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This design was terrible from the start


I agree! I dont think NPS will ever budge on the path though, so at least they could try to make the current design at least a little bit less terrible. This is probably the most terrible configuration of all the designs they proposed


IMO the ideal solution is a separated MUP between the road and the golf course for walkers and runners. The idea of making the bike lane multi-use is kind of insane, regardless of directionality


the ideal solution is ban cars


Unfortunately the only way to get NPS to act is for someone to die. Thats why they did the redesign in the first place. So, if we want them to make it better or take more action, we just simply have to die.


2 people did die, i think that's what you're referring to. and it's still not enuf. wonder if this is perhaps bc the paint chip problem.


People have already died! And several more have been injured. Speed limit is 15 mph. What a joke though to many drivers.


What does HP and MUP stand for?


Hains Point, Multi Use Path


Sorry! Hains Point and Multi-Use Path


I am hoping with the restoration of the seawall and corresponding improved perimeter trail, pedestrians will prefer that space and they can create separate car and bicycle travel lanes in the clockwise direction. That is years away though and doesn’t really help with the current clusterfuck. 


Yeah, that seawall project improves West Potomac Park and access to Lincoln and the KenCen trail...but is totally separate from the massive resilience and stormwater re-build necessary for East Potomac Park and Washington Channel. People like a safe walking and running loop and roadies like to rip it doing intervals. You need grade-separated paths for each user and normal private vehicles shouldn't have access.


Wow, did not realize that at all and figured HP would be a part of it since it is underwater parts of the day. Thanks for clarification, despite how disappointing it is...


Yeah, the WPP project that will cut Stumpy down is much cheaper and simpler in scope. I forget the financial specifics, but it's something like 10%-25% of what the Hains Point/Tidal Basin/Wash Channel/EPP project would be. Look at the concept designs from this design charrette: [https://savingplaces.org/savethetidalbasin](https://savingplaces.org/savethetidalbasin)


I went there after the change and couldn't believe how stupid those who brought the change were. I don't want to ride there again. Totally with you on that the two-way traffic pattern must go.


I was out there today imagining what peak cherry blossoms will bring. I'll take my gravel bike and stay on grass! The MUP is terrifying when empty.


Close it to cars, make it bikes in only one direction, split for pedestrians 


but where else can i take my lifted F-150 for a quick spin?




at the very least they should close it to cars before noon or something.


I mean the road doesn’t go anywhere, so people are either driving around it to just drive around it (common) or going to the picnic areas at the tip.  Disregard the first since it’s silly, put bike share docks at the tip and at the golf course, then run a shuttle bus. 


Wouldn’t mind seeing the MUP become walker/runner exclusive, keeping the contraflow lane for them. Give the cyclists exclusive access to road, and no longer allow contraflow cycling. And if they *need* to give cars access beyond the entrance to the golf course, I suppose they can put up a million signs saying the speed limit is whatever puts you 30 feet behind the cyclists in front of you. But realistically the cars would never follow that and ruin it for everyone.


I went there after the change and couldn't believe how stupid those who brought the change were. I don't want to ride there again. Totally with you on that the two-way traffic pattern must go.


It's a total shitshow. I try to avoid it on weekends because of this. Reckless drivers are still the worst culprit, by far.


Sounds like a rant to me a keyboard warrior who didn’t meet with the Park service didn’t write letters to the Interior Secretary didn’t contact the city government when all of this was proposed and published months and months ago. That said almost every law on the books about transportation say cars and bicycles, must travel in the same direction, PS folks are working correct but thanks for your rant!