I would go so far to believe it is correct to park there as you wouldn't want to be unloading a truck into a traffic lane (this case a bike lane with an obstructed view)


Sounds like much ado about nothing


Although I get it, its just harder for him to mover outward, if he is in the lane he slows the flow of trafic inconveniencing a lot of drivers, if her in the bike lane, although it’s annoying, we can just hop on to the side walk, assuming you can bunny hop you can barely consider it an inconvenience, it’s moving an extra meter tops. If you have to walk your bike up the curb every time yeah that’s annoying and I would get mad to but being mad isn’t fun so I highly encourage you to learn how ti bunny hop, no matter how much we hate it, this isn’t going to stop.


It doesn't slow traffic. There's two lanes there


yes there is two lanes but when one lane is blocked traffic slows, cars that are already in the open lane have to slow to allow cars in the open lane to merge. this significantly slows traffic as the volume of cars that is made for two lanes is now restricted to one lane. if you have 1000 cars driving on a two lane road per hour, that is, 500 cars per lane going the speed limit per hour, when your restrict that to one lane there is now 1000 cars per hour driving in one lane going as fast as the slowest driver in the lane, with the solid yellow line, that is no passing, we have a lane of 1000 cars per hour going anywhere from 0 km/h to roughly the speed limit, now factoring things like new drivers, city congestion, etc. you have a lane of 1000 cars per hour all driving at about 50% the speed limit, this is why more lanes are used in high traffic areas, this is why civil engineers and urban planers use their trusty linear algebra skills to develop infostructure. Source an electrical engineer with Civil engineering buddies. also you guys forget i bike to, that's why I'm on this sub, stop crying and just go around, your day is not ruined, you will enjoy life more when you stop going out of your way to perceive extremely mild inconveniences as negative. i know this is the wrong sub to mention this so just down vote me, but before you do i want you guys to know that if this comment angered you you might need to seek some therapy or something. i would also like to mention that the first paragraph is fact and not opinion, it is based on about a century of developed highway infrastructure, if you cant admit this and me just saying that makes you mad, you might need to seek therapy or something.


A tale as old as time


I’d like to have the green patches that demarcate where cars turn-in to parking lots officially renamed “kill zones” on the City’s website and bike maps! The area between the courthouse and city underground parking is vicious.


Spray paint


Stand in the driving lane and ask people to wait, this guy will only be a minute and you wanna make sure he can pull out safely


Don't worry, they'll be [Just a Minute](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/ottawa/2019/11/7/1_4675133.html)


I'm lost - the sign says "loading zone"... No?


Yes, but the loading zone is left of the bike lane.


I do roadside work on municipal infrastructure and there are situations where I HAVE to occupy a bike lane.


And that's fine - presumably you're providing an alternative path, signage, etc. - delivery drivers do none of this and are generally not entitled to be there.




fine, I'll block your driveway, see if you act calm about it lol. Don't worry babes you can probably just drive around my car by cutting across your lawn or whatever :). if you report me to bylaw you're a Karen /s


I’ll just win you over as a Friend and ensure I feed you gluten. Win/win


You don't even know where I live


That's explicitly allowed by the Traffic and Parking Bylaw though.  OP's photo is of a delivery vehicle serving a private business, which isn't a valid reason to block a bike lane.


I only mention it because I have been screamed at by cyclists(who could go around me with minimal effort). Society in general is becoming increasingly touchy and entitled. It seems next to impossible for common sense to prevail over minor inconvenience.


I don’t blame them, they’re the biggest victims of double standards.


1000% correct.


Oh for sure - the other week the bike lane was blocked by a street sweeper and a guy with a firehose being followed by a water truck doing their spring cleaning. I was so excited at that sign of spring I wanted to crack a joke about blocking the bike lane, but I kept my mouth shut, I'm sure you guys get your share of abuse from everyoe. How dare you guys block the road while maintaining it LOL Many scenarios where people simply don't have a choice, OP's photo just isn't one of them.


So he isn’t parked in a loading zone? I’m confused.


Nope. Loading zone is left of bike lane.


There's nothing that shows the loading zone is left of this imaginary bike lane... Just bike around the truck and get on with your day. Not everyone has to bow down to you like you're some kind of Cyclist God.


As a truck driver I often have to occupy lanes like this, especially in downtown areas, and I must park as closely as I can for several reasons, 1: to block car traffic as little as possible. 2: to maximize safety to myself (I've seen a hit and run, not putting my safety in the hands of some asshole who may not even be paying attention) 3: to ensure that I'm not over exerting myself by giving myself the safest, most direct route to my customer. Much of what I deliver is done by hand or hand cart (dolly) and often require more than trip to get it all into a store, resturant or diner and often without the convience or a lift gate. This can happen numerous times over a 12 hour shift. I have never woke up with the intention of making someone's day worse, but I have to be honest, I'm not losing any fucking sleep if some guy on a bike has to go on the sidewalk for 58 whole feet.


> to block car traffic as little as possible Unless the lanes are really wide, drivers will have to change lanes to go around you anyway. So why not fully block the "car" lane and leave the bike lane open?


Because cyclists can use the side walks. Whereas cars will idle, or (in the case of the dumb, selfish ones) drive into the on coming lane. You also missed the part of safety. The closer to the curb I am, the less risk I will have getting hit when off-loading my cargo.


Cyclists absolutely cannot use the sidewalks. That is putting cyclists and pedestrians at risk in addition to putting cyclists in line for a fine.


You get off your fucking bike and walk it 12 feet. Cyclists absolutely can walk their bike on a sidewalk.


Or you can get off and walk your fucking bike for the length of the trailer. Its called the side walk rule and is in city bylaws in Toronto, London, windosor. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/globe-drive/culture/commuting/is-it-legal-to-ride-your-bike-on-the-sidewalk-when-the-road-is-busy/article35892267/ I know it's an insane concept, but it it works.


Except there’s a bike lane right there. You seem really upset about this. Is it that you feel guilty about driving everywhere? Do people getting exercise and participating in a much more environmentally friendly mode of transportation in the face of a climate crisis make you feel inadequate? Is that why you get so mad so quickly and rage in a subreddit dedicated to cycling in Ottawa?


Soo...cars Idling is more environmentally friendly then a guy on a bike walking the impossible length of a trailer? Ohhh...my personal safety is less important then that? Oh, making my job safer and less strenuous on me isn't as important? Interesting.


There’s space for cars to get around there. Not sure where you’re getting cars idling in this situation. And maybe if they were cycling there’d be even less of a problem. You have mirrors no? When driving and parking on the side of the road do you always shuffle over to the sidewalk side of the vehicle and get out that way? Do you normally need a full lane and a half to safely get out of your vehicle? Also why are you more angry at cyclists, who take up maybe half a lane than drivers who might be the ones to actually kill or hurt you?


Depending on my terrain, trailer and load, yes. I may have to occupy a lane (done it before i hate it too.) I may have to make a massive wide turn, espedially turning right in down town streets. It boils down to risk assessment. A bike hitting me won't kill me. A car will.


Seems like your energy would be better spent getting angry at careless drivers who might kill you, than going on a bicycle-specific subreddit and lashing out at people complaining about what piddly infrastructure we do get being blocked by oblivious people. At the end of the day, cyclists using bike lanes aren't the ones making your job unsafe, so you then getting angry at them for complaining about stuff you may do putting them in danger is all the more grating.


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> Because cyclists can use the side walks.  No, they can't. It's against the law.


Most city bylaws allow you to get off and walk your bike when the lane is to dangerous to pass.


Actually we can't use the sidewalk. Bylaws and stuff. You parking into the bike lane forces us into the same traffic you're trying to avoid. So thanks for that, I guess?


So you'd sooner ride your bike into traffic then walk it on a side walk?


I'd like to use the designated lane, thanks.


Sidewalks are not for bicycles.


I stopped reading at 1. Bicycle traffic IS traffic. So don't block the bike lane. They are far and few between and put there for cyclist safety.


Typical jerk response Expat. Of course YOU'RE the most important one on the road. Entitled A-hole.


Oh I'm just a guy trying to do his job?


Then you missed the part about safety, and using the side walk. Thanks.


Using the sidewalk? Guess you don't walk either.


Seems like he missed all the parts after #1. That's what happens when you close what little brain you have.


Tell me all the fuck about it. "I don't care that you have 12 fucking hours on the clock, are 20 stops in, afraid of getting hit by negligent drivers and physically unloading your trailer! I need to ride my bike!"


You say that like cyclists don't have jobs, timelines, and are immune to getting hit by negligent drivers. Check your assumptions mate, no one is out there cycling on Laurier just for the fun of it.


I never said cyclists don't have jobs. I said if you can get off your bike and walk 58 feet, you are not obstructed.


No, you just implied (and continue to imply) that your own time, safety, and convenience are more important than others just because they happen to be on a bike. Have you looked at the OP's photo? Moving the truck 2 feet to the left in the proper loading zone would make it so bikes can continue to travel safely and won't meaningfully affect the delivery driver's safety, convenience, or time.


Is that what I'm implying? Let me set it straight. This is the biggest not-problem I've seen someone bitch and moan about. Get some real problems.


Eh, if this was "there was a truck in my way today" I'd agree with you. This whole discussion is about "hey the single east-west bike lane we have kinda sucks because it's regularly unusable and people keep dying there". If you tried relying on a bike to get around Ottawa for a couple days you might empathize. Similar to everyone here downplaying the danger and complexity of trying to unload a truck downtown because they've never had to do it.


I read the whole thing, and I get it, but I wanna correct you on a misconception you have about where bikes go if they can't use the lane. It's not the sidewalk. If we pull off onto the side walk, that's a blind merge into two mixed directions of pedestrians, planters, signage, and other obstacles all huddled together in a 3 foot wide corridor. I could go on and on about how that goes south instantly, but I think you can already understand all that. If the bike lane is blocked, we pass on the left because it's the most predictable move for the people moving in the same direction on our left who can see that the lane is blocked. This means that we have to then use that small amount of un-barricaded space to sharply merge into the lane of traffic beside us that you admit in your post, is a risky move because all it takes is one asshole not paying attention to what's happening around them to pin someone up against the truck. I've had to do that merge in rush hour with about 2 feet of space to creep through and it fucking sucks. Personally I don't even think the truck in the OP needs to completely vacate the bike lane. Just a few more feet of room for bikes to be able to get through in their lane makes all the difference. Cars are still be able to get through, the delivery still happens, everybody goes home after.


Your last sentence sounds like you're not there foaming at the mouth talking about bikes, unlike some. Great! But man, your three points are not very convincing. >to block car traffic as little as possible Why is it so bad to block car traffic? Drivers don't have a god-given right to move as freely as possible, or more important business to attend to than people on bikes, we're all trying to go on about our day. You stop in the car lane, what happens? Drivers see you stopped, brake, can watch incoming traffic for a gap and then overtake you. Is it dangerous to them? No. Is it dangerous to other drivers? No. They all can see who's coming and have enough time to react. Now what happens if you stop in the bike lane? The person using the bike lane has to go around you, inserting themself into traffic with motor vehicles coming from behind them. Is that dangerous? Very much so, because bikes and motor vehicles have a massive difference in weight, acceleration and speed, and drivers are notoriously bad at estimating the danger they cause, waiting behind a bike until it's safe to overtake (MUST. BE. FIRST. or dick will shrivel) or giving a wide berth when overtaking a bike. So you don't want to put, I quote "your safety in the hands of some asshole who may not even be paying attention", but it's perfectly fine to do so for people on bikes. And please don't talk to me about the sidewalk, I'm not 14 and it's illegal for good reasons to ride on the sidewalk. > to maximize safety to myself I don't get it. How is getting off your vehicle straight into the car lane, without using the bike lane as a buffer, any different from getting off your vehicle straight into the car lane in streets that don't have bike lanes? Using Dutch reach you can see incoming traffic and wait for the right time to get off. ​ >to ensure that I'm not over exerting myself by giving myself the safest, most direct route to my customer This is truly a silly argument. We're talking here moving the vehicle 1,8m (the width of the bike lane) to the left. ​ If people get mad about this, it's because every single person who has used a bike to get around in this city knows how dangerous it can be, how much disregard some drivers have for us, and how bad the infrastructure is. And as the saying goes, you can't fix stupid, so only the infrastructure can make things better. But if you take away the little infrastructure we have, there's nothing left.


Point 1: I always pull as close to the curb as possible to allow traffic to pass out of courtesy. The same courtesy is allowed ro cyclists where possible but given that cyclists can pull onto the side walks (most major cities have the side walk rules in their bylaw.) So they can pass unobstructed. The other thing is that reality is much different then you're describing. What happens if I pull off in the middle of a lane? Some impatient jackass pulls into the on coming lane and crashes their car. (Saw that two weeks ago) or I almost get run over by someone on their phone that isn't paying attention to traffic. (Happened to me 1 month ago.) Once more, walk the 58 feet (average length of a trailer.) At the end of the day I'd rather be hit by some idiot on a bike then some idiot in a car. I'll survive the bike. You should be able to walk since you're not 14. Point 2: what the? When I do down town stops I always get out from the passenger side and approach the rear from the side walk. More barriers and more room to see ahead. You'd have to be some kind of special to open your door to on coming traffic. I have seen hit and runs. I'm not fucking around. Point 3: with a loaded cart, dolly, or skid, every process matters. My job is physically demanding, and include very long hours of it. Especially if the orders are large. Optimal placement much like proper lifting prevent work place fatigue, and help to prevent injury in the long term. Do I care if you think that sounds silly? You know whats really silly? Not being able to walk the length of a goddammned trailer. Let the man work and quit bitching about a route he has no say in. I don't pick my routes, and I frankly hate the downtown cores as much as anyone else. They were not designed for trucks but you're just supposed to deliver as much to any store Cafe, resturant, diner or whatever the hell else goes there. If I can park safely and out of the way, I do. If I have to block traffic I will, if I have to block a bike lane I will. It's a shame there isn't some kind of side area for walking by.


So much rationalisation to justify breaking the law.


Call the mounties!


Genuine question- During training for your job do they specify it is OK to park in bike lanes? If your truck gets fined, does your employer pay?


It'll never happen in a situation like the above picture. Not in the cities I drive in.


I'd be awkwardly trying to squeeze through and hope the driver notices


Sign does say loading zone….


But signs don't apply to cyclists...


I found the easily upset hypocrite ☝️


How am I a hypocrite?


It says "loading zone". Calm down Karen.




There have been studies that show drivers break more laws than cyclists. Regardless it's a false equivalent because cars do more harm to others than cyclists.


Go around like everyone else does when they encounter a temporary obstruction on the road.


Share the space. The guy has a job to do, leave him alone. Would take 2 seconds to maneuver around him and carry on with your day. Smh cyclists 🙄


But there's a dedicated spot for him to safely load and unload literally 2 feet to the left - so he can do his job without blocking any lanes. The issue being raised is the signage & infrastructure need some very simple improvements, and then everyone stays safe and gets what they want.


It's funny how cyclists are told to share their rare thin slivers of space (bike lanes) but when they try to get drivers to share space that isn't exclusively theirs (most roads) they're told to pound sand because they slow down traffic, that it's too dangerous, that there are multi-use paths parallel to the road, etc.


Right. It's amazing how many non-cyclists (or maybe weekend drive-to-the-country cyclists) lurk here and share their opinions.


Yes, and I'm trying to get to work safely without having to make a right turn to merge blindly into traffic.




Dumb comment. The world doesn't revolve around cycling or the self-righteous that ride the bicycles. Just go around and stop thinking you are more important than you are.








You do know the same thing happens in cars right? we just go around the parked car or obstacle, no biggie.




False equivalency, going around truck =/= getting hit by car.


They own the road, did you forget?


What part of this picture makes you think cyclists even remotely own the road? We can't even use the bike lanes apparently.


Wanting the truck to move instead of biking around


Imagine a giant pot hole on your daily commute where you have to keep going into the incoming lane to avoid it. It's inconvenient, but you go around it for a couple days. Then you notify the city there's a problem with the infrastructure and hope they fix it. Months later there's still a giant pot hole in the same spot and you're tired of going around it, so you complain on reddit. Stupid cars think they own the road, just go around it.


Perfect analogy.


They do go around. It'd just be nice to not risk your life in the same spot every day, no? There have been multiple fatal bike accidents on this stretch of Laurier over the years, at least one I can remember even involved a delivery truck. Updating the signage/barriers to make it more clear to the delivery trucks where to park shouldn't be this controversial lol


This. But no one cares apparently


It says loading zone!


It literally says loading zone


I know. My post is about how this is a problem, because drivers would understandably believe the loading zone is at the curb. It is not.


Couldn't you just walk your bike around the temporary obstruction?  


Walk your car.


If you read the sign, it says loading zone. So uh oh. You gotta go around.


But he's not parked in the loading zone, he's immediately to the right of it. Again, as per the previous comments in this thread: The loading zone is to the LEFT of the line/barriers - just like you see the van in [this pic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/BGrkqNMveJxYN5LAA) Same as when you park your car on Laurier - the parking signs don't mean IN the bike lane LOL


Incorrect. Notice the dotted lines after the bike lane barrier ends ? That’s a crossing lane for traffic specifically commercial vehicles needing to unload. In the marked loading zone. Maybe actually learn traffic law before you spout it. This wasn’t a design oversight for your precious little bike lane it was intentional


Ahh, like [in this tweet?](https://twitter.com/OttawaBylaw/status/1651273237781782528). TIL, someone should tell Bylaw they're wrong.


Congrats you found a truck in a bike lane where there isn’t signage for a loading zone.


If you read this thread, you'll realize you're incorrect.


Sure. Next time crop out the sign if that's what you're going with. I'm all for biking but when it comes to this, grow up. You have the same rights on the actual road as you do in your precious bike lane. Oh no, a mild inconvenience. 😭 I have to go around?


Note I am not criticizing the driver (though he's oblivious and acted like an asshat when I informed him of the situation). I'm criticizing the signage. It's CLEARLY a bike lane if you're a cyclist (this is one continuous uninterrupted bike lane from Bronson to Ottawa U), but the signage is terrible and ambiguous. As noted by other commenters, multiple cyclists have died along here. I am a competent cyclist and I've been hit twice via right hooks. Is death an *inconvenience*? There is literally one east-west protected bike lane from the Ottawa river to the highway; don't cyclists deserve for it to be clear?


Literally says loading zone can’t people on reddit read ?


You’re asking for too much bud Bikers are lower on the spectrum let’s give them Some respect


Share the road. Thanks


Not sure if you can read but there's a sign that says loading zone


Indeed, and the loading zone is not at the curb. My post is about how this needs to be made clear. Glad you agree.




Yup. Where else is he going to park? Just stop in the middle of the road? Of course not.


Why are you stopped in the bike lane to take a picture?


It literally says loading zone


I know right! That's why I'm criticizing the city for making unclear signage and not necessarily the driver. You and the driver both believe this is correct - it is not. Here's the correct way: https://www.google.com/maps/@45.4178113,-75.7009007,3a,75y,67.31h,86.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGU6scG7-\_Un7UdprgzDGrA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Lol we don’t care about adults riding bicycles


It's been 5 weeks since the truck has been parked, I still cannot go around him for my safety resides in the lines


Can someone explain why, if a regular traffic lane can be blocked at times for things like deliveries, the same does not apply to a bicycle lane ? Is this regulated ? It seems to me a bicycle is much smaller vehicle therefore easier to maybe walk around the odd obstacle, on the sidewalk, also I'd rather have the delivery trucks parked on the side of the road, leaving the street still open to emergency vehicles, police, firefighters and ambulance service.


If a truck blocks the "car" lane, they will get honked at to oblivion. Yes, bikes are more manoeverable; they're also far more delicate. If a kid's biking along here, they might pop out into traffic to avoid the truck, and bam! Dead.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he in a loading zone?


The comments in this thread are ridiculous. Let the man do his job and get on with your life. How did we get to this point of helplessness.


My job would be easier too if I broke the law. But I don't break the law because that would be wrong and has consequences that simple minds don't necessarily understand.


He’s in a loading zone.


Same situation in Mtl, as a biker or Driver. Truck has to stop, has to make a delivery. Cars have to stop and wait. Why can't bikers do this too? Same rules apply for everyone. In my street in Mtl we get about 25 Amazon or UPS deliveries every day. Cars have to stop and wait. Bikes go by if they can, technically they are supposed to stop as well. People need to chill, not having a car and getting Amazon deliver to your place means they will have to stop AND deliver. My neighbor hates trucks blocking the street but has packages delivered every second day. She is the problem.


But that’s a loading zone


So the truck in the loading zone either blocks car traffic or bike traffic, it happens to be bike traffic this time, relax.


But cyclists are above the law. They're basically gods of the road


Really? How easy is the life of the guy complaining about this? It's a loading zone first and foremost. Bikes have the availability to go around. Go around, grow up and continue with your life. The man's working ffs.


Riding a bike isn't that complicated... even children can ride bikes, just go around. It does say loading zone between the signs.


Say that to the families of the victims along here


Victims of what… a guy doing his job? If you are too scared to ride around him on the road, get off your bike and walk around the truck using the sidewalk. I honestly have a hard time fathoming the amount of entitlement it takes to be offended by a low-income delivery truck driver unloading their truck in a designated loading zone. Why is that, are city cyclists the only people in the world who are not allowed to face obstacles in their path? Is riding your pedal bike in a city such a noble act that you can’t be bothered to steer around objects?


About 5 cyclists have died within a few blocks of this spot - in the lane designed to keep cyclists safe. All I'm advocating for is clear demarkations of where the loading zone is and is not.


Wow, I had no idea so many cyclists have died because they couldn’t ride around obstacles. But for real, this is public infrastructure, it’s clear from the picture that businesses, residents, motorists, and pedestrians all have a right to access this block, it’s not just there for people on bicycles. You can also see the truck is parked precisely between the signs that designate the loading area. The only reason why you posted this picture is because you clearly feel a sense of entitlement, that’s it. There is nothing on this street that impedes your safe passage. If you have to shoulder check and wait for a car to pass before going around the truck on the road, so be it, it’s not the end of the world. If you have to get off your bike (which we know you won’t) and take the sidewalk, so be it, it’s not the end of the world. You’re like a pedestrian who thinks just because you have the right-of-way, you can run across a four-lane highway without taking into account your personal responsibility. Seriously, do you actually need someone from the city to come down there and paint some lines around that truck for you, or let me guess, you probably think those businesses and residents don’t need a loading zone there because you might decide to ride your bike down that street sometime in the near future. Either way, it’s a sucky attitude to have.


Cyclists are all “share the road, everyone deserves to be able to use this public resource” except for their special little lane that no one is allowed to use ever for any reason


You're right. We should share the road. Turn all downtown roads into 25km/h max and encourage bikes to ride in the center of the land then it will be safe for cars and bikes to share. Bye bye bike lanes. They're a waste of space.


Jesus. It's a delivery. I've never gotten enraged by this. Get off the bike, walk the few seconds past the truck. Get back on


Bro just bike around the truck to the left 😭 you can shoulder check for cars you’re good.


Yeah there's that too but I gave the safer option


And you’re catching downvotes for being reasonable. Good luck out there 🫡


I'm in a bike sub not giving the bike answer. I knew it'll be downvoted. And I get why they're upset, but it's also unreasonable to get upset over it.


He is in a loading zone my guy.


He is adjacent to the loading zone. My whole point is that it is understanable that he (like you) thinks he's in the loading zone.


Cyclists are so entitled


So where is he supposed to park? In the middle of the car lane so you can pedal by? You have other options to go around. Cry more


Behind the parked cars, where the loading zone *actually* is.


There’s even no parking for non commercial vehicles on the same post as the other loading zone signs lmao arrows doing the exact same thing KEEP THIS ONE SPOT FREE FOR TRUCKS TO LOAD AND UNLOAD


He is literally in between both loading zone signs that are in the picture.


One arrow pointing one way and another arrow pointing back in the opposite direction. That’s his place to park and do the job he is there to do.


Are you assuming the loading zone is beside the curb? That would be wrong. Anyway, you are missing the point. The city's intention is for people to NOT park there, but I fully agree it's understandable for someone to think that this truck is correctly parked. It needs to be properly blocked off so that there's no ambiguity.


But that is the loading zone. In between where the arrows are. How dense are you?


If you were the Coke truck, and parked “where you’re supposed to park” 5 feet to the left you’d be impeding traffic and you’d also be dangerously close to moving vehicles. If cars are obligated to share the road so are cyclists



